Sarah Palin resigns as Gov. of Alaska. Stay tuned for the scandal

Survivor Charlie

1 (100%)
First off, congrats to Gov. Palin for being the first person in her family to know when to pull out.

She just announced her resignation. She claims it's because she can do more good in the private sector.

Some are saying this is her idea of a good way to get ready for the 2012 Election. Given her status as a retard, this could be it.

More then likely, some major scandal is about to break and she got a heads up on it.
[quote name='Survivor Charlie']

She claims it's because she can make more money in the private sector.


Just in case she is somehow elected president, i want it known that i came up with the book title "From the Outhouse to the White House."
I just don't understand why she did this, even after reading her reasons. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind of scandal and she's getting out before she's forced out.

My dad (who's a pretty hardcore Republican) made the joke that maybe she was having an affair with Mark Sanford.
She apparently sent out word to her supporters to figure out another candidate to support in 2012 because she is 'done with politics.'

Thus ends one of the biggest jokes ever done on the American people. And to all you Republicans out there, don't forget: you had a fighting chance in '08 before she came along.


Well, I think someone figured out why she resigned.


I think Todd has some splain to do. Again.
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[quote name='Survivor Charlie']First off, congrats to Gov. Palin for being the first person in her family to know when to pull out.[/QUOTE]


I hope this at the very least ruins her chances at becoming president. I don't want her stupid ass in office. It would be nice if she dropped from the public eye completely, but beggars can't be choosers.


[quote name='Survivor Charlie']Well, I think someone figured out why she resigned.

I think Todd has some splain to do. Again.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Survivor Charlie']
Well, I think someone figured out why she resigned.


I think Todd has some splain to do. Again.[/QUOTE]

Well kids, apparently I called that one.
Andrew Halcro (a former Alaskan republican politician) says the news will be breaking soon on what's going on, and he says it will 'sadly trump all other scandals our party has going right now'.

Jesus, maybe my completely tasteless joke wasn't too far off.
[quote name='lilboo']She prolly was caught bumpin pussies together with Condoleeza[/QUOTE]

I demand a doujin of this. Japan, get on that! We've already got moe Rice, so we're basically halfway there.
[quote name='Kaijufan']I just don't understand why she did this, even after reading her reasons. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind of scandal and she's getting out before she's forced out.

My dad (who's a pretty hardcore Republican) made the joke that maybe she was having an affair with Mark Sanford.[/QUOTE]

I don't think she's ever been to Argentina. Now if it was Russia, you might have something.

I'm assuming she's going to go around the country giving speeches and getting paid 50-100k each.
Something sure sounds odd about the whole situation, maybe she's actually been doing more than watching those people over in Russia from her porch?

In the past we've not seen many positive reasons politician's resign from office... Irony would have had her give some sort of speach and saying " I am not going to stay for you to kick around anymore.. I'm not a Nut!"
Christ... that first vid killed me. Good fucking riddance and I hope to never see or hear about her in politics ever again.

Anyway! I know why she's resigning! To single handedly save SNL!
[quote name='Survivor Charlie']
She just announced her resignation. She claims it's because she can do more good in the private sector.

Is she posing for Playboy?
I'm just amazed at the attacks against Sarah Palin. John Kerry makes comments wishing she was missing/possibly dead. Several people make just lewd sexual "jokes" about her. The stuff regarding her husband and incest. The attacks about her Down Syndrome baby. I'm not a fan of Palin by any means, but wow. Some people are really, really full of hate, spit and venom.
I just don't like her because she's a moron. I don't give two shits about her shotgun wedded pregnant daughter, her possibly pregnant other daughter, A-Rod "raping" her daughter, the mentally retarded kid, and her husband. I don't like her.
I dislike Republicans who are crying foul over Palin and her white trash family being made fun of when the same talking heads were making fun of under-age Chelsey Clinton.

Oh, I guess it's OK for Rush Limbaugh to call her the, exact quote here, "White House Dog" but not to say something like "Trig clearly takes after his mother."

