Should I make a fuss? Re: EB Games Stickers


34 (100%)
I recently went into an ebgames in Marion, Indiana looking for the usual rare stuff. Anyway, after picking out about $300 worth of games, I proceeded to checkout where i was greeted by one of their employees, i handed him the games, he went and got them per usual. When he got back, I asked him very politely if he wouldn't put those security stickers on the games. He replied that he had to because it was store policy. I explained to him that I would not be returning them becuase i lived more than 2 hours away, and asked one more time that he wouldn't put the stickers on. He gave me this dumbfounded look and once again repeated that it was company policy and he HAD to do it, i think he added something about losing his job if he didn't. I then countered that I sincerely promise that he would probably never see me again and if even one sticker was placed those games, i would walk out without buying anything. He then proceeded to put not one, but two of those stickers on a game, after which I turned around and walked out.

Now, I've never had problems with ebgames like this before, usually they're really cool about the stickers and usually write a little note on the receipt noting that there were no stickers placed on the games and that they couldn't be returned unless defective. I spend somewhere in the area of $10000 annually at ebgames, so i guess I feel like they could do what I ask especially something so simple, you know, the whole customer always right stuff. I also realize that it's just a sticker, and that maybe i overreacted a bit. But it's the principle involved. Should I be pissed off? Should I call his manager? It just annoys me that he let me walk out the door with my $300, something that I beleive his manager would frown on. What should i do?
Aren't you the guy who was reselling gamefly's games? Are you ready for the amount of flamage your about to bring down?
Not to mention how you're practically advertising that you flip...
That's really whiny of you, why wouldn't you just switch the cases out? It IS company policy to put the stickers on there. It was probably a new worker. You didn't have to act like a kid and turn around and walk out of the store just because he didn't do what you asked. The amount of money you spend there has no weight on the fact that it IS company policy. Overreacted a bit? More like a LOT.
Same thing happend to me with some GBA games when they had the buy 2 get 1 a while back...i got a super puzzle fighter Complete and a ds game and noticed a freshly traded in (with no stickers at all yet) Mario Party advance complete...the girl insisted that she had to put the white stickers on and the price stickers on the mario game...i tried to reason with her but to no i said screw it and give them to me anyway since i wanted them and as soon as i walked out i took the fresh stickers off so they didnt have a chance to really stick, plus i am pretty good with removing stickers from my toy collecting days;)

I think i was in a good mood that day cause normally something like that would irk the hell out of me and i wouldnt have brought that i think about it i feel like going back and making a fuss just to annoy them...i mean if anything you are saving them a couple of cents on stickers:)

edit: before you try to flame me;) take into account that these are GBA boxes i am talking about and not plastic cases that i can easily change
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Aren't you the guy who was reselling gamefly's games? Are you ready for the amount of flamage your about to bring down?
Not to mention how you're practically advertising that you flip...[/QUOTE]

First off, no I have had no relationship with gamefly, ever.

And second, your comments have nothing to do with this thread
[quote name='Scorch']That's really whiny of you, why wouldn't you just switch the cases out? It IS company policy to put the stickers on there. It was probably a new worker. You didn't have to act like a kid and turn around and walk out of the store just because he didn't do what you asked. The amount of money you spend there has no weight on the fact that it IS company policy. Overreacted a bit? More like a LOT.[/QUOTE]

The more I think about it, i would tend to agree with you. Especially since there were some great games there. I must have been in a bad mood that day, usually I'm not THAT anal. But, it's such a simple request, the employee could have been more flexible.
What are you going to do? Call his manager and tell him that his employee was following company policy?

I understand where you are coming from OP, but it would have just been nice of the employee to do that for you. It is in no fashion something that you should expect him to do though. The kid is trying to make a few bucks and is just not trying to break any rules.

From your description of constantly telling him that he'd never see you again, it makes it seem like you are trying to do something wrong. (I know that you weren't, but it probably seemed strange to the employee that you kept saying that and threatened not to buy the games).
[quote name='shipwreck']What are you going to do? Call his manager and tell him that his employee was following company policy?[/QUOTE]

Well said. I guess I just needed to hear it from another point of view. Thanks everyone, I will not be pursuing this further.
Boy do I know where you are coming from too.

