Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition $9.99 on Steam

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The remake of the classic Secret of Monkey Island is on Steam for $9.99

I think this is the regular price, but if you've never played this classic it's really worth it. This is cheap and shows that some devs do know how to price games !

The old school Sierra and LucasArts adventure games were the cream of the crop back in the late 80's and early 90's.

IGN gave it a 8.7 if that matters.
The screenshots look pretty solid, at least as far as what you can do with it. And for $10, seems like a good deal, especially since I'm playing the new Monkey Island right now. Might be nice to take a break from that and play the original again. thanks op.
There's no accounting for taste, but I wish they'd gone with Guybrush's character design from Curse of Monkey Island, instead of the crazy hair he has now.
Really great price for something so rich, I really love the vioce acting, too. I wish they'd give that old Indiana Jones game the same treatment instead of leaving it on Staff of Kings for the wii.
Can everyone please stop posting Steam's regular MSRP as deals? Thanks. "This just came out at the most expensive that it'll ever be" does not equal "deal".
[quote name='Vegan']Can everyone please stop posting Steam's regular MSRP as deals? Thanks. "This just came out at the most expensive that it'll ever be" does not equal "deal".[/QUOTE]

True it might not be a "deal" in the purest sense, but when the only (legal) alternative until recently was paying $20-$30 for a used, archaic copy on ebay, $10 is not too shabby. Not to mention voice extras and compatibility with modern operating systems.

It's not the same as saying "Hey guys, guess what, Infamous at $60, deal!", because Infamous had never been previously available.
[quote name='Vegan']Can everyone please stop posting Steam's regular MSRP as deals? Thanks. "This just came out at the most expensive that it'll ever be" does not equal "deal".[/QUOTE]

Can you stop being an asshole?
[quote name='xGunCrazyx']Can you stop being an asshole?[/QUOTE]


It is a deal if you are a computer gamer from years ago when this game did not look as good as it does now and it cost a hell of a lot more. $10.00 with updated graphics and sound is a steal!!!!!! Thanks for the post OP!!! I may wait and see if it goes down a little but would gladly pay $10.00 for this game. I played both of the first monkey island games within the last two years thru dosbox on my vista computer. To have a vista qualified updated version of the first monkey island will be awesome. I hope they remake Monkey Island 2. :)
I can't believe this is only $10? I thought it would be like episodes or something. Never played the original Monkey Islands, but I guess I will soon.
[quote name='aylien']True it might not be a "deal" in the purest sense, but when the only (legal) alternative until recently was paying $20-$30 for a used, archaic copy on ebay, $10 is not too shabby. Not to mention voice extras and compatibility with modern operating systems.

It's not the same as saying "Hey guys, guess what, Infamous at $60, deal!", because Infamous had never been previously available.[/QUOTE]

I disagree--under this same logic, the vast majority of Wii Virtual Console releases would be a 'deal,' as would numerous ports, remakes, rehashes, XBLA releases, PSN releases, DSi releases, and so forth. We simply do not need threads on the main deal forum for all of these titles just b/c they are now available at a new MSRP. We have platform-specific forums for a reason, and those make a great place for such discussions without cluttering the main forum.

I agree that Monkey Island is a great bang for your buck--I already downloaded it on the 360 yesterday--but IMO a deal requires something more than a game simply being sold at MSRP (either an actual price discount, a limited promotional item, or the brief availability of an extremely scarce item). This question has been a recurring one on CAG, and it would probably help if there was an official definition of "deal"... and preferably one that distinguishes between the two most commonly used meanings of a "good value" and a "sale/promo/scarce item."

Just my two cents.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I can't believe this is only $10? I thought it would be like episodes or something. Never played the original Monkey Islands, but I guess I will soon.[/QUOTE]

This *is* the original Monkey Island, just with updated graphics and added voice work. Aside from that, its the exact same game.

There is *also* a 5-part, new episodic Monkey Island series.

I also agree that this thread is unwarranted. This forum isn't a gaming news site, its not for game release date/price info. Its for deal on games and a deal would imply that a game is being sold for less than it normally is. Yesterday was the first day this game became available and $10 is it regular price.

