Saddest-Looking Gamer Room Setups


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"Too broke for HDTV? Gaming on the cheap? Does your gaming setup look like this... Ghetto-fabulous!!!"


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Wow, after looking at those pics, I never thought I was going to say this I feel fabulously wealthy, having converted to flat screens years ago.

And some of those gaming set ups and the nasty rooms they are in...WTF?! Are some of these people playing in prison?!

Yes, my morale has been boosted.
I love the idea the guy in the bottom picture of the article had. Why get a selector box when you can just have 8 TVs in one room? Genius
Holy crap...that last one really needs a source selector. Haha...but some of those looked like mine used to...but I converted mine into this last year!!!

This shit is mean - most of those aren't "sad gamer set-ups."

Sure, the last one with all of the televisions, and that one of the gamecube obviously in an unfinished basement corner were rough, but I certainly don't see why seeing someone else's set-up that isn't as priveledged/nice as mine is supposed to make me feel better.

I guess if some fat, pathetic gamers with tiny penises and terrible social inadequacies want to make themselves feel better by laughing at someone else's set-up that's their prerogative.
[quote name='blissskr']As long as you can game nothing sad about what your gaming on, imo.[/QUOTE]

I dunno some of those TVs look like they need RF Adapters. Do they even make those anymore? One of the setups has one of those big bad boys that you have to turn on and wait 30 seconds for the picture to fire up. C'mon people, use craigslist or check a yard sale. I found my mother a 32 inch HDTV $30 for her living room. It wasn't a flat screen it was an old tube tv, but it's got a built-in DVD player and has a pretty decent picture even for gaming

Whoever made this article needs to get a grip.
[quote name='Dunvane']This shit is mean - most of those aren't "sad gamer set-ups."

Sure, the last one with all of the televisions, and that one of the gamecube obviously in an unfinished basement corner were rough, but I certainly don't see why seeing someone else's set-up that isn't as priveledged/nice as mine is supposed to make me feel better.

I guess if some fat, pathetic gamers with tiny penises and terrible social inadequacies want to make themselves feel better by laughing at someone else's set-up that's their prerogative.[/QUOTE]

After looking at the set ups I agree, it is kinda easy to forget a lot of people can't afford a gaming system period.
Some of those aren't bad. The only thing I have that even supports HD is a PS3 and that doesn't require it. HD really isn't that big of a deal and actually it makes a majority of things look worse, all stretched out and grainy. It's overpriced for what you get. I'd rather collect more games than waste money.

I still have a nice Samsung GXTV I bought years ago (during the SNES or PS1 gen) and it works great. I only sit a couple feet from it so the size is perfect.
To game with whatever available resources that you have... I'd actually call that admirable.

*Hugs his Fiance's 32" Vizio*

EDIT: I have to contend the last two, and maybe even the 3rd pic. I think the last photo was fairly epic, IMO, and the one before that was just plain cute (whilst providing a flashback of an old otaku-friend that I used to hang out with). But that third photo, pure genius, and I'm pretty envious. I don't care if I have someone has a 65" 120hz LED LCD TV, plug a last/old console to that puppy and it's going to look like utter shit. I'm starting up a video game collection, and I'm hitting the Goodwills in the area so I could find a TV I could plug my old SNES to.
That was great! :D lol

I laughed so hard at surround speakers hanging with fishing string I scared my cat.

A couple of those setups makes me wonder if their owners live in prison camps.

I want to make a dedicated room for old school gaming. Old systems hooked to an sdtv, period authentic furnishings, etc...
Nice pics. But yeah, long as you got a TV and a game system, it's a whoooooooooole lot better than nothing.
I agree with the article being weaksauce; most are just pictures of old televisions.

The one with all the Japanese figurines is pretty sad though.

[quote name='rumarudrathas']I don't care if I have someone has a 65" 120hz LED LCD TV, plug a last/old console to that puppy and it's going to look like utter shit.[/QUOTE]

lol? Not if you have a t.v. with a good upscaler
Why would you link to N4G instead of just linking to the article itself? I'd rather not go there if I don't have to.
[quote name='lolwut?'] lol? Not if you have a t.v. with a good upscaler[/QUOTE]

Agreed, but I'm yet to see an affordable HDTV with a good upscaler. I've been told that I should just spend the money a stand-alone upscaler, but at around the $1k mark no thank you, ~$50 32" SDTV will fit the bill just fine.
[quote name='Dunvane']This shit is mean - most of those aren't "sad gamer set-ups."

