Should the PSP continue?


24 (100%)
This is not a flame war or anything, but after reviewing the latest NPD numbers and Sony's catalog for the past year, it is a question I have.

There are a number of possibilities for Sony to create a new product, possibly the PSP2 but is there a real reason for the PSP? I mean, Sony doesn't seem to support it with software, at least retail versions.

Also the Sony NPD, it listed games after movies in the features of the PSP. I find that odd and sort of makes the PSP up in the air as far as what they are competing against. Are they competing against the Nintendo DS or the Apple Ipod? Either or they are loosing and the PSP is loosing what exactly it is.

Here are some possibilities for Sony...

1. Continue the Sony PSP as it currently is.

2. Stop the PSP all together.

3. Come out with the PSP2 or a new product that they can rebrand with or without the Playstation name.

There are a few things they could do with a New PSP with going with a pure digital download game system. Possibly a system similar to the Ipod Touch but more gaming focus?

That or what could Sony do to bring the PSP back? I mean, what franchise would get people to buy the PSP that hasn't been on it already? I would think it has to be something that is a HUGE PS2 franchise, but most have been ported to the PSP including Final Fantasy, Metal Gear and Ratchet & Clank.

Again, this is not flaming, just thoughts and hopes to what you think Sony should do.
It takes time for games to be made, so they're in a bit of a lull in releases right now. There are two Final Fantasy games on the way along with a Kingdom Hearts and Parasite Eve game and Sony has Resistance Retribution, Patapon 2, and Loco Roco 2 coming next year.

The system sells well enough and they have the PS Store running fairly well that there's no reason for them to give up on it right now.
I think they need to accept that the PSP has essentially lost the fight against DS and they need to find ways to differentiate it and sell it to a different audience. PSP's advertising has always seemed to kind of flail around in search of a rallying point. Is the appeal the multimedia functions? more power for graphics? integration with PS3? They need to focus on something and stick with it. I think the PS3-PSP integration angle would be a good one to work because it could also help bolster the PS3's position.

Introducing a new portable would be a terrible idea right now. Sony already has a schizophrenic attitude toward the PlayStation brand (Everybody trash your PS2 and upgrade, PS3 is the future! On second thought, keep buying PS2s!) and a fourth PlayStation would only dilute the brand further. PSP seems to be going through a low point right now in terms of software support but the upcoming flood of high profile Square Enix games could galvanize it. It's definitely too soon to give up on the PSP.
I honestly don't think the Final Fantasy or even Square Enix brand is as big as it once was. It is only really the next Final Fantasy game that is gaining any real heat and that is not coming to the PSP. Crisis Core had a jump but not a huge one. What I don't understand is the total lack of software not just first party but everyone in general. Is the PSP development cost higher than the Wii? Isn't that Sony's problem?

I am opening a videogame store and talking to a few store owners, it just seems like PSP games do not sell. The system sells ok enough, but nothing really with them. To me, it sounds like either people are using it for just media or people are pirating. Both are bad for Sony because they make money from the software sold. I think the best thing they could do is just stop the PSP and come up with something better or go all in and really make a big push with software. They really had a chance before to really push and migrate PS2 owners to PSP but they didn't do that successfully.
[quote name='bingbangboom']I think the best thing they could do is just stop the PSP and come up with something better or go all in and really make a big push with software.[/quote]
Sony already drastically miscalculated the willingness of their PS2 user base to quickly transition to the PS3, and two years later they're still trying to regain their balance from that fiasco. Prematurely abandoning hardware again could make them into another Sega.
Hardware sales are fine, it's just that piracy is too high (partially affects game sales) and its tough to stop on PSP (due to an early mistake Sony made the firmware too open).

Sony will probably continue PSP until at least 2010. For their next handheld, they will probably do the same thing they do for PS3 which locks out hacking.

Like Sony said, there was a drop in PSP developer support due to performance. Due to its success in Japan around a year ago, many developers in Japan are now working on PSP games again. However, making a game isn't an overnight thing, it takes over a year to see the results. Square Enix is giving it pretty good support soon, so it will be around.

