Should I buy Mario Kart?

i like it, but i still think the original was the best... if only nintendo would release it with online support on VC maybe i would buy a virtual console game...
Don't waste your time with this piece of garbage. Buy Elf Bowling or Crash Boom Bang! instead. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.
The best Mario Kart so far! A must buy for any DS fan along with those generic rip offs of brain age!
I think quick glance over at Gamespot or, really, any online video game review site, will answer that question. It doesn't require too much effort to figure out the correct answer.
It's a good game, but I have to admit to being a bit underwhelemed when I got it. Maybe because it's basically the highest rated DS game out there, and I just didn't feel it lived up to that. It drives me batty that when you're in the front of the pack, you're easily brought down by the AI lobbing every powerup in the book at you.

The best DS game is obviously Ouendan.

Mario Kart DS is probably still my favorite DS game a year and a half later. I could probably go out on a limb and call it the best Mario Kart game, especially since I've always found the original overrated (the feather is pointless and stupid outside of mode seven, that's right I said it :p)
It really is excellent, but it's a shame that the online multiplayer is so broken. Not to mention, you'll run into cheaters probably more often than you would on Counter-Strike.

And that's pretty damn bad.
Whatever though, online is really more of a bonus than a prerequisite. MK DS still has just as much fun and stuff to do as every other MK game out there even when you're playing alone. Also, local multiplayer is fun. But yea, the online MK scene blows, but I feel the same way about most online games because A) many players are douchebags, and B) young kids (nothing wrong with that necessarily, it just kills my personal gaming experience). In short, fuck snaking.
[quote name='spiwak']Whatever though, online is really more of a bonus than a prerequisite. MK DS still has just as much fun and stuff to do as every other MK game out there even when you're playing alone. Also, local multiplayer is fun. But yea, the online MK scene blows, but I feel the same way about most online games because A) many players are douchebags, and B) young kids (nothing wrong with that necessarily, it just kills my personal gaming experience). In short, fuck snaking.[/quote]
Yeah, but it should be known to anyone picking it up. Some people buy games solely on the online multiplayer. I know that was a huge factor in me picking up MK: DS and a few others.
This game is fun at first, but it doesn't really bring anything new to the series... the "mission" mode is pretty cool. I like that the tracks are more narrow, as in the original game for the SNES. Lots of tracks to choose.

There are heated debates about whether or not "snaking" was intended. That's besides the point. If it was intended, then the designers are sadistic, because it's hard on your hands, and it's NOT FUN.

I sold my game back after completing the missions. If you have a group of friends and they race the way you do, then it's probably worth a purchase.
It's my favorite Mario Kart game ever. Nothing new like others have said but still a lot of fun for me, so definitely worth it.
Basically, if you like previous Mario Karts, you can't go wrong with Mario Kart DS. Great races, and lots of them, some new stuff to do, great local multiplayer, and plus dubious but still worth-it online multiplayer. If all you really care about is the wi-fi aspect, then maybe-maybe not depending on if you're willing to deal with or start snaking.

I personally think it's worth the $35 just for the singleplayer.
Great game, although I stick with single player. fucking snaking kills it, completely sucks the fun out of the game. That said, I still pick this up several times a week. I especially love the way they carefully selected courses from different console iterations of MK, and then threw in a bunch of new fangled DS exclusive courses. A real tribute, & a step forward, for the MK series.
[quote name='SpazX']hell yeah, just don't play online if you plan on winning.[/QUOTE]

The problem is actually finding races in a reasonable amount of time anymore. Granted I usually do pretty well online without resorting any kind of snaking or otherwise cheap play.
There should be a law where it's required to own this game if you have a DS.
yeah, although i find it uncomfortable to play for longer than 15 minutes though on a ds lite. I have never tried it on a old ds though.
[quote name='SinnerChrno']Still wondering. :p

Is it something like...waving the stylus across the screen in a snakey...way?


