Skylanders - Toys brought to life, Cross-platform Connectivity *Giants Out Now*

I was forwarded this tidbit of info:
Today, February 17th is LEGENDARY because Toys "R" Us stores worldwide have brought Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Legendary Triple Pack back to store shelves.
The Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Legendary Triple Pack is exclusive to Toys "R" Us and features Legendary Bash, Legendary Chop Chop and Legendary Spyro. All three Legendary characters have stat boosts not available to their standard counterparts.

so yeah, it sounds like you'll see a bunch more of these on shelves soon.

(oh if you're interested in a Metallic Cynder - I have one FS).
Hmmm - but that is a little misleading because it isn't like they had them in store today. Most stores, it seems, got them earlier in the week and have most likely already sold out. It doesn't mean they won't get more - but specifically on the 17th I think they are not available.

By the way, the store pickup option has returned on the web site and they now have a limit of one per person. So it seems they disabled that while they implemented the limit. Just to follow-up on them not being available on the date mentioned in the press release (or whatever that is) there were none available around me today (according to the web site anyway).
Yeah, I'm not feeling it with this post. I am pretty sure TRU didn't get any in, and even if they did, they would have had to have them on hand today to comply with the law.

None of my local stores had any stock (I actually drove by 1 today and another yesterday), but at least they had rack tags that said something to the effect of "Limit 1 per customer" on each of the racks.
[quote name='defpally']This is true, mine has been absolutely flooded with these packs. A good 18+ were on the shelves yesterday, mid day and had been there all morning. That was on top of at least 1 (maybe 2) shipments earlier in the week. The prices on Ebay have plummeted with the massive number of auctions. They may eventually dry up, but if you want it, and keep an eye out you will most likely find it, without resorting to Ebay gougers. And even if you do because you don't have a convenient ToysRUs, the influx of hundreds of auctions has driven the prices down to almost retail levels. I have to admit I find it funny all of the auctions that say RARE or VHTF, yet there are close to 400 other people selling the exact same thing.

The gold and silver (and purple glitter) ones are for collectors, as they have no special in game effects, but these legendaries are treated seperately in all versions, so I doubt they were intended to be rare. I'm glad they did those as a tip of the hat to the collectors, yet seem to be actively trying to get the normal ones and legendaries into the hands of the kids that just want to play with them. It's the best of both worlds.[/QUOTE]

There will also be plenty of hoarders returning these in droves since the perceived value is where it should be, SRP and ebaying them won't be worth the hassle.

Everyone should be able to get ahold of one with little work.
Counted 25+ at my TRU

[quote name='WhatsYoFlava']Counted 25+ at my TRU

Were you there in the morning or was this later in the day? I stopped in a couple TRUs later in the day, and the shelves were completely empty. Did you happen to check if the store pickup option was available for that store on the website before you went? I have entered ZIP codes for cities all across the country, and I haven't found a single store that is showing availability. This makes me wonder if they have actually disabled store pickup for the Legendary Pack, even though the option is showing on the product page.
[quote name='roger watersmelon']Not to get us too far off topic, but isn't that more or less what Atlus does? Their official line is that they cater to the smaller market of their games. That they'd prefer to release a small number of a title, rather than have a surplus on shelves that would be subject to repeated markdowns.

At the end of the day though, they're just creating a built-in shortage for all of their games. Sure it's not their goal, but for every successful game they have they end up being the ones that caused the shortage because of those low numbers. This lasts until the time that they do a reprint, or until they increase manufacturing numbers for games that haven't gone out of print yet. In every instance, there's a window for the secondary market to inflate its prices, increasing the demand for a product being sold at MSRP. You'll have a hard time convincing me that they don't factor in the secondary market value for research on which games have enough demand to warrant a reprint as well.

The practice doesn't make them evil, but it doesn't change that it exists.[/QUOTE]

Sure they factor in the secondary market resell value when deciding whether to print more. After all, ebay might be the perfect indicator of supply and demand.

But there's no money to be made on not having stock on hand and letting other people resell the stuff they got from you. I'm sure they overproduce some portion of their games, underproduce another portion, and sometimes they get it just right. So basically for them, you win some you lose some. But they don't want to guess wrong and overproduce so much that they are stuck with tons of stock. They simply can't afford to do that. Err on the side of caution. You can't print double what you sell. EA can overprint 500,000 copies of madden and not blink an eye because they already know they're gonna sell a ton. It's a % game.

