Should I get another Sharpshooter or get an AK-300?

Oooo... That AK looks cool! Even if it is the cost of 3 Sharpshooters from GameStop. I wouldn't pay that much, personally.
Those look pretty sweet, but not quite what I'm after. I want a rifle to simulate dual wielding sub machine guns in house of the dead 4. Stupid is only selling the gun with Operation Racoon City which I've already bought for 29.99 during Best Buy's DotD. I will note that it a navigation controller is supposed to come included with the AK-300 which is my dilemma because I just bought a second Nav for another gun controller not knowing the AK-300 came with one. The Ak-300 can also be used on any game. the back handle being the right side of the analog and the navigation being the left. sUpposedly the trigger fires your weapon in games like Call of Duty and such.
Not noticing the part where the nav controller is included. The pics don't count, lol! It looks cool, but a bit much. Hmmm... eBay has some cheaper versions.

I tried what you mentioned with HOTD:4. My arms got tired, lol. You owe me a massage! Hehe! I have a Sharpshooter and an eBay version of the Precision Shot 3 that I got for $8 and change/free shipping.
bread's done