Shining Force II coming to VC!

If unimportant then why make a reply? Simply let the post be buried underneath new posts.

I see shining force as a hard to find "A" game. Often reaching prices of 45 to 60 dollars on the collectors market. I am probably an above average Shining force fan however, I own all excpet the imports, but the chance to own it for cheap and let people whom missed it a chance to play it seems important. It also speaks highly of how robust the incoming lineup for virtual console is, which to me as a wii owener is roughly half the reason I bought the console.
I have been registered two days. but that doesent mean I've never experienced forums before. I used to love gameFAQS and ignboards.
try not to judge people by their rank. and by the way, I'm sorry I was an asshole. I just hate unecessary threads.
[quote name='mega_n00bzer']russelgreco you might like this,

I wrote it for dumbasses like you.
I especially like the bit that says '' dont post threads that are unnecessary or irrevalent ''[/QUOTE]

You're not authority on any matter around here, boy.

And don't believe that being a member over at IGN gives you any kind of cred around here, because it doesn't. Since it's common knowledge that pretty much all forums are full of asinine posts, flame wars, and general nonsense, there's nothing that guarantees a pedigree, so to speak.

And for the record, no one here likes Gamefaqs. Parading that around like a badge of honor is likely to annoy people more than help your status. I'd keep it a secret if I were you.

Which is now impossible of course, since its in my post, and there's nothing you can do about that.

Generally, threadcrapping is looked down upon here at CAG, especially when you have no honest reason to do it. The OP has any and all reason he wants to make this thread, because it's something he wants to talk about. Given that it is not a doublepost, he's pretty much in the clear. Additionally, because it is about an oldschool game, he's looking for input from those who appreciate it as well.

Now you can continue to be a prick around here if you want, but you won't last long, and it doesn't too many strikes before people will alert a mod to give you a nice time-out, whether it be temporary or permanent.

So if I were you, I'd shape up and shut up.

I think one of the first rules of forum-going is to not enter threads you have no interest in. I didn't see that in your FAQ, but maybe you could add it. And then, if you want to be a good little boy, you could follow it.

As for the topic at hand, I never played any of the Shining Force games, but I've always heard good things. So long as this isn't on any Genesis compilation discs, I'll think about picking it up.
[quote name='mega_n00bzer']since when were you a forum moderator?[/QUOTE]

Since when does that matter?

Are you intent on losing this argument some more, or cutting your losses and shutting up?

It's not really a choice. Or, at least, it's not a hard one.

For the record, if I become a Forum Guide - which is up to CheapyD and the current group of mods, but should be decided upon soon - I won't tolerate this kind of nonsense, particularly from noobs like you who bustle in and throw their weight around under the guise of "Oh guys I'm so smarter than you."

And if I do not become one, I'll see to it that the person that does is kept informed on this kind of nonsense, because we don't need it around here, and there are plenty of other forums you can trash around in. Like GameFAQs, of which you have said you are a prominent member.

Again, this is a simple choice, and as much as you've proven contradictory, I have some faith you'll make the right decision.
It seems weird, but yes, I am a cag newbie. I may have only been a member of cag for a few days, but I was a member of the ign boards for quite a while, and I know how things are done
From his FAQ :rofl:

I love how he thinks posting on IGN/GameFAQs for so long immediately makes him a law maker, like those boards are worth something.

Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean that others don't. This thread was indeed necessary.
[quote name='mega_n00bzer']I have been registered two days. but that doesent mean I've never experienced forums before. I used to love gameFAQS and ignboards.
try not to judge people by their rank. and by the way, I'm sorry I was an asshole. I just hate unecessary threads.[/quote]

and here all credibility is lost
1. I said I was sorry

2. you say that I think I am smarter than you, I dont think that. what I do think is that you think you are better than myself because of your rank. thats ubsurd.

3. I would continue at GameFAQs but I much prefer CAG, but if I get any more nonsense from bossy people who think they are superior to me, maybe I will

4. I'll say it once again, I am sorry. you dont have to patrol the forums day and night.

and russelgreco, we may have gotten of to a bad start, but I hope you continue to enjoy CAG
[quote name='mega_n00bzer']1. I said I was sorry

2. you say that I think I am smarter than you, I dont think that. what I do think is that you think you are better than myself because of your rank. thats ubsurd.