Atlus/Activision/Nintendo/whatever is not happy about not meeting demand for a title. No company is. Which is why I think conspiracy theories about companies creating an artificial demand is just nuts. Demand doesn't last forever and the next big thing is around the corner. If you have a product that is selling, you better be producing enough units or you're leaving money on the table.

The ONLY industry where there is artificially low supply because they know the demand is never ever ever ever gonna dry up is the diamond industry.
No, this is not an intentional shortage. Keep up with their financials--they sold 20 million units over the holidays. 20 M. You can't inject plastic into molds that quickly.

The fact is, Activision is losing money over Skylanders becasue they dont't have enough product on the shelf to meet demand.

As far as Atlus, they have to protect themselves with smaller releases, because the profit margin in games are too small, and the risk to great. No one wants to be another THQ.
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I feel dirty I bought a legendary pack off of ebay. I finally came to the conclusion that $39.00 shipped was less expensive than to keep driving out to TRU since it is so far away and I can not get there within an hour of it opening.

So I have them all now...outside of the yet to be released ones. Here is hoping for pre-orders.
[quote name='donssword']

The fact is, Activision is losing money over Skylanders becasue they dont't have enough product on the shelf to meet demand.


I challenge this as "fact". As I recall, Activision is making a ton of money from Skylanders, not losing money. Unless you are speaking of money that could be made from increased production, but that has been covered in this thread already.
[quote name='ZForce915']I challenge this as "fact". As I recall, Activision is making a ton of money from Skylanders, not losing money. Unless you are speaking of money that could be made from increased production, but that has been covered in this thread already.[/QUOTE]

I will assume you're being serious here.

He's talking about money left on the table, not their p&l.
[quote name='confoosious']I will assume you're being serious here.

He's talking about money left on the table, not their p&l.[/QUOTE]

The money left on the table is a risk/reward kind of thing. When you unveil a new product you can never be too sure how well it will do. There is no doubt they would be making more money if they had made more toys to begin with but I'm sure somewhere along the way the risk seemed too high.

We can all see that it was the wrong move, but I can't blame them for not taking risks they weren't comfortable with.

I need to be done here, I feel dirty siding with Activision on anything. *shudder*
i don't even know what your point is. You said it was not a "Fact" that Activision is losing money by not having stock. I was just clarifying that losing money doesn't mean their p&l.

Now you're talking about risk/reward and blaming activision. Nobody is blaming activision for not producing enough stock. You're on some wild tangent no one else was talking about.
[quote name='WhatsYoFlava']Counted 25+ at my TRU


What's your location? my TRU didnt get any of the legendaries yet. Total let down this week for me.
[quote name='confoosious']Sure they factor in the secondary market resell value when deciding whether to print more. After all, ebay might be the perfect indicator of supply and demand.

But there's no money to be made on not having stock on hand and letting other people resell the stuff they got from you. I'm sure they overproduce some portion of their games, underproduce another portion, and sometimes they get it just right. So basically for them, you win some you lose some.[/QUOTE]
Maybe artificial shortage wasn't the right term, and maybe we're thinking of two different things. What I was getting at is that they create situations where buying a new copy at retail price is the most appealing option for consumers. Every company wants as many people doing this as possible, and they all have different ways of doing it. (Project $10, 1st print/preorder bonuses, etc.) As I said before they're not doing anything wrong (I own at least 35 Atlus games), but they are still doing it by only putting out a small number of copies for each title.

It puts some pressure on the consumer. If my choices are between buying it today at retail, buying it later for twice as much from a reseller, or not buying it all; the first option is generally going to be the most appealing. Yes, every resold copy is money being taken away from them. But if those copies were only selling for MSRP, Atlus would never bother with a reprint because they wouldn't be able to get people to buy newly printed copies at that same price. Those high prices create a market where they can continue to sell copies for full price, and those high prices come from a lack of availability. They can't control the demand, so they control the supply.

