Should I get a Xbox 360 or a PS3?

[quote name='dmaul1114']Yep, the OP (if he's still reading) should stop paying much head. As I said earlier, pay no attention to anyone who actually recommends one or the other two you as they are fanboys wanting peopel to buy "their" console.

Again just take some time and objectively look at what the consoles offer and make your decision.

-Which has the most exclusive games you want?
-Do you want the PS3 for Blu ray? Which controller do you personally like better?
-Do you do enough online gaming to warrant paying $30/year (lots of deals for that or less posted here) for X-box live and it's features over PSN (and research the differences to see if they matter to you)?
-Does the RROD problem scare you too much?

That's how to make a smart purchase. Not going by "advice" from fanboys.[/QUOTE]

So the people who came to this thead to advocate for PS3 or 360 are fanboys. People are always going to disagree you can't help that, but problems arise when people give wrong information about the console. So since you're not considered a fanboy make a honest pros and cons list for both systems then we can end this. No opinions just facts
[quote name='Thomas96']So the people who came to this thead to advocate for PS3 or 360 are fanboys. People are always going to disagree you can't help that, but problems arise when people give wrong information about the console. So since you're not considered a fanboy make a honest pros and cons list for both systems then we can end this. No opinions just facts[/QUOTE]

I'm not listing pros and cons. Pros and cons are subjective, there's no way to list them objectively.

Being objective is giving the person a list of things to research and compare for themselves and make a smart decision.

Sure I could give a list of reasons why I went with the 360 and will never buy a PS3. But it would be biased and the OP may have totally different opinions on each thing I list.

Personally, I don't understand why people are so fucking unable to think for themselves that they have to ask advice on stuff like this. It's not rocket science to figure out which one is better for you by yourself.

Anyway, it's best to just say check them out on these issues and make your decision, rather than coming across as a nerd like that has a strong emotional attachment to one of these overpriced hunks of plastic put out for sale by big, evil corporations.
Seems to me that both Sony and Microsoft have major issues they still need to work out. Obviously MS has ridiculous reliability issues that are just inexcusable. PS3 still has issues with on-line IMHO, and their exclusives so far aren't that impressive to me.

If you have waited this long to buy a PS3 or 360, it makes sense to me to just wait a little while longer--maybe until about July or August 2008. See if Sony can improve its on-line, plus a price-drop should be coming soon. See if MS comes out with a more reliable 360--plus I'd bet money that a Blu-Ray 360 is coming soon despite what MS says.

Of course this is the last thing Sony or Microsoft wants you to do, and maybe you are just dying to play GTAIV. But I think both companies have screwed themselves out of a lot of potential new customers with ongoing problems.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Personally, I don't understand why people are so fucking unable to think for themselves that they have to ask advice on stuff like this. It's not rocket science to figure out which one is better for you by yourself.

Ding, ding.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I'm not listing pros and cons. Pros and cons are subjective, there's no way to list them objectively.

Being objective is giving the person a list of things to research and compare for themselves and make a smart decision.

Sure I could give a list of reasons why I went with the 360 and will never buy a PS3. But it would be biased and the OP may have totally different opinions on each thing I list.

Personally, I don't understand why people are so fucking unable to think for themselves that they have to ask advice on stuff like this. It's not rocket science to figure out which one is better for you by yourself.

Anyway, it's best to just say check them out on these issues and make your decision, rather than coming across as a nerd like that has a strong emotional attachment to one of these overpriced hunks of plastic put out for sale by big, evil corporations.[/QUOTE]

This is what forums are for; its always been for people to ask questions FAQ, communicate.. essentially, the OP is going to make up his own mind and if he chooses PS3 someone will think negatively, and if he chooses 360 someone else will think negatively. Why are you upset at the fact someone asking for the opinion of others?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion whether its fanboy based or not.
60gb PS3's have the most overheating issues(blinking red light)
40gb and 80gb have the most media loading problems

I do tech support for the Playstation

all my info is as accurate as the consumers sending in their units.
now your PS3 may have not had any problems yet, but believe me it will (just like a 360)
over 1/2 the people I worked with sent their PS3 in

believe me or not, but be prepared to have your proof of purchase ready, LOL

oh yea dont forget a lot of people are having their GTAIV freezing on the PS3
only thing I would look forward to on a PS3 is Metal Gear, Final Fantasy and Gran Turismo(but Forza has it beat)
[quote name='greyzieoriental']60gb PS3's have the most overheating issues(blinking red light)
40gb and 80gb have the most media loading problems

