Skies of Arcadia Legends GameCube $17.99 (BACK)

I played it on the DC and I clocked in at about 50 hours. Enjoyed every minute of it. It's turn based.... but with cool combat. I dont want to give much away but if you like RPGs you cant go wrong here. Definitely worth the $50 I paid back in the day. $20 is a steal
The in store advertisement also has it in-store for 17.99 this month. It's actually a great deal for $18 and no shipping or anything. Go to your local Gamestop to get this too.
Ive been playing this game ever since Frys got its $20 stock in (which is like... months ago.) I never have time to play games which is why Im still playing it. here is my review so far:

the game starts off really good, then it gets slow and boring (hence why I prolly never played it much after that). then it picks up again. then when it begins getting really good, they give you your own ship which makes the game even better! so far Im 2 towns after I get my ship, donno how much game I have left.

so yah, so far so good! also nothing I wrote is a spoiler since getting your own ship is mentioned in the instruction manual.
This game I had to get twice...I had the Dreamcast version and loved it, lent it to a friend who threw it out, so he replaced it for me with the GC version. Played through it's one of the only RPGs I enjoyed enough to play through twice, the exceptions being FFT and Panzer Dragoon Saga
Yes, I believe the encounter rate has been lowered. And it has GC exclusive extras too, like an extra characters and other stuff. I beat the DC version, and own the GC one although I haven't gotten very far in the latter.
[quote name='Acrylic']Ooooh...I want, I want.

(BTW: How do I check how many are left?)[/quote]

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Is it just me or is it time to consider random battles outdated? I hate them... its a concept that should've disappeared a long time ago
I went ahead and grabbed one even though I don't have a Gamecube yet. I do plan on getting one soon, though.
bread's done