Shooting in Conn. School

I guess we should have expected this. 100 million dollar lawsuit.

"The unidentified client, referred to as Jill Doe, heard "cursing, screaming, and shooting" over the school intercom when the gunman, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, opened fire, according to the claim filed by New Haven-based attorney Irv Pinsky.
"As a consequence, the ... child has sustained emotional and psychological trauma and injury, the nature and extent of which are yet to be determined," the claim said.
Pinsky said he filed a claim on Thursday with state Claims Commissioner J. Paul Vance Jr., whose office must give permission before a lawsuit can be filed against the state."

I am sure there are 20 sets of parents who wish their children were alive and only traumatized.
It's BS, but I do love this idea of having to get permission to file a lawsuit against the state. Mega corporations should just hire "Claims Commissioners" that potential litigants have to get permission from in order to file a lawsuit against them. That sounds like a great plan!
Just saw this also in regards to the NY Firefighter shooting.

"The neighbor of a convicted felon who ambushed firefighters on Christmas Eve, killing two, bought the guns for him and lied to the seller, knowing that he wasn't allowed to have them, authorities said Friday.

William Spengler had picked out the semiautomatic rifle and shotgun used in the ambush and went to the sporting goods store with the neighbor when she bought them for him, U.S. Attorney William Hochul said."

Hopefully she can be charged with something beyond this somehow.

"The neighbor, Dawn Nguyen of Rochester, was arrested Friday. She faces a federal charge of knowingly making a false statement for signing a form indicating she would be the legal owner of the guns, Hochul said. She also was charged with a state count of filing a falsified business record, State Police Senior Investigator James Newell said."
[quote name='cancerman1120']Just saw this also in regards to the NY Firefighter shooting.

"The neighbor of a convicted felon who ambushed firefighters on Christmas Eve, killing two, bought the guns for him and lied to the seller, knowing that he wasn't allowed to have them, authorities said Friday.

William Spengler had picked out the semiautomatic rifle and shotgun used in the ambush and went to the sporting goods store with the neighbor when she bought them for him, U.S. Attorney William Hochul said."

Hopefully she can be charged with something beyond this somehow.

"The neighbor, Dawn Nguyen of Rochester, was arrested Friday. She faces a federal charge of knowingly making a false statement for signing a form indicating she would be the legal owner of the guns, Hochul said. She also was charged with a state count of filing a falsified business record, State Police Senior Investigator James Newell said."[/QUOTE]

I'm guessing the only reason why she got arrested is because she's in NY. If this was Arizona or Texas, she'd be fine with straw purchases. Considering all the bullshit from the NRA recently, I really wouldn't be surprised if they didn't throw her any shade like they've been giving to others for a number of reasons.

And LOLZ at the comments.
[quote name='cancerman1120']Just saw this also in regards to the NY Firefighter shooting.

"The neighbor of a convicted felon who ambushed firefighters on Christmas Eve, killing two, bought the guns for him and lied to the seller, knowing that he wasn't allowed to have them, authorities said Friday.

William Spengler had picked out the semiautomatic rifle and shotgun used in the ambush and went to the sporting goods store with the neighbor when she bought them for him, U.S. Attorney William Hochul said."

Hopefully she can be charged with something beyond this somehow.

"The neighbor, Dawn Nguyen of Rochester, was arrested Friday. She faces a federal charge of knowingly making a false statement for signing a form indicating she would be the legal owner of the guns, Hochul said. She also was charged with a state count of filing a falsified business record, State Police Senior Investigator James Newell said."[/QUOTE]

If you knowingly buy a gun for someone you know is not supposed to have one (i.e. a felon) and they commit a crime with that gun you should be charged as an accomplish. Period.

In some instances adults who purchase alcohol for minors, who them kill someone while driving, have done several years in jail time.

This is no different.
[quote name='dohdough'] Considering all the bullshit from the NRA recently, I really wouldn't be surprised if they didn't throw her any shade like they've been giving to others for a number of reasons.

And LOLZ at the comments.[/QUOTE]

totally agree. The NRA now-a-days is likely to put up $$ for her defense and call her a symbol of freedom.
[quote name='dohdough']I'm guessing the only reason why she got arrested is because she's in NY. If this was Arizona or Texas, she'd be fine with straw purchases. Considering all the bullshit from the NRA recently, I really wouldn't be surprised if they didn't throw her any shade like they've been giving to others for a number of reasons.

