Shipping VS Time+Gas - your thoughts


9 (100%)
For some time now, I've stopped bothering going to the store with many deals that were both instore and online.

For example, Dragon Quest VIII was 19.99 at Best Buy.
I bought mine from Amazon for 19.99 and got free shipping + no tax.

I could have saved some money net 3.80 with the GGC. But unless its a really good sale ill pay the added usual cost of shipping just to save time+gas+(maybe tax)
I usually do go the extra mile or whatever to save the extra money but I always try to work it into my schedule or route. For example Best Buy is on my way to my parents house so I'll stop there on the way. Maybe the wife wants to go to the mall for something so I'll work in a trip to a store I want to go to that is in the mall or nearby. The only time I make a special trip is if its a big sale that can't be missed.
online is soo much better for me. No crowds, no moron employees. I can buy games while sitting around in my underwear like God intended.
Half and half. If it's near me and I can use some kind of discount, I'll drive. And if i really want it, I'll go that extra mile to get that game.

if I get free orders for me. HOWEVER, online orders are iffy. I CAN get free shipping, but I wont see it for about another 2-3 weeks/months at a time(i.e. Amazon) I'm still waiting for my trauma center from them I ordered back on JULY1st.
Well I still go to B&M (as well as pick up deals online)... luckily my route to work takes me by every major game store on my way home (CC, BB, EB, GS, Target) and the only one not on that route (rhino) can be reached my taking a similarly distanced different route... so its not much of a bother with me as long as I hit them on my way home from work
I prefer to buy locally for two reasons:

1. Supports the local economy.
2. Many sites and ebay sellers use USPS. I hate USPS.
I've become aggorophobic after 10 years working retail. If I do not have to drive, stand in line, or face traffic, then I do not mind spending a few dollars more. In reality you are probably smarter to do it that way. Gas is nice and expensive now and then you gotta factor in the risk of some idiot blindsiding you when you are driving. Charge me 2 bucks more anyday of the week.
I don't have time to go to a store, so if the price online is the same and shipping is free then I'll wait for my stuff to be delivered to me.

I have plenty of stuff to do while I wait for my new stuff to arive.
most the time i buy online for the better deal . but if it something i really want and need the first day it out i will drive
I hate waiting for the games to come in the mail so I usually just go B&M to get my games unless there is an awesome deal online.
I order almost everthing online. Finding the time can be a pain in the ass some times just to go shop. Besides almost all stores only carry new current gen stuff, so it can be a little limited.
I usually go to the store to buy what I want. I have almost all the major retailers (Best Buy, Circuit City, Wal-mart, etc.) fairly close by. Best Buy is the furthest out and that's only about a ten minute drive under most circumstances. I also love to drive so it's also a bit of an excuse even with the higher gas prices.

However, if the stores were further away I'd be ordering online much more often.
When I want to buy a game and the price is cheaper in store than online (even by a few dollars), I'll buy it in store. Typically, I'll have some errand that I need to take care of nearby, so the time+gas factor doesn't apply to my purchase. Shipping tends to kill a lot of deals for me as well.
There are things that I like seeing in person, regardless of if I actually buy it there, I want to at least inspect it myself first: Hardware, Appliances, GBA games (you know, because of the box).
If two items costed the same, online and in-store, I'd rather go to the store to buy it.

I have a bus pass, and the translink system is great here, so I don't consider gas costs.

When I consider the price of an item online, it's always the actual price + shipping (I always add in shipping to see what price it is).

As for taxes for stores, it sucks but I take it as part of the "intangibles": I'm able to go there, see the conditions of the cases (whereas you never know what condition it will be when arriving in mail), and buy the item right then and there.

As for "time costs", I'd much rather spend 20 minutes going to the store than waiting 2 weeks for my item to be shipped.
B&M before online, it's only really cheaper for me online if it has free shipping. I live in a more rural area with the mall being less then a ten minute drive away (with a TRU, CC and Best Buy that just opened today right outside of it) and it's not much of a hassle considering I don't have to deal with any big city traffic or crowds. I also have a K-Mart that's about 5 minutes away in the opposite direction.
bread's done