I love the Monkey Island series and I already bought this on XBLA, but I don't understand why everyone keeps saying "I can't believe its $10!". Really, you can't? It's a 19-year-old game....... with a slight makeover applied.
[quote name='wampa8jedi']I disagree--under this same logic, the vast majority of Wii Virtual Console releases would be a 'deal,' as would numerous ports, remakes, rehashes, XBLA releases, PSN releases, DSi releases, and so forth. We simply do not need threads on the main deal forum for all of these titles just b/c they are now available at a new MSRP. We have platform-specific forums for a reason, and those make a great place for such discussions without cluttering the main forum.

I agree that Monkey Island is a great bang for your buck--I already downloaded it on the 360 yesterday--but IMO a deal requires something more than a game simply being sold at MSRP (either an actual price discount, a limited promotional item, or the brief availability of an extremely scarce item). This question has been a recurring one on CAG, and it would probably help if there was an official definition of "deal"... and preferably one that distinguishes between the two most commonly used meanings of a "good value" and a "sale/promo/scarce item."

Just my two cents.[/QUOTE]

I'm kind of on the fence about it myself. I don't agree with those who say that to be a deal something HAS to be below MSRP. After all, we commonly have threads for pre-release bundles here, which are of course MSRP.

I think people go overboard at times, but I think when you can get a product one day for significantly less than you could get it for the day before, that's a deal. I felt the same way about the massive zombie FF7 PSN thread that caused so much consternation. As someone upthread pointed out, if I wanted this game legally a few weeks ago I probably had to shell out $20-$30 on ebay. If I can get an enhanced remake now for less than half of that, to me its a deal.

Maybe we need a "Cheap even at MSRP!" sub-forum.
Thanks for the thought, OP, but I'm on the "this is not a deal" side of the fence. MSRPs, by definition, aren't special bargains, which is what this forum is for, as I understand it.

I'm starting to think that maybe we really do need a "Cheap even at MSRP!" sub-forum, as bvharris suggests.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Thanks for the thought, OP, but I'm on the "this is not a deal" side of the fence. MSRPs, by defaults, aren't special bargains.

I'm starting to think that maybe we really do need a "Cheap even at MSRP!" sub-forum, as bvharris suggests.[/QUOTE]

I'd also be an advocate for a pre-order bonuses/bundles sub-forum. Since these aren't really technically deals anyway, but it would be great to have a place to look for them before pre-ordering a game.
[quote name='eastx']Not sure which version to get, but I'm looking forward to it.[/QUOTE]That's easy... the one with the mouse support.
I'm an asshole because I don't want the forum cluttered with full MSRP threads just because you're excited about a game? Rrrrrriiiiight.
[quote name='bvharris']I think people go overboard at times, but I think when you can get a product one day for significantly less than you could get it for the day before, that's a deal. ... As someone upthread pointed out, if I wanted this game legally a few weeks ago I probably had to shell out $20-$30 on ebay. If I can get an enhanced remake now for less than half of that, to me its a deal.[/QUOTE]

While I can kind of see your point, the fact is, you couldn't get this at all a few weeks ago.... it was just released. Sure, its the same 'ol game, with a paint job and some voice acting, but, ya know.

[quote name='d8onausa']That's easy... the one with the mouse support.[/QUOTE]

Part of me agrees with you there, but I'm a Mac user who owns a 360, so this decision was also easy for me.... 360 version. The controller/cursor setup actually works pretty decently.
[quote name='Vegan']Can everyone please stop posting Steam's regular MSRP as deals? Thanks. "This just came out at the most expensive that it'll ever be" does not equal "deal".[/QUOTE]

[quote name='xGunCrazyx']Can you stop being an asshole?[/QUOTE]

i agree with Vegan... its not a deal. hes not being an asshole. this is not a forum to discuss games per se, even though its commonly used for it. we are here to post and share DEALS. this is not a deal. whether you buy this now or two years later, itll be the same (probably cheaper down the line). just because you are a fanboy of monkey isl doesnt automatically make Vegan an asshole for pointing out youre excited over the MSRP on a forum dedicated to buying things below MSRP.

