Silent Hill: The Movie (official thread)

[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']The big question is whether or not it'll hold up next week.[/quote]

Yeah, the 2nd week is gonna be killer.
[quote name='jaykrue']I think it's because Silent Hill didn't play up its video game connection too much in the promos. Anyone who is a gamer already knows what Silent Hill is & those who aren't think it's an attractive (by which I mean exciting) horror flick. And I think it's part of what made it successful. Of course, the argument could be made that Tomb Raider did the same but the storylines weren't very compelling IMO when contrasted to Silent Hill's.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it seems like a lot of people had no idea that it was a game. As I was sitting there watching the credits, when the "based on a game by Konami" popped up, a girl behind me said "Wait, that was based on a videogame?". I also went into EB yesterday and while I was kickin it with the clerk, someone called trying to track down all of the games. They had no idea that it was a game before and after seeing the movie, they wanted to play them all.
[quote name='yester']According to rottentomatos, that movie actually sucks..
I was hoping that the movie is good, because i really want to see it. But like so many gamebased movies, they suck.

TO bad.[/quote]

Honestly...who the fuck uses rottentomatos as a legit source?
Meant to see it this weekend, but was busy. I asked a friend who saw it, she said it was pretty confusing. I still plan to see it, friday night was when me and all my friends went but they were sold out. So, in return we saw 'The Sentinel' which sucked absolute balls.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Honestly...who the fuck uses rottentomatos as a legit source?[/QUOTE]
The same ones that use ;) I use it as a general source to pick what to watch, I don't allways agree but 95% of the time if a movie gets under 50% it sucks ass. If you only watch popcorn flicks RT will not be your friend because critics normally give popcorn flicks bad rattings (because if you watch a lot of movies you normally have seen a similar movie that did it better.)

Also I have seen plenty of stinkers that got 80% plus on RT. Movies are allways subject to opinion your best bet if you like movies that most critics hate (besides watch some classics to see some real good flicks) is find a critic that you agree with the most and just read his/her reviews.

Also RT is not like game rankings where 90% means a 9.0 average, it means that 90% of the critics give it a "thumbs up" even if the thumbs up is a 2.5 stars out of 5 stars.
For those who haven't seen it yet, just go watch it. Don't let egocentric reviewers make decisions for you. If you love the games, you'll enjoy the movie. The plot, like the original game's plot, can be a bit hard to grasp at first, but once you wrap your mind around it, you'll like it.
The IGN review mentioned that there is a rumor that the original cut of this film is actually 3 hours long.
Rotten tomatoes takes reviews and puts them as good or crap. Take for instance the IGN review which was two and a half out of 5 stars, but rotten tomatoe put it as a crap review. So you can't trust every review on there.
Thats what I though it was. I looked on ebay to see if the games went up in price and sure enough the first one has. $60 for a greatest hits version.
Well I saw it tonite, and I have to say I think it was average at best. Most of the acting and some of the directing was pretty good. However, it definately had downsides, to be honest mroe cons than pros actually. The main thing, and it's actually hard for to say this, but it was almost too much like a video game. Especially in the case of the script writing (which is a bad thing, real bad).
[quote name='megaseadramon']Rotten tomatoes takes reviews and puts them as good or crap. Take for instance the IGN review which was two and a half out of 5 stars, but rotten tomatoe put it as a crap review. So you can't trust every review on there.[/QUOTE]

The IGN review (I just reread it to make sure I read it right the first time) gave it an overall bad review and the way I read it I would say they gave it a thumbs down (also IGN owns RT so I am sure that the reviewer also submits if it will be fresh or rotten on RT.
[quote name='ITDEFX']saw it yesterday with my cousin in NYC (the amc theater) man that was a bit of a disturbing movie. The ending is very questionable as to what really happened but
they say some intresting theories.[/quote]

Yeah, there are some good ones there.

At first, I really thought all three died in the crash, but after realizing there were no bodies to be found, I was kinda confused.

