Should the Wii be the lead sku for Guitar Hero & RockBand?


24 (100%)
It seems like the Wii version of Guitar Hero and Rockband are the skus that are not focused but sells more units compared to the 360 or PS3. I think EA blew it with not releasing Rockband 2 quickly to be out for the holiday season. EA sold a ton on the original Rockband for the Wii but they focused on the next gen versions.

I agree the next gen versions are better and offer DLC, but units sold is important and they missed out with the Wii.
No, it shouldn't be the lead SKU, because the Wii versions are objectively worse.

Though why the fuck this even matters... I have no idea.
No, keep the lead skus on the 360/PS3 so they can make the graphics for those and dumb them down and have a good amount of DLC etc. that they can't on the Wii with it's lack of a hard drive.
It rather the HD versions be the lead sku and have the graphics as good as can be (though of course it doesn't matter much for these kind of games) as it's better to start high and dumb down rather than start with the lowest common denominator.

A lot of multiplatform games last gen didn't look as well as they could have on the X-box and Gamecube as they were built for the PS2 and ported up. Better to start with the HD consoles and port down IMO.

Though I don't really care as I doubt I'll buy any more of these games--GHII and III have me covered. I have no interest in the multiple instrument games and from what I've read the new games aren't as good just as guitar games as GHI-III.
From a business perspective, its probably better for the Wii version to always be delayed. Wii titles are evergreen, they're going to stealthily sell under the chart toppers for a long time.

When you have a limited amount of plastic manufacturing capacity, it should be skewed toward the HD systems that follow the more traditional software sales model, which is more front loaded.
Yeah, that's a fair point to. And that way no version suffers. The HD versions can look their best, and the Wii version will probably look as good as it would have it it was the Wii sku anyway.

Again, matters little for these type of games, but I don't want to get back to the lowest common denominator shit we had with the PS2 being the lead SKU last gen.
The thing I don't get is why the Wii version just is delayed so much. Obviously, Activision made it a point to have the Wii version out day one. The PS3 version sells much less than both other versions, at times even going neck and neck with the PS2 version. Graphic wise, I don't really know how much definition we need for little shaped falling down the screen while we press buttons on plastic guitars.

As a business point now, there are more plastic Wii's out there so pushing the Wii version would possibly mean selling more plastic instruments. Not saying that the 360 version isn't bad but to feature them at least equally, besides when there are exclusivity deals.
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