Scott Brown getting ready to run for President. Pulls the molestation card.



God this teabagger sickens me. Not only has he been defiling the Kennedy seat and urinating on the Ted Kennedy's grave, he has the nerve to pull the molestation card just to get sympathy votes when he runs for President. Considering he's a Republican, he was likely the camp consoler that molested little boys, not the other way around. Typical republican lying through his teeth. Not to mention this lowlife commoner has only been senator for 2 years, and he already thinks he has the experience to be President? What a joke.
“Fortunately nothing was ever fully consummated, so to speak,” he says in the interview, “but it was certainly, back then, very traumatic. He said, ‘If you tell anybody I’ll kill you.’ ”

So, how does this work in Republican logic? Does that mean he never had to swallow a load at either end? If so, why use the terminology of "fully consummated"?! One of the definitions of consummate is that there is a conclusion. Ergo, dude is still a butthole surfer! It's Milk all over again!!
[quote name='rumblebear']Not to mention this lowlife commoner has only been senator for 2 years, and he already thinks he has the experience to be President? What a joke.[/QUOTE]

LoL, everyone knows being governor gives you the best experience to be President. Last 10 years with awesome brah.

OT, he should be praised for being brave enough to come out with this info. I can't think of a politician who admitted something like this.
[quote name='rumblebear']Not to mention this lowlife commoner has only been senator for 2 years, and he already thinks he has the experience to be President?[/QUOTE]

Quality trolling. Bravo.
Our current president never finished his first term as Senator before he took office.

Also, he's a done a fine job as Senator for MA. He's the most popular politician in MA despite being a Republican which says a lot. It takes a lot of personal courage to reveal these issues and while you may disagree with his politics, it's pretty low to rag on him for this.
[quote name='cindersphere']He is not displaying personal courage, simply trying advance his career and will most likely do nothing to help curb molestation.[/QUOTE]

To be honest, he isn't all that popular. The teabaggers that elected him aren't happy with him at all and liberals never will be. Patrick(governor of MA) has a better chance in the White House than Brown.

And yes, I'm from Boston.
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