Should I buy a Full priced game?


I wanted to preorder Halo 3:ODST but it 60 bucks and i know it will probably lower price in 2 months. I know it's worth 60 bucks but with all these pirating and DLC I sometimes regret buying a game at full price. GOD! I hate pirating , they can play online with pirated games, too.
[quote name='Earmuffin585']GOD! I hate pirating , they can play online with pirated games, too.[/QUOTE]

So your trying to say you hate pirating cause you can't do it. :lol:
[quote name='Earmuffin585']I wanted to preorder Halo 3:ODST but it 60 bucks and i know it will probably lower price in 2 months. I know it's worth 60 bucks but with all these pirating and DLC I sometimes regret buying a game at full price. GOD! I hate pirating , they can play online with pirated games, too.[/QUOTE]

Pirating 360 games is ok. It's only Microsoft you're hurting :booty:
No, it because people pay for the game and someone just DL it of a site. If I really wanted to pirate I wouldn't because Getting permanent ban from XBL is a big consequence. My point is should i preorder it or wait for price drop .
[quote name='Earmuffin585']No, it because people pay for the game and someone just DL it of a site. If I really wanted to pirate I wouldn't because Getting permanent ban from XBL is a big consequence. My point is should i preorder it or wait for price drop .[/QUOTE]

dont, but if you must, pre-order it from amazon as you may get it a little cheaper
[quote name='Paco']Pirating 360 games is ok. It's only Microsoft you're hurting :booty:[/QUOTE]

last thing I want is to hurt microsoft and them not getting money becuase it gives them a excuse to not to improve Xbox dashboard and there operating systems when they have a endless hole of money.
[quote name='Earmuffin585']No, it because people pay for the game and someone just DL it of a site. If I really wanted to pirate I wouldn't because Getting permanent ban from XBL is a big consequence. My point is should i preorder it or wait for price drop .[/QUOTE]
Actually I know a bunch of people with modded 360's who play online.
The pirate community is ahead of the game, as always. All the burned games that come out are stealth now so MS can't tell they're burned games when you're online. Microsoft then tried to do an update to prevent this, but then there was a firmware update you could get that would circumvent that. So you won't get banned if you know what you're doing.
You can get most new games at launch from Amazon for around $57-59 shipped.

Should you? That depends on how bad you want to play the game.

I'm a cheapass, but I still buy around 5-6 games at launch each year. Generally online games where I don't want to fall behind learning the maps, or levelling up, stuff like that.
How do you know it's going to be good? Why do you need to preorder? Is it going to be sold out? Most outlets have a sale on release week I thought, no?
[quote name='b3b0p']How do you know it's going to be good? Why do you need to preorder? Is it going to be sold out? Most outlets have a sale on release week I thought, no?[/QUOTE]

Well, i really want to play a recent 360 and I like Halo and Bungie.
[quote name='King Royalty']I pre ordered ODST back in February with $20 so when it releases i only have to owe $40. :)[/QUOTE]

You do realize you're still paying $60, right?

And in response to the OP, your life isn't going to be any less fulfilling if you wait a few months to join the ODST party. You're less likely to have buyer's remorse if you pay $60 for a game and only play it once or twice a week in addition to your other games or backlog.

[quote name='ananag112']Only game I am paying full price for is Modern Warfare 2. I never got into CoD4 because I kept waiting for a price drop :(.[/QUOTE]

if you own 360/ps3, there really is no need to rush out and buy the game. if you have patient and wait about 2-3, maybe 4-5 months, the game will go down 1/2 or more. look at the gamestop sales. look at prince of persia and dead space released last year and it got major price drops real soon.
You should never pay full price for a launch game (at least console wise, handheld is cheap enough for me at $30 imho and even better at $20). The best thing about Modern Warfare 2 is a lot of places are giving you $10 credit for pre-ordering it online. Halo ODST is a big rip because Bungie themselves said it was not a $60 game, but MS got angry and basically said "You know how many idiots will pay $60 for it? Charge $60 NOW!".

Amazon is a good place to a save few dollars if your willing to wait up to a week. They usually take $2-$5 off the MSRP, sometimes more.

