Score the 360 controller and Dual Shock 3 and see if you agree with me


I've decided to do a comparison between the controller pad for the 360 and the DS3. I want some participation so I can tally up a final score for the two game system controllers. All I ask is that you use my scoring system. For each aspect the rating system works like this:

-3 Heavily despised aspect of the controller
-2 A strong negative aspect
-1 slight negative factor
0 Makes no difference to you at all
+1 Feature is appreciated but it's not that big of a deal
+2 A strong positive factor
+3 An aspect of your controller that is a really big deal to you

Alright, here we go. Remember, this is all about opinions, and here are mine:

360 controller:
VERY comfortable to hold +3
Has a good amount of weight to it: +1
Nice triggers +2
crappy D-pad -2
Has rumble technology: +2
Indented thumbsticks are great for your thumbs: +1
Thumbstick movements aren't too loose: +1
It's wireless: +2
Battery compartment is bulky so large handed guys might not like that: -1
Lacks pressure sensitive buttons that the S controller had: -1
Turns on console: +1
Has primary joystick (the one on the left) on the far left side of the controller instead of further away so you don't have to stretch your thumb too far: +2
Available in a few colors: +1
Batteries can be swapped if you don't want to ever game with a wire attached to your controller: +1
Requires that you buy a recharger/NiMH batteries for battery power or else a pack of nonrechargeable batteries: 0
Comes as a pack-in with the game system-- rumble and all: +1
*EDIT* Lacks tilt-sensing technology: -1


PS3 DS3 controller:
comfortable to hold: +2
Has a good amount of weight to it (better than sixaxis): +1
Triggers aren't really that great of a design, but you can adapt: -1
D-pad is recessed, but it has good accuracy: +2
Has rumble technology: +2
Thumbsticks convex surface: 0
Thumbstick movements are a little loose, but not terrible: 0
It's wireless: +2
No bulky battery compartment like the 360 controller: +1
Has pressure sensitive face buttons: +2
Turns on console: +1
Has symmetric joystick positions: -1
Available in black and white: +1
Need to charge it by connecting it with a wire to your system from time to time: -1
Doesn't require batteries to be purchased: +1
Doesn't come as a pack-in with the game system so you have to pay extra to experience gameplay with the rumble feature: -1
*EDIT* Has tilt-sensing technology: +1

My totals:

360 controller--> 13
PS3 controller--> 12

Let's here scores from others. . .
I'm not going to take the time to score everything :p.

IMO the 360 controller would be perfect if its d-pad just wasn't so shitty. Fortunately the d-pad isn't that important in most games. I don't/won't own a PS3 so I haven't tried any of the new controllers, but my biggest complaints from the PS2 was just that there weren't triggers and the d-pad and left joystick should be switched. I think the 360 controller is a little more ergonomic as well.
I use and like both. I agree that the 360 controller could use a better d-pad and the Dual Shock 3 could use better triggers for R2/L2. They're a little uncomfortable to me after awhile.
Even with the crappy D-pad, I greatly prefer the feel of the 360 controller.

I recommend checking out the sanding/cardboard insert trick if you really want to use your d-pad.
The 360 controller relies too heavily on the triggers. Not every game should use the triggers as the main buttons. Also, the fact buttons (A, B, X, Y) are a tad too small. Also, the d-pad is horrendous.

The DS3 controller has mediocre triggers. They're not as terrible. But a step above the SA controller. There is nothing wrong with the symmetrical design. If there was, the PS1 would've flopped. At least the d-pad is good.
I've always found MS controllers to be the sturdiest feeling controllers of their respective generations. They felt like could go through a war, and be perfectly fine on the other side. Admittedly, there are d-pad issues, but I've found that the d-pad is becoming more and more something that people EXPECT to be on a controller, not something that NEEDS to be there. There are certain games that still use them, but I forsee the d-pad going away almost completely in a generation or two, with the exception of 'classic controllers' for playing older games. I mean, look at the GC, Xbox, 360, and Wii controllers... the d-pad is obviously an after-thought, with little time or effort put behind it.