There are many who use the PSP for non-gaming features. However, even if people aren't using their PSP for gaming, Sony STILL gets a small profit from every PSP sold (It's not sold at a lost, a gain). As long as people buy PSP hardware, people benefit.

Remember, when Crisis Core and God of War came out, they sold big on PS3. When big franchises come, they will sell.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It takes time for games to be made, so they're in a bit of a lull in releases right now. There are two Final Fantasy games on the way along with a Kingdom Hearts and Parasite Eve game and Sony has Resistance Retribution, Patapon 2, and Loco Roco 2 coming next year.

The system sells well enough and they have the PS Store running fairly well that there's no reason for them to give up on it right now.[/quote]
There are quite a few big games coming out in 2009 for the PSP;

  • Mana Khemia
  • Star Ocean: Second Evolution
  • Phantasy Star Portable
  • DJ Max Fever
  • DiRT 2 (recently announced by Codemasters)
  • Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (2ndG)
  • Motorstorm
Then there will be the usual smaller titles from third party developers. Overall, 2009 is shaping up to be a great year for the PSP, especially considering Devil May Cry is/was listed on Capcom's site as a PSP announcement yet but you know it's coming. Gran Turismo for the PSP is indeed still in development and will likely see a 2010 release at the latest. Add to that the recent addition of the PlayStation Store to the PSP XMB and we could see a lot more games. Braid is rumored to be the platform the game will be ported to for handhelds (released via the PSS).

EDIT: Assassin's Creed 2 is also rumored to be coming to the PSP (thanks to my petition? Nah, probably not :p). It seems support is slowly starting to trickle back to the PSP, and as TMK said, Sony sold A LOT of PSPs this year (more in Japan, but overall, a lot). And as a fan of the SOCOM series, we are long overdue for a new SOCOM shooter (Tactical Strike doesn't count).
I play my PSP just about every day. I haven't touched my DS since the disappointing Phantom Hourglass. I don't really play PSP games on it though but all of the other functionality is GREAT. I hope Sony continues to support it for a long time.
The PSP hasn't "lost" against the DS by any stretch. Nintendo has dominated handhelds for nearly two decades at this point. So Sony's 30-whatever% marketshare is an amazing challenge. It's akin to saying MS should have dropped the Xbox compared to the PS2. Silly, if you ask me.

Now there totally has been a drought in PSP software. But that's bad for Sony and software devs, fine with me. There's some stuff coming I'm into, digital distribution may work (drop your high PSP software prices, you whores), and maybe this will inspire SCEA to get of their dicks and start licensing more PSX titles as downloadable games in the United States. There are going on 250+ downloadable PSX games for $6 in the Japanese store, and roughly 25 in the United States. Japan has over a dozen Squeenix titles, including Brave Fencer Musashi, Saga Frontier I/II, Front Mission (I, III, I Alt.), Einhander, Xenogears, both Bushido Blade 1 and 2, and a few others I'm forgetting.

If SCEA got off their fat asses and sold titles like this for $5.99 a piece, there wouldn't be as much of a "PSP is in a coma" attitude y'all rightly have (given the releases for the system - it's pretty much my "sega genesis collection" player right now). But that's their fucking loss, and their fucking laziness. They shit the bed with piracy, and they shit the bed with their online pricing for PSP titles.
As Myke says, Sony should concentrate on making cheaper downloadable games, that way they'll avoid taking too much of a hit from the piracy.

The PSP is a great machine, I use mine all the time and never touch the DS these days.

Of course I buy all my games legit and don't have custom firmware on it, not that I'm judging anyone.
[quote name='mykevermin']The PSP hasn't "lost" against the DS by any stretch. Nintendo has dominated handhelds for nearly two decades at this point. So Sony's 30-whatever% marketshare is an amazing challenge. It's akin to saying MS should have dropped the Xbox compared to the PS2. Silly, if you ask me.

Now there totally has been a drought in PSP software. But that's bad for Sony and software devs, fine with me. There's some stuff coming I'm into, digital distribution may work (drop your high PSP software prices, you whores), and maybe this will inspire SCEA to get of their dicks and start licensing more PSX titles as downloadable games in the United States. There are going on 250+ downloadable PSX games for $6 in the Japanese store, and roughly 25 in the United States. Japan has over a dozen Squeenix titles, including Brave Fencer Musashi, Saga Frontier I/II, Front Mission (I, III, I Alt.), Einhander, Xenogears, both Bushido Blade 1 and 2, and a few others I'm forgetting.