I can handle the 2 stickers you get at Gamestop. They usually come off no problem.

But it seems like EB usually has 4 or 5 of the damn things and they NEVER come off easily.

As for flipping...who cares. Lets face it, we are almost all game whores here....

I never can fathom why some people look down on those that flip games yet think it is perfectly ok to take in computer generated coupons that print with the word "NO COPIES" on them, remove the wording, figure it isn't a copy since it was printed on a computer...and bilk the seller out of a discount. To each his own I say but as the good book says (paraprased of course) "remove the log from your own eye before you go picking the splinter out of your brother's".

[quote name='briansraregames']I recently went into an ebgames in Marion, Indiana looking for the usual rare stuff. Anyway, after picking out about $300 worth of games, I proceeded to checkout where i was greeted by one of their employees, i handed him the games, he went and got them per usual. When he got back, I asked him very politely if he wouldn't put those security stickers on the games. He replied that he had to because it was store policy. I explained to him that I would not be returning them becuase i lived more than 2 hours away, and asked one more time that he wouldn't put the stickers on. He gave me this dumbfounded look and once again repeated that it was company policy and he HAD to do it, i think he added something about losing his job if he didn't. I then countered that I sincerely promise that he would probably never see me again and if even one sticker was placed those games, i would walk out without buying anything. He then proceeded to put not one, but two of those stickers on a game, after which I turned around and walked out.

Now, I've never had problems with ebgames like this before, usually they're really cool about the stickers and usually write a little note on the receipt noting that there were no stickers placed on the games and that they couldn't be returned unless defective. I spend somewhere in the area of $10000 annually at ebgames, so i guess I feel like they could do what I ask especially something so simple, you know, the whole customer always right stuff. I also realize that it's just a sticker, and that maybe i overreacted a bit. But it's the principle involved. Should I be pissed off? Should I call his manager? It just annoys me that he let me walk out the door with my $300, something that I beleive his manager would frown on. What should i do?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I think you should be a little annoyed. Really, when an employee is completely incompetant (regardless of what store policy is), you shouldn't bother. As for calling the manager, it wouldn't really make a difference. Just don't bother with the store.
Those have always come off easy for me, not really sure what the big deal is. As you have said, you are done with this, but just to add something here. Had you been that whiney to me, I would have put 2 stickers on the game, and the rest on you. :)
heh, sorry, couldn't resist.

Now if it had been one of those damn yellow "OMG NEW SHIT!" stickers, you should have put your foot in his ass.
I don't care so much about them putting 60 billion stickers on the outside of their used stuff anymore. If anything putting stickers on the actual booklets is what annoys me.
[quote name='asianxcore']I don't care so much about them putting 60 billion stickers on the outside of their used stuff anymore. If anything putting stickers on the actual booklets is what annoys me.[/QUOTE]

nothing more annoys me than that
You should be pissed, and you should call the manager. No clue what his reaction will be, but I would guess he won't be too happy about lost sales. I'm the same way. I always have them leave those stupid stickers off.
I hate those ****ing stickers too.
I also don't care if it's company policy for the amount of money they charge for their used games the LEAST they could do is do what the customer is asking them to do.
BTW I'm not flaming the common employee they don't have a choice but corporate can go to hell.
When I ask them not to put stickers on the games, they usually listen to me but tell me that I can only return for store credit.
that's bullshit. it should be your choice to not have the stickers, because you take the risk that you can't return them.. I hate when they put those damn stickers on the cases. Maybe if used games were more than a $2-3 price difference from brand new, it would matter, but new/used there is so close that i wouldn't put up with it.
It is actually store policy to put the stickers on, lots of stores/employees don't.

