Sarah Connor Chronicles trailer


1 (100%)
This is getting razzed all over the place. Personally, I give it a 50/50 chance. Having Summer Glau doesn't hurt either.;)

so, technically speaking... this would be between 2 and 3?

i'm not as up on the Terminator-verse timeline as i should be

regardless, i like the idea of seeing this part of the story, but that trailer left me less than impressed

Holy shit, that looks painfully mediocre. A high school girl comes back from the future to save John Connor, and steals Arnold's lines in the process :rofl:

This is going to get cancelled within 3 episodes and will be retconned out of Terminator history forever.
Hmm, maybe they can write a Star Wars sitcom next. One that takes place between episode IV and V say.

Although, all joking aside, that did work rather well in the Rogue Squadron video games, but that's a horse of a different color.
[quote name='Roufuss']Hey, look at the bright side of things:

It'll be on Fox, so it'll be cancelled really quickly.[/QUOTE]

Or they'll keep it on for ten seasons.
Yeah, this screams bad.

I'm gonna watch it, just cause I wanna see Summer Glau kick ass.

The entire time though I'll be thinking that River would be so much more hardcore.
[quote name='Roufuss']:rofl:

Holy shit, that looks painfully mediocre. A high school girl comes back from the future to save John Connor, and steals Arnold's lines in the process :rofl:

This is going to get cancelled within 3 episodes and will be retconned out of Terminator history forever.[/QUOTE]

yep I saw this over at .. I say this lasts one season then fox kills it.

but then they will realize how good Summer is and in a bold move, BRING BACK FIREFLY!!!!
I would watch it just because I'm a big Terminator fan - but of course, since it is Fox even if by some chance it is good they'll cancel it after 3 epsiodes max. Why bother?

I'm just glad they announced plans for a new Terminator trilogy. I want to see what happens after the war starts.
I love Terminator 2 the most . This here is bumming me out , but I'll watch it anyway . It's not like it's gonna cost anything .
I liked Terminator better. T-2 had too many plot-holes in it with the whole let's make Arnie seem human business. Don't get me wrong T-2 is still one of my all-time favorite flicks, but I liked the first Terminator best.
None of the main actors from Firefly has had a successful show that I'm aware of since Firefly was cancelled, so I wouldn't hold my breath on this lasting very long. They tried this with Blade last year and it didn't work then either. Doubt I'll even watch this.
Why oh why are they slapping so much CHEESE on this? It could actually be a decent series, but there's so much recycled from the movies it's pretty laughable. The lines, the flashback dreams-- C'MON producers, show some originality!

And don't get me started on a teenage girl Terminator, haha...

But as a fan of the Terminator, I'll check it out anyway.

'Til it gets cancelled, which probably will be a couple seasons in--they won't can it after a single season 'cos they have too much $$ invested into this series.
[quote name='keithp']
'Til it gets cancelled, which probably will be a couple seasons in--they won't can it after a single season 'cos they have too much $$ invested into this series.[/QUOTE]

This is FOX we're talking about it, they sure as shit will cancel it if it's not pulling in ratings, I doubt they even give it a full season.

This show has a shitty timeslot too, I think it comes on Sunday night's after the animation block, which is when most people just turned the television off after the block finishes - it's just a weird combination, I see why they did it as a huge lead in, but still, Simpsons / Family Guy / American Dad ---> Sarah Connor Chronicles?

It just dosen't work, and I think this is going to bomb horribly.
ok, the teenage girl is a terminator from the future? This whole franchise took a huge nose dive when T3 came out. BTW, my brother knows the writer of T3. He works with T3's writers brother at his law firm.
[quote name='d00k']It looks laughably bad. I don't understand how anybody could possibly think this was a good idea.[/quote]

Agreed. It parallels Snakes on a Plane. I might watch it for lawls, but it doesn't even look good enough for that.
bread's done