SanDisk 1/2 Gig USB Flash Stick $40! -Staples til Feb. 12


4 (100%)
EDIT 2/8/05- I've been informed its going than I originally thought. Excellent for quick easy storage. Mine's working great.

I found when looking for some folders that they have the Sandisk 512 Meg USB Flash Memory Stick for 40 bucks after rebate in-store. 10 bucks instant rebate if you go in. Otherwise, its 50 bucks online, which is still a wicked hot deal.
Sorry, I only discovered it an hour ago. Hope you can get one. I did. Plug n play ROCKS.
Please. Quickly. I have no idea when it ends. I didn't look at the ad beyond the actual deal. But it's practically half off if you get in to the store.
bread's done