RR PSP vs RR DS (Ridge Racer)


6 (100%)
I saw the new videos of the PSP version, and I am very surprised. The graphics look great, lighting is fantastic, and from the looks of the pictures I've seen of the DS version, they're not even comparable. The DS is full of jaggies, limited light (at least from what I saw) and the backround textures look rediculous. It's like basically comparing the PS2 to the N64. Graphics normally don't bother me, but if the PSP is the equivelant to a portable PS2 for only 35$ more then the DS, then I'm all over it, although I have yet to see an RR DS video in action, and maybe (hopefully) those were just very low res pictures. What are your thoughts on this?
if you want to see some vids of rr ds, go to ds.ign.com , they have some vids there...but i totally agree the psp is starting to look way stronger than the ds
Duh, but when I'm playing RR for the DS for 8 hours on a trip, and you want to play RR on a trip, the PSP batteries will die by the time you get to the airport.
Umm guys it's not a suprise the DS is barely able to imitate N64 games the PSP was designed to play visuals that look like PS2 games.

We already know there's a huge power discrepency between the two!

The question should be how do they PLAY?
also on ign is the hands on review of rr for ds...they say it is not fun and horrible to play with using the touchscreen...looks like nintendo put something that turned out to be too much to handle
[quote name='David85']Duh, but when I'm playing RR for the DS for 8 hours on a trip, and you want to play RR on a trip, the PSP batteries will die by the time you get to the airport.[/quote]

ZING! :lol:
[quote name='muncle']also on ign is the hands on review of rr for ds...they say it is not fun and horrible to play with using the touchscreen...looks like nintendo put something that turned out to be too much to handle[/quote]

This isn't what Nintendo was made to use the touchscreen for anyways.

Touch screen for a racer is lame. Feel The Magic is how the system should be used, but no one, including Nintendo cares about that.

At least the IGN people got a chance to play the game, so far the PSP comes out in a month and we haven't seen that much.
[quote name='muncle']also on ign is the hands on review of rr for ds...they say it is not fun and horrible to play with using the touchscreen...looks like nintendo put something that turned out to be too much to handle[/quote]
I didn't see any reviews for it on ign.com.
Well, GT4 Mobile and Metal Gear Solid Acid have basically got me sold on the PSP. I might end up getting both, but not before DS see's a price drop. That touch screen is so damn tempting though.
I'll get PSP and eventually a DS after a price drop. And if you plan on playing PSP in the car for 6 hours a smart idea would be a car adapter, just a thought.
[quote name='scdoanintendo'][quote name='muncle']also on ign is the hands on review of rr for ds...they say it is not fun and horrible to play with using the touchscreen...looks like nintendo put something that turned out to be too much to handle[/quote]
I didn't see any reviews for it on ign.com.[/quote]

It isn't a review, but it is a hands-on preview, they played the game and got to try it out, tells all about how it isn't good, but has some room for a slight improvement IGN Ridge Racer DS
I played the DS for about 10 minutes today at BB...and I am officially sold on it. I'm getting it in Feb/March, because thats when good games come out, and I'm also expecting a price drop when the PSP comes state-side. PSP is a powerful piece of portable machinery, but I'm not quite sold on that yet. Right now, I see no system selling games for the PSP; MGA looks OK, but I'm a little unsure about it.
[quote name='muncle']also on ign is the hands on review of rr for ds...they say it is not fun and horrible to play with using the touchscreen...looks like nintendo put something that turned out to be too much to handle[/quote]

I just read that article, they said it was horrible, and then they revamped the controls, and now it's pretty good.

Not that I really care. I don't like RR games at all. Now if only it was F-Zero DS we were talking about...
I've never played ridge racer at all, but I think I might want a racer for ds. How does it compare to say... the burnout series minus crashes?
[quote name='alongx']I played the DS for about 10 minutes today at BB...and I am officially sold on it. I'm getting it in Feb/March, because thats when good games come out, and I'm also expecting a price drop when the PSP comes state-side. PSP is a powerful piece of portable machinery, but I'm not quite sold on that yet. Right now, I see no system selling games for the PSP; MGA looks OK, but I'm a little unsure about it.[/quote]

What games would that be?

[quote name='Heyricochet']I've never played ridge racer at all, but I think I might want a racer for ds. How does it compare to say... the burnout series minus crashes?[/quote]

Isn't the whole selling point of the Burnout series the crashes? Whichout it would just be a boring regular old racing game.
Burn out is still an excellent white knuckle racing game even if you didnt have apocalyptic crashes... though it probably wouldnt be as fun.

