Should I sell my GameCube?


I'm been thinking about selling it for awhile now. There's not that many games I want for it this year and I could use the money for other things like getting more games for the Xbox since a lot of new games are coming out for it. If I was going to sell it, how much do you think I'll get with this list.....

Black Controller
251 memory card

Zelda Bonus disk
Metriod Prime
AC(no memory card)
Luigis's Mansion
Jedi Outcast 2

NOTE* I didn't buy all the games at full price *NOTE
I don't believe in selling game consoles..........there could be something you want to play on it later......even if only for nostalgias sake of........and you could never get the same console back for the price you sold it for unless you'rebuying somebody else's problem AKA used

Usedgames are just fine, but I've never felt as good about my used game consuls as I have about the ones I've had from new. I have a sense of pride intaking very good care of my equipment, and most people who are trading in the machines usually don't care about the next person getting them, so they trash them-- meanwhile the reseller just cleans them up enough up to sell on the outside-- without any indication of how much internal wear and tear there is.
Yeah, selling consoles is always a bad idea. They may not mean much now, but years later, you'll come back to them. I just played through Zelda:OoT and LttP on my 64/SNES.
If you were to sell it I'd suggest doing something like Ebay and parting it out. I doubt you'd get as much selling it as a bundle.

Sell, like, the Gamecube, the controllers, the memory card, and Zelda for $100 ish. Then do some research, see what the other games are selling at, and undercut those people by about $5. It'll sell.
I never sell ANY of my consoles, I HATE no, no LOATHE PS2 but I still let it collect dust if I suddenly want to play a PS2 game it will always be there. Plus GC is coming out with some kick-ass games Wario World, Viewtiful Joe, Sonic DX, F-ZERO and TONS of others, so if you wnat to miss those awesome games than sell it but you will regret it.
I used to sell my old consoles and games to get the new ones, and I'll tell you this: you'll regret it.

Keep it...put it in the closet or storage. You'll get it out again someday when you get that itch to play it again.
Ya, every once a while I get the urge to play some SNES game and I just put down whatever else I am playing and play that game again. Never sell any of your consoles.
Don't like RE games.The only reason I bought a GC was because my friend was giving me good deals on GC games, so I decided to get one and just buy cheap games to save money.But now I regret it, and I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!! :evil:

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You, on the other hand, deserve to be called a moron.

Clue: The enjoyment of any game is almost purely subjective. If that particular console isn't bringing a person the entertainment he can get from another, for whatever reason, then of course he should ditch it and put the money that's sunk into it into something that he will enjoy. That's why where's so many games and systems available; people have different tastes.

And that his tastes differ from yours doesn't make him any more or less a gamer (if that is indeed something to aspire to, I doubt it) than you.

Grow up.

Your prerogative. If you're happy with the money you've received from your sale, that's great. If you've "played out" a system, then it might be a good idea to sell it. I think I'll start to vent a little here, so you can quit reading if you like...

These "selling a system" threads tend to spark huge fanboy-driven console wars. I don't even care if that's the original intent - the implication of a statement like "GCN has no good games coming for it" or "My PS2 is collecting dust" or "Xbox is all Halo and KOTOR and nothing else" is always that the system in question is inferior. People are naturally defensive when the console they've adopted (especially if they don't have the funds to get all three) is slighted, even if it's only the suggestion of an insult.

Furthermore, you posted on the Xbox general discussion, not the GCN general discussion. In general, I think GCN gamers are better suited for knowledge about upcoming GCN deals, as are PS2 gamers for PS2 and Xbox for Xbox. This fact alone makes people suspicious of your intentions.


That all said, good luck and have fun.
I don't know what I'd do without my Gamecube...

Tales of Symphonia is reason enough to keep it, and that is just one of the many upcoming games I must have! 8)
I got my GC for Zelda, SSB, and Mario. I got them and played the living hell out of each. Anything else I get afterwards is iceing on the cake.

No expectations = No dissapointment. If you keep thinking that a system will be the greatest thing ever, its gets that much worse when it doesnt acheive the results you want it to.
bread's done