But this theory from the Wiki site actually makes a lot of sense: Alternatively Rose and Sharon may not be dead but instead be trapped in the dream world created by demon Alessa. At the end of the church scene when the cultists are being cut down like wheat Rose tells Sharon to shield her eyes from the horrors (see no evil). Sharon overcome by temptation looks into the eyes of the demon in that scene. This fits into the overall concept of movie because the evil Alessa corrupts the last good part of Alessa (which is Sharon). Afterwords she appears to act strangly and her eyes seem to open as the bridge appears out of town (almost implying as if she willed it into existence). The hazy dreamlike cloud in the dream Silent Hill is still present the entire time implying that they are still in the dream world Alessa created. This is supported by the fact that there are no people present anywhere after they leave the town. This may also explain why Christopher is able to sense her as if she were just on the edge of reality. Rose and Sharon despite having left the physical town of Silent Hill are still trapped in Silent Hill.

After reading that, I can see where this might be what happened.
I thought the movie was ok. I think this was the only movie based on a game I can think of though that kept the game's badass into movie badass (Pyramid Head). I wish it was in the movie longer.

I hated the acting by the little girl though. I just wanted her characters to die.

Also my take on the ending is they are still in another dimension or dream world of Alyssa and the demon. I thought the demon said that all of the inhabinants of the dream world must be destroyed for the dream to end and since Rose kept Alyssa's daughter Sharon alive she kept the dreamworld alive. I'm not sure though. It also looked like the demon might have transported itself into Sharon as well, but I don't know why it would do something like that.
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but did anyone else notice that....

Rose was "sort of" shouting out the Contra code from Konami... when she was lookin at the map of the hospital, she was yelling out left and right... and when she was running in the hospital the hallways were clearly labeled A and B. Konami trying to be slick for the gamers? Any opinions on this?
[quote name='lnguyen831']I don't know if this has been mentioned, but did anyone else notice that....

Rose was "sort of" shouting out the Contra code from Konami... when she was lookin at the map of the hospital, she was yelling out left and right... and when she was running in the hospital the hallways were clearly labeled A and B. Konami trying to be slick for the gamers? Any opinions on this?[/quote]

I didn't even notice that, but thats really cool that Konami did that.
I just got back from watching it a couple days ago. I went with 5 other people and to tell you the truth, I was laughing that whole time. It was an ok movie. I've never played the series (nor do I want to) But I have kept up on the story lines of all of them.

If youre looking for a gore flick with a good story then this is it. 4/5 from me.
I'm overall dissapointed with it, I didn't like how the cult was just a witchburner group. I was expecting them to at least worship somethig evil, "embrace the darkness". I'm not happy with the plot, but the atmosphere and monsters were spot on, absolute perfect. The babies in the beginning were even better then the game's version! I dug my nails into my arms as soon as I heard PH's blade scratch the ground! Haha, not enough PH in it. Also, I was a little bummed that Rose never once used a pipe! It's the staple weapon of the series, at least the miners had them though.

Anyone know what monster Clint (name?) was? It was the guy in the restroom, remined me of the "door" monster from SH2, or the flying bladed things from SH3. Speaking of, I got teary eyed during the car scene cause of the song, and sang along during the credits (not aloud!)

I don't really know where to put this movie, I place it along with the comics. Just ok, but I won't really take it seriously, it's just it's own thing. I respect the director's job, he did great with design, but a weak plot.
The movie was faithful to the game. I liked it.

I just didn't like how it revealed the whole story in like 15 mins near the end of the movie. I guess in videogames its easier to show the plot gradually while movies have some set time to show it all.
[quote name='Supercake']
Anyone know what monster Clint (name?) was? It was the guy in the restroom, remined me of the "door" monster from SH2, or the flying bladed things from SH3. Speaking of, I got teary eyed during the car scene cause of the song, and sang along during the credits (not aloud!)

