Sonic the Hedgehog 3 -$2
Streets of Rage 2 - $2
Radical Rex - $2
ToeJam and Earl: Panic on Funkotron- $3
Bubsy- $3
The Adventures of Batman and Robin- $3
Beauty and the Beast: Roar of the Beast- $5
World of Illusion- $5
Robocop vs. Terminator- $3
Resident Evil 4 (Gamestop stickers on case) - $3
Star Wars Rebel Strike: Rogue Squadron III (Game/Case only) -$2
Super Monkey Ball 2 (Player's Choice)-$2
3rd party white wavebird controller (I believe it's Nyko) -$3
Beyond Good and Evil (Game/Case only, lots of stickers on it) $1
Simpsons The complete first season $1
Con Air $1
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - $3 iamWill
Streets of Rage 2 (Case/game only) - $3 iamWill
ToeJam and Earl: Panic on Funkotron- $4 iamWill
The Adventures of Batman and Robin - $4 iamWoll
Robocop vs. Terminator - $4 iamWill