Sim City Societies (PC) $25 shipped - Amazon DOTD

Remember this can be combined with today's "10 days of deals" offer. Orange Box and Civilization 4 are up there, among others (basically get $20 off when buying the two games together).
I don't want to rain on one of Cheapy's posts, so I'll just say this: read a few reviews before buying SimCity Societies. It's nothing like the previous games, and for me anyways, not worth my time.
you can get 2 copies for $30 right now and I'm on the fence if I should buy a copy and then sell a copy on ebay...... Then I'd probably be able to get it for a few dollars .... but all the reviews everywhere says it sucks and doesn't play like other Sim Cities
I run a Sims website, and I have the game.

I, myself love it. I'm a huge fan of the original SimCity games, and I knew this was going to be nothing like it. This isn't a replacement in the series, more of a Spinoff as Maxis is occupied with The Sims series.

Societies is a lot like the neighborhood in The Sims 2. You basically plop down your buildings and try to keep your sims happy. If you love playing SimCity 4 and love a good challenge, this game isn't for you. But if you love the neighborhood aspect of The Sims 2, then at $25, this is a great buy.

However, this game does have its fair share of bugs. EA rushed it out and didn't give Tilted Mills any more time to correct them, so they are currently working on patching the game. Many folks are having issues with the game crashing due to huge population and bad programming errors. I myself haven't came across any issues, but I only build small towns.

To be honest, this game will keep dropping in price, and pretty soon it will hit $19.99. I'd wait another month for the patch to release then snag it at that price. Or if you want it now, $25 ain't bad either.
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