That was the Janitor: Colin. He/it was one of the better monsters in the movie I thought. Although, they were all spectacular.
I just didnt like the fact that everything seemed to happen without reasons being provided (like how Rose knew that Colin guy was bound in the bathroom stall and she had to get the hunk of wood out of his mouth). And the story just was not explained properly. But now that I've been reading and hearing various theories of what was going on I'm tempted to see the movie again (on dvd). Perhaps it will make a lot more sense the second time around.
[quote name='Maklershed']I just didnt like the fact that everything seemed to happen without reasons being provided (like how Rose knew that Colin guy was bound in the bathroom stall and she had to get the hunk of wood out of his mouth). And the story just was not explained properly. But now that I've been reading and hearing various theories of what was going on I'm tempted to see the movie again (on dvd). Perhaps it will make a lot more sense the second time around.[/quote]

I knew right away what she was supposed to do. I think the big letters that read "I double dare you" or something to that effect and the guy's mouth being wide open with an object halfway out was obvious enough.

I've never played much of the series, but after watching this movie and liking it, I really want to play them all.
I think Rose just getting the wood out of Colin's mouth and just happening to search through cabinets in Midwich and find a flashlight was a nod to how videogames tend to work.
Since that was the janitor, then it makes sense to think of him as the door monster from SH2.

Grave, you should definitly give SH a go. Great series, and SH 1 is around 7-15 bucks I think at EB if you find one. If you can only play one SH, at least play SH2. They are all 20 bucks or less now.
Well, I saw the movie on Saturday. I loved the movie. I've never played any of the games, though. The movie made me want to go and play through the games.
[quote name='Logain8955']The Janitor is fully new to the series. He was created specifically for the movie.[/QUOTE]

that flashback what he did to that girl was distrubing. Bastard got what he deserved.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Yeah, there are some good ones there.

If the demon finally got her revenge with the help of Rose, then why not let them go? Why possess Sharron?... Does the demon WANT to use them to bring her to the outside world to bring hell to it as well? Also why is it that Cybil (the cop) is allowed to enter SH, but not the father?
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']I knew right away what she was supposed to do. I think the big letters that read "I double dare you" or something to that effect and the guy's mouth being wide open with an object halfway out was obvious enough.[/quote]

the audience knew what she was suppose to do.. but Rose knew what she had to do because: on the wall you see the words "Dare you dare you double dare you" and a bigass arrow pointing down at the mouth
did anyone notice how the trailer and the movie differed as far as the initial crash went? The trailer showed them passing through the apparition, but didnt happen that way in the movie.
[quote name='Pookymeister1234']did anyone notice how the trailer and the movie differed as far as the initial crash went? The trailer showed them passing through the apparition, but didnt happen that way in the movie.[/quote]

Thats really nothing new. I remember the trailers for Hocus Pocus had the fat one drinking from a bottle in a supermarket, but the scene was never in the movie.
[quote name='ITDEFX']
If the demon finally got her revenge with the help of Rose, then why not let them go? Why possess Sharron?... Does the demon WANT to use them to bring her to the outside world to bring hell to it as well? Also why is it that Cybil (the cop) is allowed to enter SH, but not the father?

As far as Cybil goes, I suppose it was merely accidental just like in the game. The trick was to pull Rose and Sharron into SH at a certain point and Cybil was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. But after Rose and Sharron entered the hellish SH, it was sealed off after that from the rest of the world.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']Someone make a alt ending(s) please.[/QUOTE]

you want it you got it

alt ending 1

Rose figures out shes really dead and a walking spirit ala the sixth sense :p

alt ending 2

Rose and Sharron escape and go back to the normal world

alt ending 3

the bridge is still destroyed and they can never escape :O
[quote name='Kayden']Thats really nothing new. I remember the trailers for Hocus Pocus had the fat one drinking from a bottle in a supermarket, but the scene was never in the movie.[/quote]
In almost every King Kong trailer they had Carl filming Ann on a beach when they hear Kong roar. After the roar Carl then says something like "Get the camera".
Nothing like that happened in the final version of Kong.
[quote name='Kaijufan']In almost every King Kong trailer they had Carl filming Ann on a beach when they hear Kong roar. After the roar Carl then says something like "Get the camera".
Nothing like that happened in the final version of Kong.[/QUOTE]

