Rumor: 360 Haze is canceled


CAG Veteran

According to a German website,, the 360 version of Free Radical’s up coming shooter, Haze, has been canceled. Haze was originally set to be a timed exclusive on PS3, due out for in November 2007. The PC and 360 versions were set for a release sometime in 2008. The PC and PS3 version are still on time for their respective releases. This could be a disappointment to many 360 owners. More information should be in soon​
Original German Article​
Wie wir soeben bei einer Präsentation des Shooters aus erster Hand erfahren haben, wird es keine Xbox-360-Version von Haze geben. Der Titel ist dieses Jahr noch PS3-exklusiv und wird voraussichtlich im November erscheinen, 2008 wird eine PC-Fassung folgen. Weitere Informationen zur Präsentation folgen heute Abend.
N4G translation:​
How we learned just now in a presentation of the Shooters out of first hand, there will be no XBox Version of Haze. The title is this year yet PS3 exclusive and will appear presumably in November, 2008 will follow a PC version. Further information to the presentation follows tonight.

This sucks if its true(hopefully its not). Haze looks like it will be damn good!
I know I can't trust myself.

[quote name='H.Cornerstone']But half my ancestry is from Germany so that would be like not trusting myself....[/quote]
These guys make Timesplitters right? Then its something to moan about, I guess. I wonder why they would do this though.
[quote name='help1']These guys make Timesplitters right? Then its something to moan about, I guess. I wonder why they would do this though.[/quote]

Two Reasons:

1. Sony showed them the moneyhats.
2. They realized that Haze won't sell on the 360 against Halo, COD4 and all of it's other FPS so why even bother spending resources porting it?
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Two Reasons:

1. Sony showed them the moneyhats.
2. They realized that Haze won't sell on the 360 against Halo, COD4 and all of it's other FPS so why even bother spending resources porting it?[/quote]They'd still make more money than leaving it on the ps3 and it's tiny installbase:lol:
I find it kind of hard to believe that they are still working on a PC version, but not a 360 version. Either way I don't really care, I've never been looking forward to Haze that much and would much rather have FR work on a new Timesplitters game.
the 360 to PC port is so simple that it doesn't make sense not to. Besides that it's EA. It'll appear on 360.

If it doesn't it's Free Radical's loss. PS3 fanbase isn't enough to support any exclusives right now.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']I have learned never to trust translated material.[/QUOTE]
Odd, because some big leaks in recent memory have been from German websites.
If its so simple, why don't you port it? ;)

[quote name='jer7583']the 360 to PC port is so simple that it doesn't make sense not to. Besides that it's EA. It'll appear on 360.

If it doesn't it's Free Radical's loss. PS3 fanbase isn't enough to support any exclusives right now.[/quote]
Let's see here... Haze. After playing BioShock, Half Life 2: Orange Box, Call of Duty 4, and Halo 3 on the 360 later this year I could give a flip honestly about it being cancelled on the 360.
[quote name='jer7583']
If it doesn't it's Free Radical's loss. PS3 fanbase isn't enough to support any exclusives right now.[/QUOTE]Ninja Gaiden Sigma called, but evidently you weren't home.
[quote name='TimPV3']Ninja Gaiden Sigma called, but evidently you weren't home.[/QUOTE]


I wouldn't call that an exclusive in the full sense of the word, since it is just a remake.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']=/

I wouldn't call that an exclusive in the full sense of the word, since it is just a remake.[/QUOTE]

A remake of a remake.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']2. They realized that Haze won't sell on the 360 against Halo, COD4 and all of it's other FPS so why even bother spending resources porting it?[/quote]

It would still make money. According to the reports, it's being released in 2008. That's well after COD4, Halo 3 and whatever else FPS that is hyped out the ass will be released.

They would be shooting themselves in the foot financially not releasing it for the 360. If they don't develop it, I bet Ubisoft will ask them to get someone else to port it the system.
[quote name='tangytangerine']It would still make money. According to the reports, it's being released in 2008. That's well after COD4, Halo 3 and whatever else FPS that is hyped out the ass will be released.

