Sacred 2 Collectors Edition PC $9.99 on Amazon with FSSS

I've heard nothing but bad things about this game.

I do approve of it being an actual game/box/manual though instead of being a digital download.

Correct me if I'm wrong, everything shipped by Amazon is eligible for FSSS. Right?
Yes. However, if you have a PC that can handle this game and love Diablo II style games, this is a steal.

Also, looks incredibly gorgeous on the PC.
[quote name='rayne117']I've heard nothing but bad things about this game.

It's an excellent game, actually. Now you've heard a good thing. I've never played it on PC actually, and I'd think there are better options available for its type of gameplay on PC. On consoles, however, it's the closest anyone has ever come to replicating a Diablo-like experience.

If you're a fan of hack-and-slash RPGs with a heavy emphasis on acquiring and upgrading loot, you will be absolutely addicted by this game. If that doesn't sound like its for you, skip it for sure.
it's not a *bad* game, its just sort of unforgiving

the problem most people had that I've seen is that there's no real tutorial or guide showing you what to do, and once you reach level 100+ if you built your character wrong it goes from super badass to completely useless in about 2 seconds, and you have to start completely over to fix it as there's no way to change your skills around.

Aside from that problem it's a fairly decent hack and slash dungeon crawler type game, very reminicent of the origional diablo
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The character building options are, by far, the deepest, most diverse of any game in the genre. You can tell this was made by the Germans: this sucker is so stat heavy and number intensive.

Also, like I said: if your rig can handle it, it's a frikkin' gorgeous game.
For those rocking Windows 7 installs.

The last patch to the core game seems to have broken this game for those of us using Windows 7 (worked fine before that). They recommended you use Compatability Mode (XP) and that should resolve the issues, but it didn't for me on 3 different Windows 7 machines. Some people claim it worked....

Granted the game doesn't list Windows 7 as a supported OS (core game or expansion), but I thought people would want to know. I did hear the next patch for the expansion (UK only) fixed the issues that appeared in the last patch for the core game.

and for those who hate SecuROM:
Forgot to add - I read that the hi res textures are downloadable, but big.

I was thinking I don't really need this, then I read that there is a quest to help the band from the game's soundtrack recover their instruments from undead, and I think I'm sold. Blind Guardian rocks \m/.
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This is a case where the PC version is like a whole different game, Havent played the console versions but seeing vids and owning the PC version its a huge difference.

The PhysX in the game are actually really nice if you can run them. I cant imagine how good the game looks with the High res texture pack, I only own the regular edition.
I have it on PC and on the PS3....I will further dilute the gene pool and say IF you can get the game working it looks great with the high-res textures - even with the mammoth download. I remember how frustrated I was after work for several nights trying to get this thing running....and haven't touched it but for 10 minutes since then.

Before any other comments, yes I had the latest drivers and the latest patch for the game at the time. However, it still failed. Only after I put together a completely new machine did the game run. Of course, the old machine was Vista and I have it running on both Win 7 and latest patch though...cannot remember on compatibility mode for W7. Just my 2 cents
Sacred 2: FA was a really good action-RPG.

I wish S2: Ice & Blood expansion would come to the States, though. Maybe if CDV and Deep Silver straighten out things and come to some agreement...

Otherwise, will have to wait for S2: Gold (Import) to drop in price at Gogamer or something...
I guess I never payed close enough attention to see the elite textures got released. Is there an official download for this or would I just have to try my luck with a torrent?

edit: I just looked up some comparison photos and it doesn't look to be worth the time to download. So nevermind I suppose.
[quote name='rayne117']I've heard nothing but bad things about this game.

I do approve of it being an actual game/box/manual though instead of being a digital download.

Correct me if I'm wrong, everything shipped by Amazon is eligible for FSSS. Right?[/QUOTE]

Like some others have said, it's not a bad hack and slash, but I can see why some people wouldn't like it. It took me a while to figure out how to build effective characters.

And yeah, everything that is shipped by Amazon is FSSS. Just too used to being on SlickDeals, where some people will jump all over you for neglecting to mention this or that. :)
[quote name='MysterD']Sacred 2: FA was a really good action-RPG.

I wish S2: Ice & Blood expansion would come to the States, though. Maybe if CDV and Deep Silver straighten out things and come to some agreement...

