Should Xbox360 have had a web browser?


26 (100%)
I was playing Braid a few moments ago and it always bugged me that the Xbox360 never had a "legitimate" web browser. After doing some quick research, I found many articles several years ago stating that Microsoft would not implement a full-blown web browser because "surfing the 'net via your TV screen is an inferior experience". As of now, Microsoft has released several applications such as Facebook and Twitter that give you a glimpse of the content available on the internet.

I feel like a web browser on the Xbox360 would be nice to have. If someone actually took the time to perfect a web browser and made it efficient, user-friendly, and with chat pad functionality then I don't see why there couldn't be a web browser on the Xbox360. I mean, Microsoft already implemented Facebook and Twitter and they're heavily-populated websites. I feel like the only reason Microsoft is holding back is because it's either too much of a hassle or they don't want people streaming flash videos, etc... but if Microsoft really cornered this browser it could really attract some new customers (at least that's what I think). It would just be nice to have is all, if a browser was available. Thoughts?
Microsoft already makes a web browser called Internet Explorer. ;)

I think they'd rather have you use that then bother to make another one. If anything you may see a special version of IE for Xbox 360 in the marketplace for 1600 pts.
Even if it wouldnt be used much the 360 should have a browser but its alittle late in the game to be doing so. Kinect could potentially be pretty awesome for browing the web.
I don't see a reason why not. They are trying to reach out to casual audiences and having another browser in a house would certainly not be a bad thing. For a long time, my family only had 1 desktop computer and I frequently used my Wii when someone was on it, or the time the desktop crashed lol.

We now have 2 laptops and everyone can be on the computer simultaneously, but I suspect that it would be useful to other families and it would virtually cost them nothing to add a browser.

I don't see them doing it though because they have Facebook,Twitter, and
It would be a waste, I've used the ones on the Wii and PS3 and they are complete junk. It's ridiculous that I can't even do something as simple as watching hulu because the browsers aren't compatible.
Couldn't hurt I guess. But to be honest, I usually just reach for my iPhone if I need to look something up while playing 360.
It seems like a strange omission on its face, but in reality, there is no need for it. I guess it would have been cool to have been able to use Netflix or Hulu or even ESPN3 w/o needing to be a Gold member. However, I think the number of users who would use those features and arent currently gold members is pretty small.

For me personally, it doesnt make a lick of difference. We have four laptops in the house and I have a desktop hooked up to my gaming TV anyway if there was any need to browse. I've use the Wii browser just because it was there, but only for experimental purposes. Whenever I really needed to look something up, I grab a laptop or switch over to my desktop. So I dont miss the feature at all.
If they were to make a web browser for the 360 in the future, they would need a keyboard attachment for the controller. It would be pretty sick to browse the web on my 50in and watch youtube vids on it.
If they could make one that really works, then I'd be all for it.

The truth of the matter is that no console web browser has even been good. The Dreamcast web browsers (all versions of them, and I used them a lot when my computer was broken) sucked, the PSP/PS3 web browser sucks, Opera on the Wii sucks, so there's nothing to make me think that a Microsoft-made web browser on the 360 would be any better.
I never really thought about it until you made this thread. Honestly, it doesn't bother me to get up and go into the other room to surf the web. My xbox is strictly for gaming.
A web browser for the 360 would just mean more ways to crash your xbox, RROD it and/or get it hacked. The last thing I need on my console is malware.

...and how annoying would it be for you to see this pop up every 15 mins. "Your virus detection is out of date! UPGRADE NOW!"
Meh. I'm ok without it. If I want to browse the web, I'll pick up my laptop that sits on the coffee table all the time anyway. Too much hassle without a mouse/keyboard.

I doubt you'll ever see it. Too much development work required. Not enough return on the work.
It should definitely have a browser. They added Facebook and Twitter, but they are nearly useless because you can't view any links that people post. Pretty ridiculous. Even a half-baked browser would at least let you view most such links.
I said yes ... but only if they do it right. As it is, I'm happy with facebook app, but i wouldn't mind youtube or pandora :)
The 360 doesn't need yet one more thing to drive it from its core purposes like they did with Twitter, Facebook and
Owning a wii, I find the console browser is kind of pointless as I can just use my laptop. I guess for desktop users it might seem appealing, but I have my laptop beside me when I play usually, so it's not really needed.

I will say it's nice though, if you want to show a video to somebody on youtube, you can just load it up on the tv instead of huddling around the computer, but really, it's not needed.
[quote name='100xp']A web browser for the 360 would just mean more ways to crash your xbox, RROD it and/or get it hacked. The last thing I need on my console is malware.[/QUOTE]

That's my biggest concern as well. Furthermore, what would we use to protect our consoles and networks from a bug?
I'm surprised to see the poll results being what it is. The question isn't whether you'd personally would use it, but whether they should have it. And quite frankly I don't see a single legit reason why they shouldn't. Facebook and twitter are jokes on there without browser support. "Oh, I see someone posted a link on my wall...but I can't actually click on nice." And before someone replies with "well I don't use twitter or facebook", wouldn't it still be handy for checking things on the fly? For checking out the metacritic score of a interesting sounding XBLA game or looking up a quick youtube video of some new map pack gameplay?

I rarely used my PS3 browser, but it was nice to have when there was a week or so when I was without a computer. And even after that point it didn't hurt knowing that I at least had the *option* to use a browser. I don't understand how no option > option. In 2010 it's a joke that the 360 still doesn't have a basic browser.

and @shrike: if they had a decent browser to begin with, they may not have added those unnecessarily specific apps at all since they could all be accessed from the browser. A lot of NXE clutter could be cut out with a single, basic browser.
[quote name='Rig']I wouldn't need/want it. How often do I use the browser on my Wii/PS3? Never.[/QUOTE]
my friends sister used the wii browser to watch anime "ALL" the time and now they use netflix

[quote name='ITDEFX']NO! I use my 360 to play games, not surf the web...that's what my pc is for.[/QUOTE]
"And" to play games with 32/64 players with no monthly fee besides ISP and free downloads
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Heck YEah, I've been wanting a web browser on my 360 since I got it back in 2006. Not everyone has a laptop, or a pc near their gaming setup, so I'd use it A LOT.
[quote name='Morrigan Lover']Obviously the 360 isn't as powerful as the Dreamcast, so it probably can't candle a web browser.[/QUOTE]

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