school shooting


National news seems pretty weak with news on the latest school shooting, but the semi-local paper posted this story ,

Jeff Weise, the suspect in Monday's Red Lake, Minn., school shooting, began posting comments on the Web site more than a year ago. He first began posting using the name Todesengel, meaning "death angel" in German. He later used the name NativeNazi in response to a name given to him by another person posting on the site.

The following are Weise's posts unedited:

Title: Native American Nationalists?

Post by Todesengel on Mar 19th, 2004, 12:09am

Hello all.

My name is Jeff Weise, a Native American from the Red Lake "Indian" reservation in Minnesota. I'm interested in joining the group, as I support your ideals and even though I am young, I still want to join. What is the age requirement (if any)?

Post by Todesengel on Mar 19th, 2004, 1:15am

Thank you.

What brings me to the forum? Well, I stumbled across the site in my study of the Third Reich as well as Nazism, amongst other things. I guess I've always carried a natural admiration for Hitler and his ideals, and his courage to take on larger nations. I also have a natural dis-like for communism.

When I was growing up, I was taught (like others) that Nazi's were (are) evil and that Hitler was a very evil man ect... Of course, not for a second did I believe this. Upon reading up on his actions, the ideals and issues the German Third Reich adressed, I began to see how much of a lie had been painted about them. They truly were doing it for the better.

It kind of angers me how people pass pre-judgement on someone if they even so much as say something like "I support what Hitler did," without even hearing what you have to say. This goes double if you're ethnic. I also hear things like, "oh he had syphilis, he was crazy and thats why he did what he did." Or, "he molested his neice," it's easy to see that even today people are trying to destroy the image of a man who deserves great respect...

Post by Todesengel on Mar 25th, 2004, 8:27pm

Once I commit myself to something, I stay until the end...

Post by Todesengel on Apr 19th, 2004, 11:41pm

Hmn, after a recent discussion with some misinformed people I had to ask you guys, why are people so close minded?

By the way, I'm being blamed for a threat on the school I attend because someone said they were going to shoot up the school on 4/20, Hitlers birthday, and just because I claim being a National Socialist, guess whom they've pinned?

Post by Todesengel on May 26th, 2004, 2:27am

You encounter a lot of hostility when you claim to be a National Socialist, but because of my size and appearance people don't give me as much trouble as they would if I looked weak. I already had a fist fight with a communist not to long ago over me being what I am (I also won), but it was worth it. I don't try to hide what I am from anyone, if they're going to start something over it then fine, I'm not backing down; Nor am I hiding. I try not to be aggressive in most situations, I'll use force if I have to, but I'm not about to go out and pick a fight. I'm mostly defensive, I'll defend myself if someone tries something but other than that I'm a peaceful person.

But the school threat passed and I was cleared as a suspect, I'm glad for that. I don't much care for jail, I've never been there and I don't plan on it.

Either way, I was wondering if there was a way to become a more active member, besides posting on this board I can't really think of anything else to do. I could do some recruiting, but a lot of the people I socialize with are against Nazism whole-heartedly, I managed to sway a few opinions in the favor of the movement none the less, and there is also a few of my "friends" who only like Hitler because they think Nazi's are "cool." Which I agree with, don't get me wrong, but they aren't as serious about it as I am.

Any ideas?

I may young, but I'm willing to help.

Post by NativeNazi on Jul 19th, 2004, 11:33am

Apparently a lot of people have never heard of a Native American National Socialist, which surprises me.

I think most people on this Reservation would respond well to the racial question if it was disguised.

For example, if I asked your average teenager on this reservation: "Are you proud to be Native?" The answer I would get is, "hell yeah dawg."

Now for some reason, I would find myself asking "if you're so proud to be Native, then why do you walk, talk, act, and dress like an African American?"

But I always refrain from doing so.

The only one's who oppose my views are the teachers at the high school, and a large portion of the student body who think a Nazi is a Klansman, or a White Supremacist thug.

Most of the Natives I know have been poisoned by what they were taught in school. The basic "Nazi Bad, Jew Good. Defend Jew at all costs." You get the idea, the public school system has done more harm then good, and as a result it has left many on this reservation misled and misinformed.

But you are right about us Natives having a lot of pride in our heritage. I own my share of "Native Pride" shirts and sweaters, and I see many more in school, yet they are still outnumbered by your basic Rap culture paraphernalia.

I haven't given too much thought to the way our land would be divided or how it would work, so thanks for bringing it up.