And LOLZ at the comments.[/QUOTE]

You truly believe that had this been in another state she wouldn't be facing charges for buying a gun for someone she knows is not legally supposed to posses it?

You also truly believe that the NRA would endorse or publicly defend someone who buys guns for a convicted felon?

At least you're consistent :roll:
[quote name='usickenme']totally agree. The NRA now-a-days is likely to put up $$ for her defense and call her a symbol of freedom.[/QUOTE]
Actually, I'm saying that they probably won't, but for reasons unrelated to what GBAstar is describing.

[quote name='GBAstar']You truly believe that had this been in another state she wouldn't be facing charges for buying a gun for someone she knows is not legally supposed to posses it?[/quote]
You're kidding me right? What the hell do you think Fast and Furious was about? Simply selling guns to the cartels in some foolish hope that the Feds would be able to catch the head honchos in some country outside their jurisdiction? That's the right wing conspiracy theory when the less sexy truth to it is that the local authorities were powerless to stop those making straw purchases to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars per transaction. So yes, it's a fact that it would fly in other states. How many states do you think need all gun sales registered and background checked? If it wasn't NY and fire fighters weren't killed no one would give a fuck. Do you really think that all those illegally owned guns were always illegally owned?

You also truly believe that the NRA would endorse or publicly defend someone who buys guns for a convicted felon?

At least you're consistent :roll:
Re-read that post until you understand it. At least you're consistent.
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Some states don't have laws restricting the buying of guns to be given to felons? Also, please explain the "true" purpose of Fast and Furious if the tracking of straw purchases and hopeful arrests of cartel bigwigs was not the reason. I think the only arrests made were of "straw purchasers". I think the NRA would be against fraudulent sales of firearms to commit murder just because its MURDER...
[quote name='egofed']Some states don't have laws restricting the buying of guns to be given to felons? Also, please explain the "true" purpose of Fast and Furious if the tracking of straw purchases and hopeful arrests of cartel bigwigs was not the reason. I think the only arrests made were of "straw purchasers". I think the NRA would be against fraudulent sales of firearms to commit murder just because its MURDER...[/QUOTE]

I'd be more inclined to trust Forbes than Issa...and that's saying a lot.

As for straw purchases, it might be illegal to sell to former felons, but there are enough loopholes that allow for it to happen with no more than simply asking and being told "no" as being enough.
[quote name='dohdough']

I'd be more inclined to trust Forbes than Issa...and that's saying a lot.[/QUOTE]

Get out of here. Stay on point:.

You said that many states outside of New York would not criminally charge a private citizen who knowingly purchased a firearm for someone that was not legally allowed to possess one (i.e. a convicted felon)---even if that person committed murder.

And before your retort let me find that for you:

I'm guessing the only reason why she got arrested is because she's in NY.
[quote name='GBAstar']Get out of here. Stay on point:.

You said that many states outside of New York would not criminally charge a private citizen who knowingly purchased a firearm for someone that was not legally allowed to possess one (i.e. a convicted felon)---even if that person committed murder.

And before your retort let me find that for you:[/QUOTE]
Now I know you're just trolling me since you can't ass yourself to read second sentences. Have fun playing with yourself.
"After examining one suspect's garbage, agents learned he was on food stamps yet had plunked down more than $300,000 for 476 firearms in six months. Voth asked if the ATF could arrest him for fraudulently accepting public assistance when he was spending such huge sums. Prosecutor Hurley said no."

This. Is. Crazy.....
[quote name='egofed']"After examining one suspect's garbage, agents learned he was on food stamps yet had plunked down more than $300,000 for 476 firearms in six months. Voth asked if the ATF could arrest him for fraudulently accepting public assistance when he was spending such huge sums. Prosecutor Hurley said no."

This. Is. Crazy.....[/QUOTE]
I'm almost afraid, yet excited to know: what do you find crazy about it?:lol:
[quote name='egofed']Are you serious????[/QUOTE]
Asking you what you think is different from thinking that what played out is ok. Stop being obtuse and don't say "common sense."