But honestly the best thing to do is wait 3+ months (sometimes a month if It's Ubisoft releasing their product :D) and wait for the game to go on sale. Not many console games hold their price at $60 unless they become rare/hard to find. Theres always that occasional sale bound to happen.
Depends on the title.

the last full-priced game I purchased was Kill.Zone 2, on its release. Before that, GTA IV, LittleBigPlanet and Metal Gear Solid 4, all on their release dates.
I would only buy full-price the games that need the support. Quirky one-off titles like Okami or Psychonauts. Just wait for the blockbusters to drop in price, you know in a year GameTZ will be flooded with copies of the latest Halo or GTA game.
I only pay full price for a few things:
1) Disney Movies
2) Nintendo Games
3) Stuff I can get with Trade-in credit.

1-2 because it's pointless to wait for a drop.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately- but related to Uncharted2. I'll probably buy it when it comes out, just because it took so long for Uncharted1 to drop.
Wait til after it comes out and best buy or target has like a free $10 gift card or something. Thats what i usually do if its a new game i want. You could also flip some games to BBV or GS, that could cut the price down a bit. Something like ODST it depends on the person you are. If you dont like the way it plays you could always trade it here for games
Look, if you really want the game, then buy it. I don't buy many games at full MSRP, but if I do, it's either:
1. Pre-order bonus (ie. Kinghts in Nightmare and Persona 4)
2. I really want the game (ie. Tales of Vesperia LE)

For most of the other games, I can probably wait. GS seems to be running B2G1 free quite often now, so you can get a couple games cheap that way, or even just use the 20% (+10% EDGE) coupons.

Even with all these restrictions on myself and buying video games, I still overspend on games (I'm looking at you FEAR 2 and Ninja Blade from Target clearance).
if the game is available online then you can download it with ease... but if it is not available online then you should buy the full priced game because its better as there is no scope of piracy and you would get a full version of the game....
The only game I bought this year that was close to full price was UFC for the 360. I got it for 52.99 at sams a few days after the release. I didn't care to wait a few days to save a couple bucks. I still got the extra characters from gamestop cuz of a friend of mine got one there and gave me his code that he some how had an extra one?
Ya, I would only buy it for $60 if you LOVE Halo and you see yourself playing it for large amounts of time or playing long after release. I know it won't become hard to find, so thats a moot point.

I only buy full price on those factors. Only one I bought at full price and regret this year is RE5, that could of waited. It wasn't as amazing as I thought it would be.
A full priced game is a premium, you pay the extra to play it earlier. However, if you can wait it out, even an extra week can net you discounts. If it were a "rarer" title or one that falls into a catagory of retaining value, then buying it full price might make sense. However, Halo isnt one of those titles, it'll be mass produced and there will be discounts for it.
Asking this question to a bunch of cheapasses is kind of funny but there are some good answers here. Here is my thinking below.

1. A day one purchase must have an online multiplayer that I want to jump into and not fall behind. (Halo ODST, MW2, Madden 10)
2. Must be a highly anticipated game (by me) I've been dying to play. (Mass Effect 2 or The Old Republic, Alpha Protocol)
3. How is my backlog looking? Can i entertain myself while the prices of said game drop? (mine is stupid)
4. Will this game free fall in price about the time I play it? Nothing worse looking at prices free fall while you still have the game in shrink wrap on your shelf.
5. Are my main gaming friends getting into to it. ( FYI add Commander0Zero on PSN and XBL I need gaming friends... lol)
6.Can you wait to the Most Holy day of the CAG year? November 27th CAG (Black) Friday? There is a good chance you may be able to see your game on sale there.
I've given up on paying retail for video games. Unless it's something like madden, call of duty. Games that I know my friends are currently playing. Now I've resorted to waiting for the game to become a GH or PH.
I don't think anyone around here is going to shun you, just because you bought a game at full retail price. Sometimes there's a game that you just aren't willing to wait on buying. It happens to the best of us.

For me, back catalog never even figures into such a decision. My back catalog is immense, and high-quality. I'm never hurting for good games to play. This makes it a lot easier to wait on new titles. On the other hand, even I am susceptible to an early purchase.

I recently picked up a copy of the Retro Game Challenge for my DS, at full retail price. Granted, this was just $30, but it was brand-new and full MSRP. I bought that game new at full retail because I agreed with what the developer was doing with it, and wanted to support them. Also, I love me some retro-gaming, and that title definitely delivers in that regard. (it felt like 1989 all over again)

I am also very stupid when it comes to games whose stories and/or characters I really enjoy. I payed full retail for Legacy of Kain: Defiance. And I pay full retail for every Phoenix Wright game that comes out.
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