If SCEA got off their fat asses and sold titles like this for $5.99 a piece, there wouldn't be as much of a "PSP is in a coma" attitude y'all rightly have (given the releases for the system - it's pretty much my "sega genesis collection" player right now). But that's their fucking loss, and their fucking laziness. They shit the bed with piracy, and they shit the bed with their online pricing for PSP titles.[/quote]
I agree with the pricing for digital distribution games, HOWEVER, Sony/Publishers must keep them the same as retail or the retail stores can and will refuse to carry the games. It's sad, makes no sense, but it is what it is. I, personally, don't buy digital games simply because i like having something physical that i can trade/sell later.
For Sony's first handheld system, I'm sure it has easily surpassed their expectations. They should continue on with it as long as it continues to sell, which it does.

It hasn't been about them trying to "beat" the DS for several years now. They lost that battle long ago.
The thing is the development of a PSP game should not take as long as a next gen game. So if you are saying it takes over two years then that may be a problem for developers. It just doesn't seem like Sony has really put the same importance say Nintendo has with their handheld. God of War was a step in the right direction but I am surprised more PS2 franchises like Sly Cooper havn't made the jump to the PSP. Again, if it is competing as a media device then it is competing against the Ipod, not the DS.

Also, Sony does not like to loose and right now they are. Just have to wonder how long can they continue with the current format at least in the retail end. Remember how hyped UMD movies were before support of that stopped. I just have a strong feeling that 2009 maybe the last year of the PSP as we see it. Either it will all go digital downloads or by the end of the year, the retail space will be used in more productive ways by Sony. This could either be for PS3 or Sony trying to push the space for Blu-Ray.

Another thing is that there are few must have games to make you want to buy a PSP and it is something Sony itself should focus on. There have been talks that Little Big Planet could be that game, but it has not been a system seller for the PS3. The less expensive PSP, along with portability may actually be a better format.

Other games that could have had versions for the PSP like Uncharted and Heavenly Sword could have extended the brands. It is just hard to compare 90.5 Million DS handhelds sold world wide to 41.14 Million PSP handhelds.
[quote name='bingbangboom']The thing is the development of a PSP game should not take as long as a next gen game. So if you are saying it takes over two years then that may be a problem for developers. It just doesn't seem like Sony has really put the same importance say Nintendo has with their handheld. God of War was a step in the right direction but I am surprised more PS2 franchises like Sly Cooper havn't made the jump to the PSP. Again, if it is competing as a media device then it is competing against the Ipod, not the DS.

Also, Sony does not like to loose and right now they are. Just have to wonder how long can they continue with the current format at least in the retail end. Remember how hyped UMD movies were before support of that stopped. I just have a strong feeling that 2009 maybe the last year of the PSP as we see it. Either it will all go digital downloads or by the end of the year, the retail space will be used in more productive ways by Sony. This could either be for PS3 or Sony trying to push the space for Blu-Ray.

Another thing is that there are few must have games to make you want to buy a PSP and it is something Sony itself should focus on. There have been talks that Little Big Planet could be that game, but it has not been a system seller for the PS3. The less expensive PSP, along with portability may actually be a better format.

Other games that could have had versions for the PSP like Uncharted and Heavenly Sword could have extended the brands. It is just hard to compare 90.5 Million DS handhelds sold world wide to 41.14 Million PSP handhelds.[/quote]
There really is no comparison between the two. Both cater to different audiences. The DS - casual gamers/younger audience. The PSP - hardcore gamers/mid-older audience. Considering the PSP has sold over 40 million is a testament to what Sony has been able to do and that's taking 30+% from Nintendo's handheld market share. I personally see the PSP as a large success. It still has a couple years left in it and i really think it will go out with a bang as even Sony has admitted they need (and will be bringing) their bigger franchises on the PSP. 2009/2010 shall be something to look forward to.
I agree with Myke and say they need to concentrate on bringing those PS1 titles they dangled in front of us a year and a half ago instead of ignoring their system and looking for PS3 integration.

I also think they need to bring out a successor to the system with TWO ANALOG SICKS or an analog stick and a touchpad (could be used like the iPhone/iPod touch does with the game Dropship (touch anywhere for analog type input). Dropship

This system should be download only and offer a software store right out of the box.

I understand that this won't happen overnight, but it would be awesome if we hear something of this sorts from E3 next year.
I think this is what Sony needs to do (keep PSP going & not release a new portable device until Fall 2010):

1) Make as many PS2 & PS1 games available for download as possible at decent prices ($5-$30). Including new PS2 releases.
2( Make new PSP games with slightly lower development budgets.
3) Sell the new PSP games on the PSP Store digitally for much cheaper than retail.
4) Get more movies available for purchase and rental on PSP.
5) Lower licensing fees and development kit costs to 3rd parties & potential 3rd parties.
6) Sell a PSP bundle with an 8 or 16 gb memory stick duo and digital coupon codes for use for any PSP content on the PSP store, and a free game for $199.
7) Advertise the new features and how to get the games for cheap on the PSP store.
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[quote name='J7.']I think this is what Sony needs to do (keep PSP going & not release a new portable device until Fall 2010):

1) Make as many PS2 & PS1 games available for download as possible at decent prices ($5-$30). Including new PS2 releases.
2( Make new PSP games with slightly lower development budgets.
2) Sell the new PSP games on the PSP Store digitally for much cheaper than retail.
3) Get more movies available for purchase and rental on PSP.
4) Lower licensing fees and development kit costs to 3rd parties & potential 3rd parties.
5) Sell a PSP bundle with an 8 or 16 gb memory stick duo and digital coupon codes for use for any PSP content on the PSP store, and a free game for $199.
6) Advertise the new features and how to get the games for cheap on the PSP store.[/QUOTE]

Number 3 will never happen as the retail stores will never allow it.

edit: should be 2
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[quote name='62t']Number 3 will never happen as the retail stores will never allow it.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I think one of their goals is to have all of their upcoming PSP games to be on a digital format but I don't think the price will be cheaper. Similar to what they have done on the PS3.
person working at a local mom and pop store said they heard that by summer the only way to get PSP games will be downloads. Maybe even sooner then that .... Is there a single PSP game coming out from DEC 13 to JAN 15 cause gamefly does not list a single one.

Between around NOV 16 to Jan 15 only 1 PSP game is shown Dungeon maker 2

i say pull all of the games out of the store and sell the games online for 15 each ... I would never pay more then 15 for a download game since i has no resell vaule

why waste 30 bucks on a download, hell i can go rent the game for 5 at bb
If it's release lists that determine how well the PSP is doing, it seems it's doing better than the DS and Wii combined. Both don't have shit in the pipeline while the PSP at least keeps putting stuff out to complement the console offerings, like the Resistance game. The DS has a lot coming, but is much of it worth playing though? Comparatively I'd say the DS lost its steam and the PSP isn't gaining enough to do much more than cause a stalemate.

But yeah, if you don't primarily play a PS3 or 360, the offerings for everything else are pretty slim.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']If it's release lists that determine how well the PSP is doing, it seems it's doing better than the DS and Wii combined. Both don't have shit in the pipeline while the PSP at least keeps putting stuff out to complement the console offerings, like the Resistance game. The DS has a lot coming, but is much of it worth playing though? Comparatively I'd say the DS lost its steam and the PSP isn't gaining enough to do much more than cause a stalemate.

But yeah, if you don't primarily play a PS3 or 360, the offerings for everything else are pretty slim.[/QUOTE]

I will admit that the upcoming DS titles are very well... "lite" I think that may have to do more with the DSi possibly being introduced next year. I am sure we will see new titles focus on those new features. But if you are trying to compare the number of quality titles on the DS compared to the PSP, its a total landslide for the DS. Sure there is alot of junk on the DS because of the lower production cost but we typically all know those games. Doing a top 10 list of DS games might be hard but making a top 10 list of PSP software might be stretching it.

