Should I get a job at Gamestop or EB?


12 (100%)
I'd love to get some feedback from past or current employees, how it was to work there, what kind of hookups you got, how much you made, etc. Any info/opinions will help. I need to start working again soon to support my rampant purchasing of random shit (and move out again) and I figure I might as well do it at a place that revolves around a hobby close to my heart. Anyhow, please let me know. Thanks.
As of right now, both places are almost identical in terms of benefits according to the people I know at EB. I've been at GS almost 3 years now, and I've never hated the job. It definately ain't paying the bills though, and I'm looking for a second job. If you want to make some good money, I don't think I can reccomend either. But if you'd rather have the oppurtunity to get the first used games the store sees (often the best condition ones) and a modest discount (which seems to get lower every year at GS), then yeah, why not.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']Can I ask how much you started off at hourly, and how much you're making now?[/quote]

I started at $5.75, and GS gives annual raises. My 1st raise was 0.40, so I went up to $6.15. My next was 0.35, so right now I'm at $6.50. I just got another one, but it hasn't shown up on my paycheck yet. BTW, each of those raises was the max I could get, and the limit seems to be growing less and less each review period. Like I said, if you want money, look elsewhere.
[quote name='daphatty']SO THATS HOW THEY MAKE MONEY![/quote]

Right on the nose, Daphatty. Reading that and seeing your avatar at the same time makes it feel so right for some reason.
All retail jobs inherently suck, and the level to which they suck also depends very much on your manager and co-workers. Keep that in mind.
[quote name='trustcompany1013']you should just get a part time job at both....the best of both worlds....[/quote]

Sweet, TWO jobs I can come home miserable from. Sign me up!!!
[quote name='Ledhed']
I started at $5.75, and GS gives annual raises. My 1st raise was 0.40, so I went up to $6.15. My next was 0.35, so right now I'm at $6.50. [/quote]

After three years of employment that's it?

That should be a crime.
[quote name='Supernothing']After three years of employment that's it?

That should be a crime.[/quote]

You're right, it should be.

And who better to fight said crime than...

[quote name='BigNick']Are you in Chicago?[/quote]

Nope. Arlington, TX, near Dallas. I know you are in Chicago. Why do you ask?
[quote name='Ledhed']

You're right, it should be.

And who better to fight said crime than...


Just don't call me a super hero. I don't do it for the status or the ladies it brings me.
[quote name='starman9000']Im sure if you just find a job that pays an extra dollar an hour you will make more than any 10% discount youd get off at GS or EB.[/quote]

I know, I've thought that many times. To be honest, this job has been pretty good to me up until just recently. Now that I'm older and paying for most of my own stuff though, wage becomes more of a concern. It is simply apathy and complacency that keep me from looking for other jobs. Hopefully I will find something better (READ: NOT RETAIL) soon.
Just remember that if you get a job in any of those places most people here will look at you at a stupid, worthless EB/gamestop employee. :wink:
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='BigNick']Are you in Chicago?[/quote]

Nope. Arlington, TX, near Dallas. I know you are in Chicago. Why do you ask?[/quote]
I was asking rocksolidaudiom but his location says chicago, my bad. Maybe he would work at a gs or eb near me. Discounts!!!!!!!!!!
........ Man the wage in San Francisco have raise to $6.50(i think....)

but since San Francisco is expensive to live in.... that about the avgerage..........
[quote name='Missingdata']........ Man the wage in San Francisco have raise to $6.50(i think....)

but since San Francisco is expensive to live in.... that about the avgerage..........[/quote]

You just reminded me of something else that made me unbelievably mad...

The GS that I started in is the one that began my wage at $5.75. Two years later, I'm at $6.50, and I'm asked to work at a new store that had just opened a couple of months prior. I get there, and find out that everyone who started fresh at that store BEGAN with a wage of $6.50. I asked if there was a way that my wage could be bumped up to reflect as if I had been started at $6.50, but no, they wouldn't. So I work my ass of for 2+ years to make what these asses started at. Lame.
That happened to me when I worked a Kroger. I worked there for a year and made it to a certain pay and then they bump the starting pay to what I was making without bumping mine. Sucks ass.
[quote name='Supernothing']That happened to me when I worked a Kroger. I worked there for a year and made it to a certain pay and then they bump the starting pay to what I was making without bumping mine. Sucks ass.[/quote]

