School Shooting in Oxnard....


Try being 5,000 miles away from home and have your daughter's school involved with a student shooting. My wife sent me 3 emails to try to call home. Here is the story if no one seen it:

My daughter said it was because the shooter thought the other kid was gay. Kids are ridiculous. What ever happened to a good fight where the only thing inqured is your ego covered with a few bruises. Damn kids these days are all pussies. It is easier for them to pull a trigger and shoot someone from behind than it is to face them and deal with it face-to-face.

I am just glad no one ran off a full clip or anything. Luckily all the other kids were safe and they even had to retun to school today. Crazy!
Whats going on with kids these days? I still however think Ventura County is safe, but good to hear your daughter is safe.
I'm glad to hear that your daughter is safe, and I'm even happier to know that the kid that got shot seems to be doing okay. The second link says he's able to communicate with the hospital staff.
That is outrageous. In the middle of a fucking class. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I wonder what will happen to the kid. Idiots like that don't belong in society.
That's as low as one can get... I hope the injured child comes out okay and that the shooter be tried as an adult and at least serve some serious time.
Well, I spoke to my wife and the kid that was shot, died tonight. He was talking okay and even told police why he was shot. He had a stroke and died from it (that is what my wife said the local news reported). Apparently, my daughter and a few of her friends knew the kid that was shot. They tried to visit the grieving counselor at school today but they were not allowed and told that it was an excuse to get out of class. fucking school should not even be in session the following day of a shooting (at least until security gets their heads out their ass') and now they are turning kids away for counseling? I told my wife she better file a complaint. I am just glad I move in September. That school is in desperate need of new guidance.
That is messed up that she could not get access to grief counseling.

While they don't have an office in Ventura county(only Riverside and Orange), you might get some help from

They're a great organization I had the honor of serving with a few years back.
[quote name='lilboo']Am I missing something?
This took place in 8th grade class?
...but the shooter and victim were 15 years old??[/quote]

About 24 students were in the lab working on projects for their English class

They were outside of a real class but still on school premises if I read correctly.

So either:
a) the kid was a reject and held back a few times

or more likely...
b) there were mixed classes in the lab.
I guess he was held back a few times. My daughter is only 12. I thought the school was messed up to put 6-8 grades together. 7th and 8th is close in age and maturity. I just feel bad for the family of the boy that died. If it was me, I would probably be thinking eye for an eye. I just could not imaging their loss over something so stupid.
[quote name='help1']Another reason why we should be more liberal with gun control. Oh, wait...[/QUOTE]

The only problem with gun control here is that a kid got ahold of it. Regardless of restrictions on gun control, unless you completely eliminate guns (a la Japan), people who want guns will find a way to get them.
thats real sad. I hope the family of the victim can cope. Glad your daughter is safe, and that bastard better be locked up in jail.
[quote name='lordwow']The only problem with gun control here is that a kid got ahold of it. Regardless of restrictions on gun control, unless you completely eliminate guns (a la Japan), people who want guns will find a way to get them.[/quote]

Unless you still want guns and have connections a la the Yakuza.
bread's done