On Skylanders, every photo of stores I've seen have more racks of three packs in stock than my stores have total racks. :)
Would it be better if Atlus controlled their supply better so consumers can buy it at MSRP or below? Sure. But without scale, they can only do so much. The only sin Atlus is guilty of is being conservative on their sales estimates. Unless you're the one with your neck on the chopping block, it's hard to fault them.
[quote name='confoosious']Would it be better if Atlus controlled their supply better so consumers can buy it at MSRP or below? Sure. But without scale, they can only do so much. The only sin Atlus is guilty of is being conservative on their sales estimates. Unless you're the one with your neck on the chopping block, it's hard to fault them.[/QUOTE]

Atlus? Do you mean Activision? Although Atlus has been known for the same in the past....
[quote name='confoosious']Would it be better if Atlus controlled their supply better so consumers can buy it at MSRP or below? Sure. But without scale, they can only do so much. The only sin Atlus is guilty of is being conservative on their sales estimates. Unless you're the one with your neck on the chopping block, it's hard to fault them.[/QUOTE]
I absolutely agree. It's a strategy that has worked for them for years. Until it stops working, there's no reason for them to try and change that strategy either.

Yeah, that's my fault Link. Activision just wasn't sure how well this would take off, so they weren't really prepared.
It also didn't help that of the millions of copies of the game that sold, I would imagine a good chunk of them weren't opened until Christmas. Activision has a game flying off the shelf, but really can't gauge if it's a success since all those games are sitting in closets. Parents weren't going to snatch up a bunch of the figures before knowing if their kid likes the game.

So they have this weird scenario where the game is flying off shelves while the figures are rotting on shelves until a day or two after Christmas.
[quote name='ZForce915']I challenge this as "fact". As I recall, Activision is making a ton of money from Skylanders, not losing money. Unless you are speaking of money that could be made from increased production, but that has been covered in this thread already.[/QUOTE]

Yup and yup. Been with this thread for a while. I can't spell because either.
[quote name='jcmeadows']Legendary Trigger Happy is out? Didnt know if it had been seen yet. Hell, Toys R Us restocks the Legendary 3 pack and I cant get one so what should I expect...[/QUOTE]

Hmmm... Apparently it is. There are 47 current auctions for it on eBay so it must be out all over the place. I thought they said March something for that one!?
Damn. I've been enjoying not hunting for these since I had them all thus far. Might have to call TRU in a bit.

On the flipside, I think regular Trigger Happy blows. I'm not sure if I want/need another one.
Damn not again!!! I just checked a lot of the listings and they all seem to be localized in Canada. It appears they have not come stateside yet, I'm going to see if I can get an item number for them to call around.
To add to Corvin's point of Christmas presents - the starter packs - sitting in closets, add to that the fact that this cross platform toy promotion had never been done before. How do you project selling the same game for Xbox360 - which catered to older FPS players before the Kinect made it a family oriented system this holiday season - and the newly released 3DS - which wasn't selling well itself until the price drop? Has anybody seen the numbers for starter pack sales - I'm guessing Wii sold best. Is there any way for Actvision to know which system the figures are being used on? Some secret backdoor internet signal? Either way, they may flood stores now, but with all the figures getting a makeover for Giants at some point I'm assuming all these older models will go away. I still wonder if all this drama will hurt Giant sales as people are fed up, or if in the next few months Activision manages to make people forget by keeping store shelves stocked? We only own 4 characters b/c I refuse to jump thru hoops.

More on topic - my kid loves Trigger Happy, it's his main guy, but I don't see him spending his birthday money on another one, legendary or not, while he has 5 more elements he NEEDS to get to play the game.
[quote name='Corvin']Damn. I've been enjoying not hunting for these since I had them all thus far. Might have to call TRU in a bit.

On the flipside, I think regular Trigger Happy blows. I'm not sure if I want/need another one.[/QUOTE]

Some characters take a bit of nuance to get the most out of them. For example, a lot of people aren't fond of Prism Break, but once you learn to play him by standing back as a support character, he owns. Laying down a protective shield of crystals to funnel enemies to my son's Chop Chop, then filling the void with a web of laser reflections is great. Trigger Happy is also good if you can use him to hold enemies at bay. I've found the ranged ones aren't really good if your play style is to charge in head first, you have to use a bit of strategy. That's why I enjoy the game so much, the characters aren't just different models, they play very differently (even more so when you factor in branching upgrade paths). With a second player it is all about fielding a good team of Skylanders that complement each other.

And, BTW, Terrafin rocks. I spent the other night laughing endlessly when he does his Land Shark move as he hums the Jaws theme from under the ground with his fin sticking out.
[quote name='confoosious']Is cynder planned as part of any three pack?[/QUOTE]

Yes, in the first post:


  • Lightning Rod (Single Pack and 3 Pack with Cynder/Zook)
    Zook (Single Pack and 3 Pack with Cynder/Lightning Rod)
  • Cynder (3 Pack with Lightning Rod/Zook)
I received my Toy Fair Cynder today. She's hard to get a good picture of...