If that wasn't clear enough, then yes, I'm serious.
"The Joint Staff Report on Fast and Furious released July 31, 2012, included an appendix pointing out errors in the Fortune article.[20] Following publication of the Inspector General Review of Fast and Furious on September 18th, Dodson's lawyer wrote the managing editor of Fortune stating the article was "demonstrably false" and that a retraction was in order.[21] After Fortune did not retract the article, Dodson sued for libel on October 12, 2012.[2"

from wiki, Thanks for pointing me towards the Forbes article. Hopefully the truth will come out. I don't understand why President "Transparency" would use executive privilege to hold back documents that would support the Forbes story though.
The dude spent a provable $300,000 in six months. I don't care if its for guns or meatballs, he is guilty of food stamp fraud. Not prosecuting him is what I find crazy.

As far as the rest of the article, I don't find it acceptable. Poor communication is rampant in our federal law enforcement agencies. The FBI and ATF should never not be aware of the others informants and programs. 911 supposedly had a ton of non communication blunders associated with it also.
[quote name='egofed']"The Joint Staff Report on Fast and Furious released July 31, 2012, included an appendix pointing out errors in the Fortune article.[20] Following publication of the Inspector General Review of Fast and Furious on September 18th, Dodson's lawyer wrote the managing editor of Fortune stating the article was "demonstrably false" and that a retraction was in order.[21] After Fortune did not retract the article, Dodson sued for libel on October 12, 2012.[2"

from wiki, Thanks for pointing me towards the Forbes article. Hopefully the truth will come out. I don't understand why President "Transparency" would use executive privilege to hold back documents that would support the Forbes story though.[/QUOTE]
That doesn't answer my question and I doubt that you read the entire 191 page appendix in 30 minutes.

edit: Or even the first 10 pages for the matter. If you're going to quote wiki, you should really check the citations.

[quote name='egofed']The dude spent a provable $300,000 in six months. I don't care if its for guns or meatballs, he is guilty of food stamp fraud. Not prosecuting him is what I find crazy.

As far as the rest of the article, I don't find it acceptable. Poor communication is rampant in our federal law enforcement agencies. The FBI and ATF should never not be aware of the others informants and programs. 911 supposedly had a ton of non communication blunders associated with it also.[/QUOTE] you go. This. This is exactly what I was thinking you were going to say. Nothing about Arizona's gun laws or anything else. Hell, with what the guy was getting paid for the straw purchases, he'd probably be able to find a lawyer competent enough to get him out of any charges or get a plea deal...and that wouldn't even require that much money to begin with with the Feds looking for bigger fish to fry and the local prosecutors being hands off.
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Wait... my "That is crazy" comment was about the one sentence I quoted that was in the same post. It concerned the food stamp abuse. The article as a whole is very eye opening to me. I hope the truth comes out. Are we talking about the same thing? Miscommunication is a bitch.;-)
I read back over our exchange. The wiki post was not in direct response to your question, it was to show that there is argument over the validity of the Forbes report.
Those problems would go away or at least be less frequent if you learned how to use the quote/multi-quote function.

Hit "quote" to quote that post.

Hit the icon with the quote symbol with the plus sign under it for all the posts you want to use as a response and hit "quote" to go to the text box in order to enter your own comments.

Everything will be formatted for you and much easier for everyone to read. Easy Peasy.
[quote name='mykevermin']Q: How many NRA members does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: More guns.[/QUOTE]

Hilarious - I am going to steal that joke :lol:
Phew. Maybe that will shut up the "armed officers never did anyone any good, ever" crowd.

Oh, you mean nobody ever said that? Gotcha.

Swapping anecdotes won't help accomplish anything, friend.
[quote name='mykevermin']Phew. Maybe that will shut up the "armed officers never did anyone any good, ever" crowd.

Oh, you mean nobody ever said that? Gotcha.

Swapping anecdotes won't help accomplish anything, friend.[/QUOTE]

She was off duty. If it had gone horribly wrong, you would have toted it as a paranoid gun happy citizen who thought the gun attached to her hip was the solution. Just admit it.
Off duty officer working private security and armed? I can't believe that officer pulled a firearm! They should have just gotten a license plate and reported it. :D
[quote name='GBAstar']Why not... do we really need another Lincoln or Jefferson High?