3. I would continue at GameFAQs but I much prefer CAG, but if I get any more nonsense from bossy people who think they are superior to me, maybe I will

5. I'll say it once again, I am sorry. you dont have to patrol the forums day and night.

and russelgreco, we may have gotten of to a bad start, but I hope you continue to enjoy CAG[/QUOTE]

1. 2. 3. 5.


And by the way, there are plenty of reasons I'm thinking I'm better than you at this point. Rank happens to be at the bottom of the list.

Now then, if you want to continue being this two-faced about everything, offering backhand comments and the like, I'll alert a mod and politely ask them to give you a vacation to Bantown.

You've lost this argument. Instead of responding, just shut up and quit being a jerk around here. It is really that easy.
I think your life ambition (not accomplishment, ambition, say it with me now) is to look like a total idiot on these boards.

I think your second one is going to be a total idiot in Bantown.

Have fun while you are there, and be sure to think about what a naughty little boy you've been.
[quote name='mega_n00bzer']1. I said I was sorry

2. you say that I think I am smarter than you, I dont think that. what I do think is that you think you are better than myself because of your rank. thats ubsurd.

3. I would continue at GameFAQs but I much prefer CAG, but if I get any more nonsense from bossy people who think they are superior to me, maybe I will

5. I'll say it once again, I am sorry. you dont have to patrol the forums day and night.

and russelgreco, we may have gotten of to a bad start, but I hope you continue to enjoy CAG[/quote]

2. Strell doesn't think that he's superior to you. He thinks that he knows how things are run around here better than you (which you seem to think you know better than most people as evidenced by your FAQ thread and telling people about their threads).

3. I love it when people come onto forums and make threats about leaving if they don't get treated a certain way. If you don't like it here, go ahead and leave. People won't care if you stay as long as you stop being mean and bossy. It's hard to find a video game forum that's not filled with kids hurling insults. CAG is not perfect but better than most in that aspect, and there's quite a few people who appreciate that. As long as you can contribute positively in the future, you're fine.

I for one am one of those members and appreciate that you were man enough to apologize and not just start flaming.
Back on topic. Shining Force 2 is probably one of my favorite RPG's. I will most likely buy it on the VC even though I played it about 4 times through. Thanks OP and don't let that Newbie Mega get to you. He is an Ex Gamefaqs douche bag.

Also Good Job to Strell for putting Mega in his place :D

:rofl: @ 3. "I would continue at GameFAQs but I much prefer CAG, but if I get any more nonsense from bossy people who think they are superior to me, maybe I will"

Who the fuck cares if you leave or not. Like seriously, Who the fuck are you to us?
[quote name='mega_n00bzer']

2. you say that I think I am smarter than you, I dont think that. what I do think is that you think you are better than myself because of your rank. thats ubsurd. [/quote]

Don't pretend to act superior when you can't spell the word absurd. Perhaps you haven't realized that Strell is one of the more "respected" (I use that word loosely) people on the board.

I can't believe that you would flame him for making a thread about a game that is soon to be released on the Virtual Console. Perhaps he liked the game and wanted to alert people that it will soon be available for the wii. I am also excited about this release.

How old are you, 12?
[quote name='linkpwns'] Strell is one of the more "respected" (I use that word loosely) people on the board.

I hadn't heard, but I *love* the Shining Force series, its a shame it isn't coming this Monday since I'd buy it asap.
I need to get some wii points. There have been a lot of cool things coming out recently.

All I Need is Chrono Trigger now.... Come on... Chrono Trigger...!
Yeah I have enjoyed the Shining force series to no end. I believed that it was a relevant piece of news as well, which seems to be true. Chrono Trigger would be awesome and I wouldn't mind in the least EarthBound.

Perhaps one day portables also.

On the other side of the topic, thanks for the clarification everyone epspecially since I'm new to CAG as well. Thanks Again.
[quote name='russellgreco']Yeah I have enjoyed the Shining force series to no end. I believed that it was a relevant piece of news as well, which seems to be true. Chrono Trigger would be awesome and I wouldn't mind in the least EarthBound.

Perhaps one day portables also.

On the other side of the topic, thanks for the clarification everyone epspecially since I'm new to CAG as well. Thanks Again.[/quote]

Oh man, Earthbound would be fantastic too.
[quote name='Strell']I think your life ambition (not accomplishment, ambition, say it with me now) is to look like a total idiot on these boards.

I think your second one is going to be a total idiot in Bantown.

Have fun while you are there, and be sure to think about what a naughty little boy you've been.[/quote]

What a fag.