I thought she was purple/glittery. She's actually a very shiny metallic purple. Pretty cool looking.
[quote name='jcmeadows']April:

  • Lightning Rod (Single Pack and 3 Pack with Cynder/Zook)
    Zook (Single Pack and 3 Pack with Cynder/Lightning Rod)
  • Cynder (3 Pack with Lightning Rod/Zook)

Urgh - and I just picked up Cynder today.

Decisions, decision...keep it or eBay it and pick it up later as part of the (inevitably cheaper) 3 pack.
Are all Skylander 3 Packs in NYC area $28.99? I got the Legendary Pack from Time Square but was wondering if I should return to purchase it from the LIC store. Kind of hoping it is $24.99 in the LIC store.
Just an FYI, Toys'R'Us had a *TON* of figures in today. Like their whole display was restocked, easily 60+ single packs. Had at least 3 different triple packs as well, and several of each of them. And this was on top of the large shipment from last week of Legendaries. They did not have more Legendaries or any of the Level sets though right now.

Looks like the shortage is starting to end.
I just broke down and bought my kid the Legendary pack after spending the afternoon cruising the mall and Target looking at empty displays. There weren't any available near my house so I'm picking it up while we're away this weekend, the store near our hotel had it available. Some day I'll tell my kid I drove 200 miles to pick up a 3 pack of video game toys for him. On the bright side it saved us a buck on tax. I'm done now though, unless they start raining down from the heavens, this nonsense has got to end.
[quote name='ZForce915']How do you guys feel Dark Spyro fits into the collection? Do you guys consider him a variant like the legendary figures?[/QUOTE]

He is entirely a variant of regular Spyro. Same stats, just different colors (I think he says something different when he joins). He is just a swap out between the 3DS and console versions. Dark Spyro isn't even on the big posters that come with the game unless you buy the 3DS version, and from what I have seen he will not be released outside the 3DS pack (unlike Ignitor, which will be).

If you have the 3DS, it complements the console version very well. Every character can be used in both games, and the level packs add levels to both games, making them a better value. I would not buy it just for Dark Spyro though, since he is pretty much just a clone of regular Spyro. Ignitor, on the other hand, rocks and is a good reason if you cannot wait till summer when he comes out seperately, and Stealth Elf is one of the best and is really hard to find outside of the 3DS Starter Pack.

The Legendary ones, however, are different, with slightly higher base stats in addition to the recoloring.
Finally got a legendary pack toysrus got one in that someone returned for some reason its not opened so very odd but anway they did say the 15% off coupon being mailed to peoples houses will be eligible for skylanders
[quote name='defpally']He is entirely a variant of regular Spyro. Same stats, just different colors (I think he says something different when he joins). He is just a swap out between the 3DS and console versions. Dark Spyro isn't even on the big posters that come with the game unless you buy the 3DS version, and from what I have seen he will not be released outside the 3DS pack (unlike Ignitor, which will be).

If you have the 3DS, it complements the console version very well. Every character can be used in both games, and the level packs add levels to both games, making them a better value. I would not buy it just for Dark Spyro though, since he is pretty much just a clone of regular Spyro. Ignitor, on the other hand, rocks and is a good reason if you cannot wait till summer when he comes out seperately, and Stealth Elf is one of the best and is really hard to find outside of the 3DS Starter Pack.

The Legendary ones, however, are different, with slightly higher base stats in addition to the recoloring.[/QUOTE]

I'm just wondering how you guys FEEL about him. For those that refuse to get caught up in the money sink of variants will you skip him? I personally wasn't even going to try to get the whole set but a recent craigslist score put me really close to doing that.
[quote name='ZForce915']I'm just wondering how you guys FEEL about him. For those that refuse to get caught up in the money sink of variants will you skip him? I personally wasn't even going to try to get the whole set but a recent craigslist score put me really close to doing that.[/QUOTE]

I decided to get one for completeness when the 3DS sets were on sale for $39.99 at Best Buy. I sold the Stealth Elf and Ignitor out of that and pretty much paid for the set, getting to keep Dark Spyro for free. Well, and the 3DS game + portal but those are essentially worthless (we already had them from a set I split up before Christmas).

He does look kind of cool. Maybe later I'll take a picture of all 3 of he Spyros next to each other ;).