The Ridge Racer games are generally standard arcade style racing games.
Burnout's basically all about the crashes. Right now, from what I've seen, the RR PSP version looks far superiour to the RR DS version. It's like they're two different games. They have different announcers, different graphics and the PSP version looks to have nitrous (which is sweet). I was almost sold on the DS, then I saw the difference in graphics (PSP has a 16 Million Color Advantage over the DS from what I've heard, and the PSP just has so much going for it. I may eventually buy a DS after it see's a pricedrop or two, but as I was planning, I will not be getting it at release. Sorry Nintendo :)
You guys all know that Metal Gear Solid Acid is a CARD GAME, right? If not, you might want to read some of the previews. It's like Metal Gear with Pokemon Cards. No way to play traditional style.

That doesn't bother me one bit, since the game still looks great. The real selling point for me is that GT4 Mobile is supposed to be no way, if very little, inferior to it's brother, and when I saw the demo of it in action, it looked like they were running the same exact video I've seen of GT4. It was truely amazing. And BTW David, I remember reading it off some stats sheet at IGN, but I can't seem to find it anymore (I know for a fact that the PSP renders 16.77 Million colors, and from what I think I've seen, the DS only 260,000.).
True, but for GT4 PSP, the developers stated that in order to maintain the graphics and framerate of the PS2 version, they may only be able to have 2-3 cars onscreen at once!!! How sucky would that be?

You are right about the 16 million color things.

But remember when Sony came out for the PS2 and said it would hold something crazy like 100 billion polygons a second, video game companys "bend the truth", Sony being the worse out of them all.

"PSP- Display 4.3" 16:9 widescreen TFT LCD; 480*272; 16 million colour depth

NDS- Two 256*192 TFT colour LCD; 260,000 colours "

Is there any difference between colors and color depth?
Pssh i never really like the RR series anyways

i'm leading forward Urban GT now *drools at the gameplay* :lol:
The PSP can render full color, it'd need to for the playing of videos without noticable color banding. The DS s more like the original PS fewer colors mean less than realistic colors.

People keep make a big deal about the card aspect of MGA. It's not a freaking Pokemon game it's a strategy game with your attack choices being limited to the cards in your hand at the time.
I think the PSP seems to be a bit more powerful than the DS, but I think Nintendo has a huge edge here because of the GBA library that is available to it.
No "seems", it IS more powerful. If the DS was as powerful as the DS then it'd blow it out of the water before they sold their first system because it
d have graphical power AND batter life.

The DS dosent because Nintendo is more conserned with game play than graphics in their portable systems.
And cost.

Nintendo could make a powerful system like the PSP too, but there are several reason why they don't.

Battery life
Cost to make
Cost for us to buy
[quote name='David85']Duh, but when I'm playing RR for the DS for 8 hours on a trip, and you want to play RR on a trip, the PSP batteries will die by the time you get to the airport.[/quote]

who the fukk plays ridge racer for 8 hours...
People on trips.

The point is because one has "slightly" worse graphics you can play.

Didn't I already say this?
The difference between color range and color depth is quite important. Most systems until recently have had a much larger color palette than the number of colors they could actually display at once, leaving aside the actual number of pixels.

For instance, the Atrai 800 computers and derivatives were notable in their day for having a range of 128 and later 256 colors. The primary graphic modes only displayed four colors (without VBI tricks) but being able to choose those colors from the much wider range than the 16 colors common on most other systems made a big difference in the appearance of many games. When you combined this with the ability to change the contents of the colors registers as the screen was being drawn it made for a big advantage in display quality.

A 16 million color depth indicates a minimum of 24 bits per pixel. (Many systems commonly use 32-bits with the additional bits used for alpha channel effects. It can be preferable to work with numbers that divide evenly when arranging memory usage.) In the case of the DS it sounds more like they're describing the color range of the screen itself. Considering that there is only a bit less than 50,000 pixels per screen this isn't much of a limitation except where photo-realism is concerned. Many portable devices used for video have similar limits with little notice given if the price is right. The actual number of colors available at any one time may be considerably less, much as the GBA has a 32,000 color palette but actually uses a smaller range of colors chosen from that palette as needed.

The full details of the DS' display modes should become available soon enough but there is little doubt that Nintendo was targeting a less powerful system than Sony. Nintendo had in mind something to a major jump over the GBA ala the N64 over the SNES, meanwhile focusing on innovative applications of that power and a package that lent itself to substantial price cuts over time. If asked, Nintendo will insist there are breaking even or even making a tiny profit on the DS. At the same time there is no doubt Sony will initially take a big loss on each PSP shipped to retailers. This is allowing Nintendo to have lower game prices depite the use of mask ROMs. These two factors are going to help a lot in rapidly creating a large installed base and high sellthrough on software.

