Should I get a Used Xbox or 2 PS2 games?


Right now I have $111 left in birthday money which is just enough to get a used Xbox. My brother took the Xbox back up to his apartment because he payed for the majority of it. Since then, I have been craving Halo 2. My online friends still play it, and after visiting my brother and playing it there I need this game again. So tomorrow or the next day I will be going up to GameRush to trade in Lockdown and Burnout: Revenge for $65, preorder Socom 3, have $35 left over, added into my $75 that I have in cash leftover from my birthday I can get an Xbox. I can either keep my preorder for RE4 for PS2, but I might be able to HD Load that, so I can switch that to BF2: MC for Xbox. It's either a decision between having a used Xbox, Halo 2, and BF2: MC, or Lockdown and Burnout: Revenge on PS2, and keeping my RE4 preorder. Either way I still get Socom 3 which I'm happy about! :D Keep in mind I already have gotten PoP: WW, Persona 2: EP, and Lunar: DS for the rest of my money from my birthday. What would you do in my situation? Also, don't say wait for a 360 cause I don't have a job, I'm 15 so I can't get one for a year, and my parents don't spend that much on us for Christmas. I'm definitely leaning towards the Xbox, because then I can get Far Cry: Instincts and Half-Life 2 for Christmas, and I can HD Load and play the single player's of RB6: Lockdown and Burnout: Revenge. It's just a call on if I can HD Load RE4, but I can also get that for Christmas. Please give me your advice or thoughts. Thanks! :D
O.K. I can't do that because no one can hire a 15 year old, since I can't work the register. No one under 18 can I think... Any help guys? What would you do in my situation? I'm probably going to get the Xbox...but I'll be pissed if it doesn't work or breaks days after the GR warranty wears off...
There's pretty much nothing to save for. I'm the type of person that once they get money, they see something cool, and wanna buy it right away. I have pretty much NO PATIENCE whatsoever. On the day I got my brithday money, I saw Persona 2, starting reading up on it for about a day or two, and went out and bought it plus a GI subscription for $43. BOOM! Parent's money to me for my birthday GONE. I'm kind of mad about that too actually but my other pruchases I don't regret at all... I guess I'm lucky. Thanks so far guys.
If you get an Xbox and Halo 2, keep in mind you'll need to pay for Live Subscription. Lest you have those 3-months free thingies.
[quote name='aoLat']O.K. I can't do that because no one can hire a 15 year old, since I can't work the register. No one under 18 can I think... Any help guys? What would you do in my situation? I'm probably going to get the Xbox...but I'll be pissed if it doesn't work or breaks days after the GR warranty wears off...[/QUOTE]
i worked as a bus boy at a restaurant when i was 14.. first game i bought Gran Turismo.. best pay day ever... but all that is a myth.. you can work registers as long as they don't sell alcohol or tobacco as early as 16.. some places will hire 15 year olds they just have a lot of restrictions and most places won't do it unless you ask.. try some restaurants similar to Dennys or Ihop
Do you have a chick-fil-a near by? I always see 13 year olds slaving in there all day.As for lockdown and revenge for PS2 the Xbox versions are far superior for online play. So I say get the xbox with halo 2 and BF2:MC, Get socom 3 and start a CAG clan with me ;)
[quote name='aoLat']O.K. I can't do that because no one can hire a 15 year old, since I can't work the register. No one under 18 can I think... Any help guys? What would you do in my situation? I'm probably going to get the Xbox...but I'll be pissed if it doesn't work or breaks days after the GR warranty wears off...[/QUOTE]

What? I worked at Taco Bell when I turned 16. The second task they gave me was running the register. Is this some sort of new law in your state?
[quote name='aoLat']There's pretty much nothing to save for. I'm the type of person that once they get money, they see something cool, and wanna buy it right away. I have pretty much NO PATIENCE whatsoever. On the day I got my brithday money, I saw Persona 2, starting reading up on it for about a day or two, and went out and bought it plus a GI subscription for $43. BOOM! Parent's money to me for my birthday GONE. I'm kind of mad about that too actually but my other pruchases I don't regret at all... I guess I'm lucky. Thanks so far guys.[/QUOTE]