They would be shooting themselves in the foot financially not releasing it for the 360. If they don't develop it, I bet Ubisoft will ask them to get someone else to port it the system.[/QUOTE]

Well. They were developing for both platforms at one point, but out of the blue UbiSoft took the 360 release date off of any of their forecasts and what have you. There was a bunch of speculation, then it was revealed to be a timed exclusive. I still think it will come to the least I hope so. If not, here I come TS4.
Doesn't bother me if it is or isn't.

I have my PS3 so I'm set.

Plus, this being made by FR makes this a must buy for me. As long as it isn't cancelled on the PS3 I'm good.
[quote name='whoknows']You really think it'll be mediocre?[/QUOTE]

It isn't going to be a Halo (and for you Sony fans I guess...Killzone/Resistance?).
[quote name='zewone']Yes.

It isn't going to be a Halo (and for you Sony fans I guess...Killzone/Resistance?).[/QUOTE]
I think it'll be better than Resistance for a few reasons. Mainly though, it's going to have 4 player online co-op and I love playing online co-op...too bad Resistance didn't have it.
[quote name='zewone']Another mediocre FPS, dang, 360 needed one of those.[/quote]

This is the correct answer.

No sweat.
[quote name='zewone']Yes.

It isn't going to be a Halo (and for you Sony fans I guess...Killzone/Resistance?).[/QUOTE]

I don't like Killzone, so for me Resistance is the shit as far as PS3 goes. No disrespect Zew but there is no way to tell if it's going to be a "halo" or not without playing it. You can only speculate right now since none of us have even played the game, only seen trailers and some game play. Also on that note I don't get why everyone thinks halo is the god of FPS. Hell I liked Time Splitters 2 for Xbox better then Halo. In any case Haze to me looks really good and I can't wait to play it and see how it compares to "the god of FPS." Also with 4 play Co-op you can't go wrong man, I know myself and whoknows will be doing that. Right? Also as far as it being better then Resistance I am not real sure at the moment if it will be or not. I love Resistance and if the online is as good as it's suppose to be for Haze, with the two sides and what not then it may just surpass Resistance. For right now though all we can do is speculate, at least until November that is. . .
[quote name='zewone']Yes.

It isn't going to be a Halo (and for you Sony fans I guess...Killzone/Resistance?).[/QUOTE]

In terms of sales and popularity, most likely not. In terms of quality, that's a bit subjective, and, with the developers behind Haze, I'd say it has a pretty good chance.
[quote name='dpatel']In terms of sales and popularity, most likely not. In terms of quality, that's a bit subjective, and, with the developers behind Haze, I'd say it has a pretty good chance.[/QUOTE]

Agreed and very good point dpatel.
[quote name='dpatel']In terms of sales and popularity, most likely not. In terms of quality, that's a bit subjective, and, with the developers behind Haze, I'd say it has a pretty good chance.[/QUOTE]
That's exactly why I think it will be mediocre, Free Radical.

Timesplitter games are fun to an extent, but they are like playing Blitz, while something like Halo would be like a Madden (more competitive, I know people have their own personal issues with Madden/EA).
[quote name='zewone']That's exactly why I think it will be mediocre, Free Radical.

Timesplitter games are fun to an extent, but they are like playing Blitz, while something like Halo would be like a Madden (more competitive, I know people have their own personal issues with Madden/EA).[/QUOTE]
But as Free Radical stated this is a totally different experience then Timesplitters and they want to make the two of these games as separate as possible. So just because Free Radical makes the Timesplitters franchise I don't understand why this game has to play anything close to how Timesplitters does. Why don't people wait to play something before they say how good, bad, or ok it is?
[quote name='DomLando']But as Free Radical stated this is a totally different experience then Timesplitters and they want to make the two of these games as separate as possible. So just because Free Radical makes the Timesplitters franchise I don't understand why this game has to play anything close to how Timesplitters does. Why don't people wait to play something before they say how good, bad, or ok it is?[/QUOTE]
Because I'm speculating.