Or to joke about Todd Palin lusting for his children. Well I mean if the shoe fits, and even his friends say he makes very uncomfortable jokes about his kids and sex.
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Oh, this is a scandal they're not sure they can keep the lid on, for sure. Nobody resigns a governor's office if they're going to make a run for president ("How's that 'executive experience' thing working out for you?"), and the only reason people give press conferences at 4 pm on a holiday weekend is to give themselves a running start on something that's gonna bite them in the ass.

Even if the GOP Powers That Be were trying to sideline her in an effort to rid the party of its most vocal nincompoops, they'd let her finish out the term before she accepts that FOX news-anchor job or lobbyist position. This is something that isn't gonna give them a timetable.

It's possible that it's precautionary; we may never know what the pooch-screw is, but I sure hope Monday turns out to be interesting.
Some of the talk you hear from some people is that she is doing this to run for President in 2012.
Who thinks that is still a possibility?
I personally feel after being laughed at and mocked by most everyone and having a plummeting approval rate and then leaving her governor job (her executive experience), she has no chance left and will be tore apart a couple of weeks into the republican nomination process if she even tried.
All hail the new queen of the new sovereign nation of Alaskania!
[quote name='Doc Bacca']Some of the talk you hear from some people is that she is doing this to run for President in 2012.
Who thinks that is still a possibility?
I personally feel after being laughed at and mocked by most everyone and having a plummeting approval rate and then leaving her governor job (her executive experience), she has no chance left and will be tore apart a couple of weeks into the republican nomination process if she even tried.
All hail the new queen of the new sovereign nation of Alaskania![/QUOTE]
i do think she'll run for the nomination, but i don't think republicans are quite dumb enough to nominate her
Just for lulz, here is her first interview with Katie Couric.. Listen to the giant sucking sound during the first question of the first interview when Palin's talking points are questioned. She gets the deer in the headlights look then repeats her memorized lines WORD FOR, what a ditz.

Part 1, economics:

Part 2, foreign policy:

and another horrible trick question she can't answer: "What do you read to stay informed?"
How on earth is asking what you read a 'gotcha' question? I will never understand that.

Unless she's a functional illiterate, which, no joking, I believe she is. The evidence is out there. When Couric asked her that, Palin had a look of sheer terror on her face. She couldn't answer it.

She also dropped out of, what, five colleges in less then a year? I just get a really sneaking suspicion that she's unable to read properly.

[quote name='pete5883']"The world needs more Trigs"? That explains a lot.[/QUOTE]

Of course she would say that. People like her son Trig make up her own constituency. Besides, if there were more Trigs out there, Sarah might seem smarter.
eh good riddance she was one of the most annoyinh bitches ever. not too hard on the eyes but she should learn to be seen and not heard. definelty a scandal either something to do with her family or its a money thing. anyone who thought she could ever be a vp or a p is stupid.
Hell, she's not even going to have to worry about the 'liberal media' and Obama and the DNC tear her down for this.

Come Primary Season, she's going to have Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee to deal with.

"Hey Sarah, we wanted to be President too, but we *finished* our terms. Wish you could say the same."
This is like the point in the horror movie where everyone thinks the villian is finally dead, but you just know they're going to pop up out of nowhere for one more scare.
[quote name='camoor']This is like the point in the horror movie where everyone thinks the villian is finally dead, but you just know they're going to pop up out of nowhere for one more scare.[/QUOTE]

Ugh, sounds like that's her plan.

JUNEAU, Alaska – Outgoing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on Saturday laid the groundwork to take on a larger, national role after leaving state government, citing a "higher calling" with the aim of uniting the country along conservative lines.

A day after surprising even her closest friends by announcing she would step down as Alaska governor more than a year before her term was up, the controversial hockey mom was still keeping details of her future plans under wrap. But in a statement posted on Palin's Facebook account, she suggested that she had bigger plans and a national agenda she planned to push after she resigns at the end of the month.

"I am now looking ahead and how we can advance this country together with our values of less government intervention, greater energy independence, stronger national security, and much-needed fiscal restraint," she said.

Palin also cast herself as a victim and blasted the media, calling the response to her announcement "predictable" and out of touch.

"How sad that Washington and the media will never understand; it's about country," the statement said. "And though it's honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make."

Palin's personal spokeswoman, Meghan Stapleton, confirmed to The Associated Press that the Facebook posting was written by the governor.