I really hate it because they ruined my copy of Shining force 1.
So now were bitching about employees following the rules? Wonderful.
Why are you spending $10k a year at EB? You must be a reseller. There is no reason for someone to be spending $900 or so a month at EB. Lets see, traveling 2 hours to a store, buying $300 worth a used, bitching about stickers on the cases/games (less work for you to remove before you ebay)....Yeah, reseller.
If you are spending $10000 per year in games what is another $100 to buy a lot of PS2, XBOX, or Gamecube cases off of ebay.
The only thing wrong with this site is the holier than tho attitude unfortunately displayed by a large number of people here. Who the hell cares if he sells on ebay, it's his own business. I'm sure those that complaine about resellers NEVER have bought from ebay nor ever will on a matter of principle. Probably too busy getting their games with their forged BB coupons that aren't "copies" because they were printed on their computers from some facsimilie of a real coupon and then the words "no copies" removed some how... Uggh...

[quote name='TexTuna']I never can fathom why some people look down on those that flip games yet think it is perfectly ok to take in computer generated coupons that print with the word "NO COPIES" on them, remove the wording, figure it isn't a copy since it was printed on a computer...and bilk the seller out of a discount. To each his own I say but as the good book says (paraprased of course) "remove the log from your own eye before you go picking the splinter out of your brother's".

[quote name='TexTuna']The only thing wrong with this site is the holier than tho attitude unfortunately displayed by a large number of people here. Who the hell cares if he sells on ebay, it's his own business. I'm sure those that complaine about resellers NEVER have bought from ebay nor ever will on a matter of principle. Probably too busy getting their games with their forged BB coupons that aren't "copies" because they were printed on their computers from some facsimilie of a real coupon and then the words "no copies" removed some how... Uggh...

Okay, you don't like people using the BB coupon... we get it.
I have NO IDEA what stickers you guys are talking about. I'll assume EB Canada doesn't have them, but are they really that bad that you'd give up $300 of rare games?
Not me, worse case I swap out a case if need be. They'll have minium the front and back stickers similar to GS, then another front 10% off sticker, perhaps one more, then often a "seal" that covers both sides of the case - all are extremely sticky and bind damn good! :)

They are definitely sticker crazy for sure.

i understand the purpose of the stickers (rebranding a Sony/EA/Ubisoft/Microsoft product as an Electronics Botique Product and a more lasting impression with the store every time you pick up that case to play the game) but they do go overboard on the stickers. Im glad gamecrazy just has one simple price sticker that removes easily.
I just hope GameStop uses EB's POS as planned, but keeps their stickers. The only time GS stickers are hard to take off is when they're on cardboard GBA boxes. They peel right off plastic. EB's almost always need some heavy Goo Gone.
[quote name='gizmogc']So now were bitching about employees following the rules? Wonderful.
Why are you spending $10k a year at EB? You must be a reseller. There is no reason for someone to be spending $900 or so a month at EB. Lets see, traveling 2 hours to a store, buying $300 worth a used, bitching about stickers on the cases/games (less work for you to remove before you ebay)....Yeah, reseller.[/QUOTE]

I don't see where you're going with this. Is there a problem with him being a reseller?
I worked at EB up until yesterday when they closed the doors of my store for good, I'd been there for over a year, and I'd never heard or seen mention of this "company policy" anywhere. Even if it is company policy, if a customer requests you not put additional stickers on their game as they are buying them, then you shouldn't put stickers on their game. Calling the manager probably won't do anything to help you, but next time you go in if it happens again, definitely ask to speak to a manager then and there.
[quote name='botticus']I just hope GameStop uses EB's POS as planned, but keeps their stickers. The only time GS stickers are hard to take off is when they're on cardboard GBA boxes. They peel right off plastic. EB's almost always need some heavy Goo Gone.[/QUOTE]
I actually told my DM the same thing yesterday. He said they'll probably start using the Gamestop stickers because they're easier to scan since they've got the barcode on the price sticker too.
[quote name='briansraregames']First off, no I have had no relationship with gamefly, ever.