Nothing to save for? Ever hear of the future? With that said, I was the same as you when I was 15 and even to a certain extent now. Looking back though, I should ahve saved more. My advice is buy one PS2 game and save the rest. A new Xbox will $100 soon probably anyway.
$111 left in birthday money? This is for one birthday, right?!?! wish i got that much $$$....
on another note, that paragraph was really hard to read....;)
Get the Xbox! You won't regret it. As for saving your money instead, don't worry about it now. As a rule, birthday money is for getting things you want. [on soapbox] Also at your age, school is the most important responsibility. Buy the Xbox now; just don't slack off with your schoolwork. [/off soapbox] Once you start working, you can save that money instead.
Forget the games and blow the cash on something totally stupid and useless. Ask someone to buy you $111 in lottery scratch tickets. If you win, splurge again (on non-lottery stuff)....if you don't, oh well. Life is short, live like it is.
[quote name='Puffa469']If thinking about a used Xbox, see if you can get the store to power it up and eject the drive tray. If its a Thomspn drive, do NOT buy it. Look for a Samsung drive model.

you can see the differences in the drive trays here:[/QUOTE]

I was really curious to see what drive I had and I had a Phillips model and I know its not the "best" but I don't use it to play DVDs or CDs (use xbox music mixer.. and i have a slim PS2 that plays all my DVD -/+ Rs just fine. ... i would go with an xbox especially if you already have games for it. but you could always be a paper boy.
Yeah, I'm definitely going to get the used Xbox, Halo 2, BF2: MC, and Socom 3. I've been wanting all of that for a while now, so I'll be getting it, especially because my friends still play Halo 2 almost a year later. I think the online play of Burnout: Revenge and Lockdown, plus the switching of my RE4 preorder to BF2: MC for the Xbox is a great conversion. I have an HD Loader, so I can play the single player games of either of those whenever I want. I would MUCH rather play Socom 3, Halo 2, and BF2: MC online than those 2 games...especially Lockdown :roll: Thanks for the help guys! I'm definitely still looking for a job, too thanks for the tips on that as well. :D
In ohio you cant do anything besides bagging at krogers until 16, and they pay minimum wage.
Mmmm... minimum wage of $5.25 an hour. I can find that much change on the ground outside in an hour. :D
aoLat do you play socom 2 anymore? I'm serious about a CAG socom 3 clan maybe we can get more than 3 people to play at one time this time around. PM me if your really intrested
No, I don't play Socom 2 anymore, I traded it in a while ago at GR for $10, but I will definitely help you start up a CAG clan. But is there anyone good here? Because I'm well above average when it comes to online gaming: Halo 2 Stats RP-26 TSk-27 H2H-21 BTB-29 TSl-37 DT-30; check for the GT, get this, aoLat! :D But I'm definitely looking forward to Socom 3. 32 player online, when the most I've ever played online with in any game is 16? Sign me up! I've also got FE:poR (GC) on preorder at GR, too, which I'm really looking forward to also. The only thing I'll miss is my Resident Evil 4 preorder for PS2, hopefully it's compatible with the HD Loader. ^.^
Halo 2 is okay I hate the fact that the sniper rifle doesn't move when your scoping and it has a crosshair when your not scoping, defeats the whole purpose of a sniper rifle. But I still play it :p. I'm gonna get it(Socom 3) at Target for 38.88 this coming week i'll PM you with my username and we can start a CAG Clan hopefully. I haven't played Socom 2 in 6 months but I did have my wings ranked around 10K my clans highest ranking on gamebattles was 12th then the usual "I'm better than you so i'm taking half of this clan and starting another one" BS happen
Don't worry guys I already have a black GameCube with Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance preordered. I also own PoP: WW, Metroid Prime 1 & 2, Animal Crossing, Eternal Darkness, etc. for it so I'm all caught up with the GC. Really looking forward to FE: PoR! :D
[quote name='urzishra14']I was really curious to see what drive I had and I had a Phillips model and I know its not the "best" but I don't use it to play DVDs or CDs (use xbox music mixer.. and i have a slim PS2 that plays all my DVD -/+ Rs just fine. ... i would go with an xbox especially if you already have games for it. but you could always be a paper boy.[/QUOTE]

I dont care too much about dvd playback, as I have dvd players, but my xbox was a thomson drive and it started not playing actual xbox games! And it wouldnt read cdr's, which limited my ability to make custom soundtracks in games. The last straw for me was when I couldnt play San Andreas. I got a modded Samsung drive on Ebay and now my xbox works great, too bad I had to pay an extra $75 to make it do what it should have done right out of the box.