Anyway, that was a little off-topic, sorry.

I greatly prefer the 360 controller for two reasons.

1. It's sturdy, and I find everything to be placed well.

2. I've ALWAYS, ALWAYS hated the DualShock. Why everyone thinks it's the 'best controller ever' has consistently baffled me over the years.
I love the 360 controller. And the d-pad doesn't bother me one bit. Why not? Because I don't freaking use it! I can play fighting games and all of the oldschool arcade games just fine with the analog stick.
[quote name='KingBroly']The 360 controller relies too heavily on the triggers. Not every game should use the triggers as the main buttons.[/QUOTE]
*thinks of games off the top of his head*

Prince of Persia
Jade Empire
Blue Dragon

Okay. Prince of Persia: RT - wall run/block, LT - rewind time. Main buttons? Really? Meh.

Jade Empire: RT/LT cycle through enemies in combat mode. MAIN buttons? You only use them in combat! And they're not even the "main buttons" (whatever the fuck that means) in combat mode!

Condemnd: LT - block, RT - swing/fire. Okay? RT adds a visceral feel to the swinging and firing. Same for blocking. Why the fuck is this a problem? And how are they the "main buttons"? I suppose you use them "the most", but it's not even the main action button.

Oblivion: same as Condemned

Blue Dragon: LT - camera RT - target reticel/menu... "main" buttons?

You confuse me.
[quote name='SpazX']
IMO the 360 controller would be perfect if its d-pad just wasn't so shitty. [/quote]

[quote name='SpazX']
...but my biggest complaints from the PS2 was just that there weren't triggers and the d-pad and left joystick should be switched. I think the 360 controller is a little more ergonomic as well.[/QUOTE]

Those two nail it for me. 360 controller is spot on, minus the d-pad sucking.

The dual shocks are ok, could be a bit bigger. With the main BIG draw back being that the side by side layout of the analog sticks is terrible for dual analog games, and not having triggers sucks for shooters.
[quote name='TimPV3']How does "doesn't need to buy more batteries" count as 0 points for the PS3 controller? This is rigged.[/QUOTE]

As stated in the original post, my scores were based on my OPINION. A zero means it's not really a big deal to me personally to have to grab a couple rechargeable batteries or not. The fact of the matter is that I'd rather throw batteries that have been freshly recharged into my controller than have to play my games with a wire attached while the thing recharges. . .

If you don't like my zero score in that category, you could provide your scores (your opinions) and it could provide for a good comparison. I'd like to see if my scores are close to what other people would get. . .
I don't see the pressure sensitive face buttons as important enough to merit +/- 2 points. I never found any use for them in the xbox games that supported the feature, and I found pressure sensitivity annoying in the PS2 games that did support it.(read: MGS3)
[quote name='UnderwaterMadman']I find the DS3 to be to damn small.[/QUOTE]

That's pretty much included in the "comfortable to hold" category. Go ahead and provide your scores so we can see if the DS3's other features would help make up for the comfort issue. . .
I think it would be more fair of a vote once the dual shock 3 is commonly available and people have had time with it. 360 will already get favored due to it's time in people's hands compared to the dual shock 3's time.
[quote name='looploop']I don't see the pressure sensitive face buttons as important enough to merit +/- 2 points. I never found any use for them in the xbox games that supported the feature, and I found pressure sensitivity annoying in the PS2 games that did support it.(read: MGS3)[/QUOTE]

I'm really into racing games, and I'm glad they kept the analog face buttons (unlike the 360 controller which made them all digital). There are some racing games where this can be more comfortable than using triggers all the time. . .

