(Red text for main points)
In each section: I give a little information about the site, tips I use to earn money, my earnings and the prize system they use. Listed from most earned downwards.
(Note: I prefer Surveys over "Offers" since a lot of them can easily spam your phone with calls and try to sneak fees on your phone bill even if you mark "No" on all of them. Also, No I don't want a Lockerz invite I have one and gave up on that site for anything useful. Also I know some don't have a referral link since they need to be e-mailed to the person and I don't want to have someone just give me their e-mail just so I can get credit for them joining.)
OpinionOutpost (MUST GET)
You know if someone would have told me I would have earned more $90 in a year for doing surveys I would have told them they were crazy but that's what happened with this website for me. I just fill out every survey they give to me and see if I get accepted. The surveys don't take too long and if someone like me who doesn't get out much can make that much just imagine how much YOU could make. Also don't give up the first 3 months for me I didn't get anything for some reason then it started to pick up.
Tips: First tip is to fill out all the "Profiles" so they know which surveys to send. One of the most important tip for ALL these survey sites is to make sure you can see your e-mails once it arrives (one way is having the instant messenger related to the e-mail.) This way you can be one of the first people to get into a survey so you don't get a "maximum users allowed" on any of the surveys.
$Earned $70 in Checks and $37.20 in Amazon Gift Cards$
Currently you can cash out your earnings ($5 min) in either Checks or Amazon Gift Cards.
This is one of the easiest ways to earn Amazon Giftcards ever! (Okay it might be a tie with Opinion Outpost
) All you do is search on their search engine and your off. You might want to look at the tips for this site since getting on the site is easy but making it work for you is the hardest part.
Tips: One of the first tips is to download the Toolbar for your Browser I know it's a little annoying but it makes searching a LOT easier to use. Also sometimes they send mail that give out "Swagcodes" in the mail which you enter on the front page to the right. Second tip if you don't search much use the search engine to redirect you to a site that you use a lot like youtube just type that in look on the list on click on the link that takes you to that website easy huh? Next step make a Facebook account (If you don't already have one) and follow Swagbuck's Facebook account you can find the link to the left of the homepage on the links. This will do one important thing to make it easier to find swagcodes (since when there is a "Swagcode" out it the page on their account will be filled with "Thanks TSG".) also you might want to put up one of their "Swidgets" in a place you can find easily since it will give clues to where the code is at (or will show you a code) when a code is available. There a much more tips I could tell you but I'm sure you will find someway that will make it all be worth your wild I just know it. Also buy the $5 Amazon gift cards since they have the best SB to dollar ratio.
$Earned $30 in Amazon Gift Cards$
There are many prizes you can use your swagbucks on most of them pretty expensive unless there isn't something you can't get on amazon it's always better to use it on the $5 Amazon gift cards. Also you can use it in contests but I try to avoid that since contests are usually a sinkhole for swagbucks (but I do like to enter one, once in a while just for the rare chance of winning :lol
This is another survey site that's very good when it comes to having lots of surveys and often. They even enter you in contests with surveys you aren't acceptable for and other neat stuff like using their "Messenger" that gives up-to-date surveys. This is another website that I don't get a referral for but it's really pretty awesome and worth mentioning.
Tip: Use their Mysurvey Messenger I'm pretty sure you get a couple points for doing it also a survey that enters you into a sweepstakes for using it.
$Earned $20 in Checks$
Mysurvey uses a Prize system as well but they also have an opinion for checks (cheapest), donations, and random prizes.
HCD Surveys
Easy one of my favorite survey sites. Instead of like other survey sites all I have to do is watch a clip (usually related to the news) and each cash for each one I get done. There are some other surveys they have but they could just make it on fun surveys like this. You usually get as much money as the time you spend on them which isn't usually long.
Tips: Number 1 tip is to follow the bold tip on the Opinion Outpost ESPECIALLY with this site. Since if you don't get in the survey about when they e-mail you the notice about the survey you usually won't make it in.
$Earned a $10 Check$
Checks only (min $10)
Kado Kado isn't a site you're get rich of in fact true be told it's pretty hard to make enough points for Amazon gift cards. But it's a great way to play something fun and get a reward for doing it. Kado kado is a site where you earn points for playing games. You get 4 daily plays on the games where every time you play you have a target amount of points to earn to get points. You get one free play of every game to get you started.
