should i buy this (STARCRAFT II LE statue)


1 (100%)
starcraft ii Tychus Findlay Limited Edition Statue

i got a pre order slot open email from blizzard today. and i have 2 days left to response, should i buy one or pass.
i am thinking of reselling at ebay maybe in the future.

Tychus Findlay Limited Edition Statue
cost 250.00
shipping 25.00
total 275.00 for a statue
I wouldn't, collectable statues are a rather risky investment buisness. If this sells well (which is has based on preorders) then Blizzard will probably make a couple more limited edition statues which will decrease demand for this one.

Also I don't see a mention of how many of these they plan on creating, a limited run of 1000 will hold value much better than an edition of 10k.
Do you really want it? I wouldn't buy it for value sake, but if you legitimately want a Starcraft statue then by all means.
I can't see it being a wise envestment at all. You are paying for something hopeing itll be worth more in the future. There isn't any proof that it will. 250 for a statue jeez go buy a wii or something thats a lot of money for a figurine. If it was 25 that might be one thing but 250 thats too much money to toy around with for something that might end up just setting on a shelf collecting dust.
I vote no freakin' way. The thing is only 18" tall! That should only cost $150 max for statue standards (comic/movie collectibles).

If it were on par with the life-sized Big Daddy or Master Chief (or 3/4 size, I think I've seen), then there'd be more of a compelling argument. The thing looks like a Gundam you can buy for $50.

Save some money and buy this piece of (plush) crap for only $12:

Like others have said, if you want it, yea, but if it's just to resell, don't do it. I wouldn't mind paying the price if it was a nice solid statue I want, such as they made for Final Fantasy VIII that I would love to have and be willing to pay if I could find them. So buy if you really love starcraft, pass if you are just going to ebay it.
I'm a Starcraft nerd and even I wouldn't bother with this at the current price, let alone buying it to possibly flip it. It's too risky, and I'm sure theres many other fans in my boat that wouldn't pay this or higher for it. (I doubt casual players would care to shell out $250+ on this either)
Personally I'd wait for the plastic figures that Blizzard offers, soon after or before a game launches. They are quite a bit cheaper and still look pretty awesome. Just my two cents.
As everyone else said here, collectable figure/statue values are tough to predict on eBay, they could 2-2.5x the value if you have perfect timing and the demand is insane, but more often than not, they will sink below their original MSRP.

I'd say pass, unless you're considering it for yourself and have a place in your residence you can put it without worry that someone would bump into it and break it.
What happened to just buying stuff because it's awesome cool? Don't buy it if you want to resell it. buy it because you absolutely love Starcarft.
Well actually I would have to think about it as you are. And just thinking to myself as in, would I be able to sell this thing later to all the Japanese kids that almost starve themselves in the fit of playing... If I could I would for sure because you know someone from the Japanese fan base would probably erupt if he/she found it later down the line, but still that's just a thought it may never happen. And we'll never know till the game releases if they get off the binge of playing to first game, but I hope you don't regret it if it gets big.
Haha I am reminded of those stupid plates.... While we can't guarantee this will go up in value ALL THE OTHERS HAVE! :D

You should buy it OP buy two if you can, it's not my money! :)
bread's done