What ways has the Jewish power affected us in General? Ever since the Jewish postwar propaganda has been taught in our school systems (on reservations), a lot have been brainwashed into thinking purity is wrong, at least that's my take on it. I can't help but notice how many pure blooded Natives there are left since…

Sorry if I didn't answer some of the questions in the ways you had hoped, but I'm a little tired right now. I'd be happy to field anymore questions you may have for me though.

Post by NativeNazi on Jul 20th, 2004, 4:17pm

Anymore Native American NS's? Not right now, though I'm thinking of recruiting a few for the party once school starts up again.

About the wannabe's, I call them "n-iggers," since technically that's what they are. Native - Iggers, though I tend not to use the term so much in public for obvious reasons.

Right now I know about two people on the Rez who share my beliefs, but they don't share them entirely.

The teachers at my school are all white (besides the Ojibwe language teacher) , yet the times I have brought up that Native Women and Black men, or White women and Native men shouldn't be together to keep their blood pure, I've been called a racist. When I bring up the point that our tribe (the Ojibwe) is mixed a lot and is in need of more pure bloods, I get the same old argument which seems to be so common around here. "We need to mix all the races, to combine all the strengths…" ect ect. It gets old real quick when you hear the same argument over and over.

They (teachers) don't openly say that racial purity is wrong, yet when you speak your mind on the subject you get "silenced" real quick by the teachers and likeminded school officials …
I was trying to find more about this story on the CNN, FN, and MSNBC last night, but all they seemed to be showing was Schiavo coverage. It's real sad that this story didn't receive more coverage. Only three more people died in the columbine massacre, but it was the hugest story for a while. Is it because it took place on an indian reservation rather than in a white middle class community, or are they just trying to keep stories like this on a low profile to try and prevent copy cats?
[quote name='maccabee72']I was trying to find more about this story on the CNN, FN, and MSNBC last night, but all they seemed to be showing was Schiavo coverage. It's real sad that this story didn't receive more coverage. Only three more people died in the columbine massacre, but it was the hugest story for a while. Is it because it took place on an indian reservation rather than in a white middle class community, or are they just trying to keep stories like this on a low profile to try and prevent copy cats?[/quote]

This site has the most coverage so far,
[quote name='Mr.Answer'][quote name='maccabee72']I was trying to find more about this story on the CNN, FN, and MSNBC last night, but all they seemed to be showing was Schiavo coverage. It's real sad that this story didn't receive more coverage. Only three more people died in the columbine massacre, but it was the hugest story for a while. Is it because it took place on an indian reservation rather than in a white middle class community, or are they just trying to keep stories like this on a low profile to try and prevent copy cats?[/quote]

This site has the most coverage so far,[/quote]

Thanks for the info. That's just what I was looking for. I still question why this story didn't receive more coverage. Does anybody have any insight?
[quote name='maccabee72']Thanks for the info. That's just what I was looking for. I still question why this story didn't receive more coverage. Does anybody have any insight?[/quote]

I think you may have already hit that nail on the head:

[quote name='maccabee72']Is it because it took place on an indian reservation rather than in a white middle class community...?[/quote]

It's a sad state of affairs but let's all face facts that for all the noise made by other race-oriented groups, Native Americans are North America's true second-class citizens. It's a terrible situation that exists from Alaska and the Northwest Territories right down through Mexico -- if you've been here for more than 500 years you are either invisible or in the way.

And I think we've seen adequate demonstration of what happens when native groups get in the way.
[quote name='two_bad_neighbors']Looks like the news is now getting to the Neo-Nazi aspects ogf the shooter.[/quote]

are u a neo-nazi or are you referring to hitler being bad in that avatar of yours?
[quote name='tyecko'][quote name='two_bad_neighbors']Looks like the news is now getting to the Neo-Nazi aspects ogf the shooter.[/quote]

are u a neo-nazi or are you referring to hitler being bad in that avatar of yours?[/quote]

Two bad neighbors. It's a Simpson's thing, and I wouldn't want to live next next to Hitler. Hitler is a jerk, Mussolini bit his weenie, that's why it wont work.
[quote name='Fanboy'][quote name='maccabee72']Thanks for the info. That's just what I was looking for. I still question why this story didn't receive more coverage. Does anybody have any insight?[/quote]

I think you may have already hit that nail on the head:

[quote name='maccabee72']Is it because it took place on an indian reservation rather than in a white middle class community...?[/quote]

It's a sad state of affairs but let's all face facts that for all the noise made by other race-oriented groups, Native Americans are North America's true second-class citizens. It's a terrible situation that exists from Alaska and the Northwest Territories right down through Mexico -- if you've been here for more than 500 years you are either invisible or in the way.