And second, your comments have nothing to do with this thread[/QUOTE]

Ok, I was wrong about the gamefly thing but... you seem to manage to keep your stock pretty full aside from these games you walked out of EB without.

Like I said, you might get a lot more sympathy if it wasn't for the fact that you're rubbing it in everyone's face that you flip games.
First of all, if he is an ebay reseller and he's buying $300 of rare games, I think that is the lowest form of a "job" there is. I despise the fact that ebay has create a "workforce" if you will, whose job it is to scalp things that I want to buy in a less convenient venue - this includes games and also includes past anger when I used to collect Starwars toys.

That said - I don't know why they couldn't just write on your receipt "NO RETURNS" and have a manager initial it. Seems like that would have solve everything...
[quote name='n8littlefield']First of all, if he is an ebay reseller and he's buying $300 of rare games, I think that is the lowest form of a "job" there is. I despise the fact that ebay has create a "workforce" if you will, whose job it is to scalp things that I want to buy in a less convenient venue - this includes games and also includes past anger when I used to collect Starwars toys.

That said - I don't know why they couldn't just write on your receipt "NO RETURNS" and have a manager initial it. Seems like that would have solve everything...[/QUOTE]

hey, if you can do that for a living rather then work a 9-5 then why not...i know if i ever get laid off i will be selling on ebay to hold me over and if i make more doing that then having a job then so be it ...Of course i have a ton of items in my possesion from various stages of my Collecting obsession (not just games) that i dont get around to getting rid of since my reg job kicks my ass so that i dont feel like doing ebay when i get home all the time , so i have a good solid jump off point
[quote name='n8littlefield']First of all, if he is an ebay reseller and he's buying $300 of rare games, I think that is the lowest form of a "job" there is. I despise the fact that ebay has create a "workforce" if you will, whose job it is to scalp things that I want to buy in a less convenient venue - this includes games and also includes past anger when I used to collect Starwars toys.

That said - I don't know why they couldn't just write on your receipt "NO RETURNS" and have a manager initial it. Seems like that would have solve everything...[/QUOTE]

Sounds like someone is jealous.
There are some serious player-haters on these forums. "Hoarder!" "Flipper!" "Ebay scumbag!". Shut the fuck up already. Maybe you are mad you didn't get that r@re game for half the market value or jealous that you can't make any money from your "collection". Keep it to yourself and participate in the discussion with something worth reading.

If EB was selling $20 bills for $10, every single person here would buy up their entire stock. That is the basic idea of reselling games.

Back on topic...
I'm not sure what stickers you guys are referring to as I have never seen them on anything bought from EB. I haven't bought anything from them in a very long time though. I prefer GameStop since their games are actually in good condition unlike EB who mix Greatest Hits discs with normal cases and sell scratch and swirl laden discs. Are these stickers particularly difficult to remove? Even the most difficult stickers come off easily with goo-gone and the cleaner does not damage DVD or jewel cases.
[quote name='Zing']
Back on topic...
I'm not sure what stickers you guys are referring to as I have never seen them on anything bought from EB. I haven't bought anything from them in a very long time though. I prefer GameStop since their games are actually in good condition unlike EB who mix Greatest Hits discs with normal cases and sell scratch and swirl laden discs. Are these stickers particularly difficult to remove? Even the most difficult stickers come off easily with goo-gone and the cleaner does not damage DVD or jewel cases.[/QUOTE]

The stickers are semi easy to remove... see, when you buy a used game at EB, they slap a sticker that goes on the front cover around to the back cover right in the middle section of the case - effectively "sealing" the game. It's a big, white, circular sticker.

If the seal is broken, you can't return it for your money back, even if it is defective (which I think is bullshit, by the way).

I very much prefer Gamestops 7 day policy, for those that don't know, you can return any game you don't like back to GS within 7 days for your money back.
I don't agree with reselling things like that at all. Coming from a collector stand point it hurts us. Have you ever seen a thirty year old man rip a Marvel Legend varient out of a child's hand? It's sad. With that said, you can't be doing too much reslling with some of the prices you have. ;)


My local EBs haven't used those stickers in a while. Maybe a year or so? Since before Resident Evil 4 GCN was released. I've never reqested them not to be put on before, but I can see why EB would require them. They're not a rental store. If they were it would kill the pre-owned game market. Back in the day they use to return pre-owned stuff and everyone used them as a free Blockbuster with a better selection. You really can't blame them, can you?

