Savage 3: Heroes of Newerth



Looks like there's a new Savage game by S2 Games

It's in beta now, I think you can get a free key by adding them as a facebook fan but I haven't tried that yet.

I found a couple of videos on you tube, but it appears this is only a RTS now, not a hybrid FPS/RTS like S1 and S2. Anyone in the beta can confrim?
I have a beta key or two for this game...

Not to go on a slight rant on MOBA/DotA type games, but games that try to mirror DotA too much has a horrendous learning curve. Also, the amount of n00b-hate is just mind-boggling. I'm really perplexed as fuck on why these type of games is so popular?

I mean, I get the beauty in the complexity and execution, but with the barriers of entry being so high, how can they even appeal to players outside of a niche audience (which is one of the lynch pin for a level of commercial success)? Demigod, a game lambasted by die-hard DotA players have a better reception to more mainstream audiences, and it's a game that I really liked playing...

...Anyways, I have a beta key or two to give away for those who are interested in this game. I would like to play HoN, but I'm just not up for the amount of hate in the game for non-veterans.
It is dota period. They even advertised this game as dota. lol

I been playing for a while now, not bad at all! However, I was/am addicted to dota
Finally got a beta key for this lol.. But I don't know if i wanna mess with playing it, since I am not really into the strategy type games.. I was hoping this would be another Savage sequel :(
This is NOT Savage 3, to clarify. It's DotA all prettied up and showing a little skin to keep things interesting.

If you want to be bomarded with douchebag elitists, and I mean douchebag elitists, I have a boat load of invites. I'll need your e-mail.
I've been playing dota 3.7 for the better part of 2+ years since I never did get frozen throne so a bit of a "new game" would be rather refreshing.

I missed the last beta key sendout by a day though, so I would greatly appreciate one of those spares, despite the douchebag elitists >.>

Email: [email protected]

appreciate it guys :) p.s. my buddy just directed me to CAG earlier this week, bloody wicked site, especially for us poor students, lol
Well apparently they just released 200,000 beta key invitations for all the people who already have an account...

I have been trying to get in this for a while but still have not. So if you have an extra key... you know what to do :bouncy:
I've been in for a few weeks now, I get a lot of hate for my PSR. I started off really bad because I hadn't played DotA in years but now I'm back on my game. I keep getting teams with leavers though, the ranking system feels a little botched, not based on individual skill.

Beside that I love the game. Just played a game as Scout with an 8/1/?. Sorry folks but I used all my invites for friends.
The community for this game seems to be largely full of the same hypercompetitve douchebags that made DotA so unfun in the past. I have no idea how sane people can stand playing this thing.

I was particularly amazed when I joined a "noobs only" game only to find myself, 20 seconds into the match, being yelled at for not doing it right. After a minute or so, they booted me.
yeah, it is true. I would say the majority of people are like that.

even in noob only games, someone on my team was a true "noob" as in hadn't played dota or hon. i spent the majority of the game arguing with the rest of the team the semantics of "noob."

i said that if they make a noobs only game, they should expect noobs to join it, and that instead of complaining, they should help the guy learn to be a better player.

the reply was that, "there's a difference between noob and new player, $$$$$$."

so yea, their are plenty of douche bags, but i've met a few helpful people and if you play with me and my friends we don't care. unlike many people, we just play to do the best we can and we play till one team's base is destroyed or the other team concedes, regardless of how "bad" we do throughout the game.

if you can get past that initial learning hump and douchebaggery, there is a lot of fun and satisfaction to be had, but i realize it just isn't worth it to some people with so many other games out there.
They game needs bot matches really bad for the new players. I don't mind people who aren't good at denying creeps or ganking but when you push in to their base when we can't see any of their 5 guys on the map and I start yelling go back but you don't? That's when it ticks me off. I love newbs, they're great, but I hate noobs. The ones who don't listen.

Anyhow, I'm looking to up the size of my friends list. The name is Shmag in game, I'm no pro but I get the job done. My PSR is terribad though, I have the worst luck with autobalance putting me on a bad team.
The biggest problem new people have (once they get past the game's basics) is that while they may know good tactics or how to play their hero well, they don't actually know how to win the game. They just assume that if they're playing their character well the win will just happen. The problem arises when everyone on the team is making that same assumption.

Once you get the basics of playing your character and last hitting, denying, not chasing people into their towers at level 1, etc. the next step is learning how you fit into a winning team strategy. Yes you know its good to play your hero like this, but why is it good? Having that understanding keeps everyone focused on the overall goal of a win.

This way you know, that even if you're getting ganked/rolled/got a bad matchup, if you recognize your place on the team and what you contribute, and likewise, what your other teammate's roles are, you can still see a win in the distance even if you're getting owned. Players without that vision of the whole match are the ones you see rage quitting after getting killed once or twice at the start of the map or threatening to afk/feed if you don't concede.
[quote name='rumarudrathas']I mean, I get the beauty in the complexity and execution, but with the barriers of entry being so high, how can they even appeal to players outside of a niche audience (which is one of the lynch pin for a level of commercial success)?[/QUOTE]
In my experiences (in DotA), it seems you generally need to have a friend teach you how to play [properly] before you can begin playing with any form of success.
Did anyone ever start a CAG clan by chance? Been playing pretty regularly again in the evenings (EST) if anyone was interested.

Have a few invites left if anyone would like as well.
no cag clan since the only people who seem to play are me and hydro there.

i play with 2 of my friends almost nightly, sometimes with hydro if he's around and not in another game already.
My brother (Tigg) and I (halfbent) play at least a game or two nightly if you guys wanted to at least consider making one, that's 5 right there. :)
i would, but me and my friends are already in our own clan, [Cz] Cheese.

if you guys don't get enough you're welcome to join

i just added you guys to my friends list. about this time is when we start, 7-8pm PST and usually play until 12-1am

My HoN name is ck64.
ay whats up wit chu mang.

i still see shmag almost nightly though we have epic fail timing so haven't been playing, and i see tigg from time to time, but ive still never seen you on
epic fail timing, a wicked borderlands on 360 addiction, and now changing to 2nd shift and dragon age. :(

I've only gotten in a handful of games since the stat reset unfortunately.
bread's done