I like alot of the games I have for my xbox, but I hate the system itself. Because of my experiences with the drive and other issues like most game saves not being able to fit on a memory card, it will be a cold day in hell before I ever give M$ any of my money for a Xbox360.
But the XBOX 360 is sooo pretttyyyyy. That doesn't lure you in? It does that to me. :D Also, my 2 brother's Xbox's have worked perfectly for 4 years and 1 year respectively. I guess you were just unlucky. :'(
[quote name='aoLat']But the XBOX 360 is sooo pretttyyyyy. That doesn't lure you in? It does that to me. :D Also, my 2 brother's Xbox's have worked perfectly for 4 years and 1 year respectively. I guess you were just unlucky. :'([/QUOTE]

I had a kid (looked about 15 or 16) at gamestop say that. I walked in the other day and looked at the original gameboy games. Kid asked me if I wanted to prebook the xbox, I said no. He said "look at the graphics", I said " not really interested. He said "but they're pretty!", I said " not interested". He said "because if you were I was gonna tell you about it", I just shook my head. The kid looked about 15 and was really out of it. He was cleaning some games that just came in and didn't understand the concept of putting down the non essential work (ie. cleaning some games) and helping the customer instead. When he got the game (after forgetting which game I asked for) he said "I'm out of it today". He just seemed totally overwhelmed, like it was his first day of work ever.
[quote name='cyrix`']In ohio you cant do anything besides bagging at krogers until 16, and they pay minimum wage.[/QUOTE]
is bagging really that hard?... looks like a pretty good job for the money.
Don't spend your money. Save for a car. Unless your parents are well off, you better get your own money. And I'm 16, so I know what im talking about =)
[quote name='aoLat']But the XBOX 360 is sooo pretttyyyyy. That doesn't lure you in? It does that to me. :D Also, my 2 brother's Xbox's have worked perfectly for 4 years and 1 year respectively. I guess you were just unlucky. :'([/QUOTE]

Oh I agree, its a good lookin system, especially compared to the current one, lol.

But I dont have unlimited funds, and I know Im gonna get a PS3 and a Revolution, so I gotta save somewhere. Plus the Xbox is my least favorite of the current 3 consoles. Im a fan of Japanese games, which the Xbox has precious few of, and I only play FPS's on my PC due to control issues, Im a KB+Mouse guy. I do enjoy the few good Xbox exclusive games I have, and thats why I bought the system to begin with.

I can see myself possibly owning a 360, in a few years, when its down under $200, and even that depends on how many system exclusive 'must-have' games are out for it by then.

This holiday season I plan to scoop up all the good current gen games that are sure to be traded in by people eager to get their hands on a 360.
[quote name='jetlag16']Don't spend your money. Save for a car. Unless your parents are well off, you better get your own money. And I'm 16, so I know what im talking about =)[/QUOTE]

With current gas prices, and him most likely making min. wag for his first job, that is an awful, awful idea.
[quote name='LaseK']With current gas prices, and him most likely making min. wag for his first job, that is an awful, awful idea.[/QUOTE]

bikes still work.. and if you don't live more than 2 miles away from a job then its not that bad. when I was 15 i always walked to work (then again its less than a mile away) and I always rode my bike everywhere around town to pick up games and stuff.. I wouldn't want to lug a Xbox on a bike though.. that'd suck
Whoa! I didn't know this topic was still alive! It turned out my older brother is going to law school at Cooly University, so he doesn't have time to play games, so in all of his awesomeness, he's giving me his Xbox, with a copy of Halo 2! I love my brother :D:D:D
Man I might not be getting socom 3 :( I just found out that none of the old maps are gonna be on there. I might break down and get it anyway :)
NOOO!! Get Socom 3! It's going to have enormous maps, and 32 players total! How can you say no to that? It's BUH-mazing. :D
[quote name='aoLat']NOOO!! Get Socom 3! It's going to have enormous maps, and 32 players total! How can you say no to that? It's BUH-mazing. :D[/QUOTE]
No crossroads makes me sad
bread's done