Sigh... Got called in for Jury Duty


120 (100%)
Lame, this is the second time I've been called in to serve since I've moved here 3 years ago.

This is the first time I've actually got called in though. I have to show up at 8am on Monday morning. And they arent even making me serve in Riverside (my home town), I have to drive over to Corona, which is about 20-30 minute drive.

Hopefully, I dont actually have to serve on a case.
I feel your pain...I too have Jury Duty starting Monday. And you want to know what sucks? It's in my town, and they are paying $10 a day + 5 cents a mile. So I'll be making $10.50 for the whole day :( Hope I don't get picked.
I've never been called in :bouncy:

Plus if they call me i'm gonna tell them how i'm a neo-nazi grand wizard.
I heard that if you pretend like you never got the notice you can pretty much get out of it because they rarely bother to check why you did not make it.
[quote name='Theduck']I heard that if you pretend like you never got the notice you can pretty much get out of it because they rarely bother to check why you did not make it.[/QUOTE]

NOT a smart thing to do.
You got served! (I know my humor is horrible)

Theduck that reminds me of that Reno 911 episode where they are trying to hand him the notice but the guy won't take it.
Some jobs will pay you but you have to give them the money you got for going. That is how the government does it but others may let you keep the money if they pay you also. That is not every job. Also in IL you can not say your a nazi and get out of it. However if on the form it says you can get out of it by talking to them I suggest you go with a hardship case. I had to do this around the first of December. I just sent them a letter to the address they gave me and told them I just started a new job and had bills that I had to pay that I was behind on from not working and could not aford to take the time off. Only bad thing was I did not know till the friday before if I had to go in or not.
I got a Jury Duty summons once....When i was 14 years old, I was worried i was going to jail or something because i stole 20 bucks off some kid and wrote "Ms Crabstein's a Bitch" on the classroom door, but we got it sorted out, turns out it was a mix up with a guy with the same name,

never recieved one since
I got called a couple years ago, and had to serve on a jury. It was a very boring experience.

I was in the first group called in, and was one of the first jurors called into the box. Was a case about one company suing another of stolen computer files... Shit went on for over 2 weeks.
Go in wearing a shirt with a Swastika on it.

[quote name='joe2187']When i was 14 years old, I was worried i was going to jail or something because i stole 20 bucks off some kid and wrote "Ms Crabstein's a Bitch" on the classroom door[/quote]

That is so in my sig.
[quote name='djkunai']Go in wearing a shirt with a Swastika on it.


That is so in my sig.[/quote]

You acually made it your sig. I couldn't tell if it was a joke or not.

Go in wearing a shirt with a Swastika on it

that, or Che.
It's actually required by law that your employer pay you for any time you miss from work. (e.g. You work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and you miss 5 days for court, they have to pay you for 40 hours) You, of course, have to let them know where you're going to be in advance. I wouldn't stroll in after missing a week of work and be like "Yeah, I'm gonna need to get paid for last week. Kthxbye."
I just got called in for the first time a few weeks ago. I got picked for a trial, but after waiting in the side room for about an hour they called us back in and told us the trial wasn't going on that day. I'm free for 3 years at least.
[quote name='djkunai']Go in wearing a shirt with a Swastika on it.


That is so in my sig.[/quote]

Seriously? I dont know if i should feeled honored or creeped out

Hey to be honest though, Ms Crabstein was a full on bitch, she looked kinda like that Crazy bitch from trading spouses

And would never admit to when she was wrong and always say "Im the teacher here, you listen to the teacher, because I know better than you" (Bitch) not only that, She almost retired one day because she became a giant laughing stock in the eyes of all the students at the school, We were all just coming back from lunch and Ms Crabstein was waddling her 10,000 lb fat ass to the class room through the quad area and all of sudden somone spotted something wrong with Crabstein.....a Piece of toilet paper about 2 feet long sticking right out of the back of her pants, Immediatly the whole school even those that didnt even see it were laughing and pointing at Ms Crabstein, Oh sure she was crying and screaming about whats so funny and shut up, and about 20 kids were put on detention but that day onward, i could longer take her seriously.
[quote name='CAG 79']Is it true that you only get called for jury duty once you have voted?[/QUOTE]
Not sure if it's different in each state, but here they can call you if you're registered to vote or have a driver's license.

Also again this may be different in other states, but your employer does not have to pay you. It's only against the law for them to fire you over it.
I hate Jury duty. I hate it so damn much.

I get called every single year since the day I turned 18.

The worst part about it is that I will never get selected. Ever. As soon as they know that my Dad is a cop I will be dismissed. No defendant wants a cops son on their jury so I always get asked to leave.

Thus wasting an entire day of work (freelancer so I actually do want to work) 15 bucks in gas 6-10 bucks in parking and 8 hours of my life.