At least you can get good games on the wii, too bad they are all roms.
Galaxy looks like dirt and the only saving grace is smashbros.
[quote name='Mr. Roper']What a fag.

At least you can get good games on the wii, too bad they are all roms.
Galaxy looks like dirt and the only saving grace is smashbros.[/quote]

Wait, are you calling strell a fag? My somewhat flimsy compliment was in vain?!
[quote name='Mr. Roper']What a fag.

At least you can get good games on the wii, too bad they are all roms.
Galaxy looks like dirt and the only saving grace is smashbros.[/quote]
Jesus Christ, did GameFAQs have an abortion onto CAG lately or something?

I have a feeling this thread isn't headed in a very good direction so if a mod would be so kind, please lock/delete this and split the good posts into a new Shining Force 2 thread so that the one good newb can have a decent conversation.
[quote name='SpazX']Jesus Christ, did GameFAQs have an abortion onto CAG lately or something?[/quote]

I was gonna say, what's up with all this meaningless hate? Why can't a simple topic like "Shinning Force II on the VC" just remain civil?

Anyways, I'm excited to hear about Shining Force II. I never played it but I've always wanted to.
[quote name='linkpwns']Don't pretend to act superior when you can't spell the word absurd. Perhaps you haven't realized that Strell is one of the more "respected" (I use that word loosely) people on the board.

I can't believe that you would flame him for making a thread about a game that is soon to be released on the Virtual Console. Perhaps he liked the game and wanted to alert people that it will soon be available for the wii. I am also excited about this release.

How old are you, 12?[/QUOTE]
He's 13
and he's from ireland


Shining Force 2 on the VC would be many levels of pure awesomeness. Awesomeness that would have to wait until I finished many games first, but awesomeness that would one day be mine.

And mega_n00bzer = FAIL. He should learn to :whistle2:#


Gods need not the praise of mortals. :D
Not trying to defend this guy, but just because someone is a member of the GameFAQs forums, it doesn't make them a douche. I'm an Ancient there, and I like to think I'm not a douche. ;)
Whatever you say.


I kid.
[quote name='UncleBob']Not trying to defend this guy, but just because someone is a member of the GameFAQs forums, it doesn't make them a douche. I'm an Ancient there, and I like to think I'm not a douche. ;)[/quote]
[quote name='SpazX']Jesus Christ, did GameFAQs have an abortion onto CAG lately or something?

I have a feeling this thread isn't headed in a very good direction so if a mod would be so kind, please lock/delete this and split the good posts into a new Shining Force 2 thread so that the one good newb can have a decent conversation.[/quote]Roper's a troll who's managed to hang around for too long, unfortunately.

So, Shining Force II: > or < Shining Force I?
[quote name='botticus']Roper's a troll who's managed to hang around for too long, unfortunately.

So, Shining Force II: > or < Shining Force I?[/QUOTE]

Shining Force 2 > Shining Force 1

I think i'm partial since I played the 2nd before the 1st. They seemed to fix all the tiny nuisances that 1 possessed. Both of them are still very very good SRPG's.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Shining Force 2 > Shining Force 1

I think i'm partial since I played the 2nd before the 1st. They seemed to fix all the tiny nuisances that 1 possessed. Both of them are still very very good SRPG's.[/quote]Thanks. I have the first on GBA, haven't touched it yet, though. But I guess I will grab the second when it shows up.
Yeah Shiningforce II > Shiningforce I. Still both very good, but fixed many of shortcomings from Shiningforce I. Of course this is just my opinion.
[quote name='botticus']Thanks. I have the first on GBA, haven't touched it yet, though. But I guess I will grab the second when it shows up.[/QUOTE]

Good Choice. I really like how they handled the promotion of the character's. Once they hit level 20 you can promote them. Now if you have a special item ( which you can find hidden in the world ) they can turn into different things by using the hidden item.

I say if you can mos def make time to play the game. Everything holds up well for a 13+ year old game.
[quote name='crystalklear64']What's a Shining Force?[/QUOTE]

Whatsa You? :)

It's an awesome Strategy RPG that Sega's Sonic Team made back on the Genesis.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Whatsa You? :)

It's an awesome Strategy RPG that Sega's Sonic Team made back on the Genesis.[/quote]
I hate to nerd in, but it's not the same "Sonic Team" that Sega is famous for. "Sonic Co." is the developer, who eventually became Camelot, known to most for the Golden Sun games.

Shining Force II is a great game that I can't recommend enough to anyone who likes strategy RPGs.
bread's done