Otherwise, will have to wait for S2: Gold (Import) to drop in price at Gogamer or something...[/QUOTE]

Last I checked S2 Gold was OOS at GoGamer so you may be out of luck unless they restock. Definitely hard to track down S2 Gold in the states but it's worth it if you can. It has the expansion, comes pre-patched so you don't have to mess with multiple patches after install, adds compatibility with Win7 64bit and connects to the UK servers which at this point are much more active with the US servers.

Also for anyone playing or thinking about playing, this is a good active forum for info, help, online matchups, etc:
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[quote name='TheBomb69']Love Sacred 2 on the 360. One of the best co-op experiences I have had.
Yea it was excellent, im gonna pick this up. Thanks op.
Lol, I just bought this but found out there's a good chance it won't work on my windows 7 64 bit ultimate install.

I'll have my fingers crossed.
For anyone who's interested in the "carrier imp", it is for closed multiplayer only. (Like the Hellgate London collector's edition Manta - that one sure turned out just fine.)
[quote name='WilliamG']PER SE


Repeat after me.


Yep, that's Italian.

I got the game. On 360 the frame rate was pretty choppy. I guess on my PC everything should be smooth and better looking. I started playing Titan Quest recently, so I got a crave for Diablo like games while I wait for his highness Diablo III :D
[quote name='radioactivez0r']OT, but this thread got me looking up various CE's and now I'm wondering if I want the Hellgate London CE since I never played it (19.99).[/QUOTE]

No. NO! AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS. I got the Hellgate London CE for $10 off Ebay, and that was back when Flagship was still around and multiplayer was running, and I regretted it. And I own and enjoy Diablo, Diablo 2, Titan Quest, Torchlight, and Borderlands so it's not like I don't enjoy loot whoring action RPGs.

Some people inexplicably enjoy Hellgate but I sure as hell wouldn't recommend you take the chance.
I enjoyed Sacred 2 on the 360, but mostly just local and online co-op. The game's a good amount of fun, but nothing revolutionary. Personally, I greatly prefered Titan Quest and it's expansion, Immortal Throne. Very solid and pretty Diablo clone set in ancient Greece and Egypt.
Unfortunately, Blood and Ice is not compatible with the US version of the game.

"Required: Expansion requires Sacred 2 UK version to install."
[quote name='Gourd']Unfortunately, Blood and Ice is not compatible with the US version of the game.

"Required: Expansion requires Sacred 2 UK version to install."[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure I've read multiple sources stating that the UK expansion works with the US original. I'm guessing the main reason they don't want you to buy it is because of the small publishing rights battle that happened back when.
Can anyone confirm that they are indeed compatible? An import version can be multi-language and have different file/folder structures than the comparable USA release. Thus, patches/expansions won't necessarily be compatible if they are not from the same region....
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[quote name='bruceg']Can anyone confirm that they are indeed compatible? An import version can be multi-language and have different file/folder structures than the comparable USA release. Thus, patches/expansions won't necessarily be compatible if they are not from the same region....[/QUOTE]

This thread may be of use. Sounds like it requires some folder and registry edits.
[quote name='radioactivez0r']Forgot to add - I read that the hi res textures are downloadable, but big.

I was thinking I don't really need this, then I read that there is a quest to help the band from the game's soundtrack recover their instruments from undead, and I think I'm sold. Blind Guardian rocks \m/.[/QUOTE]
From the product page:
Additional DVD containing the high end "Elite" graphics textures that renders the world of Ancaria in all its greatest visuals
Sounds to me like if you get the collectors' edition, you don't have to worry about the mammoth download.
Its certainly not an A+ title, but I found it a lot of fun in co-op on 360.

This might be worth it just to get the map...has anyone physically seen it?
[quote name='redline']This thread may be of use. Sounds like it requires some folder and registry edits.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']You need to follow THESE INSTRUCTIONS if you get the addon pack Blood and Ice and have Windows 7.

You need to change folder names and make a registry edit.[/QUOTE]

Hey, thanks. Sounds like it should work fine (downloadable UK expansion copy is probably equivalent to the boxed retail expansion).
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Sacred 2 Rocks!

Few things you should know about the PC version.

  1. Sacred2 runs like a champ on my Win7-64-bit Ultimate edition PC using CrossfireX mode (Dual 4890s) CPU = DenebX4 @ 3.9Ghz, 8gb Memory 1:1 @ 1050mhz. I had to set compatibility mode for WinXP-SP3 for the most stable performance. Maximum visual settings turned on... obviously.
  2. It runs acceptably well on a Win7-64bit-Ultimate HTPC - Athlon-II (1-core) + 4gbDDR3 +NV9600GSO + PhysX Card. I'd say it is acceptable performance at 1920x1080 2xAA 2AF medium textures. I'm betting this is as low as you can go... the PhysX sure helps.
  3. It is unplayable on a P4 (1-core)@ 3.6Ghz, 4Gb DDR1 1:1 ratio and AGP Sapphire HD3850 (highest rated agp card left on the market)
Sacred2 is a PhysX enabled game, and the additional effects are great! If you've got PhysX turn it on.. the spell effects are great!