At least that sounds like an all-encompassing company wide wage. Ours are determined by whatever manager hires us. fucking weak.
I was an EB manager. I can tell you that they cut hours constantly depending on the store. My part timers only got 5 hours each a week. Managers always get 40 each but when you only have 130 hours total and 3 managers then it sucks. The discount was raised to 15% I heard after I left. Retail jobs suck, the hours are crap and the people make you want to hang yourself. Your manager could be a thief or a back stabber which is the norm at the EB's around me. Then there's the constant, daily measuring of your performance. They measure EVERYTHING. No matter how well you do in a day they will complain about something. The managers actually get paid decently for retail though. The problem is that they have business people making decisions that don't even play videogames and they expect you to somehow sell product when they give you no tools. At this point, I see no reason to buy games at any specific store except price. The other thing that bothers me is that EB doesn't understand that you still have the same rights as a customer even if you work there. They treat you like don't matter but you have to kiss the customers ass even if it means going against policy which you are not allowed to do. The only other thing is you can participate in the Microsoft retail program to get free games but you can do that from other stores that pay better.

And yes, I have issues with EB. Just remember, they actually said that fear and money are the only motivation they use. And they don't use money.
Aryss, you read my friggin' mind man. That's why I'm looking for another job, I'm averaging around 10 hours a week now because the slow months are starting and they simply can't give me anymore. And GS measures all the things we do as well, what we sell, how much of it we sell, etc. And all for no commission whatsoever. I've heard people at Game Crazy at least get a $1 for having someone reserve something. And we also get excluded out of deals for customers, even though there is no way that we can take advantage of the deal. For instance, everyone knows the occasional "Trade 3 games, get $10 more" type deals. We can't do that. It's ridiculous. Also, at this point my discount is so low that places like BB and CC will easily be beating my discount, in which case GS just lost a valuable customer. But hey, I've said enough.
You can buy games wholesale for $9.99 each and go into competition with EB and GS. Sell them on the street outside the stores (just far enough away that you are not in front on the store on its property) for 40% less than EB and GS sell them.

Just make sure you get sales tax and report profits as income. If you make it a business you don't have to pay tax on expenditures. Stealing will be a huge problem, so set up in an area where there is a lot of police traffic, or in front of a security camera.

Study law on the internet so if you have to go to court you don't have to pay for a lawyer, just do the defending/prosecuting yourself.
I would suggest something that most people probably would already get the best possible job you can based on your skills, education and situation, regardless of what type it is or where it is. Although I've never had a retail job myself I can't imagine it's much fun to deal with the masses, even if it is with games. I am lucky to work in the computer field and I enjoy what I do, but if I had to work at CompUSA for example I'm pretty sure the fun of working with PC's would wear off very soon, especially with some of the stuff you guys are saying.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. It seems mostly negative, which I guess is kind of what I expected. I was also going to check out GameCrazy, but it seems like the customers who go there are the biggest douchebags of all (besides me hehe). I guess I just want to get a decently fun job, even if it doesn't pay that well, but these aren't sounding like either. Oh well. And BigNick, I do live in Chicago.
[quote name='Quackzilla']You can buy games wholesale for $9.99 each and go into competition with EB and GS. Sell them on the street outside the stores (just far enough away that you are not in front on the store on its property) for 40% less than EB and GS sell them.

Just make sure you get sales tax and report profits as income. If you make it a business you don't have to pay tax on expenditures. Stealing will be a huge problem, so set up in an area where there is a lot of police traffic, or in front of a security camera.

Study law on the internet so if you have to go to court you don't have to pay for a lawyer, just do the defending/prosecuting yourself.[/quote]

thanks man my sarcasm detector needed recalibrating
[quote name='Quackzilla']You can buy games wholesale for $9.99 each and go into competition with EB and GS. Sell them on the street outside the stores (just far enough away that you are not in front on the store on its property) for 40% less than EB and GS sell them.

Just make sure you get sales tax and report profits as income. If you make it a business you don't have to pay tax on expenditures. Stealing will be a huge problem, so set up in an area where there is a lot of police traffic, or in front of a security camera.

