Screenshot leaks from the Halo 3 Alpha


53 (100%)






Pretty decent.
Screenshots look good. This will be a slightly enhanced Halo 2, but I love Halo, so I'm okay with that. Have they said if online co-op is a guarantee?
If you notice, the sniper still does not have the active view in the miniview thing. That was in halo you can tell this must be lacking at the time of the photo. The way they talk about Halo 3 in the weekly update, they're adding tons of things each week.

based off that and the screenshots, it's gonna look very nice indeed
[quote name='javeryh']Gears of War has ruined my life.[/QUOTE]
TRUE! Every game I've played since then feels so bland.
Apha looks like halo 2.. know why? Cause it is the halo 2 skins.

Any1 have any pics of the spike grenade in action?
You guys do realize that we are still idk 9 months away from the final game. Also those are a pic of a tv screen so that arent very clear. Dont go crazy yet. Give them time. Bungie knows what they are doing
[quote name='slickkill77']You guys do realize that we are still idk 9 months away from the final game. Also those are a pic of a tv screen so that arent very clear. Dont go crazy yet. Give them time. Bungie knows what they are doing[/QUOTE]

Not to mention.

[quote name='Guy who works at Bungie']There will be plenty of notice and PR fanfare when the date is announced, likely followed by screenshots with things like decorators, lightmaps, atmospheric effects, and about 100 other graphic features not included in this freaking ancient Alpha networking test build.

You can all make up your minds about the graphics when it ships, but doing so based on this build is somehwat absurd.


"Decorators" are things like ferns, plants, flowers, rocks, pebbles, dust - 3D stuff that turns say, ground textures into believeably 3D ground. Valhalla, the big tree filled level, for example, is absolutely festoooned in ground cover now.

In the case of the shots here, it's all missing, because the Alpha build is very, very old.
And not designed to be screenshotted. But rather to simply test networking and be enjoyable enough to keep folks testing networking.[/QUOTE]
Remember how good the E3 trailer looked? That's how good Halo 3 will look. Bungie doesn't use CGI. (The MNF TV commercial being the first time they ever did.)
[quote name='slickkill77']You guys do realize that we are still idk 9 months away from the final game. Also those are a pic of a tv screen so that arent very clear. Dont go crazy yet. Give them time. Bungie knows what they are doing[/QUOTE]

Nope, no forgiveness, I'm not buying it now or ever.

jk. the assault rifle looks really crisp in that one pic. And it's interesting that it's curved like his visor ala Metroid.
[quote name='Apossum']Nope, no forgiveness, I'm not buying it now or ever. [/quote]
Agreed. Halo 3 sucks.
Actually, I'll probably be picking this up at launch even though I've never played Halo or Halo 2... and I own Halo 2! I saw it for $5 on clearance and couldn't pass it up - I'll crack it open one of these days but I always wanted to play Halo first...
[quote name='Pootie Thang']I agree because right now, it looks like Halo 2[/QUOTE]

Keep in mind, even if it were clearer, it's just a very rough version that'll look almost nothing like the actual H3 when it's released. Expect crappy graphics until the final product is released.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I hope nobody is actually expecting Halo 3 to look as good as gears. Your in for massive disappointment if you are.[/QUOTE]
how come? if its halo2 with some extras it will still be fun, because halo2 is still fun, im being optimistic hoping it will be great...
[quote name='thrustbucket']I hope nobody is actually expecting Halo 3 to look as good as gears. Your in for massive disappointment if you are.[/quote]

there is no substance behind such comments
[quote name='thrustbucket']I hope nobody is actually expecting Halo 3 to look as good as gears. Your in for massive disappointment if you are.[/quote]

and the reasoning behind this is?
[quote name='omgu8myrice']there is no substance behind such comments[/QUOTE]
When ever I see screen shots of an alpha build it seems the final looks almost exactly the same. Everyone just says the company is going to competely redo all the models, textures, and the entire engine. Of course they made Halo 2 in about 9 months so I could be wrong. I'm just not expecting much over what I've seen so far.
[quote name='javeryh']Agreed. Halo 3 sucks.
Actually, I'll probably be picking this up at launch even though I've never played Halo or Halo 2... and I own Halo 2! I saw it for $5 on clearance and couldn't pass it up - I'll crack it open one of these days but I always wanted to play Halo first...
Wow I didn't know that
Xbox owners who haven't played Halo and/or Halo 2 existed on this planet.
[quote name='javeryh']Agreed. Halo 3 sucks.
Actually, I'll probably be picking this up at launch even though I've never played Halo or Halo 2... and I own Halo 2! I saw it for $5 on clearance and couldn't pass it up - I'll crack it open one of these days but I always wanted to play Halo first...

