Sliders Box Sets (Seasons 1&2 and Season 3) 19.99 each at WM YMMV


Saw this today as I was browsing around my Wal-Mart in Orange Park, Fl. Each set for 19.99...I bought these originally in Best Buy for 60 and 40 respectively, if you are anything of a Sliders fan you gotta pick this up but its probably YMMV...I saw these on the reduced box set endcap.
I think it's the normal price for them.

Season 1 and 2 set is terrible, no real extras, the episodes aren't in order and the foam is terrible for the discs.

Good show, well in the beginning.
These have been like this for a while now (at least here they have). I bought Seasons 1&2 about four months ago, and Season 3 about two months ago. Haven't had a chance to watch them yet, unfortunately.
Maybe it has something to do with Sci-Fi aired the rest of the seasons and not FOX?

Just throwing out ideas...
This is a great deal! Still, it took me a few years, but I got these earlier this year at DDD or late last year (can't remember exactly) on a B1G1 deal where Season 1+2 was $30 so it came out to $15 for both and free shipping and no tax. Pretty good if I say so myself. I love, love this series! I really hate the alterations that they made later in the shows life around season 3-5. Some of them actually worked for the (Jerry's brother for instance), but the Kromaggs was shit and the dieing off of some of the main characters was simply ridiculous. Sci-Fi butchered it more than even Fox did. Ahh, at least we have the first 2 1/2 seasons of excellent sci-fi. A bit campy at parts and it definitely stretches it a bit in that it tries to be hard sci-fi, but doesn't exactly get it like shows such as Star Trek. Still, the cast really melded well together.

They really didn't do much for this show upon its release on DVD. For the most part they're presented on the discs out of order, actually how Fox aired them originally - also out of order. You might need to find what should have the original airings for the show as even though there isn't much continuity from episode to episode ala Lost and shows, they still mention certain things and certain aspects of the show come out of place if you watch them as they are on the discs (such as the timer on the sliding device).

As I said earlier, they didn't realy add anything to this release and I doubt it ever will end up on HD-DVD (or at least anytime soon). There is one lowly commentary from the series creator who they kicked off the show around season 3 and a couple other small bonuses. The picture quality is anything to write home about either. It almost looks like they took a VHS copy without doing any cleaning of the original source and slapped it on DVD. It's not terrible terrible, but could have done a much much better job on the release. Then again, it came out earlier in the lifespan of DVD so who knows. But don't let all these tidings keep you from buying or owning one of the best sci-fi tv shows to have ever come out. Really great. It saddens me all the time that they never continued it, kept the original plot going, kept the original creative talent, has a bit more continuity, etc. But alas, that's Fox and Sci-Fi channel for you; ruiners of great programming.
Well the rumour was that after the 3rd season if Fox kept the show it was only going to be about Quinn and that dumb female trying to make it to Earth Prime.

That sounds bad to me, but would have been better than what we got.
[quote name='bigdaddy']Well the rumour was that after the 3rd season if Fox kept the show it was only going to be about Quinn and that dumb female trying to make it to Earth Prime.

That sounds bad to me, but would have been better than what we got.[/quote]

Yaeh, you're right. What we got was much worse. Once they killed Arturo, and not even in a two part episode, the show really jumped the shark. I just see so much wasted potential in this show. Such a great premise with a cast that really gelled well with each other. At least we did get a bit more. There are still some good episodes in the later seasons. I really wish they would just release the rest.
I rather enjoyed the fourth season (first Scifi Channel season). I'd take it's lower budget with better writing, than season 3's "movie ripoff of the week" format Fox was pulling any day.

Unfortunately, Fox screwed up the show so much that the Kromagg storyline was a last ditch attempt to bring actual conherent structure back to the show. I know a lot of people don't like going from 1.1 Kromagg episodes in 3 seasons, to 1/4 of the next season being Kromagg based, but given what they had to work with (season 3 downright sucked)... I think they did a good job.

I mean... a living flame that lives in a matchbook and can talk to people via enhanced computer equipment? And Quinn makes a promise to someday get the flame back home. WTF??? Nice knowing that when, in This Slide of Paradise, as they fall into the ocean... they probably killed it.
[quote name='spooie_redux']I rather enjoyed the fourth season (first Scifi Channel season). I'd take it's lower budget with better writing, than season 3's "movie ripoff of the week" format Fox was pulling any day.