Just don't feel that Sony has really done all it can with the PSP software.
[quote name='62t']Number 3 will never happen as the retail stores will never allow it.

edit: should be 2[/quote]
Why would the retail stores never allow it? There have been releases for PS3 that cost $20 more than retail. I don't think retail would have a choice over how a company prices their digital downloads unless retail chose to not sell the items at msrp and lowered their profit margin.
Sony has quite a few good games though. Here's those I can rail off the top of my head with a few extras going beyond 10 so you could pick a few off and still have a solid top 10 list.

Killzone Liberation
God of War
Power Stone Collection
Metal Slug Anthology
Metal Gear Portable Ops
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories
Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX
Ultimate Ghosts'n Goblins
Final Fantasy Tactics
Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles
Ratchet & Clank
Silent Hill Origins
Metal Gear Acid 1 (maybe a little too niche to be considered top 10)
Metal Gear Acid 2 (same as above)

I'd say the bulk of those is the same top 10 list any major gaming publication would construct. I guess others could be added like Patapon, the Syphon Filter games, etc. My DS library is 1/3 the size of my PSP library, and that too is mainly the top tier titles (Castlevania, Advance Wars, Final Fantasy, Metroid, etc.).

I go back to my stalemate argument though. Because if I added in various other games like the Phoenix Wright, Trauma Center, etc. games, you'd have the two handhelds balanced out.

You are right though: Sony hasn't done all it can with PSP software. They seemed to have stopped really promoting the PSP and porting all those games to the PS2 just canibalizes sales from what userbase they have/had. I'm willing to bet the God of War game is on PS2 by the time the snow melts.
[quote name='slidecage']person working at a local mom and pop store said they heard that by summer the only way to get PSP games will be downloads. Maybe even sooner then that .... Is there a single PSP game coming out from DEC 13 to JAN 15 cause gamefly does not list a single one.

Between around NOV 16 to Jan 15 only 1 PSP game is shown Dungeon maker 2

i say pull all of the games out of the store and sell the games online for 15 each ... I would never pay more then 15 for a download game since i has no resell vaule

why waste 30 bucks on a download, hell i can go rent the game for 5 at bb[/quote]
When I put a range of up to $30, I was thinking the new PS2 releases for download on PSP could be that price ex: Persona 4 digital download for play on PSP at same time as PS2 release, and/or releases of old rare PS2 games for download ex: Marvel vs Capcom 2. I would never pay more than $20 for a digital download for PSP that was just a regular PSP game.
[quote name='J7.']Why would the retail stores never allow it? There have been releases for PS3 that cost $20 more than retail. I don't think retail would have a choice over how a company prices their digital downloads unless retail chose to not sell the items at msrp and lowered their profit margin.[/QUOTE]

Um they would refuse to carry products in the future. The retailers have made it clear that they dont want download games cheaper than a store brought copy.
[quote name='62t']Um they would refuse to carry products in the future. The retailers have made it clear that they dont want download games cheaper than a store brought copy.[/quote]
Then companies with leverage would refuse to let stores carry their items that sell very well so that the stores still carry their items that don't sell as well. They already do this with lackluster games being carried so that stores can carry the AAA games. But even if stores did refuse to carry PSP games, it wouldn't be the end for PSP as long as Sony made digital releases successfully and made that PSP's way of selling games.
[quote name='J7.']Then companies with leverage would refuse to let stores carry their items that sell very well so that the stores still carry their items that don't sell as well. They already do this with lackluster games being carried so that stores can carry the AAA games. But even if stores did refuse to carry PSP games, it wouldn't be the end for PSP as long as Sony made digital releases successfully and made that PSP's way of selling games.[/QUOTE]

It is going to be a huge blow to lose any retail store. It could also mean the store refuse to carry PSP2 in the future. After what happen with Saturn and Dreamcast it is a very bad idea to piss off retail store.
Well instead of selling the actual PSP games, they could sell the cards and you can redeem the code from the card online to download the game. Using the system that MS uses for some of their XBLA titles, isn't a bad idea. Truth, is Sony needs a touch screen PSP, w/ different packages offering different hard drive size options. UMDs are worthless. They only hold 1.7 gb worth of data, a lot of PSP games don't use half of that.. so I think it is a good idea for the games to go download only. For retail puposes, maybe Sony can fill the shelves with more PSP accessories.
I'd like to see a PSP2 released, No UMD Drive. In the past I thought that it would be good to have the games instead of being on the UMD, have them on read only Sony Memory sticks; however, another idea would be give the PSP2 a 100gb HD (or larger), and have the games downloaded. Why make UMDs, when you have a network that's reliable, and can deliver the content for you. Of course I'd like to see the PSP become a portable PS2... with dual analog sticks, and if possible L2, and R2 buttons.
[quote name='J7.']Then companies with leverage would refuse to let stores carry their items that sell very well so that the stores still carry their items that don't sell as well. They already do this with lackluster games being carried so that stores can carry the AAA games. But even if stores did refuse to carry PSP games, it wouldn't be the end for PSP as long as Sony made digital releases successfully and made that PSP's way of selling games.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't work like that, the retail market has a huge impact on companies. It is not the same as music where it has gone digital. One of the main reasons is games are more of a tactile thing and cost alot more. And publishers will not lower cost of games because they are digital.

I am not saying it may never happen, but the PSP doesn't really have enough of a force where Sony can be as profitable with having it being completely digital. Publishers and Sony especially want to make money, going compeltly digital won't let that happen. It is not in the mind set yet of PSP owners downloading games or the casual market. The PS3 ownership may help down the light when that increases.

Back to the games listed before, I think what we see is just the good chunk of the quality games are ports or collections. I am sure no one can deny that they either want more original games or original IPs for the PSP. Same goes with any console or handheld, not saying that other systems don't have that.
[quote name='Thomas96']I'd like to see a PSP2 released, No UMD Drive. In the past I thought that it would be good to have the games instead of being on the UMD, have them on read only Sony Memory sticks; however, another idea would be give the PSP2 a 100gb HD (or larger), and have the games downloaded. Why make UMDs, when you have a network that's reliable, and can deliver the content for you. Of course I'd like to see the PSP become a portable PS2... with dual analog sticks, and if possible L2, and R2 buttons.[/quote]
Sony needs to include a UMD drive or some way of transferring games to the PSP2. The only idea i could come up with (if there's no UMD drive) is we send our games in to Sony and they link them to our PSN accounts and we can download the games. The way i saw it, $5 for 1 games, $4 for 2, $3 for 3, $2 for 4, and $1 for each game there after. That would be $15 for 5 games (plus probably $2 shipping) which to me would be perfectly fine if i know i can download those games as whenever i want. Obviously it would be a rather large undertaking for Sony, but if planned properly, i think it would be fine.
[quote name='bingbangboom']It doesn't work like that, the retail market has a huge impact on companies. It is not the same as music where it has gone digital. One of the main reasons is games are more of a tactile thing and cost alot more. And publishers will not lower cost of games because they are digital.

I am not saying it may never happen, but the PSP doesn't really have enough of a force where Sony can be as profitable with having it being completely digital. Publishers and Sony especially want to make money, going compeltly digital won't let that happen. It is not in the mind set yet of PSP owners downloading games or the casual market. The PS3 ownership may help down the light when that increases.

Back to the games listed before, I think what we see is just the good chunk of the quality games are ports or collections. I am sure no one can deny that they either want more original games or original IPs for the PSP. Same goes with any console or handheld, not saying that other systems don't have that.[/quote]
What if Sony offered discounts/deals when you buy more than 1 games digitally? Say i guy New Game A for $29.99, and get a discount on Old Game B for 25-50% off. This could work well for Sony's PSN exclusives where retailers have nothing to lose anyway.
I think Sony will make a boost in the market when Square's big hit games release on the PSP. I know Kingdom Hearts will release on the PSP, and when it does many people will run to get a PSP to play the game. They could even offer a bundle with the KH game inside of it, that would be a collector item as well as a gaming system that would look pretty cool.
[quote name='SynGamer']What if Sony offered discounts/deals when you buy more than 1 games digitally? Say i guy New Game A for $29.99, and get a discount on Old Game B for 25-50% off. This could work well for Sony's PSN exclusives where retailers have nothing to lose anyway.[/QUOTE]

