Sick people at work


If your company gives you sick time and you were sick, wouldn't you take it? There are 3 people sitting around me hacking and coughing. Making nasty mucous sounds. Why did these people come into work to get everyone sick :bomb:

These 3 people have been with the company for several years and NEVER take off. I know they have tons of vacation and sick time. Yet they come in to get people SICK!
[quote name='harrygetsoff']If your company gives you sick time and you were sick, wouldn't you take it? There are 3 people sitting around me hacking and coughing. Making nasty mucous sounds. Why did these people come into work to get everyone sick :bomb:

These 3 people have been with the company for several years and NEVER take off. I know they have tons of vacation and sick time. Yet they come in to get people SICK![/QUOTE]

I believe I've heard recently there's been studies that show that some large percent of people who get sick leave/vacation time, a lot of them aren't taking it because they can't afford to. Sounds like the most likely case here, as well.

That's not to say I agree or disagree with what they're doing, but I would guess that could be why.
[quote name='jezebelseven']I believe I've heard recently there's been studies that show that some large percent of people who get sick leave/vacation time, a lot of them aren't taking it because they can't afford to. Sounds like the most likely case here, as well.

Uh, I think he's talking about people who HAVE the sick time available and get PAID LEAVE for it, yet still fucking come to work.
the Plus side of working in the public education system is that you get sick leave hours every month that rolls over if you don't use it. After all the stress I go through every day, I make sure I take it because I need a break from these fuckers. Sometimes its a real sick day, others its a mental day off. I've had to work these past two years on my bday when normally I take the day off, but since the fuckers at work never even say happy bday to me but say it to others ...thats it next year I am taking the day off on my bday.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Uh, I think he's talking about people who HAVE the sick time available and get PAID LEAVE for it, yet still fucking come to work.[/QUOTE]

Well, he said nothing about PAID leave, so pardon me for not assuming it.

OP says nothing about where he works, so it could be anything from these people needing to meet a deadline or face losing their job because they're under review, or god knows what else. Maybe they're saving their paid time for a few weeks when they have a trip to Bermuda scheduled to see their youngest daughter get married, or maybe they couldn't get into the doctor until tomorrow so they're saving it for then. Or they could just be assholes who don't care about other people getting sick. Who knows.
Generally when my father is sick, he stays home unless it is necessary to go in because he's very busy at work. Even if he is very busy at work, if he is REALLY sick he will stay home.
If I'm really sick, I would stay home and use a day or two. But I'd rather save my days for when I'm well so I can actually enjoy the day off, whether it be going away for a 3-day weekend or getting things done around the house.

I don't agree with people who are really contagious coming in to work - they should use the time if they have it to get well. But they probably think like me and want to save their days to take vacations and stuff.
I think it could be many factors.

  • Can't afford to take unpaid time off
  • Doesn't feel they're sick enough
  • Needs to meet a deadline sick or not
  • Does not want to take time off for fear of looking like a bad employee
  • We humans are creatures of habit so going to work when sick is just part of our nature
  • Doesn't want to call in sick, and have to explain themselves to a boss, or someone who might say your not sick enough come on in.

I think the biggest for most of us, would be that they can't afford to take time off. Unless you have a really good job, you don't get paid sick leave.
Yea we do get paid sick time. 3 weeks of it. I work for a medical based company. Company policy is pretty lax and most people can effectively work from home (some work from home 24/7). Really sucks when you're on the phone and hear someone hocking a loogee (spelling? lol )

And it's not a normal cough these fuckers do. It's louder than shit. I seriously need tylenol after hearing it all morning.
[quote name='ITDEFX']the Plus side of working in the public education system is that you get sick leave hours every month that rolls over if you don't use it. After all the stress I go through every day, I make sure I take it because I need a break from these fuckers. Sometimes its a real sick day, others its a mental day off. I've had to work these past two years on my bday when normally I take the day off, but since the fuckers at work never even say happy bday to me but say it to others ...thats it next year I am taking the day off on my bday.[/quote]

LMFAO!!!!! :rofl:
I'll tell you why there still there. The only joy in being sick is getting others sick. This is my personal belief and why i will come into work sick
Do they get paid at the end of the year for sick days that they do not take?

That's how it is where I am, but I would still rather take the days off sometimes so I never do this.
[quote name='Mospeada_21']kindly leave SARS masks on their chairs or desks in the morning before they arrive, or at the end of the day after they leave.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure my dad wears SARS masks whenever he goes into work sick.
Theres a couple of reasons why ppl do this. I'm kind of like this. If you are kinda sick with sinus's or a cold you don't get better by setting at home all day. You might as well go to work and just work thru it.

Its also an issue of pride. When you are looking for that pay raise its nice to say look boss I've been here 5 years and I've never even had a sick day thats how much I care.

Lastly you should definetly save your sickdays for when you are healthy. Why would you waste a paid day off when you are sick? That's kind of dumb.

I for one won't take a sickday unless I'm pretty dang ill. I won't call in for a cold or sinus problems. A lot of places are also anal about having doctor excuses and what not and I for one hate doctors and won't see one unless I'm in real real bad shape so it helps in the decission to work under the weather.
People come into work when their sick. And use sick time when they aren't. It's quite annoying but the best thing you can do is get a flu shot, and constantly wash your hands at work.
[quote name='gamingninja']I'll tell you why there still there. The only joy in being sick is getting others sick. This is my personal belief and why i will come into work sick[/quote]


ABSOLUTE TRUTH! That is the art of Saikyo!
I worked in a grocery store and I called in sick and they told me I better show up.

A grocery store, cashier, handling people's food. There were old people and children who could have gotten sick, so I stayed home.

Needless to say, I don't work there anymore.
[quote name='NoRain']
Its also an issue of pride. When you are looking for that pay raise its nice to say look boss I've been here 5 years and I've never even had a sick day thats how much I care. [/quote]

Or when they lay you off you can say; "but I've worked 5 years without taking a day off."
[quote name='harrygetsoff']And it's not a normal cough these fuckers do. It's louder than shit. I seriously need tylenol after hearing it all morning.[/quote]

Gross, dude. I was in the cafeteria last week, and a customer was hacking up a lung near the checkout. I winced everytime I heard her cough, and walked as far away from her as I possibly could, holding my breath so as to avoid inhaling her germs. At least she was covering her mouth, or I would have definitely said something to her.
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