I do tech support for the Playstation

all my info is as accurate as the consumers sending in their units.
now your PS3 may have not had any problems yet, but believe me it will (just like a 360)
over 1/2 the people I worked with sent their PS3 in

believe me or not, but be prepared to have your proof of purchase ready, LOL

oh yea dont forget a lot of people are having their GTAIV freezing on the PS3
only thing I would look forward to on a PS3 is Metal Gear, Final Fantasy and Gran Turismo(but Forza has it beat)[/QUOTE]

you do realize the 1.01 patch just fixed the GTAIV freezing.

do you think that PS3 hardware is unreliable or that its a widespread problem waiting to happen? [in regards to the overheating]
overheating not so much(pretty rare actually) but disc drive failures, yes!

tell you the truth i can only judge by the consumers, no one calls to say that their unit is working fine, by over 60% is media loading problems, the other 40% probably stupid people trying to get online and getting IP timed out

they must of fixed the GTAIV problem over the days that i was off
I was expecting a fix but just not that fast (ie. MLB 08 the Show)
[quote name='Thomas96']
Everyone is entitled to their opinion whether its fanboy based or not.[/QUOTE]

True. But biased fanboy opinions aren't of much use to someone trying to decide what to buy as a fanboy will try to sell them on their console regardless of what is best for the person's taste.

Biased takes on consoles are ok in a thread debating which console is best. In a thread like this, probably the most helpful post would be someone listing the main exclusive games on each system, showing the differences in X-box live and PSN (besides the latter being free), etc. etc. and not commenting on which they like better.

Then the person can look it over and decide themselves which fits better, rather than just having some fanboy sell them on their console no matter what.

But I'm not taking the time to do that, because as I said it's not rocket science and the OP can quit being lazy and look up that info for himself in 10 minutes or less.
[quote name='dmaul1114']True. But biased fanboy opinions aren't of much use to someone trying to decide what to buy as a fanboy will try to sell them on their console regardless of what is best for the person's taste.

Biased takes on consoles are ok in a thread debating which console is best. In a thread like this, probably the most helpful post would be someone listing the main exclusive games on each system, showing the differences in X-box live and PSN (besides the latter being free), etc. etc. and not commenting on which they like better.

Then the person can look it over and decide themselves which fits better, rather than just having some fanboy sell them on their console no matter what.

But I'm not taking the time to do that, because as I said it's not rocket science and the OP can quit being lazy and look up that info for himself in 10 minutes or less.[/QUOTE]

good point.. I agree 100 percent.

and to the OP.. do your own research, you'll feel much better about your decision, and your purchase rather than letting people talk you into something, or scare you from something else.
I say PS3...

The 360 has better games but our 360's had enough issues that we stopped buying games for it. I don't think we've bought a 360 game since last year. That might change with Ninja Gaiden II though as that's exclusive to the 360.
I know OP is talking about me, but what does it exactly mean?
Also, I'm not lazy if I want a couple opinions. I will research, but I just wanted to see what other people think.
[quote name='LeafPanda']I know OP is talking about me, but what does it exactly mean?
Also, I'm not lazy if I want a couple opinions. I will research, but I just wanted to see what other people think.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I didn't mean to be a dick. These threads just get old as the come up all the time and all you see is the same group of fanboys on each side trying to sell "their" system regardless of the person's interests. So any opinions you get aren't likely to be very useful--there will be some exceptions but mostly everyone who reccomends one is so biased they shouldn't be trusted.

Maybe if you phrased the thread differently and just said you were thinking of buying one or the other and asked people to list certain things. What their 5-10 top games on the systems are, to explain any specific differences you are interested in (online features or whatever) and so forth.

Then you get more useful information rather than "Get a PS3 it rules and the 360 gets the RROD" or "Get a 360 the PS3 has no good games."
Alright I'll be more specific now.
From now on, list the pros and cons for each console and list 5 of the best games for it.
No fighting between which one is better at all.
bread's done