Unfortunately the crossfire rig is missing out on these great effects. I also feel that PhysX hardware may make any hickups on a standard pc go away.

There is a gamecache cleaner which cuts down on crashes.

CD Keys... I picked up 2X boxes of this awesome game from Target on clearance for $12 and $7, thinking I'd need 2 keys for local LAN co-op. Was I wrong or what?
It turns out that Sacred uses this AWFUL DRM - SecuROM. After being thoroughly disgusted with game activations, the fans revolted, and ascaron provided us with an activation tool. \o/
Well the cool thing about LOCAL LAN play, is 1 Sacred 2 box will allow 3 Simultaneous PC installs, all 3 require no disk in the drive.. and all 3 are local LAN co-oppable! So you can local Lan up to 3 pcs per key! This is an awesome solution if you enjoy local co-ops with the misses.

The Collectors edition is a must buy. If only for the carrier imp. It's basically a traveling bank vendor. Sacred is more loot heavy than borderlands. So your backpack fills up fast.

There are some unfix-able mistakes you can make early on, which will force you to start over.
1.) Create ALL characters for multiplayer campaigns.
2.) Always use the SAME PC to host multiplayer campaigns, or your campaign progress will get sh!t canned.
3.) I guess you can poorly spec your dude, but I haven't suffered from this being a min-maxxer.


I love this game. It's great. The custom spells you can make on your own are insane. The world is so damn big.. it will take you forever to explore. Do it with a friend. It's great fun! The PhysX makes spells look incredible.. so good it almost ruined my ATI experience. :whistle2:\


Here are some reasons the PC version smokes the console edition:

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thanks OP. For this prices its 10x worth it. I found it much more fun than TQ.
lol after seeing those picks, I might have to upgrade from my 4890 to 5870!!!
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[quote name='radioactivez0r']I'm sure it will get its own thread in time, but I figured I'd at least toss this bit to a relevant thread:

The import-only expansion, Blood & Ice, is $9.90 @ GoGamer on the new 48 hr madness. $2.99 shipping brings it to about $13; combined with the CE of the original, that's the entire (HI RES) gold edition for about half as much as the price GoGamer shows on Amazon and still less than their own page's OOS listing.[/QUOTE]

This is the second time I've tried to order something from this site through PayPal and everytime it gets to the paypal site its not secure. I don't have this problem with ordering through paypal with any other site but this one.

Edit: I've tried other browers before, but this time i decided to try IE. Apparently the GoGamer logo messes up paypal's encryption.
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[quote name='Zin_LG']This is the second time I've tried to order something from this site through PayPal and everytime it gets to the paypal site its not secure. I don't have this problem with ordering through paypal with any other site but this one.

Edit: I've tried other browers before, but this time i decided to try IE. Apparently the GoGamer logo messes up paypal's encryption.[/QUOTE]

used google checkout, was secure and all.
[quote name='Zin_LG']This is the second time I've tried to order something from this site through PayPal and everytime it gets to the paypal site its not secure. I don't have this problem with ordering through paypal with any other site but this one.

Edit: I've tried other browers before, but this time i decided to try IE. Apparently the GoGamer logo messes up paypal's encryption.[/QUOTE]

I saw the same thing last night when I placed my order (I own the UK version of S2FA). I don't remember if this happened before since I rarely order from them. Odd ecommerce bug based on your edit addition!
[quote name='NeoGutsman']I saw the same thing last night when I placed my order (I own the UK version of S2FA). I don't remember if this happened before since I rarely order from them. Odd ecommerce bug based on your edit addition![/QUOTE]

I used IE to show only the secure data and the only thing that blocked to to being unsecure was the GoGamer logo at the top.

[quote name='tekzor']used google checkout, was secure and all.[/QUOTE]

I prefer to keep my method of payments as few as possible. The only thing I don't use paypal for is amazon, but it won't let you.
[quote name='The Nephilim']Is there someplace to download the HQ texture packs? or is it only if you own the CE? I have the regular disc version.[/QUOTE]

No, not legally anyway/
bread's done