Sure, the last one with all of the televisions, and that one of the gamecube obviously in an unfinished basement corner were rough, but I certainly don't see why seeing someone else's set-up that isn't as priveledged/nice as mine is supposed to make me feel better.

I guess if some fat, pathetic gamers with tiny penises and terrible social inadequacies want to make themselves feel better by laughing at someone else's set-up that's their prerogative.[/QUOTE]
It doesn't change the fact that those fat pathetic gamers with small penises are the real losers here.

[quote name='lolwut?']
lol? Not if you have a t.v. with a good upscaler[/QUOTE]
Upscaling won't magically convert your last generation's console game to HD. It will still look like shit. Idiot.
[quote name='dastly75']

^^ Was the only really sad one to me for some reason.[/QUOTE]

That one has been posted elsewhere before. It is a fake was staged to look horrible, but it is not a real set up that someone games on.
I'm sorry, but so what? Those pictures of the next-gen consoles playing on SDTVs isn't sad. I'm disgusted with everyone here who is making fun of people with next-gen consoles but not HDTVs.
[quote name='Jmclark']I'm sorry, but so what? Those pictures of the next-gen consoles playing on SDTVs isn't sad. I'm disgusted with everyone here who is making fun of people with next-gen consoles but not HDTVs.[/QUOTE]

Just to play devil's advocate (I personally could care less what kind of tv the person has).....

But, if you can't afford a HDTV to play a next-gen game system on, then maybe shouldn't have purchased the next-gen game system in the first place.
[quote name='dastly75']

^^ Was the only really sad one to me for some reason.[/QUOTE]

that's a joke pic from another site, yet people still post it as real.

A lot of these are obviously old pics from a gens past...and a lot of them were comparably awesome for the time (like the GT3 pic.) N4G is trash as usual.
[quote name='tholly']Just to play devil's advocate (I personally could care less what kind of tv the person has).....

But, if you can't afford a HDTV to play a next-gen game system on, then maybe shouldn't have purchased the next-gen game system in the first place.[/QUOTE]

What kind of foolish thinking is that? I will get much more use out of a new console than a TV that can't do anything special. I'm glad to have a PS3 with 50 games and a Wii with 40 or so. Clearly it's not a matter of 'afford' it's a matter of why throw away $1000+?
[quote name='DPsx7']What kind of foolish thinking is that? I will get much more use out of a new console than a TV that can't do anything special. I'm glad to have a PS3 with 50 games and a Wii with 40 or so. Clearly it's not a matter of 'afford' it's a matter of why throw away $1000+?[/QUOTE]

Your argument seems skewed.

No TV can do anything special, as far as I know. It either can or can't display a picture. The only difference is that some TVs can do it better / more clearly / more vividly than others. Nothing special between a 15" tube tv and a 56" plasma.

So, you will get no more or no less use out of a new console on, as you say it, a TV that can't do anything special. If we both own the same systems and same games, and play them the same amount of time on two different TVs, you will get the same amount of use out of your console that I viewing of the games will just look better than yours.

Also, buying a TV isn't necessarily throwing away $1,000+. Now a days, you can get a HDTV for less than $500, which is about the same amount I spent on my old 27" tube TV back in the day. Sure, I spent $1,100 on my 56" DLP, but I saw it as an investment to make my games / movies (read other investments) look better.
What's wrong with that Ogre battle one? Looks like a perfectly reasonable, neat, aesthetically pleasing setup to me (well, except for the faded SNES, but what are you gonna do).

The kind of people mocking this stuff are the tools who spend $60 on whatever the new heavily hyped game is, finish it in one five hour sitting, and say it was awesome.
Most of those aren't that bad, but I do wonder if the guy with speakers hanging from the ceiling ever hits them with his head.
Enh, HD doesn't really make things look that much better. As previously mentioned it makes most things look worse. Even at $500 they aren't worthwhile. To just give the PS3 widescreen I'd have to sacrifice all the rest of my consoles.

