Shenmue appreciation thread...


I'm sure this isn't the first Shenmue thread on CAG or anything ;) but I just popped in Shenmue 1 on the DC last night and my friend, watching, was pretty impressed (he'd never seen it before).

It got me thinking as to why I liked this game and it's sequel: Atmosphere.

When I first played this on my brand spanking new DC (they came together in the mail) I was blown away. I was I riding that "new console" high where you've still got the packaging all over your room and you're not taking phone calls for a while. I had a bunch of Japanese candies and snacks (those delicious little rice paper covered gummies, of note) and dimmed the lights. And for a few nights, as silly and hackneyed as this may sound, I felt like I was walking the streets of Japan.

Although Shenmue is far from perfect, IMO, this is what I'd consider a "gaming moment" for me.

Any one else feeling the love for Shenmue?

(CAGfession: I've never finished either -- not even close with the second. Damn you forklift driving!!)
I really liked these game (and I still hold out hope for another) but I have to admit that the only way I completed these was with a walkthrough
"Has anyone seen some sailors?"

One of my favorite lines, and one of my favorite games of all time.
I remember the goosebumps I got when I booted this up.
I beat the first one, tried to play the second but its just way too slow. I guess the only reason the first one had me into it is because of the size of the world on the dreamcast and the graphics. and yes, damn forklift driving. I was playing the game and thinking why am I doing mundane tasks for money in a game, when I can do this in the real world.
I got Shenmue 2 free from like a trade or something. I had Shenmue 1 on Dreamcast never beat but played it alot. So I tried to watch the DVD that tells the story one time when really drunk. Passed out like 10 minutes later, and never played Shenmue again.

That really added alot to this thread huh.
[quote name='Logg']
That really added alot to this thread huh.[/quote]

Well it did, actually. It made me laugh (same experience)...

Damn the game has a great musical score too.
The game had excellent ambiance, and it even holds up in that regard compared to games out today. The pace was very, very slow, and I don't think the QTE gameplay translated into "action-packed" for many gamers.

Shame, really, because the game was truly artistic in nature, and very unique. I hope I'm not the only one with a naive hope that, someday, somewhere, Shenmue III will occur. Hell, if they can make a sequel to Space Channel 5, man, anything is possible.
Love it, can't believe you all hate on the forklift driving. At least it's better than crate moving in Shenmue 2. I loved the fact it was like it's only little world, and there was no rush to do anything. I could go as fast as I want or simply just mess around and play arcade games or lucky hit. Playing Yakuza is kinda of the same, but with more action. I wish Shenmue 3 would come out and the serie could be finish, just so I know what happen, or even a book. Great game.
I didn't have a problem with the forklift driving, my issues was with...

the motorcycle racing bit. I never did get past it although I recently got the game again so it'll get played soon enough.
Also, did anyone ever get a complete collections of gashapon in either of them? I always came close but was never able to get all of them in either of the games
Shenmue is so addictive. There's so much detail in everything which makes the game so atmospheric.

O yeah I think I finished collecting all the capsule toys in Shenmue 1. I'm not 100% positive though cause I never bothered to check a list of all of them. I spent 1 game day just on the capsule dispensers and I didn't get bored at all.
I loved both Shenmue games, even bought part II twice (DC PAL version and xbox version).

If you guys didn't hear already, Shenmue Online has been cancelled and it looks like the series is gone with it.
I loved 1, but for some reason I couldn't get comfortable with the controls in 2(granted it's the xbox version in back-compat mode) and that pretty much stopped it for me.
For those of you who haven't finished 2, be patient with the first half of the game. I'd say the game picks up around the middle and from there its enjoyable again. I hated the game until
Ryo and Ren join forces. My favorite sequence occurs after this. Ryo and Ren get captured then escape with handcuffs still on. It was such a great QTE sequence.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']I loved both Shenmue games, even bought part II twice (DC PAL version and xbox version).

If you guys didn't hear already, Shenmue Online has been cancelled and it looks like the series is gone with it.[/QUOTE]


Was it officially canned? I remember the original Shenmue Online team was dropped in favor of a newer team, smaller team. But this was a wicked long time ago. Either way, I had my doubts it'd ever arrive.

How often did everyone beat both games?