its like the final trailer for Episode 3, with the start of the shuttle flying by the camera with the two fighters in escort on the way to coruscant (supposly carrying darth vaders body), a cool shot but OMMITTED from the final release...why we will never know :(
[quote name='ITDEFX']you want it you got it

alt ending 1

Rose figures out shes really dead and a walking spirit ala the sixth sense :p

alt ending 2

Rose and Sharron escape and go back to the normal world

alt ending 3

the bridge is still destroyed and they can never escape :O[/QUOTE]

don't forget the UFO ending!!!!!!!!!
#1 at the box office means a couple things: We might now see more faithful video game to movie adaptations. Or, we might see studios optioning every remaining video game license around, to turn into a crappy movie. So, in the summer of 2009, we can all look forward to Big Mother Truckers: The Movie.
Star Trek First Contact trailer had both a shot of Voyager and from the last episode of Next Gen. Those two were most definetly not in the movie. They just love to mess with your head a little in the trailers.
[quote name='ITDEFX']its like the final trailer for Episode 3, with the start of the shuttle flying by the camera with the two fighters in escort on the way to coruscant (supposly carrying darth vaders body), a cool shot but OMMITTED from the final release...why we will never know :([/quote]

So you can spend 90 bucks to see it in the Starwars Septilogy Special Addition Titanium Super Turbo Edition Boxset.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Star Trek First Contact trailer had both a shot of Voyager and from the last episode of Next Gen. Those two were most definetly not in the movie. They just love to mess with your head a little in the trailers.[/QUOTE]

hmm i have to locate this when i get a chance. Anyways Generations did the same thing, stock footage from TNG.
[quote name='ITDEFX']hmm i have to locate this when i get a chance. Anyways Generations did the same thing, stock footage from TNG.[/QUOTE]

You have to slow it down but its very clear in one scene where you can clearly see the bow of Voyagers with the NCC number. Also, they show the part where the Pasteur blows up in All Good Things...
[quote name='Kayden']Thats really nothing new. I remember the trailers for Hocus Pocus had the fat one drinking from a bottle in a supermarket, but the scene was never in the movie.[/QUOTE]
The most noteworthy omission from a movie for me was the part in Jarhead's trailer where you see Gyllenhaal with a sniper scope up to his eye, blowing/popping some chewing gum in his mouth. Nowhere to be found in the final film.

[quote name='VanillaGorilla']#1 at the box office means a couple things: We might now see more faithful video game to movie adaptations. Or, we might see studios optioning every remaining video game license around, to turn into a crappy movie. So, in the summer of 2009, we can all look forward to Big Mother Truckers: The Movie.[/QUOTE]
Don't even fucking joke about that. Seriously. D:
man i just got back from it a minute ago, i dont think i can sleep.

the movie itself didnt scare me at all. but just thinking about creatures being around me in the pitch black while i try to sleep.... ahhh my mind wont get off it.

as for the movie itself, i thought it was done very freaking well. a few acting parts that were a little poopish, but other than that, good movie. boobie twisting needs to be in alot more movies.
[quote name='projecteightysix']man i just got back from it a minute ago, i dont think i can sleep.

the movie itself didnt scare me at all. but just thinking about creatures being around me in the pitch black while i try to sleep.... ahhh my mind wont get off it.

as for the movie itself, i thought it was done very freaking well. a few acting parts that were a little poopish, but other than that, good movie. boobie twisting needs to be in alot more movies.[/QUOTE]

Just sleep with your tv on timer and mute. That's what I did the first night I saw it.
bread's done