And what would I do with the set I have now? It may be about 15 years old but it still works great. LCD's don't last nearly as long from what I heard, so maybe once they hit $150 or so it'll be a good value.
Glad to see that most CAGs think that this article is filled with douchebaggery. Since when was gaming supposed to be all about gadget porn? The article seems to act as if an SDTV is kryptonite or something. I vastly prefer to do all of my retro and last gen gaming on an SDTV.
[quote name='tehweezner']SD CRT is preferable for PS2/GCN and older consoles, but if you've got a 360/PS3 one should have an HDTV.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. SD output looks best on SD sets. HD output looks best on HD sets. Those are definitely not "sad" setups. The one hooked up to a CRT monitor is awesome. 360 looked great in my opinion on a CRT monitor when I tried it. You get the better colors with great sharpness. It's unfortunate you can't hook up PS3 to them because of HDCP.
Some of you guys need to take it easy, quit being so fucking sensitive. The people who game on these setups emailed the pictures in the first place, so I imagine they also find humor in it.

I found the article amusing, not because I find it funny what others have in comparison to myself; rather, it's a nice change of pace to be able to see what the average gamer setup looks like.
I dunno about SD better on SD. Shadows of Colossus got a noticeable upgrade when I was able to enable progressive scan halfway through my play through.

Metal Gear Solid 3, however, looked a lot worse on the HD set. Even with the PS3 upscaling/smoothing (tried different combinations) tech enabled. Progressive scan is a must.
I agree with Yuk, and yeah, HD does make a difference, I have both so I know, but maybe not enough to justify putting down 1-2k for your games to look sharper for some people, and I don't blame them.
There's no harm in playing HD games on SD, works just fine.

I gotta say as much as those surround sound speakers look tacky as hell, I bet it sounds cool.
Honestly, most games work fine on a SD set.

Only problem I run into is with some games I can't read the text on my PS3, but I don't know if that's cause the games are made for HDTVs or because my TV is only 13" :oops:
it's funny for what it's worth. especially the staged GameCube setup, and the Spider-Man speaker nest.

As for gamers taking pics of their setups to share, recommendation: please omit yourself, and replace with attractive female stand-in(s).

[flame on, please send your letters to Cheapy D :)]
I'm surprised that people took this so seriously. I do my current-gen stuff on an LCD and keep a 32" CRT in my office for all my classics.
For those who don't know you can get HD in 19 to 22 inches for less than $200 so it isn't that expensive you just have to know where to look. I enjoyed when I first had my 360 hooked up to my 20 inch CRT TV so it all depends on you.
I've had a PS2 hooked up to a smaller LCD (20") and it looked perfectly fine. Once you get over 32" is where the last gen consoles can, and I stress can, look like shit, because it depends on the game, equipment, and specific settings.

And really, some of you in this thread need to change your fucking tampons...geez.
[quote name='rumarudrathas']Agreed, but I'm yet to see an affordable HDTV with a good upscaler. I've been told that I should just spend the money a stand-alone upscaler, but at around the $1k mark no thank you, ~$50 32" SDTV will fit the bill just fine.[/QUOTE]

I guess. It all depends on what's affordable for you though. I understand waiting; I myself did most of my 360 gaming on a 14" LCD up until a few months ago. 480p ftw.

[quote name='salazarmark']Upscaling won't magically convert your last generation's console game to HD. It will still look like shit. Idiot.[/QUOTE]

Whoa there newbitch; no one said anything about magical conversions. If your T.V. has a good upscaler, a lot of older gen games will still look pretty good and the results get even better the further you go back. Super Mario World looks about as good as a 2D Xbox Live Arcade game, at least on my setup.
The follow up article had some cool setups(triple-screen cockpits ftw), but some of them looked pretty much like your normal high end game room.
OMGAWD... did someone convert their bathroom into a high end gaming room?


That breaks one of my video gaming commandments:
Thou shalt not play in the bathroom, or on the toilet. EVER. Or any other place that people take a crap in.
The one with the guy playing GT3 is pretty sad. Judging by all the games, and his intensity, he likely never leaves that room.
bread's done