Tips: Join a clan on the site and stay active. By helping you clan attack and defense (you beating their game scores or you getting a high enough score). At the end of each period your entire clan gets a split of the points earned (higher the rank the more points and the more people the more the points are split). Also join Carapass for a easy mini game that you can play once a day to each points to win a MTpass in the point auctions that they have so you can add the MTpass to Kado Kado for VIP stats and double the points per target score (which of course you can buy on the other site but then what's the use of doing that?).
$Earned a $6.50 Amazon Card$
This prize shop has a lot of games that can be unlocked with you points, extra game plays, and Amazon Gift Cards which are more expensive of course.
I actually don't even get a referral for this site since I really don't feel like having people give me their e-mails for this. But I have to list it! This is another survey site that has amazing surveys. They have tons everyday and will e-mail once or twice a day to remind you of a few surveys they have. The only problem I have with this site is it does take quite a while for them to confirm your surveys which is annoying but it's still free money.
Tips: Try out their surveys when ever you want since you probably won't get accepted for too many you probably could go through all of them really quickly and try again tomorrow. This one the whole e-mail thing won't help you since usually they are updated way before you get them in your e-mail box.
$Earned $25 Amazon Gift Card$
This site has Gift Cards only but they have more than just amazon they have other cards as well as donations to organizations. (Min $25)
This isn't a site for everyone but if you don't mind getting a few e-mails a day and getting .02 per each e-mail it's a pretty nice shop in fact they do have surveys and offers as well but personally I stay away from that stuff since I have much better survey sites. The one real perk is that they have a sweepstakes every month and if you go through the rules you can get a free entry.
$Haven't earned enough to cash out$
Checks only (Min $30)
A.W. Surveys
This is another site I like to do this one is a lot stricter than the others. First of all you can have only one account per household but I do like the style of taking surveys here. When you join you will have a bunch of surveys you can complete. Most of them about reviewing sites just clicking the link and talking about the site in a couple sentences. It's not hard and they have at least one survey a month and you get entered into a drawing each month. You might want to bookmark it somewhere because you have to log-in at least every 90 days to keep your account active. Remember to be truthful about each site and tell what you think about it because random sentences that have nothing to do with that site could get points taken away and you account to be closed.
$Haven't earned enough to cash out$
Checks only (Min $75)
In each section: I give a little information about the site, tips I use to earn money, my earnings and the prize system they use. Listed from most earned downwards.
(Note: I prefer Surveys over "Offers" since a lot of them can easily spam your phone with calls and try to sneak fees on your phone bill even if you mark "No" on all of them. Also, No I don't want a Lockerz invite I have one and gave up on that site for anything useful. Also I know some don't have a referral link since they need to be e-mailed to the person and I don't want to have someone just give me their e-mail just so I can get credit for them joining.)
OpinionOutpost (MUST GET)
You know if someone would have told me I would have earned more $90 in a year for doing surveys I would have told them they were crazy but that's what happened with this website for me. I just fill out every survey they give to me and see if I get accepted. The surveys don't take too long and if someone like me who doesn't get out much can make that much just imagine how much YOU could make. Also don't give up the first 3 months for me I didn't get anything for some reason then it started to pick up.
Tips: First tip is to fill out all the "Profiles" so they know which surveys to send. One of the most important tip for ALL these survey sites is to make sure you can see your e-mails once it arrives (one way is having the instant messenger related to the e-mail.) This way you can be one of the first people to get into a survey so you don't get a "maximum users allowed" on any of the surveys.
$Earned $70 in Checks and $37.20 in Amazon Gift Cards$
Currently you can cash out your earnings ($5 min) in either Checks or Amazon Gift Cards.
This is one of the easiest ways to earn Amazon Giftcards ever! (Okay it might be a tie with Opinion Outpost
Tips: One of the first tips is to download the Toolbar for your Browser I know it's a little annoying but it makes searching a LOT easier to use. Also sometimes they send mail that give out "Swagcodes" in the mail which you enter on the front page to the right. Second tip if you don't search much use the search engine to redirect you to a site that you use a lot like youtube just type that in look on the list on click on the link that takes you to that website easy huh? Next step make a Facebook account (If you don't already have one) and follow Swagbuck's Facebook account you can find the link to the left of the homepage on the links. This will do one important thing to make it easier to find swagcodes (since when there is a "Swagcode" out it the page on their account will be filled with "Thanks TSG".) also you might want to put up one of their "Swidgets" in a place you can find easily since it will give clues to where the code is at (or will show you a code) when a code is available. There a much more tips I could tell you but I'm sure you will find someway that will make it all be worth your wild I just know it. Also buy the $5 Amazon gift cards since they have the best SB to dollar ratio.