Unfortunately, Fox screwed up the show so much that the Kromagg storyline was a last ditch attempt to bring actual conherent structure back to the show. I know a lot of people don't like going from 1.1 Kromagg episodes in 3 seasons, to 1/4 of the next season being Kromagg based, but given what they had to work with (season 3 downright sucked)... I think they did a good job.

I mean... a living flame that lives in a matchbook and can talk to people via enhanced computer equipment? And Quinn makes a promise to someday get the flame back home. WTF??? Nice knowing that when, in This Slide of Paradise, as they fall into the ocean... they probably killed it.[/quote]

I just don't really like the Kromaggs regardless. I still found the "movie ripoffs" interesting. The Kromaggs was like alright now they're just trying to throw whatever they can into the show. Maybe if the show had run its course properly with the story lines we had become accustomed to in the first two seasons, then maybe the Kromaggs storyline could have worked and breathed in some life into show sort of like what SG1/Atlantis did to Stargate. The first two seasons were fantastic. Easy to watch, enjoyable, quick and easy to pick up from any point/episode. Still, it could have used an interlaced/serialized/linked story line like Lost and all the other Drama/shows do today.
If I'm not mistaken, Tracy Torme originally wanted the Kromaggs to return to the show in season three. Their first appearance was supposed to be the season 2 cliffhanger, but the inept schedulers at Fox at the time ran it out of sequence. By the time season 3 came around, Fox implemented so many chances to it that Torme left in disgust after his final episode was written, The Guardian. He later returned to season 4 as a "Creative Consultant", but had mostly moved on from the series. I wonder what his version of the Kromagg storyline would have been, had he been able to do it his way on Fox.

The first 2 seasons were definitely the best of them all. But I do consider season 4 to be a strong runner up to them. Season 3 was so dumbed down, it just destroyed it for me. In fact, one thing I liked about Season 4 was that they turned the character of Maggie into someone actually likeable, instead of the heartless 1-dimensional military bitch she was in seasin 3.

In season 3, they repeatedly re-wrote their own rules and continuity. Arturo talking about how humans naturally, scientifically evolve throughout history, and then talking about how it's natural for people to transform into dragons in season 3. And how it's impossible to slide into the future, yet the third season ends with Quinn and Maggie under the assumption that they slid into the future.

Season 4, they at least tried to being actual science fiction back to the show, and, in my opinion, succeeded on it most of the time. They also brought some humor back into the show as well, something that season 3 seemed to completely remove. Going from where they were left at Fox to what they had to dig through to rebuild on Scifi probably wasn't an easy task.

I remember Marc Scott Zicree used to host Q&A chats with fans on the Scifi Channel back in the late 90s, and mentioned once that he couldn't believe what a mess the show had become and how it was left at Fox for the new writers to come in and fix up, and I generally agree with him, so I cut them some slack.

Now, season 5 on the otherhand... by then, without Jerry on the show, and only really Cleavant left, they started losing me even more. Ironically, they cancelled the show based on the assumption that the ratings would go down once O'Connell left the show. They didn't, and remained the same for the entire 5th season. Scifi would have picked it up for a 6th season, bit they blew all their money on a 3-year deal for First Wave... a show that brought in a mere fraction of what Sliders did.

Arturo was killed off at the end of a two parter.

Kromaggs in season 2 were very interesting, the season 4 and 5 ones were dumbed down.

Maggie was a much better charater in season 4 through than season 3. He had depth and feeling and wasn't as wooden. Still she should have never been added in the first place.

The season 3 finale about "sliding to the future" is easy, one episode they slid to the past because time went slower on that world. The future part is even easier to explain, they didn't have a dark age so they had 500+ years of tech more advance than us.
I remember watching the final episode of Sliders on SciFi. They really left it wide open for some kind of made-for-TV feature movie and I have always hoped that they could re-unite the cast for this, sort of the way they did with Farscape. As it stands, the over-arching plot of the series (getting back to Earth Prime) was never resolved.
The real creator of the show wants to make a movie, and had for about 10 years ever since being fired. The movie would throw out all of season 3, 4 and 5. Sadly he doesn't own the rights.
[quote name='bigdaddy']The real creator of the show wants to make a movie, and had for about 10 years ever since being fired. The movie would throw out all of season 3, 4 and 5. Sadly he doesn't own the rights.[/QUOTE]

Depending on the script, I'd bite. