Scribblenauts $19.99 NFM (B&M and Online)


3 (100%)
(I didn't see a thread on this, but if there is, I apologize in advance!)

Nebraksa Furniture Mart has Scribblenauts in store and online for $19.99 this week. Shipping might kill the deal for some, but for those in the Midwest near NFM, it's definitely good for price matching.

Scribblenauts at NFM

(I didn't put this in regional since it is available online as well.)
Chicago is apparently not part of the midwest.
All of the Scribblenauts hats are gone already. ... Sigh. My life is ruined. :(
I've never heard of these guys before. What's been people's ordering experience with them?

They also have King of Fighters XII for $39.99.
I wasn't going to make it out to TRU today so I got it on Amazon when it appeared in my Gold Box + ECAs for $22. I was fine with that. After shipping to anywhere outside of their regions, it pretty much makes it a non-deal so maybe this should be regional.
[quote name='Ragnorok64']I've never heard of these guys before. What's been people's ordering experience with them?

They also have King of Fighters XII for $39.99.[/QUOTE]

I can't vouch for the online experience's quality, but they're thoroughly legit. They only have a couple B&M stores nationwide - the one in KC has to be about 1 gazillion square feet.
They're definitely legit. The only time I've ordered online, I've done in-store pick up so I can't vouch for their shipping methods.

Selling video games online is a fairly recent addition to their site. I think they've only been doing it since spring. (When the KC store opened, you couldn't even browse video games on their site.)
[quote name='kart007k']Reviews on this game aren't, so hot anymore.[/QUOTE]

It is getting great reviews, just not fantastic ones.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']It is getting great reviews, just not fantastic ones.[/QUOTE]8s and 9s just aren't good enough. :roll:
Lol i luv this gaem so much its so randum lol XD olololol over 9000 cthulu and longcat game of tha year lol XDXDXD
[quote name='kart007k']Reviews on this game aren't, so hot anymore.[/QUOTE]
It has an 87 on Metacritic right now, and I wouldn't really call that bad at all.
I was very excitied for this game, BUT then I played it....and just too random, not saying its not good, just not my cup of tea. But on the other hand Mario & Luigi: Bowser Inside story is fucking great
[quote name='kart007k']Reviews on this game aren't, so hot anymore.[/QUOTE]

It's still in the top 10 for reviews for DS games this year. Plus how can you resist the concept of the game for such a low price?

Only beaten by TRU's $15 gift card which mine ran out of rather quick.
[quote name='Distrato']Lol i luv this gaem so much its so randum lol XD olololol over 9000 cthulu and longcat game of tha year lol XDXDXD[/QUOTE]
yea shipping kills it. I just played it a little tonight cause a friend had it..and I really enjoyed what I played. I will probably pick it up when it gets around $20 from another seller though.
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