And I think we've seen adequate demonstration of what happens when native groups get in the way.[/quote]

Oddly enough, I found the bbc is giving more coverage than american media. Also, while I agree with you on natives, I don't think that's the case here. Columbine was something that suprised everyone, that it could actually happen. That's why this isn't getting the coverage, it's shocking but not suprising or something unheard of.
I live a little more than a hour south of Red Lake. I've never been there, but I think I remember playing them at basketball tournaments. I don't mean to sound racist, but most people try to avoid the reservations. Unfortunately, this tragic incident is just going to reflect badly on the Native American communities.

It's surreal to hear these small towns I've always known of being mentioned on national news.
[quote name='alonzomourning23'][quote name='Fanboy'][quote name='maccabee72']Thanks for the info. That's just what I was looking for. I still question why this story didn't receive more coverage. Does anybody have any insight?[/quote]

I think you may have already hit that nail on the head:

[quote name='maccabee72']Is it because it took place on an indian reservation rather than in a white middle class community...?[/quote]

It's a sad state of affairs but let's all face facts that for all the noise made by other race-oriented groups, Native Americans are North America's true second-class citizens. It's a terrible situation that exists from Alaska and the Northwest Territories right down through Mexico -- if you've been here for more than 500 years you are either invisible or in the way.

And I think we've seen adequate demonstration of what happens when native groups get in the way.[/quote]

Oddly enough, I found the bbc is giving more coverage than american media. Also, while I agree with you on natives, I don't think that's the case here. Columbine was something that suprised everyone, that it could actually happen. That's why this isn't getting the coverage, it's shocking but not suprising or something unheard of.[/quote]

Yeah typically as a "news phenomenon" like school shootings occur more often they get less and less news coverage. I think there was another in MN like a little over a year ago that got very little coverage. Just as many school shooting have occured in the past 2 or 3 years as there was in 199 and the following couple years, but because it's not this shocking new thing it doesn't recieve too much national 24/7 news coverage.
For an outcast, someone who is looking for something to grasp onto and has problems with generally accepted logic, sites like attempt to portray themselves as harmless. Here's an excerpt from a recent article:

He hopes to sum up all of what Adolf Hitler stood for as "hatred," although Hitler did many things which were not hateful. Did you know that he established the first comprehensive environmental policy in a modern government? Or that he pulled all of Germany out of hopelessness and poverty? Or that he fought against cigarettes, which he saw as the cause of cancer, years before the medical establishment proclaimed the same?.....
While we are told day after day about genocide in Europe during WWII, the attention is almost entirely shifted to the Jewish experience, for which we have plenty of movies and Holocaust Museums in every major city, but sleights what happened to the Russian, German, Ukranian and Polish populations who fell into the hands of their enemies. Furthermore, there seems to be a paranoia surrounding the Holocaust which requires that its official story be defended with legal action and imprisonment for those who do not believe.

At the LNSG, our view is that Zionism is a form of National Socialism, and, as such, we accept Jews as our brothers and support the establishment of an Israeli state, so long as it can work peacefully with our Arab Nationalist brothers as well. We believe the reason Jews were driven out of Europe was that every population can only exist by itself, or it is assimilated, and thus the lesson of WWII for world Jewry is that they cannot remain nationless. The LNSG is committed to helping all races, including Jews, establish and defend their national land, genetics, culture and language........
It seems to us at the LNSG that he has not read our website. Every online community tries to draw people into a group of the like-minded, much as online dating services provide a "Common Interests" area for each applicant. While it seems to us that many extremist groups, including many of the "White Nationalist" and "White Power" variety, are motivated by bigotry, it is no greater bigotry than the USA and Israel are displaying toward Arabs. We suggest, therefore, that Foxman's statement is itself bigotry, and that for humanity to move on, all of us must leave behind bigotry without giving up our right to assert independence for each nation of common ethnic-cultural origin.

Outcasts are more likely to look openly at fringe ideas and, when phrased properly, dangerous views don't always seem as such.

Edit: I also noticed that in official topics racist terms don't seem to be used. For example, african americans are referred to as such. Also, the message boards, there seems to be somewhat of a divide. Most seem truly racist, others seem less so and more confused over what nazis really stand for. They seem willing to say all races have benefits and should just be separate. There is also a strange concern for the environment from the majority of people, strange for such a group. Much of the site simply seems to be a wolf in sheeps clothing.
[quote name='starman9000']Here is a story with the necessary connections to trench coats, video games, and Marylin Manson.

Not this shit again... :nottalking:
[quote name='Lizard Axe'][quote name='starman9000']Here is a story with the necessary connections to trench coats, video games, and Marylin Manson.