It's not a really big deal to me (otherwise I would've rated it a +3), but it is kinda important to me personally (+2).
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I think it would be more fair of a vote once the dual shock 3 is commonly available and people have had time with it. 360 will already get favored due to it's time in people's hands compared to the dual shock 3's time.[/QUOTE]

That's true, but most of us spent a lot of the time with the DS2 on PS2, and issues like the analog stick placement that annoy us will be the same on the DS3 obviously.
Oops, looks like I've made an oversight. I forgot to add the category of tilt sensing technology so I've made an edit in the original post.

+1 (DS3)
-1 (360)

The score is no longer 14 to 10, but 13 to 11. Oh, and I went ahead and gave the no batteries required category for the DS3 a +1 just for fun (since I thought it'd be fairer). I guess our score is now 13 to 12.
Even though I agree with your conclusion it seems as the point system criteria is flawed. It is a fundamental over simplification to evaluate the form and function of the controllers in this manner.

I liked with the first analog and DS incarnations a lot, they were generations ahead of the competition. However, that is before I tried playing with offset analog thumb-sticks. But, I was a smaller tike then- more the size of a Japanese adult male.

I have a real hard time switching back and forth between the better layout and ergonomics of the 360 controller and the smaller DS3 controller with the symmetric analog sticks.

Because I play with pads of my thumbs and not the very tips with my meaty paws I have experienced the dreaded thumb on thumb bumping action, that is every bit as awkward, unsettling and annoying as the bro on bro unintentional hand touch.
Note: (Cue chinpokomon music) I have great big American XXXXX (hands).

The D-Pad on the 360 is undeniably terrible, but I use it so little (to the disappointment of XBLA products) that it is a lessor detraction.

The offset analog sticks have surprised and pleased me so much that I have diminished interest in seeing mouse/keyboard control support for the 360. (Understand that coming from a primarily PC gamer is a bold statement!)
I have been impressed wth how well I can fine tune the sensitivity through the XBGUI and in game options. I can't believe how well I can aim and snipe in an FPS with a controller.

This is one of strangest reasons I am less likely to buy many games for the PS3, (I would actually preferred to have had the banana/boomerang/dildo controller over the DS3) besides it's weak online users base.

If Saitek (now sadly property of Madcatz) were to sell a wireless version of the Cyborg controller for the PS3 (or 360 for that matter) with the SA tilt, rumble functionality and the movable thumb-stick it would be a slam dunk. I would by four.

I give the DS3 about 5 3/4 inches
the 360 controller about 8 3/4 inches
making the 360 controller the winner by about 3 inches.
Is that scoring arbitrarily weighted enough for everyone?
The symmetric joystick positions that you penalise on the DS3 are one of its features for me.

I find they're perfectly located.

And convex vs concave analog sticks? Does it really matter?
Indented thumbpads are just right for me. The Dual Shock has the rubber coating on the thumbpads and that's nice, but the convex shape doesn't really do much for me. It's just a silly preference, but nevertheless a preference.
[quote name='Nephlabobo']The symmetric joystick positions that you penalise on the DS3 are one of its features for me.

I find they're perfectly located.

And convex vs concave analog sticks? Does it really matter?[/quote]

Well small handed people need love to. It's not about the size of the hands that matter...

No, convex versus concave = tomayto vs tomahto.
My biggest complaint against all of Sony's controllers is the analog stick isn't in the primary thumb spot like on the 360. Stretching for the analog stick isn't the most natural feeling in the world. I can kind of understand not doing it on the original Dual Shock since it was essentially an optional upgrade over the original Playstation controller but not switching it for the PS2 and now on the PS3 is in my opinion nearly idiotic on Sony's part. Microsoft and Nintendo got their analog sticks placed correctly, why Sony hasn't is beyond me.