The abruptness of her announcement and the mystery surrounding her plans has fed widespread speculation. But Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein on Saturday warned legal action may be taken against bloggers and publications that reprint what he calls fraudulent claims.

"To the extent several websites, most notably liberal Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, are now claiming as 'fact' that Governor Palin resigned because she is 'under federal investigation' for embezzlement or other criminal wrongdoing, we will be exploring legal options this week to address such defamation," Van Flein said in a statement. "This is to provide notice to Ms. Moore, and those who re-publish the defamation, such as Huffington Post, MSNBC, the New York Times and The Washington Post, that the Palins will not allow them to propagate defamatory material without answering to this in a court of law."

Palin has kept a low profile since her abrupt announcement Friday at a hastily called news conference at her home in suburban Wasilla, outside Anchorage. All of her public communication since then has been on the social networking sites Facebook and Twitter, or through statements released by her office.

At the same time, Palin informed her spokesman David Murrow early Saturday that someone using the name "exgovsarahpalin" on Twitter was spreading a false rumor that there was to be a party at her suburban home in Wasilla, outside Anchorage. Palin was afraid her home would be mobbed, and security was dispatched, Murrow said.

With only a few weeks before she steps down on July 26, and Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell takes her place, the governor spent the Fourth of July weekend in the state capital, Juneau, but was only spotted briefly on the sidelines of the city's parade.

She had been invited to ride in a convertible, as she did last year, but never told organizers whether she would attend.

Juneau parade director Jean Sztuk said officials drew up banners in case Palin showed and was willing to take part.

As the last of the parade's clowns and marching bands headed past her, Sztuk gave up on Palin. "What governor wants to be at the end of the parade?" she asked.

Her low-profile and vague Internet messages left mounting questions about her plans for the future shrouded in mystery. Will she lay the groundwork for a 2012 presidential bid? Will she find a high-profile place in the private sector, maybe on the speech circuit? Will she drop out of the limelight and focus on her five children?

Her constituents, for one, wanted to know, especially in Juneau, where she has struggled to win over residents.

"I think she owes it to Alaskans to tell us why," said state Sen. Dennis Egan, D-Juneau, the son of Alaska's first governor, Bill Egan.

Egan, hosting a 50th anniversary statehood ceremony, said he was disappointed Palin decided not to finish out her term, which was scheduled to end in 2010.

"It's sad she abandoned us at this critical time," said Egan, who was appointed by Palin to an open seat on the last day of the legislative session in April, after a protracted battle with Senate Democrats.

Palin's departure can't come soon enough for Laurel Carlton, a waitress at the Capital Cafe in the Baranof Hotel, where the city's political movers and shakers meet every morning before walking a few blocks to the Capitol.

"I think she has a game plan that's not Alaska, and hasn't been for awhile," Carlton said.

She noted Palin has a book deal, and seems headed for the national stage.

"If you're really not going to stay and do your job every day, you should leave anyway, and so the sooner the better so somebody can step in and actually do the job," Carlton said.

And as far as Carlton is concerned, Palin doesn't need to explain why she's leaving.

"We don't care. We just want her gone," she said.

Palin, whose popularity in Alaska has waned amid ongoing ethics investigations, gave many reasons for stepping down: She didn't want to be a lame-duck governor; she was tired of the tasteless jokes aimed at her five children, including her son Trig, who has Down syndrome; she felt she could do more in another, still-to-be-defined role.

Sen. John McCain didn't rule out a return to politics for his former running mate, saying Saturday he believes "she will continue to play an important leadership role in the Republican Party and our nation." He gave no other details.

Even Parnell, who plans to run for re-election after finishing out Palin's term, said he was shocked at first when he learned of his boss' decision.

"But then as she began to articulate her reasons, I began to understand better," he said. "And nobody — unless they've been in her position and understood what she has gone through and dealt with and who she is as a person — really understands."

This woman is delusional on an epic scale. I hope she runs in 2012 because I can't wait to see Romney and Huckabee tear her a new asshole.
You know, just when you think you'll never see a worse president in your lifetime, someone comes along and tries to prove you wrong.
bread's done