$Earned $30 in Amazon Gift Cards$
There are many prizes you can use your swagbucks on most of them pretty expensive unless there isn't something you can't get on amazon it's always better to use it on the $5 Amazon gift cards. Also you can use it in contests but I try to avoid that since contests are usually a sinkhole for swagbucks (but I do like to enter one, once in a while just for the rare chance of winning :lol
This is another survey site that's very good when it comes to having lots of surveys and often. They even enter you in contests with surveys you aren't acceptable for and other neat stuff like using their "Messenger" that gives up-to-date surveys. This is another website that I don't get a referral for but it's really pretty awesome and worth mentioning.
Tip: Use their Mysurvey Messenger I'm pretty sure you get a couple points for doing it also a survey that enters you into a sweepstakes for using it.
$Earned $20 in Checks$
Mysurvey uses a Prize system as well but they also have an opinion for checks (cheapest), donations, and random prizes.
HCD Surveys
Easy one of my favorite survey sites. Instead of like other survey sites all I have to do is watch a clip (usually related to the news) and each cash for each one I get done. There are some other surveys they have but they could just make it on fun surveys like this. You usually get as much money as the time you spend on them which isn't usually long.
Tips: Number 1 tip is to follow the bold tip on the Opinion Outpost ESPECIALLY with this site. Since if you don't get in the survey about when they e-mail you the notice about the survey you usually won't make it in.
$Earned a $10 Check$
Checks only (min $10)

Kado Kado isn't a site you're get rich of in fact true be told it's pretty hard to make enough points for Amazon gift cards. But it's a great way to play something fun and get a reward for doing it. Kado kado is a site where you earn points for playing games. You get 4 daily plays on the games where every time you play you have a target amount of points to earn to get points. You get one free play of every game to get you started.
Tips: Join a clan on the site and stay active. By helping you clan attack and defense (you beating their game scores or you getting a high enough score). At the end of each period your entire clan gets a split of the points earned (higher the rank the more points and the more people the more the points are split). Also join Carapass for a easy mini game that you can play once a day to each points to win a MTpass in the point auctions that they have so you can add the MTpass to Kado Kado for VIP stats and double the points per target score (which of course you can buy on the other site but then what's the use of doing that?).
$Earned a $6.50 Amazon Card$
This prize shop has a lot of games that can be unlocked with you points, extra game plays, and Amazon Gift Cards which are more expensive of course.
I actually don't even get a referral for this site since I really don't feel like having people give me their e-mails for this. But I have to list it! This is another survey site that has amazing surveys. They have tons everyday and will e-mail once or twice a day to remind you of a few surveys they have. The only problem I have with this site is it does take quite a while for them to confirm your surveys which is annoying but it's still free money.
Tips: Try out their surveys when ever you want since you probably won't get accepted for too many you probably could go through all of them really quickly and try again tomorrow. This one the whole e-mail thing won't help you since usually they are updated way before you get them in your e-mail box.
$Earned $25 Amazon Gift Card$
This site has Gift Cards only but they have more than just amazon they have other cards as well as donations to organizations. (Min $25)
This isn't a site for everyone but if you don't mind getting a few e-mails a day and getting .02 per each e-mail it's a pretty nice shop in fact they do have surveys and offers as well but personally I stay away from that stuff since I have much better survey sites. The one real perk is that they have a sweepstakes every month and if you go through the rules you can get a free entry.
$Haven't earned enough to cash out$
Checks only (Min $30)
A.W. Surveys
This is another site I like to do this one is a lot stricter than the others. First of all you can have only one account per household but I do like the style of taking surveys here. When you join you will have a bunch of surveys you can complete. Most of them about reviewing sites just clicking the link and talking about the site in a couple sentences. It's not hard and they have at least one survey a month and you get entered into a drawing each month. You might want to bookmark it somewhere because you have to log-in at least every 90 days to keep your account active. Remember to be truthful about each site and tell what you think about it because random sentences that have nothing to do with that site could get points taken away and you account to be closed.
$Haven't earned enough to cash out$
Checks only (Min $75)
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