That said, the Playstation controllers' d-pad are ten times better than the d-pad on the 360.
[quote name='captainfrizo']My biggest complaint against all of Sony's controllers is the analog stick isn't in the primary thumb spot like on the 360. Stretching for the analog stick isn't the most natural feeling in the world. I can kind of understand not doing it on the original Dual Shock since it was essentially an optional upgrade over the original Playstation controller but not switching it for the PS2 and now on the PS3 is in my opinion nearly idiotic on Sony's part. Microsoft and Nintendo got their analog sticks placed correctly, why Sony hasn't is beyond me.[/QUOTE]

I don't think its idiotic on Sony's part. I like the 360's controller too but I actually prefer DS analog stick placement over the 360's. It doesn't feel unnatural to me. On internet forums, I see a lot of hate for DS's analog but to me it's all personal preference IMO.
i prefer the 360 conroller..

the PS3 controller's triggers are horrible

i hate convex analog hands are naturally sweaty and they dont stay on the DS analog sticks well after some heavy gaming

i dont know what exactly it is but the DS analog sticks feel week and fragile to me and there is also no resistance to them what so ever....the 360 controller analog sticks feel heavy duty like they have some weight to them..

i also hate the placement of the analog sticks on the DS ... feels like my thumbs are in a prolonged pointing match

dont you have to re-sync the PS3 controller a lot by plugging in the cable and letting the PS3 recognize it for wireless use...i heard something about that a while back but i dont know if that's been resolved
I tend to like the Dpad for fighting and sports games. Both controllers are good but they do have their faults. For the Dual Shock, I think the analog sticks aren't as good as they should be and the L2 and R2 should be more like the 360's triggers. The 360 controller, I hate the Dpad and the location of it. I like having the analog sticks next to each other. Some weird bizarre love child between the two controllers could be the perfect controller for me.
Haha, I saw this posted on GameFAQs, and all of you just fell into a GameFAQs caliber topic.


I never tried the DS3, but I tried the regular PS3 controller, felt like I could snap it, and the "triggers" always felt broken to me. The 360's D-Pad has problems, but atleast that isn't a vital part of the games I play.
[quote name='help1']Haha, I saw this posted on GameFAQs, and all of you just fell into a GameFAQs caliber topic.[/QUOTE]

Haha, you read GameFAQs forums.

Two can play at this game.
Hey, wait a minute-- you just fell into participating in this topic with your "edit"!

BTW, that was just a practice run over at Gamefaqs. This is the real thing (I added a lot of stuff).
I hate how often I have to charge the Xbox 360 controller. When I leave it on to charge, my 360 makes it sounds like a helicopter is landing in my room. It's all connected too, because if you say charge it while I watch a movie, I don't watch movies on the 360 because it's so damn loud.

The SixAxis is okay, but it's very small and light to me. It works good for games I got used to on PS2 (Smackdown) but I prefer the 360 controller for FPS games.
[quote name='ItsTrueItsTrue92']I hate how often I have to charge the Xbox 360 controller. When I leave it on to charge, my 360 makes it sounds like a helicopter is landing in my room. It's all connected too, because if you say charge it while I watch a movie, I don't watch movies on the 360 because it's so damn loud.

Buy the quick charge kit. Or just use rechargable AAs. Or you can plug the play and charge into a USB port on your PC and charge it that way as well.

I hate the play and charge for just the reason you mention. The 360 stays in standby, thus you're putting wear and tear on an already flakey console, and you get the noise from the fans. And it's just too much hassle to hook it up to the PC.

I got a play and charge kit with a controller in a deal on amazon (was cheaper than controller buy itself normally, and then just picked up a quick charge kit both for that reason and to get the second battery (one is included) for my other controller that came with the console.
[quote name='ItsTrueItsTrue92']I hate how often I have to charge the Xbox 360 controller. When I leave it on to charge, my 360 makes it sounds like a helicopter is landing in my room. It's all connected too, because if you say charge it while I watch a movie, I don't watch movies on the 360 because it's so damn loud.

The SixAxis is okay, but it's very small and light to me. It works good for games I got used to on PS2 (Smackdown) but I prefer the 360 controller for FPS games.[/quote]

i got the black nyko play n charge and am happy with it
bread's done