btw, i am a monkey island fanboy too, but obviously a much more intelligent one.
[quote name='mkernan']Yeah, that's regular price, so not exactly a deal.... but I bought the XBLA version today and I'm loving it.[/QUOTE]

Ditto and ditto. WTF is with people posting non-deals in this forum? I'm sure someone will post about the COD: MW2 Prestige Ed. for $150 as a deal next. :p
[quote name='JohnDoeHoe']I have to point in posting this because wasn't it also released on XBLA for $9.99???[/QUOTE]
Pretty much... $10 / 800 MS pts to be exact
I too love Monkey Island but this thread annoys me much like the now infamous FFVII thread did. Can we get something official from the mods or Cheapy regarding this issue rather than just bitching about it every time a similar thread pops-up?
[quote name='wampa8jedi']I disagree--under this same logic, the vast majority of Wii Virtual Console releases would be a 'deal,' as would numerous ports, remakes, rehashes, XBLA releases, PSN releases, DSi releases, and so forth. We simply do not need threads on the main deal forum for all of these titles just b/c they are now available at a new MSRP. We have platform-specific forums for a reason, and those make a great place for such discussions without cluttering the main forum.

I agree that Monkey Island is a great bang for your buck--I already downloaded it on the 360 yesterday--but IMO a deal requires something more than a game simply being sold at MSRP (either an actual price discount, a limited promotional item, or the brief availability of an extremely scarce item). This question has been a recurring one on CAG, and it would probably help if there was an official definition of "deal"... and preferably one that distinguishes between the two most commonly used meanings of a "good value" and a "sale/promo/scarce item."

Just my two cents.[/QUOTE]

Hmm, I guess there's more of a subjective element in this for me. I think one of the great things about CAG is that it can help educate gamers about deals they might not otherwise be aware of. In my opinion, Secret of Monkey Island probably has a reasonably large fan-base in North America, where most CAGers are from. Sure, if you're in the know about Steam and the D2D, you'd already know about this Special Edition at $10. But a new CAGer, who might be a huge fan of Monkey Island, might not know about these deals and might miss it completely.

For the sake of education, perhaps we could have a stickied thread at the top of the forum for "New re-releases/ports at MSRP", maybe even a thread for each console/format they're released on, so that users could check on that? I understand the concern re: cluttering the forum, but I also think there's something to be said for having more information and not less on CAG, especially when CAGers come from all walks of life.
This IS a deal. You can't compare a full PC game to something off the Wii VC or XBLA (or in this case, comparing it to the majority of what's on XBLA in the first place). Console games off a marketplace aren't as fully featured as a full game is whereas you expect retail PC games from a major publisher no less to be pricier.

Lower-starting MSRPs are deals. Or are you all going to bitch when Space Invaders Extreme 2, a DS game, is MSRP-ing $20 on day one?
[quote name='Nohbdy']This IS a deal. You can't compare a full PC game to something off the Wii VC or XBLA. Console games off a marketplace aren't as fully featured as a full game is whereas you expect retail PC games from a major publisher no less to be pricier.

Lower-starting MSRPs are deals. Or are you all going to bitch when Space Invaders Extreme 2, a DS game, is MSRP-ing $20 on day one?[/QUOTE]

Wait wait, let me get this straight. Because you EXPECTED Monkey Island SE to sell for more than $10 but were proven wrong, this is a deal? Wow.

And yes, if someone makes a thread for Space Invaders Extreme 2 for $20 (if that is indeed the MSRP), I'll yell at that person too.
[quote name='Nohbdy']This IS a deal. You can't compare a full PC game to something off the Wii VC or XBLA (or in this case, comparing it to the majority of what's on XBLA in the first place). Console games off a marketplace aren't as fully featured as a full game is whereas you expect retail PC games from a major publisher no less to be pricier.

