Seen a UFO?


10 (100%)
Anyone here ever sighted a legitimate UFO? I'm not talking about marsh gas lights in the sky but real, unknown what the hell was THAT type stuff?

I'm sure they're out there, let's hear it!
I was abducted, probed and left naked in a field, two states away from my home. But, turns out, it was just a weather balloon.

Oh, what a hoot and a holler.
I was abducted, probed and left naked in a field, two states away from my home. But, turns out, it was just a weather balloon.

Oh, what a hoot and a holler.

Nope. I have no idea why people think Aliens would fly across the galaxy, have the tech to do it, and then hide from us except for scaring the occasionaly farmer.

If we are talking about weird stuff though, one night when I was very young, 8 or so, I saw what the others in the car said thought was a helicopter over a field on the way somewhere. 3 hours later on the way home it was in the exact same spot. Thought that was odd, might have been military training, saw them doing it a few mikes from that spot in daylight a few years later.

Pretty sure I woke up from a sonic boom at 3 am one night about 6 years ago(no storms in the area). Jumped about 3 feet off the bed. Almost had to change my pants.

I live in a normal type neighborhood in a mostly country/ rural town(well, that has about changed, growing fast) and driving down a rural road at night saw a very bizarre looking animal by a trash can. Have no clue what it was, size of a Husky, light colored, but I have never seen a dog move that fast. My wife was so freaked by the way it looked she refused to talk about it for literally months, so I knew it wasn't my eyes playing tricks on me. If you have seen the movie Decent, that's the closest I can come to a description.

My guess it was a very mangy and or deformed dog. Or maybe there is a cave nearby :lol:
Nope. I have no idea why people think Aliens would fly across the galaxy, have the tech to do it, and then hide from us except for scaring the occasionaly farmer.

If we are talking about weird stuff though, one night when I was very young, 8 or so, I saw what the others in the car said thought was a helicopter over a field on the way somewhere. 3 hours later on the way home it was in the exact same spot. Thought that was odd, might have been military training, saw them doing it a few mikes from that spot in daylight a few years later.

Pretty sure I woke up from a sonic boom at 3 am one night about 6 years ago(no storms in the area). Jumped about 3 feet off the bed. Almost had to change my pants.

I live in a normal type neighborhood in a mostly country/ rural town(well, that has about changed, growing fast) and driving down a rural road at night saw a very bizarre looking animal by a trash can. Have no clue what it was, size of a Husky, light colored, but I have never seen a dog move that fast. My wife was so freaked by the way it looked she refused to talk about it for literally months, so I knew it wasn't my eyes playing tricks on me. If you have seen the movie Decent, that's the closest I can come to a description.

My guess it was a very mangy and or deformed dog. Or maybe there is a cave nearby :lol:
sonic boom is a good game. i can see why you cannot go to sleep , and wanting to play more of it

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