There is no incentive for Sony to offer any discount. It is pure and simple, they don't need to. As much as we all would love well cheap ass games, Sony does not need to do that for us. It is possible that price cuts may happen down the road, but honestly, for many games that have both a digital and retail product, you can find cheaper retail.
They need some games that aren't from Square. If it's not Final Fantasy (Insert Roman Numeral Numbers Here) blank, it doesn't sell outside of Japan, period. And for the foreseeable future, at least from what I can see, that isn't happening.
[quote name='bingbangboom']It doesn't work like that, the retail market has a huge impact on companies. It is not the same as music where it has gone digital. One of the main reasons is games are more of a tactile thing and cost alot more. And publishers will not lower cost of games because they are digital.

I am not saying it may never happen, but the PSP doesn't really have enough of a force where Sony can be as profitable with having it being completely digital. Publishers and Sony especially want to make money, going compeltly digital won't let that happen. It is not in the mind set yet of PSP owners downloading games or the casual market. The PS3 ownership may help down the light when that increases.[/quote]
It does and has worked like that for a very long time. Companies have been able to get stores to carry their less sellable items by negotiating allowing and allocating the amount of items stores will receive that sell very well. Publishers have already reduced the cost of games that are digital. Sony could also include a download station at stores where people can bring their PSP with usb cable or their memory sticks and buy games from the kiosk. This would allow PSP to go completely digital but still allow retail purchases of games.
[quote name='J7.']It does and has worked like that for a very long time. Companies have been able to get stores to carry their less sellable items by negotiating allowing and allocating the amount of items stores will receive that sell very well. Publishers have already reduced the cost of games that are digital. Sony could also include a download station at stores where people can bring their PSP with usb cable or their memory sticks and buy games from the kiosk. This would allow PSP to go completely digital but still allow retail purchases of games.

The cost associated with these sort of things is very high and most retail stores will not be willing to pay for them. The profit that they would get from them will be almost nothing, so there is no incentive to either Sony or the retailers. What game has been released digitally that is cheaper than it is instore? The few that Sony have released typically are better values instore as they include a headset. Warhawk, to my knowledge is still $40 online while a retail version can be found for under $20. I can be wrong on that.

It will really be up to Sony to push their online store and retailers would likely just use that extra space for DS games if they feel that the handheld is pulled. It really hasn't got to the point when "grandma" can go in and buy a digital game for their grandson. We may be hardcore gamers here but that is what really matters. "Grandma" may know to buy an iTunes giftcard though because Apple has really done a good job with marketing. Not even Microsoft has done a great job with marketing Xbox Live point cards to grandma. This may change with the new dashboard, but I think that there a ton more they can do with that market.

Instead of Microsoft just selling 1600 point cards at $20 and 4000 point cards, they should make some that are just really cheap. A cheap $5 card for 400 points is quick retail and counter purchase where they can really market those everywhere. But that is a whole other discussion.
[quote name='bingbangboom']The cost associated with these sort of things is very high and most retail stores will not be willing to pay for them. The profit that they would get from them will be almost nothing, so there is no incentive to either Sony or the retailers. What game has been released digitally that is cheaper than it is instore? The few that Sony have released typically are better values instore as they include a headset. Warhawk, to my knowledge is still $40 online while a retail version can be found for under $20. I can be wrong on that.[/quote]
I don't see why the costs would be incredibly high, it would just require changing the kiosks they currently have in stores and utilize a store's internet access or Sony could do it via satellite. Stores could receive money for each download made or could be paid a certain fee from Sony per month. Some PSP games I have seen for sale on PS Store are cheaper than their retail prices. I think Burnout for PS3 was cheaper for a while & RaCF:Q4B.
They need something that will sell fast and easy. A proprietary format was a horrible idea. If they want success, make online easier to use, improve the interface, get rid of that stupid dial pad text entry mode, and flood the online store with good original content and final fantasy games.
I'd love to play some the old games that I can't play anymore because I don't have an SDTV. They're on the right path with Suikoden but it seems like they're more than happy with remaking the games instead of just porting them to PSN ala the Final Fantasies.
The only way the PSP brand should continue is if...