you don't use the stylus at all in Mario Kart.. i'm sure you can, but it's not necessary.
I think the snaking hate and by extension power slide hate is overblown. I don't quite snake but i do power slide aggressively. The game would be much more boring to me if I wasn't able to power slide it would be like that empty feeling I get whenever i drive a car with automatic transmission, I like having things to do that constantly require my attention
Yeah but snaking and power sliding is very, very different. Power sliding is meant to be used on sharp turns to get a quick boost. Where as snaking is used to have a continuous turbo boost, throughout the whole race. I've always asked myself "Well, then what's the point of even racing? Just turn it into a drifting contest."

It wouldn't of been an issue if Nintendo made it so snaking could be disabled, and also enabled for those who like it.
I reject the idea that power sliding is only for sharp turns, they're really for any turn at all, you just have to be quicker to activate the power slide to make it effective which is what makes it a matter of skill. I disagree with using power sliding straightaways, but there would be no real way to turn off power sliding in straightaways without turning it off everywhere. Considering that Nintendo themselves use snaking to an extent (try beating most of their developer records without snaking in the slight,) I don't really think they see it as a problem
[quote name='yukine']Yeah but snaking and power sliding is very, very different. Power sliding is meant to be used on sharp turns to get a quick boost. Where as snaking is used to have a continuous turbo boost, throughout the whole race. I've always asked myself "Well, then what's the point of even racing? Just turn it into a drifting contest."

It wouldn't of been an issue if Nintendo made it so snaking could be disabled, and also enabled for those who like it.[/QUOTE]

You really can't take Mario Kart and try and analyze it like this.

I've raced against people that didn't snake or even use mini turbos at all and and didn't use mini turbos myself while racing them and it basically ends up being were I hold a good item or get a good item at the end of the race to try and secure a win. So I could say that it just becomes an item contest and what's the point (and it would get boring fast) if that's all you could do as if Mario Kart DS was the same in every way except you couldn't do mini turbos while sliding.

Some of the Karts are just over powered (egg/tank being the 2 worst) as they have great control/acceleration and with the really long mini turbos they get great top speed (while doing mini turbos or to a more extreme extent snaking) which is what other karts *have* over them. If they had really short mini turbos (like the jeep) then snaking wouldn't be nearly as effective as it is and they wouldn't be so overpowered compared to alot of the other lesser karts in Mario Kart DS.
I agree Mario Kart is an awesome racer for the ds. However right now, I am not playing the game. It's incredibley fun with friends and online is good.

However, you might want to check out Diddy Kong racing as well. Although it's an exact port of the n64 game. Back in the day, I liked Diddy Kong Racing better than MK64. But the racers can be totally different. I also hear that DKR has 6 racers for online play, which is 2 more than mario kart.
Mario kart is a great game, but once you unlock everything, you'll only find yourself playing it when you can play with other people.
[quote name='FOnewearl']You really can't take Mario Kart and try and analyze it like this.

I've raced against people that didn't snake or even use mini turbos at all and and didn't use mini turbos myself while racing them and it basically ends up being were I hold a good item or get a good item at the end of the race to try and secure a win. So I could say that it just becomes an item contest and what's the point (and it would get boring fast) if that's all you could do as if Mario Kart DS was the same in every way except you couldn't do mini turbos while sliding.

Some of the Karts are just over powered (egg/tank being the 2 worst) as they have great control/acceleration and with the really long mini turbos they get great top speed (while doing mini turbos or to a more extreme extent snaking) which is what other karts *have* over them. If they had really short mini turbos (like the jeep) then snaking wouldn't be nearly as effective as it is and they wouldn't be so overpowered compared to alot of the other lesser karts in Mario Kart DS.[/quote]
Nevertheless, it makes the game feel broken. I don't think you've gone against a good snaker yet, have you?

When someone is snaking throughout the whole race, items are useless and it makes the game not fun at all. You can keep getting blue koopa shells and hitting them with it, and they would still probably win. It's that ridiculous.