Sony, which will desparately need high software sales to make up their losses before even turning a profit, will be penalize by the higher prices of their games as indicated by the listings for the Japanese launch.
Graphics don't mean anything. I am sure there a lot of people here who still have there 8-bit Nintendo and play old school games often.

The Official Playstation magazine mentioned how the controls on the PSP are weird and it took people awhile to stop spinning there car in circles in Ridge Racer. I don't know that the DS would be any better though.

I think making Metal Gear Acid a card based strategy game was a pretty dumb idea. If it was more like its PS1 and PS2 counterparts it would have made for a great launch title and more people would most likely be intrested in it. To say I don't care its a card game it looks great is just silly.

Head to head spec-wise the PSP is the stronger machine. We know that. Sony still has a big beast to beat.
Graphics only have meanin insofar as what type of presentation you;re trying to make. If you want to accurately portray your setting you have to work with in your systems limits... ergo: the bigger the limit the easier it is.

I dont see anything wrong with trying something a little different with Metal Gear, especialy if it means making a simple and less hardware intensive game for a portable system who's battery life ain't the greatest.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']In RR DS do you have to use the touch screen to control the car, or can you use the d-pad?[/quote]

You can use either.
[quote name='jkam']Graphics don't mean anything. I am sure there a lot of people here who still have there 8-bit Nintendo and play old school games often.[/quote]


You are living in the past.

People today that own Nitnendo systems don't care about graphics, but that is a whole lot less than the mainstream that SOny controls that all they want is graphics.

This isn't the age of nerds, its the future and people, sadly, mainly care about graphics.

If PS2 owners cared only about graphics wouldnt just just run out and get a xbox with it's supposedly more impressive graphics?

Yes, People just want good graphics but I think most anyone would just prefer to have decent enough graphics as to not be distracted from the enjoyment of the game. If you can render a 3D car with moving wheels on a convincing 3D race track with a competent frame rate then you;'ve won half the battle of making a good racing game, the other half of the equation is making it fun and enjoyable.

Yeah a shiny car may kick a whole mess of ass but it dosent mean jack squat if I cant stand playing it.
[quote name='Alpha2']*Sigh*

If PS2 owners cared only about graphics wouldnt just just run out and get a xbox with it's supposedly more impressive graphics?

Yes, People just want good graphics but I think most anyone would just prefer to have decent enough graphics as to not be distracted from the enjoyment of the game. If you can render a 3D car with moving wheels on a convincing 3D race track with a competent frame rate then you;'ve won half the battle of making a good racing game, the other half of the equation is making it fun and enjoyable.

Yeah a shiny car may kick a whole mess of ass but it dosent mean jack squat if I cant stand playing it.[/quote]

Perfectly said.

I only recently bought a N64. I didnt like the graphics on it. It almost gave me a headache due to the blurryness/ choppiness of the thing. I liked the games and I was able to play it. I recently sold most of my games and will be selling the system due to my assumptions a lot of the killer titles will be reworked for the DS.

I have a feeling that a "retro" fad will eventually happen but at this time if its at least say PS1 or N64 quality then I dont think selling it will be so hard. Its the gameplay that we have yet to see. I have a strong feeling that the PSP is going to get pushed back and that Sony is struggling to get the system out early which might hurt them...
I'm just saying that the dumbass video game players aka the mainstream are idots and buy a system because it "looks sexy". All the people I have heard that they say the PSP is better because the graphics are better and that it looks "sexy". I want to hit them.
[quote name='David85']But the PS2 people hate Xbox and Microsoft, most likely because they realized that the Xbox is better.[/quote]

dude, dont say retarded things.
[quote name='David85']I'm just saying that the dumbass video game players aka the mainstream are idots and buy a system because it "looks sexy". All the people I have heard that they say the PSP is better because the graphics are better and that it looks "sexy". I want to hit them.[/quote]

I hear you there.
[quote name='David85']I'm just saying that the dumbass video game players aka the mainstream are idots and buy a system because it "looks sexy". All the people I have heard that they say the PSP is better because the graphics are better and that it looks "sexy". I want to hit them.[/quote]

Actually, graphics are not the only benefit of extra speed and memory. Levels can be bigger and more complex, advanced physics calculations can be done, complex AI routines can be used, and a high framerate with 16-24 bit color depth makes it easy on the eyes.
bread's done