Study law on the internet so if you have to go to court you don't have to pay for a lawyer, just do the defending/prosecuting yourself.[/quote]

I don't want to be stupid here, but how can you get games for just $10 a piece when retailers spend a tad over $40 per game they buy for resale?
Sure, get a job at Gs or Eb if you enjoy hearing people ramble on about how their cousin has a PS3, or how this or that happens because "china makes the games" or how "Maden is so sweet, how can they make all these other lame ass games" or how "I'm the best in town probably, no one can beat in that Ghost Recon on that one board. Working in these stores is the FASTEST way to destroy your game playing hobby, and the pay straight sucks. As someone mentioned earlier, you are graded on everything and nothing is ever adequate. you only get patronized and "encouraged" to do morwe. Yeah, I'm going to do better when I'm making 5.75 an hr, they cut my disocunt to 15%, and they base my hours on sales so somtimes I get only 5. fuck that. fuck THAT. I'm finding another job as fast as I can.
lol this reminds me of the old commercial where the little kids said the opposite of what you're supposed to want..

they're like... i wanna work for minimum wage.. i wanna be forced into early retirement.. i wanna work my way up to middle management..
I've been at a Gamestop for about 10 months now. Started out at $6.75 in July. Got a promotion to Senior Game Advisor (3rd keyholder) which is basically lower management, and another raise to where I make $8.50 now and I am up for a raise, likely to push me over $9.00.

I love the job, but it does depend on the manager and coworkers. I've worked in other stores, or visited other stores that are run crappy and the employees are asshole, and it turns people away. People come to my store from all around, even if they have a closer one nearby chances are they come to us if possible. Customer service is one of the things we preach, and we have been the best store in the district (12 stores) for the past 18 months. Kinda makes it easier to move up in the rankings when you work for the #1 store and everyone contributes.
[quote name='Cracka']lol this reminds me of the old commercial where the little kids said the opposite of what you're supposed to want..

they're like... i wanna work for minimum wage.. i wanna be forced into early retirement.. i wanna work my way up to middle management..[/quote]

Or then the kids says, my mommy made my daddy get a new secretary.

i kinda wanna work at the gamestop in my town, but i kinda dont..
everytime i go into gamestop, theres always 2 people that work there behind the counter and they do nothing besides answer a question or two and ring up people's games when they buy em.

it seems like it'd be a good job if you were good at talking to random people, you know alot about video games, you like to stand around doing nothing, and you like to get paid very little
Apply to both, then make the decision afterwards. They probably pay the same and such. I'd lean more towards EB though, personally.
Best Buy started me at $8 an hour last November. It sucks having to sell all their shit, but it's a nice wage for retail and the discount is very good.
I'm thinking about applying at the new Game Crazy opening up here...Grocery store job is starting to suck...and I got transferred to a different store which is atleast 5x busier.

How old do you have to be to work at Game Crazy/EB/GS? (I heard 18..which would being only 16)
i just got hired as a dairy stocker at copps (grocery store). Starting pays 6.25 and as I hear the job is very easy, and raises are frequent.
Wow, I thought minimum wage was like $6.25 everywhere... ?? I'm 16 and live in the ridiculously cheap place to live called Maine. I started my job off at a restaurant last October at $6.50 and now I am making $6.80 ... I thought my pay was shit and wanted to get a job at an electronics store, but wow, if Gamestop pays that little then I'll stick with my current job! :|
[quote name='BasketCase1080']i just got hired as a dairy stocker at copps (grocery store). Starting pays 6.25 and as I hear the job is very easy, and raises are frequent.[/quote]

Yeah stocking is quite easy. I get raises every 6 months, .25 being the highest I believe. Its working the front end which sucks pretty bad, ecspecially when it gets really busy. I don't know if this is the same with where you got hired, but I get time and a half on Sundays, which is awesome. But, I rarely get Sunday hours...

I have worked as a store manager at EB for about 1 year now and I LOVE it!

It also helps that I am a good manager and had the #2 store year to date (out of 122) for fiscal 2004.

Basically I make the place I work a fun exciting place to work and shop and only hire qualified associates to work there.

Someone once said, something like, If you love your job you will never work a day in your life.

Well, I have not worked a day for about a year now. It all matters what kind of a manager you have and what the style of management he/she has.

I had to recently fire my 3rd key holder because his attitude and personality clashed with the rest of the stores. I probaly shouldn't have hired him in the first place but as Richard Hatch said on Survivor All-Stars, "I've been Bamboozeled!"

Oh well shit happens.

So as far as working at EB or GS, it is just like any other job around. Find the manager that you get along with best and it should be easy from there.
bread's done