You know, like how people are excited for LittleBigPlanet and MGS4 without having played them?

In that same vein, I'm not excited for this game.
[quote name='zewone']That's exactly why I think it will be mediocre, Free Radical.

Timesplitter games are fun to an extent, but they are like playing Blitz, while something like Halo would be like a Madden (more competitive, I know people have their own personal issues with Madden/EA).[/QUOTE]

I get what you're saying that IYO Halo is in a whole different league when compared to a Time Splitters game. I just don't agree with it, and it's funny you said that about Blitz because I think that is better then Madden too.
[quote name='zewone']Because I'm speculating.

You know, like how people are excited for LittleBigPlanet and MGS4 without having played them?

In that same vein, I'm not excited for this game.[/QUOTE]
Saying you are not excited about something is fine. But saying something ie mediocre based on a totally different game a developer made is odd to me. That is all.
[quote name='zewone']That's exactly why I think it will be mediocre, Free Radical.

Timesplitter games are fun to an extent, but they are like playing Blitz, while something like Halo would be like a Madden (more competitive, I know people have their own personal issues with Madden/EA).[/QUOTE]

That was my one complaint with the TS series. It never took itself seriously, and, to me, that sorta hindered the single player (I prefer a deep, engaging single player mode, over a light-hearted, 'fun' one). The look and feel of the game made the game, as you said, feel like the Blitz of the FPS genre. I think the gameplay was just as good as any FPS, and multiplayer was superb (the game lacked in online too). I just felt the developers made a mistake when trying to make the TS series standout from the rest by giving it this overly vibrant, light-hearted experience. Thankfully both of these problems seem to have been remedied with Haze, and I am definitely looking forward to it.
Haze doesn't look any thing like Time Splitters so I think we are good. I expect Haze to be deeper and darker then Time Splitters ever was/is. FR even stated they were going to stay clear from making it a Time Splitters clone.
I don't see why people keep talking about how the ps3's install base is so tiny when its at about 5 million now. Sure, its half fo the 360's but even if a smash hit game only sells to 40% of ps3 users that still 2 million.
[quote name='heavyd853']I don't see why people keep talking about how the ps3's install base is so tiny when its at about 5 million now. Sure, its half fo the 360's but even if a smash hit game only sells to 40% of ps3 users that still 2 million.[/QUOTE]

40% penetration is pretty hard to do. Also keep in mind that some may only be using the PS3 to watch BD movies, which makes that 40% that much harder.
I hope it got canceled, the PS3 is in desperate need of must-own exclusives.

[quote name='dpatel']40% penetration is pretty hard to do. Also keep in mind that some may only be using the PS3 to watch BD movies, which makes that 40% that much harder.[/QUOTE]

I would be shocked if the percentage of PS3 owners that own their systems almost exclusively for BRD isn't at least 85%. With the remaining 15% split between people who just want to own all / more than one systems / people who border on the retarded.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']I would be shocked if the percentage of PS3 owners that own their systems almost exclusively for BRD isn't at least 85%. With the remaining 15% split between people who just want to own all / more than one systems / people who border of the retarded.[/QUOTE]

Nah, BD would be doing quite a bit better if this was the case.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']I would be shocked if the percentage of PS3 owners that own their systems almost exclusively for BRD isn't at least 85%. With the remaining 15% split between people who just want to own all / more than one systems / people who border of the retarded.[/quote]
Supposedly, it's about 40% of the system's install base that even know about the Blu-Ray drive, let alone buying the PS3 exclusively for it.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Supposedly, it's about 40% of the system's install base that even know about the Blu-Ray drive, let alone buying the PS3 exclusively for it.[/QUOTE]

Than I am indeed shocked. Guess the percentage of people who own it and another system / slack-jawed yokels was WAY higher than I originally imagined.
bread's done