I must have done each game about a dozen times. The weird part, I'd complete it the same exact way every single time. Hell, I'd probably completed each fight the same exact way.

Shenmue is an unusual title for me. I strongly consider it the farewell to the Sega I grew up with. I know it was a few months before Sega officially announced the end of the Dreamcast...but you just knew playing it...that it was the end.
These games were great. They had huge, engrossing worlds with lots to do. The bad dialogue and acting made it even more enjoyable. They might have been too open-ended and slow for the casual market but they were great fun. I think they should make shenmue 3, at least just to finish the story.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']I loved both Shenmue games, even bought part II twice (DC PAL version and xbox version).[/QUOTE]

Same here. But can you believe I've yet to play either version? I started the original Shenmue way back in 2000 and it took me until 2005 to finish it. But damn was it worth it, such an engrossing world. I even bought a serial cable, thank god I got it when Lik Sang was still alive, so I could copy my save file and edit it to work with the PAL version of Shenmue II. My goal is to play the DC PAL version with the continued save file, then play the Xbox version so I can appreciate the technical improvements.

Not only does it seem like Shenmue is dead, but it took Yu Suzuki along with it. Such a shame...
[quote name='darth007']For those of you who haven't finished 2, be patient with the first half of the game. I'd say the game picks up around the middle and from there its enjoyable again. I hated the game until
Ryo and Ren join forces. My favorite sequence occurs after this. Ryo and Ren get captured then escape with handcuffs still on. It was such a great QTE sequence.

That part was amazing. I had a giant grin on my face the whole time.
One of my favorite parts, from Shenmue 1 was when
you're taking on 60 (from what I remember) thugs to save your woman, with the dramatic music blasting + awesome combat system (virtua fighter).
Shenmue is in the classic of letter box games that could be compared to
De Ja Vu, Snatcher, or even Shadowrun.

This is a really intresting topic also. I think about Shadowrun (SNES/Gens) and ask myself why oh why is Shadowrun so corney on the 360.

I was trying obtain a Shenmue proto disc but I got side tracked. I will try again when the chance appears again. Probably next year.
Great game and literally the reason I dropped $200 on a Dreamcast all those years ago. I still remember pumping my fist in the air when I defeated the guy in the arcade (that old crazy cook that you fight twice but winning the first fight is optional and almost impossible).

This Mega 64 skit has me rolling every time I see it. It is a shame only Shenmue fans can appreciate the hilarity that ensues.

[quote name='terribledeli']Likewise.

Was it officially canned? I remember the original Shenmue Online team was dropped in favor of a newer team, smaller team. But this was a wicked long time ago. Either way, I had my doubts it'd ever arrive.

How often did everyone beat both games?


yeah, there was news about it on a Shenmue fansite.

And I finished both games 3 times each. I'm about due to go through them again soon (gotta replace my original DC versions since they are a mess).
Damn, I love me some Shenmue. I was given a Dreamcast by my mother for Christmas, along with a copy of Shenmue. And although it was a very short game, it was one of the best gaming experiences I ever had.

I completed the second game on the Xbox, but I'd like to replay the first game and collect a bunch of stuff and then play the second game on the Dreamcast. I guess I'd need to obtain PAL copies of both games?
Ya know what I disliked? How most reviewers would go into Shenmue, expecting a beat-em up game in a massive 3D world. Then when it turns out completely unlike what they expected, the negative reviews come in, complaining about the game being slow (it is, but it has reasons for being so).

I was also thoroughly pissed with Peter Moore for shelving the US release of Shenmue II on Dreamcast in favor of the Xbox version, with claims that it would sell better on a brand new system instead of a dying one. Nice going, asshole. You only further helped Lan Di get away with murdering Ryo's father and keeping us from seeing any future Shenmue titles.

It's a real shame. I've said it once, I'll say it again. Dreamcast was DEFINATELY ahead of its time. As were its games. Shenmue was an absolutely amazing game and showed us visuals that were unbelievable for the time (and still somewhat hold up today). Plus it had Space fucking Harrier in it. What's not to love?

I did end up getting the Xbox version of the second game, but I'm so damn swamped in games, I don't know when I'll be starting back up. Was anyone else thinking "Wait, that's it?! I have to wait for another game to find out what happens next?" when they beat the first Shenmue?
I love me some Shenmue.

