Since the original Starcraft Came out...


I was thinking about this last night and how much my life has changed since 1998 when I played SC in townhouse I lived in with my then girlfriend (now wife).

Since the original Starcraft came out...I've gotten married, had 2 kids (one of which is now 8), gotten my architecture license, ran 4 marathons, had 3 houses and three jobs, been to Tahiti twice and I am sure there is more.

and you?
Wow...making me start to feel old. Graduated from college, moved to Japan, got married, moved back the the U.S., graduated from grad school, moved back to Japan, moved to the US, had a kid, had about five teaching related jobs in the process.

wow...did I mention I played the crap out of SC in college with my 5 other roommates in our house back around 2000. Our local little house LAN was such a great time.
In 1998 I was 12. So...yeah. I do remember playing it with a friend in middle school, but I was never that great at it.
bread's done