What's so odd about naming an educational establishment after an... educator?[/QUOTE]

You name schools after famous authors, people who spend their lifetime helping others or making big contributions to society...not someone who was a victim of a senseless crime. What about the Principal? Does she get something named after her? If any school should be named after , it should be for her.
[quote name='ITDEFX']You name schools after famous authors, people who spend their lifetime helping others or making big contributions to society...not someone who was a victim of a senseless crime. What about the Principal? Does she get something named after her? If any school should be named after , it should be for her.[/QUOTE]
who gives a shit its one of a million schools
Only because I love it when Anne Coulter speaks because I know she cannot be this crazy....can she?

"If you compare white populations, we have the same murder rate as Belgium," Coulter said. "So perhaps it's not a gun problem, it is a demographic problem, which liberals are the ones pushing, pushing, pushing."

She continued sarcastically, "Let's get more Colin Fergusons and whoever the guy was who shot up Fort Hood. Why are they coming in to begin with?"

While the fact that drug trafficking in inner cities results in lots of gun violence she fails to mention that Sandy Hook, Aurora, Tuscon and Columbine were all perpetrated by white men. What "demographic" issue do we seem to have with mass killings then?
I don't understand why a civilized country like the USA would not want to ban guns, let alone have reasonable restrictions on who is given a gun. It seems increasingly clear to me that we need to either repeal the 2nd amendment, clarify the true meaning of the 2nd amendment or put pressure on the justices to be more reasonable in their rulings about guns, rather than cave into rightwing political pressure.
[quote name='120fps']I don't understand why a civilized country like the USA would not want to ban guns, let alone have reasonable restrictions on who is given a gun. It seems increasingly clear to me that we need to either repeal the 2nd amendment, clarify the true meaning of the 2nd amendment or put pressure on the justices to be more reasonable in their rulings about guns, rather than cave into rightwing political pressure.[/QUOTE]

There's evidence to suggest that permitting private ownership of guns isn't the problem. It's part US culture and part personal accountability (along with a lot of nuance) that ultimately foster gun violence.

There are countries with both more and less gun control that have lower crime rates than the USA.
[quote name='ID2006']There's evidence to suggest that permitting private ownership of guns isn't the problem. It's part US culture and part personal accountability (along with a lot of nuance) that ultimately foster gun violence.

There are countries with both more and less gun control that have lower crime rates than the USA.[/QUOTE]

Would it be wrong for me to conclude that the more culturally stable countries are more deserving of gun rights than the USA?
[quote name='120fps']Would it be wrong for me to conclude that the more culturally stable countries are more deserving of gun rights than the USA?[/QUOTE]

How do you sell the argument to the American people, then? Just curious, since outright banning is not going to happen if they don't accept it.

But, culture is part (and only part) of the problem.
[quote name='ID2006']How do you sell the argument to the American people, then? Just curious, since outright banning is not going to happen if they don't accept it.

But, culture is part (and only part) of the problem.[/QUOTE]

Abortion was legalized before people were technically ready for it so why would banning guns be any different? What we need is stronger leadership and more passion on the left.
[quote name='120fps']Abortion was legalized before people were technically ready for it so why would banning guns be any different? What we need is stronger leadership and more passion on the left.[/QUOTE]

With abortion, they were protecting a freedom, and they were reinforcing that right. Taking away guns is removing a freedom embedded in this country's foundation and its constitution. It's got much stronger standing and history and much larger support on both sides.

Beside that, you need some statistics to back things up. What was the opposition to abortion? Mostly religious. Guns aren't tangled with religion like abortion, so it's quite a different story.

Also, you should keep in mind that being a Democrat does not mean being for the banning of guns. There are plenty of Democrats in the House (and probably Senate) that support the existence of the 2nd Amendment, even if they also support gun control. It's not black or white for Democratic party.
[quote name='ID2006']There's evidence to suggest that permitting private ownership of guns isn't the problem. It's part US culture and part personal accountability (along with a lot of nuance) that ultimately foster gun violence.

There are countries with both more and less gun control that have lower crime rates than the USA.[/QUOTE]
For a country born out of violence I guess we can't expect much more. Then again, this is 2013, you'd think by now people would have put the revolutionary war behind them.
Don't feel like reading the whole thread but just thought I'd share. Hillsborough county in Florida (around Tampa) is putting an armed guard in every elementary school. Around 150 of them
[quote name='willardhaven']I love that "conservatives" want armed guards posted in schools. You can't make this shit up.[/QUOTE]

Aside from the obvious totalitarian aspects of it, there's also the obscene cost this would carry...
bread's done