Silver Nintendo DS - Guitar Hero DS Bundle Pack


599 (100%)
Hey guys, I just saw over on the announcement of a Silver Nintendo DS bundled with the new Guitar Hero for the DS. Anyone else hear about this or when it will be available? As far as I know, no official price has been announced. It got a lot of hate on the Kotaku site, but I think it'd be great for collection purposes. So far just about every Nintendo DS that was limited edition has skyrocketed in value and I always want to kick myself for not getting one.

Here's the original article on Kotaku btw:
I assume that it works fine with the older DS because it just plugs into the GBA slot on the bottom as far as I understand. That being said, GBA games do stick out of the bottom (unfortunately) so it's possible that it won't work, but I haven't heard anyone say that it's Lite only....that'd be odd for them to do that.

And Lurknomore, yes limited Edition DS's (Nintendogs Bundles, Zelda Bundles, etc.) always rise in value. It generally takes them a few months but they're almost always worth at least 60-100 more than originally sold for. It's crazy but true, especially for hotter games. I'm not sure what the bundle on this will cost (as I hear Guitar Hero is like a $50+ game for the DS which is really odd, but considering it comes with a controller add on makes sense). Guess we'll have to wait and see!
It comes with some sort of adapter plate so that it will work with the original DS.

I was really excited about the game but after seeing the track listing I am not so pumped.
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