Mario Kart has always been about the items, that's the core of the game. It's not about "racing", per se. So when items become ineffective, it's really not even worth playing. I'd rather just play a normal racing game in that case.
You wouldn't believe how fun the items can be when everyone involved has some skill at snaking. It just makes the race crazy because you can go from first to eighth in mere seconds with the right item so people are even more aggressive. Playing eight-person local Mario Kart was honestly the best part about Otakon last year, the organizers even decided to throw an ad hoc tournament for Mario Kart at the last minute after picking up on the massive presense Mario Kart groups were on the game room floor.

Yukine kindly point out another comparable racing game on the DS, you'll find very few. I think it would help thin out the herd if there were more racing options
[quote name='Yertle']You wouldn't believe how fun the items can be when everyone involved has some skill at snaking. It just makes the race crazy because you can go from first to eighth in mere seconds with the right item so people are even more aggressive. Playing eight-person local Mario Kart was honestly the best part about Otakon last year, the organizers even decided to throw an ad hoc tournament for Mario Kart at the last minute after picking up on the massive presense Mario Kart groups were on the game room floor.

Yukine kindly point out another comparable racing game on the DS, you'll find very few. I think it would help thin out the herd if there were more racing options[/quote]
I know I'm in the minority (my opinions usually are), snakers have already won. It's why I don't play it online anymore, it's now used solely for LAN races against friends who don't care for snaking as well. Like I said, I just wish there was an option to set snaking to enabled or disabled when creating a game.

There really aren't any (Diddy Kong Racing?), but you're missing my point. I play Mario Kart for the absurd items, and the sheer silliness of it. If the items are ineffective, there's little to no reason for me to play it (I don't online.) I'd much rather just play any other racing game, or any of the other Mario Kart games that I own.
There's no way to 'turn off' snaking without turning off the Power Slide completely, and if you did that you would break the game more than snaking supposedly does considering power sliding has been around since Mario Kart 64. The closest thing nintendo could would be to keep players with higher star counts or win records more firmly seperated than they are currently and even that wouldn't work in the long term
It seems this is people who can/do snake vs. people who can't/don't like to snake.

Personally I find it terribly game breaking, and the reason I never play online.

Still a good game though.
[quote name='yukine']Nevertheless, it makes the game feel broken. I don't think you've gone against a good snaker yet, have you?

When someone is snaking throughout the whole race, items are useless and it makes the game not fun at all. You can keep getting blue koopa shells and hitting them with it, and they would still probably win. It's that ridiculous.

Mario Kart has always been about the items, that's the core of the game. It's not about "racing", per se. So when items become ineffective, it's really not even worth playing. I'd rather just play a normal racing game in that case.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I've played against alot of snakers and I pretty much always play on Rivals online, I've seen most of the tricks I'm sure from getting a turbo start and going offroad with no slowdown to dodging blue shells. I've even had a guy with a blue shell in 1st place use the blue shell on himself, dodge it and hit me since I was right on his tail and it was just an expert move! Some of these people are just that good and sometimes I can't help but wonder if some of them are cheating with an action replay or something (I wonder sometimes if they have an action replay code that let's them go offroad without lossing any speed instead of the glitch way of doing it)

I can understand how it's no fun to go against racers that are fluid at snaking if you can't/don't snake. I really have no interest in playing Halo online has I'm not bad at it but I can't compare to alot of the people who play online and are good with some of the weapons (mostly the sniper riffle) It would be nice if they did something about being able to race against other like minded racers on Mario Kart DS online but even if they say had a non-snaking option you could choose online some lamer would just join the game and snake and have everyone leaving anyways just the same has how I used to always see people with hacked gear in a "legit dueling" games on when playing Dialbo II.

Mario Kart is still a racing game at it's core with items thrown in for a party game type of extra to the fun so while good items do help you they will only take you so far.
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