Not this shit again... :nottalking:[/quote]

Yeah I was guessing it'd be about 24 hours or so before some news article or congressman or something tried to pin the blame on video games and rock music.
[quote name='screwkick']That is a disturbing site.[/quote]

Agreed, however I would rather this than the tub girl site...*shivers*
he enjoyed Goth music such as performed by Marilyn Manson. "He was constantly drawing stuff in his notebook that was evil and dark,"


no disrespect to anyone, im simply laughing at the state of journalism ^^
[quote name='punqsux']
he enjoyed Goth music such as performed by Marilyn Manson. "He was constantly drawing stuff in his notebook that was evil and dark,"


no disrespect to anyone, im simply laughing at the state of journalism ^^[/quote]

I swear, if people read my scribbles, or saw my drawings, I'd be screwed. The shit I put on paper (and actually keep) is demented.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin'][quote name='punqsux']
he enjoyed Goth music such as performed by Marilyn Manson. "He was constantly drawing stuff in his notebook that was evil and dark,"


no disrespect to anyone, im simply laughing at the state of journalism ^^[/quote]

I swear, if people read my scribbles, or saw my drawings, I'd be screwed. The shit I put on paper (and actually keep) is demented.[/quote]

My junior high and high school years were filled with strange stories. My proudest are one of my classmates being publicly humiliated and then having a cannibal kill and consume him (hey, he wanted people to use him in their stories, though for some reason he didn't like mine), that was in 7th grade. Another was an advertisement for people who wanted to become cannibals, that was 11th grade. Another was, on a vocab exam where we had to write 10 sentences, my theme for one week was people being impaled on stakes. in 8th grade. Another was in 12th grade creative writing where I had an entire family killed. That was just the stuff I passed in.
[quote name='alonzomourning23'][quote name='SneakyPenguin'][quote name='punqsux']
he enjoyed Goth music such as performed by Marilyn Manson. "He was constantly drawing stuff in his notebook that was evil and dark,"


no disrespect to anyone, im simply laughing at the state of journalism ^^[/quote]

I swear, if people read my scribbles, or saw my drawings, I'd be screwed. The shit I put on paper (and actually keep) is demented.[/quote]

My junior high and high school years were filled with strange stories. My proudest are one of my classmates being publicly humiliated and then having a cannibal kill and consume him (hey, he wanted people to use him in their stories, though for some reason he didn't like mine), that was in 7th grade. Another was an advertisement for people who wanted to become cannibals, that was 11th grade. Another was, on a vocab exam where we had to write 10 sentences, my theme for one week was people being impaled on stakes. in 8th grade. Another was in 12th grade creative writing where I had an entire family killed. That was just the stuff I passed in.[/quote]

So far my best this year was screaming "I'M GONNA KILL ALL YOU BITCHES!" as loud as I could right outside school as everyone was going to the busses. Too bad not a single person reacted.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin'][quote name='alonzomourning23'][quote name='SneakyPenguin'][quote name='punqsux']
he enjoyed Goth music such as performed by Marilyn Manson. "He was constantly drawing stuff in his notebook that was evil and dark,"


no disrespect to anyone, im simply laughing at the state of journalism ^^[/quote]

I swear, if people read my scribbles, or saw my drawings, I'd be screwed. The shit I put on paper (and actually keep) is demented.[/quote]

My junior high and high school years were filled with strange stories. My proudest are one of my classmates being publicly humiliated and then having a cannibal kill and consume him (hey, he wanted people to use him in their stories, though for some reason he didn't like mine), that was in 7th grade. Another was an advertisement for people who wanted to become cannibals, that was 11th grade. Another was, on a vocab exam where we had to write 10 sentences, my theme for one week was people being impaled on stakes. in 8th grade. Another was in 12th grade creative writing where I had an entire family killed. That was just the stuff I passed in.[/quote]

So far my best this year was screaming "I'M GONNA KILL ALL YOU BITCHES!" as loud as I could right outside school as everyone was going to the busses. Too bad not a single person reacted.[/quote]

I DARE you to try that again tomorrow.
[quote name='Lizard Axe'][quote name='SneakyPenguin'][quote name='alonzomourning23'][quote name='SneakyPenguin'][quote name='punqsux']
he enjoyed Goth music such as performed by Marilyn Manson. "He was constantly drawing stuff in his notebook that was evil and dark,"


no disrespect to anyone, im simply laughing at the state of journalism ^^[/quote]

I swear, if people read my scribbles, or saw my drawings, I'd be screwed. The shit I put on paper (and actually keep) is demented.[/quote]