On the flip side, I have not bought stuff there because stickers on cardboard cases. But, if it's on a DVD case what's the big deal? Goo Gone it. Goo Gone Gel it. That stuff works most excellently and rather quickly.
[quote name='WebScud']I don't agree with reselling things like that at all. Coming from a collector stand point it hurts us. Have you ever seen a thirty year old man rip a Marvel Legend varient out of a child's hand? It's sad. With that said, you can't be doing too much reslling with some of the prices you have. ;)

As someone who used to collect ML figs and worked in the toy business:

I wouldn't really link video game reselling to toy reselling... I don't think any video game company puts out low numbers of their product on purpose, much like Toy Biz does / did (I heard they were going to put a stop to it) with the variants / short changing certain figures in a line. Hell, I can't blame someone for wanting to resell a toy, that 7 dollar figure gets 50 - 60 on Ebay, but the sad thing is that toy companies do it on purpose.

I think I quit collecting Marvel Legends figures around Series 5 / 6, when Toy Biz made it impossible to find a Juggernaut or Deadpool, yet the shelves were clogged with Wolverines.
[quote name='Roufuss']As someone who used to collect ML figs and worked in the toy business:

I wouldn't really link video game reselling to toy reselling... I don't think any video game company puts out low numbers of their product on purpose, much like Toy Biz does / did (I heard they were going to put a stop to it) with the variants / short changing certain figures in a line. Hell, I can't blame someone for wanting to resell a toy, that 7 dollar figure gets 50 - 60 on Ebay, but the sad thing is that toy companies do it on purpose.

I think I quit collecting Marvel Legends figures around Series 5 / 6, when Toy Biz made it impossible to find a Juggernaut or Deadpool, yet the shelves were clogged with Wolverines.[/QUOTE]

I've still only seen Deadpool at one comic book convention I went to. Never seen it in a chain retailer or in any comic shops. Bunch of fuckers.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I've still only seen Deadpool at one comic book convention I went to. Never seen it in a chain retailer or in any comic shops. Bunch of fuckers.[/QUOTE]

They finall put Taskmaster in a wave.... fucking TASKMASTER!!! Guess what I find on the shelves?

Yep, you guessed it... wolverine, ghost rider, and iron man, the same shit they ship out en masse, with only 1 or 2 of the unique figures per box. The thing is, people have been pleading with Toy Biz for years now for them to put even ratios in their boxes, but I guess they think everyone wants Wolverine a billion times.

It's almost like if every EB got in one copy of a new game total, and you didn't know when they'd stock it or when it came out, but there are already five people waiting every day to grab it ASAP.

Juggernaut is my favorite marvel character... never saw one on the shelf, ever.
[quote name='Jedi1979']I need Scarlet Witch damn it....seen tons of every other figure (except variants of course) and no Scarlet Witch:cry: [/QUOTE]

Scarlet Witch was cancelled due to manufactuing issues, I read it at a few different places while looking at some stuff.
[quote name='Roufuss']It's almost like if every EB got in one copy of a new game total, and you didn't know when they'd stock it or when it came out, but there are already five people waiting every day to grab it ASAP.[/QUOTE]

We're talking about pre-owned games here, where the rare ones are just as random as a Marvel Legends varient. So I think my comparison is fair in that respect.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Ok, I was wrong about the gamefly thing but... you seem to manage to keep your stock pretty full aside from these games you walked out of EB without.

Like I said, you might get a lot more sympathy if it wasn't for the fact that you're rubbing it in everyone's face that you flip games.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I do keep very well stocked, thank you for noticing.

And I'm not rubbing it in anyone's face, I just happen to like dolphins...and I believe in being honest.
bread's done