wow, the only other xbox owners who haven't played Halo probably live in Japan. you are a rare breed. you should ebay yourself!

and I know what you mean about Gears. I used to like GRAW a lot. I downloaded the demo for GRAW2, got into a firefight, got in cover on a wall....and couldn't pop out to shoot!!! It just felt wrong. Now I'm not buying GRAW2 :lol:
if this game does not look next gen or similar to the e3 video not the CG video then i won't buy this shit for full price. I waited at midnight for halo 2 and that campaign was garbage, don't want to be disspointed twice.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Wow I didn't know that
Xbox owners who haven't played Halo and/or Halo 2 existed on this planet.

Well, I never had an Xbox - just the 360 now and since they are backwards compatible I picked up Halo 2 hoping to get motivated to play it one day.
didn't the 1up show say something about halo 3 looking better or about as good to what gears looks? i don't know but it doesn't seem like a big enough jump from halo 2 to blow me a way. i think it's kind of like what happened with chaos theory and double agent.
The fact of the matter is we can speculate on the interwebs all day long, but it really is pointless until they show us once and for all what it is going to look like.

These types of discussions remind me of a dog chasing its tail.

*In the Borat voice* - "Very nice!"
If Halo 3 has the same online community as Halo 2 does, then I have no interest in playing. There are some good people playing Halo 2, but they are out numbered many times over by pricks & douche bags.
[quote name='omgu8myrice']there is no substance behind such comments[/quote]

There may be.

I think that since gear only allows 8-player online matches it allows them to have better graphics. the maps are also smaller than a halo map and allow for more detail.
I've never really liked Halo games for some reason.. likely because I never owned a xbox (just bought a 360 a month ago)--but I loved GoldenEye and I didn't own a n64 during its prime. I also prefer playing fps on PC.

But I'll be buying this as long as it lives up to the hype.. and if I can get xbl running...
Alpha build probably means this is quite old, and also means that most of the art and assets should be placeholders until the gameplay is more fully fleshed out. I think Bungie is taking a different approach than they have in the past with Halo 1 and 2.

With those games, the graphics, sounds, and all those tools were developed first, and the actual game was built last (and ultimately was rushed because of this) and with Halo 3 I think we're seeing them build the game using placeholder textures and models, which will be polished and fine tuned AFTER they get feedback from the public beta and those issues that pop up can be resolved.

It makes sense to me, unfortunately, people are impatient and see these screens and all of a sudden develop a permanent opinion on the game. Neither Bungie NOR Microsoft will allow this game to get out the door being anything but top notch, visually and otherwise.
[quote name='alongx']Good to see that Halo 2 for the 360 is coming along nicely.[/QUOTE]

Considering these are pictures of monitors and still look better than Halo 2 i dont think anyone can say there isn't "much" graphical improvement. Why is everyone acting like this looks EXACTLY like Halo 2?
I'll be waiting for the beta testers to post pics/videos before judging something like this. I think everyone should do the same..
[quote name='richbastard']Just LOL! o_O.[/QUOTE]

why are you posting in this thread?
Since when did LEAKED ALPHA SCREENSHOTS mean the the game has finished production? People in here are laughing at the screens yet they were leaked. Meaning people shouldn't be seeing them because surprise surprise dumb ass people assume these are from the final product.

Why would any company have full graphical details on a Pre-Alpha build, they are most likely just seeing how the GAMEPLAY is progressing, which wait for the shocker is the f'ing reason we all play games.

I don't give 2 shits about how amazing Killzone is until they fix that god awful gameplay from the first game. Many games have looked amazing yet they play like f'ing ass.
[quote name='Radioactive_Man']Since when did LEAKED ALPHA SCREENSHOTS mean the the game has finished production? People in here are laughing at the screens yet they were leaked. Meaning people shouldn't be seeing them because surprise surprise dumb ass people assume these are from the final product.

Why would any company have full graphical details on a Pre-Alpha build, they are most likely just seeing how the GAMEPLAY is progressing, which wait for the shocker is the f'ing reason we all play games.

I don't give 2 shits about how amazing Killzone is until they fix that god awful gameplay from the first game. Many games have looked amazing yet they play like f'ing ass.[/QUOTE]

Haha you just made me laugh out loud. Good job, who even mentioned anything about Killzone? It's hilarious when fanboys like you, get there panties in a bunch because of a few comments of a game that defines your life.
bread's done