But a good way to get out of jury duty is this. Only works if you are somewhat young and can still pull off being in college. When they ask you if there is any reason you cant be there tell them the week of the trail is also the week of your college finals and missing all of them will really screw up your grades as you have to take different test...and blah blah blah blah. Just continue on telling how much you will get screwed over at school if you came. Most judges will be like..."oh congrats young person on furthering your education make sure you get good grades get out of here" My friend is 5 for 5 with that excuse.
Considering how often my mail gets delivered to other people, i'd just claim i never got the summonce. It's compltely plausible that i wouldn't.
[quote name='Soodmeg']

But a good way to get out of jury duty is this. Only works if you are somewhat young and can still pull off being in college. When they ask you if there is any reason you cant be there tell them the week of the trail is also the week of your college finals and missing all of them will really screw up your grades as you have to take different test...and blah blah blah blah. Just continue on telling how much you will get screwed over at school if you came. Most judges will be like..."oh congrats young person on furthering your education make sure you get good grades get out of here" My friend is 5 for 5 with that excuse.[/QUOTE]

Can't taking a Criminal Justice class or some other law class get you out?
[quote name='1SwtDeception']Can't taking a Criminal Justice class or some other law class get you out?[/quote]

Dont know for certain. I would assume so. I dont know if its as concert as having your pops a cop. They flip out when they find that out because they figure I will go with the side of the law no matter what.

Plus they might screw you by saying something like......"Oh well this will be the perfect situation for someone going into the justice system.....sit your ass down and pay attention."

I say try it.....and if not just tell them your criminal justice final is coming up the week of the trail.:lol:
I did grand jury duty for a month one summer, it was awesome. It started right after I got a job for the summer, and they paid me some, plus I worked weekends (which included every sunday at holiday pay). I ended up making more than I would have otherwise, and I spent most of my time at jury duty watching DVDs on my laptop (in grand jury duty you sit around most of the day waiting for cases to come in). We also got all of the cool crimes, murders, and tons of drug stuff. The undercover cops were also very cool and willing to talk and answer any drug questions we had.
[quote name='btw1217']It's actually required by law that your employer pay you for any time you miss from work. (e.g. You work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and you miss 5 days for court, they have to pay you for 40 hours) You, of course, have to let them know where you're going to be in advance. I wouldn't stroll in after missing a week of work and be like "Yeah, I'm gonna need to get paid for last week. Kthxbye."[/QUOTE]

In your state maybe. However the only law that I know of is they can not do anything to you. So it can not count against you if you have to do jury duty. They can not fire you, they can not point you or anything else. However they do not have to pay you. Thats how it works in IL.
Wow... so much hate for jury duty here. How'd you like to be on trial and facing a jury of people who weren't smart enough to weasel out of jury duty?
[quote name='CAG 79']Is it true that you only get called for jury duty once you have voted?[/QUOTE]

I remembered last year when I was picking up flowers for my gf and her family when her pet cat of nearly 20 years passed away last year(from the tainted food incident), the guy who was wrapping them seemed ticked off for some reason. So I made conversation and it turns out that he was ticked that he was picked for jury duty and would be loosing a lot of money for it. He also blamed the fact that he was a registered voter. I paid for the flowers and walked out quietly, thinking to myself that I was glad I never registered to vote.
From my local jury duty site:

* How do names get select to be summoned for jury duty?

All persons selected for jury service must be selected at random, from sources that include a representative cross section of the population of the area served by the court. In Riverside County this includes lists from the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Registrar of Voters, and may include mailing lists, telephone directories and utility company lists.
My dad has a buddy who gets called up so many times it's not funny. He never served though. He'll put on an act of twitching and looking over his shoulder all the time like he's paranoid. They always excuse him.
[quote name='happy']We also got all of the cool crimes, murders, and tons of drug stuff. [/quote]

No offense but i don't think you should even be able to judge anything if you think murder on any level is "cool".
Well I'm glad you had fun at other's expense.

I was summoned once when i hit 18 (never voted).
I was working and going to school at the same time so all i did was tell them that and i was never bothered again.
[quote name='pacifickarma']Wow... so much hate for jury duty here. How'd you like to be on trial and facing a jury of people who weren't smart enough to weasel out of jury duty?[/QUOTE]
I was going to say something similar. Yes, jury duty isn't fun but it's a very important part of our legal system and something you shouldn't just get out of because you don't feel like doing it.
I'll probably never get to be on a jury, though I sure would like to be.

Either way the right to be judged by a jury of your peers is not something to be taken lightly. So do your duty!
[quote name='pacifickarma']Wow... so much hate for jury duty here. How'd you like to be on trial and facing a jury of people who weren't smart enough to weasel out of jury duty?[/QUOTE]

No doubt. Do your civic duty, lazy motherfuckers. We could do away with Juries altogether and have a military tribunal system like the one at Guantanamo Bay. Then you would never get pesky Jury Duty letters in the mail. That would be awesome, wouldn't it?

[quote name='ITDEFX']I was glad I never registered to vote.[/QUOTE]

I'm glad, too.

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I was going to say something similar. Yes, jury duty isn't fun but it's a very important part of our legal system and something you shouldn't just get out of because you don't feel like doing it.[/QUOTE]

Sho' nuff.
In most states they use voter registration, DMV records, and Tax records to find possible juror candidates. Not registering to vote doesn't do much if you're not willing to "stay off the grid" altogether.
[quote name='CAG 79']Is it true that you only get called for jury duty once you have voted?[/QUOTE]
My brother got called in for jury duty and he has never registered to vote. I do not know if it is different by state though.
[quote name='rodeojones903']NOT a smart thing to do.[/quote]

No, it is not a smart thing to do at all. Next thing you know you will be on the other side of the court case. :applause:

[quote name='pittpizza']In most states they use voter registration, DMV records, and Tax records to find possible juror candidates. Not registering to vote doesn't do much if you're not willing to "stay off the grid" altogether.[/quote]

So I got a wreckless opt charge, does this mean I am off the hook of Jury Duty? lol
bread's done