Lower-starting MSRPs are deals. Or are you all going to bitch when Space Invaders Extreme 2, a DS game, is MSRP-ing $20 on day one?[/QUOTE]

Wow... I don't even know where to start in terms of responding to such a non-sensical string of comments. Just a few thoughts:

First off, why, exactly, can you not compare a PC game to something on VC or XBLA (bearing in mind that the very game featured in this thread is on both XBLA and PC, thereby providing an obvious example that games on both platforms can and are comparable)?

Second, your "fully featured" comment is complete BS. The same is true for your observation about "major publisher." Ocarina of Time isn't fully featured as a PC game? Symphony of the Night isn't as fully featured? Nintendo, Konami, Square-Enix, and so forth aren't major publishers?

And third, yes, I'll voice my displeasure at any thread that claims that ~any~ non-rare game being sold at MSRP without any bonuses is a deal.

Your "argument" (I use the term in the loosest sense possible) did absolutely nothing to support your assertion that "lower-starting MSRPs are deals"... and it also failed to respond to the numerous, and often compelling, arguments as to why such releases are not deals and therefore not worthy of individual threads in the main deal forum.

aylien - I agree with your comments regarding education and awareness, but as noted previously in this thread, there is simply no reason that the same result couldn't be accomplished (with far less clutter) either by a dedicated thread for these kinds of posts or via posts on a separate board (either the platform specific boards or the creation of an entirely new one).
First off, why, exactly, can you not compare a PC game to something on VC or XBLA
Because they're smaller games, which can be very limited and may not offer the same value as a fully-featured, retail price game.

(bearing in mind that the very game featured in this thread is on both XBLA and PC,
The fact that a whole PC game is on XBLA as this sort of price is great when you compare it to the likes of, say, Penny Arcade Adventures.

Second, your "fully featured" comment is complete BS. The same is true for your observation about "major publisher." Ocarina of Time isn't fully featured as a PC game? Symphony of the Night isn't as fully featured? Nintendo, Konami, Square-Enix, and so forth aren't major publishers?
I meant to say Wiiware, the PSN store, and XBLA. I suppose it would be futile to reason older games/VC.

I'll voice my displeasure at any thread that claims that ~any~ non-rare game being sold at MSRP without any bonuses is a deal.
I think any brand-new game that's worth a damn retailing at a significantly lower-than-normal price is worth mentioning.

I'm not trying to troll here. I'm just saying when you have a game like Monkey Island, Mirror's Edge, No More Heroes, Portal, TF2, etc. released on day one that's as cheap as Bit.Trip, Strong Bad, PiCTOBiTS, Galaga Legions, or PixelJunk, it's a deal.
@ wampa8jedi,

I agree, I think a sub-forum or stickied thread would be the best way to go about this.
However, to my knowledge, those options don't currently exist on CAG.
So until they do, this forum seems to be the only place to post 'deals' like this.
Like I said, in the interests of education and awareness, I think we should just let these threads exist for now.

If you like them, great.
If you don't like them, just ignore them. Others might get a benefit out of the threads, and there really aren't any alternative locations to post these on CAG.
Its kind of silly to get so sanctimonious about something which is inherently objective. This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, but everyone has a different definition of what a deal is. I think denying that something MSRP can be a "deal" is kind of myopic, but I can certainly see the other side of it.

As has been pointed out, this comes up all the time, most recently with the now-infamous FFVII thread. I think the best solution would be sub-forums for MSRP deals and especially for pre-order packages. Someone (not me) should take the initiative to suggest this.
Bumping a thread you do not approve of because it clutters the deal section, is a little ironic. Posting 3 times being a sarcastic asshat make you an asshole.
I notice the majority of those who don't consider this a deal are XBL users...
Honestly, this a great deal for PC gamers, who a few weeks ago would have had to pay about $20-30 for a very old copy. Either way, I get tired of assholes stating what is and isn't a deal. For me and many others, this is an excellent deal, while to others it may not be. Same instance in just about any deal thread. If I'm not interested in any other deal, should I piss and moan about it being on the boards? :roll:
I have to add myself to the people who do not view this as a deal. There is a difference between an excellent deal, and an excellent game. As many other have said it, it appears that many people thought this game was gonna be offered at a much higher price, and upon its release, the price exceeded their expectations, therefore, the price is a deal.