A - Second Analog Stick (Clicky-sticks too I guess)/L2-R2 buttons are added
B - It has on-board memory (Like 8-20gb minimum)
C - It has a starting price south of $200

Because right now I have no games I want to play on my PSP, there is only 1 game I want for it, and that game doesn't have a release date on it (Kingdom Hearts). It's depressing to have something that collects dust.
[quote name='KingBroly']The only way the PSP brand should continue is if...

A - Second Analog Stick (Clicky-sticks too I guess)/L2-R2 buttons are added
B - It has on-board memory (Like 8-20gb minimum)
C - It has a starting price south of $200

Because right now I have no games I want to play on my PSP, there is only 1 game I want for it, and that game doesn't have a release date on it (Kingdom Hearts). It's depressing to have something that collects dust.[/quote]

There are a plethora of games coming to the PSP this year that i want.

  • Mana Khemia: Student Alliance
  • Final Fantasy XIII: Agito
  • Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
  • Phantasy Star Portable
  • Star Ocean: Second Evolution
  • DJ Max Fever
  • LocoRoco 2
  • MLB '09: The Show
  • Resistance: Retribution
  • Dissidia Final Fantasy
Those are the major titles (that interest me, i'm sure there are others people are interested in as well), i'm sure there are plenty of others yet to be announced.
Games Aside...

I agree with a change of price point, as mentioned above. Sony's primary Competition currently retails for ~$130 in any given b&m, and when a parent (or a cheapy like me) has to figure out which handheld to pick up for their screaming hell-spawn, they'll more than likely to get the other guy wit the lower pricepoint and identifiable prodcut (lets not forget that the big N word is a big name, and tend to sell things like these).

Price point aside, Sony could do a lot more for the PSP. If they already lost the marketing battle towards the younger end of the spectrum (and truth be told, I don't think they even tried), they should start marketing to the young adults AND professionals. the PSP3k having a built in mic and skype capabilities is a cute step forward, but I wouldn't mind having a bit more productivity options open up for me. How hard is it to code and distribute a document reader or an email program for the PSP, and have that be put on the Playstation Store? If anything, Sony should really look at the CFW scene, and see what popular homebrew products are highly sought after there. They should really try to make the PSP just more than a mere video game appliance. Here are just a few suggestions:

PSP Youtube capabilities?
How about email support? (preferrably something that supports POP3 and IMAP).
As said before, a document/pdf reader would really help me out in school.
A better keyboard interface, or create a hardware keyboard accesories.
Do what M$ is doing, and do an XNA program for the PSP (and even the PS3).

Hell, those can be done without having to push for another hardware revision. Just saying...
No. Make it a console and not a laptop.

Don't sell shovelware downgrades of PS2 titles for $40.

Expand the PSN store to increase the # and quality of PSX titles available.

Make people want to game on it - giving more 'laptop' capabilities won't improve it at all.
[quote name='mykevermin'] giving more 'laptop' capabilities won't improve it at all.[/quote]

If it sells the system, or gives it another "avenue for revenue", or if it just appeals itself to another market, then why not?

I'm just saying, look at what nintendo is trying to do with the DSi. Free internet capabilies right off the bat? A relatively inexpensive non-proprietary flash memory card?. A F**king Camera!?!? An emphasis to downloadable games/content? Three out of four of those used to be part of PSP allure, and now the competition is about to release a product that not only mirrors those features, but is about to release a product with a vast and loyal fanbase?

What do you think is going to happen?

But you're right, Sony needs to polish the PStore a bit more, and offer PSX games to the level that is atleast competitve and meaningful to their fans. I love playing C:SotN on my PSP, and I would like to play the old Legacy of Kain games too. MAKE PEOPLE WANT TO BUY IT FOR GAMING!! But failing that, Sony should hedge thier bets and expand the capabilities of their products, like their competition.

Who cares if the PSP becomes a PDA or a "laptop"? As long as it's meaninful and done as a subsidiary to the gaming aspect, then I say let that be an added bonus to owning a PSP.
bread's done