Shenmue Limited Edition (US)
Shenmue (Japanese Import)
Shenmue 2 (XBox)
Shenmue 2 (Dreamcast/Import)
I loved both Shenmue games and own Shenmue (DC), Shenmue II (DC PAL Import), and Shenmue II (Xbox). Finished both games on DC and stopped playing the Xbox version part of the way in, I'll have to go back and play through again sometime. I keep on wishing like many other fans that they release Shenmue III, sucks not to know what happens after Shenmue II.
[quote name='Scorch']I love me some Shenmue.

Shenmue Limited Edition (US)
Shenmue (Japanese Import)
Shenmue 2 (XBox)
Shenmue 2 (Dreamcast/Import)[/QUOTE]

There was a Shenmue Limited Edition in the US? What were the extras?
[quote name='jrutz']There was a Shenmue Limited Edition in the US? What were the extras?[/quote]
Yeah, apparently is was preorders only. Imagine that -- a limited edition that was actually limited (20,000 copies). The bonus was a disc with some music tracks on it.

Sega announced today that 20,000 limited edition copies of Shenmue will be released along side the game's normal release. An extra disc comes with the limited edition release and holds several music tracks from the game. Only fans who pre-order the game will receive the limited edition music disc. Shenmue is set for release on November 7.
Unfortunately, I no longer have the case, though the case wasn't much different.. though it did say "limited edition" on the front. D'oh. Still have all the discs, though..

//edit: Found it on ebay for like 30 bones. Has a picture, too.
Yeah, I actually have both the regular and special editions. The special one is not all that rare. Just a CD with music from the game's tapes.

Anyone recall what the whole Passport thing was? I never used it, I got the game and my DC long after the DC "died" and I neve went online.
Passport let you view all the cutscenes you've unlocked in the game, as well as listen to music tracks that you've unlocked. There was a portion that had the Shenmue characters explain how certain aspects of the game worked while showing off how they looked like from different angles.

One part was being able to go online. Shenmue World allowed you to get even more detailed info about the game regarding the characters and locations and even had an online version of the manual. Also had Network Rankings which let you compare your arcade scores with other people. You could also download VMU themes and capsule toys. You could also upload your save data to see detailed info about how you've played like the amount of hours you've played, how many mini-games you've played and the amount of drinks you've drunken.

Unfortunately, Passport's online stuff went down in around 2002, along with a bunch of other online stuff for the Dreamcast due to SegaNet closing.
[quote name='Scorch']I love me some Shenmue.

Shenmue Limited Edition (US)
Shenmue (Japanese Import)
Shenmue 2 (XBox)
Shenmue 2 (Dreamcast/Import)[/QUOTE]

You should pick up the "What's Shenmue" and "Shenmue USA" sets to complete your collection.
[quote name='MarkMan']Huge fan of the games...

Try a game of lucky hit...[/QUOTE]

Otos Doma do desu ka

Otos doma desu!

Or at least, that's what I remember saying over and over and over in the import of Shenmue II. fucking awesome games. I can't say which I like better, because there's something special about the atmosphere in both games. Hmm...
Beat both the first and second game. One of my top 5 gaming experiences of all time. It's a shame that there wont be a third one.
[quote name='jrutz']There was a Shenmue Limited Edition in the US? What were the extras?[/QUOTE]

The only place I remember taking pre-orders was (before they used I placed mine through there, only to have it cancelled and given a free $5 voucher for a purchase on their site.
I did love this game.
I still have it with my original Dreamcast.

Oh the days. "im looking for some sailors, have you seen any sailors?
or the infamous child that kicks the soccer ball and you have almost .000002 seconds to press X or you get hit in the face with it.

And of course, the glorious glitch where i was more then 3/4 the way through the game and got stuck in a white fence and had to start over.

no matter what happens, i still fucking love this game.
Shenmue is one of my favorite games i've played it was fun to play and the collecting stuff was fun i'll have to play again and get 100% on it.

I only played shenmue II once by renting it though I really need to buy it and play it either the pal version or the xbox one I really wished they brought both DC/Xbox so people could chose. >.
bread's done