Honestly, it is a great price, but it is just MSRP. To me, the definition of a deal is when a publisher announces a game, and its price point, but you someone manages to find it cheaper somewhere. Say it was $15, but somebody found it for $12. That is a deal, because a price was given before the games release. But this being a digital release, pricing is much more flexible, less overhead in many aspects.

Having said all that, I did buy the game, for both PC and XBLA. And claiming cum hoc ergo propter hoc argument.... yeah, I don't see why even bring that up (regarding the: I noticed that XBL users etc etc.
aylien - platform-specific threads have been on CAGs for years. Literally hundreds of threads have been posted that are nigh identical to this one (minus to the inevitable bickering that occurs when such threads are posted on the main forum): threads that indicate the retail price of a specific game, allow people to voice their impressions/memories of said game, and just a general place to rave about how under (or over) valued a game might be... Those forums are available right now and are just a click away.

xGunCrazyx - I personally find attempts to undermine the merit of a particular argument by attempting to stereotype advocates of that position to be rather silly. My first problem is that I game on every platform, period, and I assure you that there is no bias (outside of an innate bias towards having a reasonably organized board system and common sense) prompting my responses. And even if such bias were found, what's the point of mentioning it? Are such factors useful in any way in deciding who has a better grasp of the fundamental issue? If we want to go down that road, I'd suggest we trust those who are the most long-standing veterans of CAG or those that are the most highly educated IRL...

Moreover, your repeated profane labeling of those that disagree with you is petty at best, and childish at worst--your inability to logically, step by step respond to the arguments of the (many) that disagree with you shows that all you're capable of is name calling, and not actually defending the merit and practicality of your position. And finally, as has been noted at by others, if your subjective approach were to be adopted, we'd literally have "deal" threads on every single game available at MSRP--you can always find people who claim that a particular game is an "excellent deal."

bvharris - "Its kind of silly to get so sanctimonious about something which is inherently objective. This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, but everyone has a different definition of what a deal is."

I think you just may have subjective and objective confused ;)

As noted in my first post on the matter in this thread, I agree that the subjectivity of the matter is a problem... hence the reason that I suggested making an official definition for the site that would add at least some objectivity to the discussion. If CheapyD wants to adopt the (extremely broad) definition advocated by some in this thread, I'd accept it--it is his site after all. I'd probably be less inclined to visit here through, as wading through dozens, if not hundreds of threads, on everyone's subjective "this game is a bargain!" posts would almost defeat the purpose for me.

Nohbdy - First off, I'd like to say that regardless of our disagreements, I actually appreciate that you DID take the time now to actually make some arguments--honest props for that. That being said, I'm not in any way convinced by your position (at least yet anyway)...

"Because they're smaller games, which can be very limited and may not offer the same value as a fully-featured, retail price game."

I acknowledge that there are differences, but you still have yet to explain ~why~ "fully featured" games releasing at MSRP are deals and why non-fully featured games releasing at MSRP are not. To me, that distinction seems entirely arbitrary and subjective... couldn't you equally argue that games in certain genres tend to be more fully featured than games in other genres (shooters tend to have robust multiplayer, singleplayer, and online components, whereas RPGs tend to not)? What about games on systems (like the DS) that simply cannot be as fully featured as games on a $1000 PC rig? And just how fully featured does a game have to be to warrant it being a deal?

"I meant to say Wiiware, the PSN store, and XBLA. I suppose it would be futile to reason older games/VC."

Yes, exactly.

This'll be my last response in this thread on the matter. But I look forward to rejoining the debate next week for the thread about Steam Babyz selling for $9.99 (MSRP) ;) I'm sure somebody out there will think it's worth a damn... :)
Check out the CAG auction discussion theres a guy on eBay selling XBLA codes for $5. Obviously not sure if It's "legit" but I bought codes from him months ago and MS has never deleted my games nor did I receive a ban/warning.
Wampa, Vegan and the others are right. But until Cheappy announces some rules about what constitutes a deal, this will keep on happening.
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