So if you can swing something like that I say why not? Now we have everything that is currently out except for Ignitor but we can wait for the 3-pack for that. I'm sure those starter packs will be on sale again pretty soon - that seems to happen pretty frequently.
[quote name='io']I decided to get one for completeness when the 3DS sets were on sale for $39.99 at Best Buy. I sold the Stealth Elf and Ignitor out of that and pretty much paid for the set, getting to keep Dark Spyro for free. Well, and the 3DS game + portal but those are essentially worthless (we already had them from a set I split up before Christmas).

He does look kind of cool. Maybe later I'll take a picture of all 3 of he Spyros next to each other ;).

So if you can swing something like that I say why not? Now we have everything that is currently out except for Ignitor but we can wait for the 3-pack for that. I'm sure those starter packs will be on sale again pretty soon - that seems to happen pretty frequently.[/QUOTE]

I got 8 characters loose from craigslist for $40. In that set was Ignitor and Dark Spyro, I considered selling the Dark Spyro to try to fill in the figures I don't have. But maybe since I got one so cheap I'll just be happy with him.

I will continue to resist the legendary figures!
[quote name='ZForce915']I'm just wondering how you guys FEEL about him. For those that refuse to get caught up in the money sink of variants will you skip him? I personally wasn't even going to try to get the whole set but a recent craigslist score put me really close to doing that.[/QUOTE]

I feel that I could have done just as good without him. However he came with the 3DS version (which I really like) and honestly he looks cooler than the regular Spyro and my son likes him. I wouldn't have collected both of them buying them separately, but since you get them both with the 360 and 3DS, I have them.

We also have Legendary Spyro, so that makes three of the little buggers. That one was by choice, but mainly because my son really wanted that pack.
[quote name='defpally']Just an FYI, Toys'R'Us had a *TON* of figures in today. Like their whole display was restocked, easily 60+ single packs. Had at least 3 different triple packs as well, and several of each of them. And this was on top of the large shipment from last week of Legendaries. They did not have more Legendaries or any of the Level sets though right now.

Looks like the shortage is starting to end.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the tip ... I got Cynder today from TRU. I'm done .... I have spent $100+ since Friday getting the game and all of the elements ... Even lucked out and got the elusive Stealth Elf from my local Walmart (in a three pack, no less!). My son is extremely excited! :)

I took this picture today...mid-to-late afternoon at a Toys R Us. Bad news for resellers, good for those of us who just want to play the game.

I didn't buy any, but I did pick up Whirlwind, Cynder, and Zap. I heard somewhere there was one dragon in each element.

Does anyone know a list of just the dragons? Thanks in advance!
[quote name='sykotek']I took this picture today...mid-to-late afternoon at a Toys R Us. Bad news for resellers, good for those of us who just want to play the game.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the TRU I went to yesterday had 5 Legendary sets and a bunch of the 3-packs. Good sign for people interested in playing.

That said, resale value of these on eBay has dipped considerably. Legendary commanded upwards of $75 a few weeks ago, but now seem to be topping out around $35. Just wish the stock was more consistent - and websites accurately represented in-store supply.
[quote name='sykotek']
I took this picture today...mid-to-late afternoon at a Toys R Us. Bad news for resellers, good for those of us who just want to play the game.

I didn't buy any, but I did pick up Whirlwind, Cynder, and Zap. I heard somewhere there was one dragon in each element.

Does anyone know a list of just the dragons? Thanks in advance![/QUOTE]

I haven't seen anything remotely like that around my way. The TRU website shows the Legendary packs are OOS at every store within hundreds of miles, though I'm not sure about it's accuracy as it pertains to Skylanders. After seeing all of these reports about restocks and full shelves, I couldn't bring myself to pay TRU's shipping cost when they were in stock earlier in the week. Now I'm thinking maybe I should have.
[quote name='winterlane']I haven't seen anything remotely like that around my way. The TRU website shows the Legendary packs are OOS at every store within hundreds of miles, though I'm not sure about it's accuracy as it pertains to Skylanders. After seeing all of these reports about restocks and full shelves, I couldn't bring myself to pay TRU's shipping cost when they were in stock earlier in the week. Now I'm thinking maybe I should have.[/QUOTE]

Well, honestly it may just be that your stores are slower to restock. My store went from zero to completely full in less than a week, and it wasn't like I was there when they opened every day. Just go by every so often and I am sure you will find some soon and avoid the shipping.
bread's done