My junior high and high school years were filled with strange stories. My proudest are one of my classmates being publicly humiliated and then having a cannibal kill and consume him (hey, he wanted people to use him in their stories, though for some reason he didn't like mine), that was in 7th grade. Another was an advertisement for people who wanted to become cannibals, that was 11th grade. Another was, on a vocab exam where we had to write 10 sentences, my theme for one week was people being impaled on stakes. in 8th grade. Another was in 12th grade creative writing where I had an entire family killed. That was just the stuff I passed in.[/quote]

So far my best this year was screaming "I'M GONNA KILL ALL YOU BITCHES!" as loud as I could right outside school as everyone was going to the busses. Too bad not a single person reacted.[/quote]

I DARE you to try that again tomorrow.[/quote]

im not telling sneakys story for him, but i feel that had i done this in high school (i was in high school when columbine happened too) i would have gotten the same non-existant response that he did, because outside of my friends, people didnt even know i existed, which i have come to greatly appreciate ^^
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='Lizard Axe'][quote name='SneakyPenguin'][quote name='alonzomourning23'][quote name='SneakyPenguin'][quote name='punqsux']
he enjoyed Goth music such as performed by Marilyn Manson. "He was constantly drawing stuff in his notebook that was evil and dark,"


no disrespect to anyone, im simply laughing at the state of journalism ^^[/quote]

I swear, if people read my scribbles, or saw my drawings, I'd be screwed. The shit I put on paper (and actually keep) is demented.[/quote]

My junior high and high school years were filled with strange stories. My proudest are one of my classmates being publicly humiliated and then having a cannibal kill and consume him (hey, he wanted people to use him in their stories, though for some reason he didn't like mine), that was in 7th grade. Another was an advertisement for people who wanted to become cannibals, that was 11th grade. Another was, on a vocab exam where we had to write 10 sentences, my theme for one week was people being impaled on stakes. in 8th grade. Another was in 12th grade creative writing where I had an entire family killed. That was just the stuff I passed in.[/quote]

So far my best this year was screaming "I'M GONNA KILL ALL YOU BITCHES!" as loud as I could right outside school as everyone was going to the busses. Too bad not a single person reacted.[/quote]

I DARE you to try that again tomorrow.[/quote]

im not telling sneakys story for him, but i feel that had i done this in high school (i was in high school when columbine happened too) i would have gotten the same non-existant response that he did, because outside of my friends, people didnt even know i existed, which i have come to greatly appreciate ^^[/quote]

I have no idea what would have happened if I did that. People who were in my classes and friends knew me, I was probably the liberal, hippy kid in school and I had a lot of nonwhite friends (about 95% of my grade was white). I was very vocal and stubborn about those things, so they knew I didn't have all the dangerous ideas when it came to politics and stuff, just my stories were very dark. I was very, very quiet outside of my friends and some classes (I said almost nothing in certain classes, like biology, but wouldn't shutup in others). The only reason people knew me outside of that was because I had been there the whole time, 6th-12th grade. Only about 10 other people were (out of 120 in my graduating class). Basically, if I wasn't so outspoken in some classes, and was more racist (a lot of kids at my school were), maybe people would have viewed me differently. Then again, I've always been the type who would say random/dangerous sounding things. If someone had asked me to yell "I'm gonna kill you all" I probably would have. It would have just been a huge joke to me.
[quote name='javeryh']I am scared as hell to let my daughter leave the house knowing that shit like this could happen.[/quote]

Your daughter has a far far better chance of getting killed by a car on the way to school or even struck by lightning than being killed by someone with a gun at school. Your fear of this is completely unfounded.
[quote name='ElwoodCuse'][quote name='javeryh']I am scared as hell to let my daughter leave the house knowing that shit like this could happen.[/quote]

Your daughter has a far far better chance of getting killed by a car on the way to school or even struck by lightning than being killed by someone with a gun at school. Your fear of this is completely unfounded.[/quote]

just great. now I'm scared of cars and lightning.
Its really sad that someone would take a gun to school and start shooting people. I hope it never happens at my school, or to any other school.
I think we're missing the bigger picture... If we didn't have Indians, we wouldn't have school shootings.

I think the incident deserves and should have gotten more attention. The root of all this needs to be shared with everyone so these things don't have to happen.
[quote name='Kayden']I think we're missing the bigger picture... If we didn't have Indians, we wouldn't have school shootings.


Or if we didn't have Minnesota we wouldn't have school shootings.

Minnesota, land of 10,000 lakes and 2 consecutive national school shootings.

That's Minnesota nice for you I guess.
bread's done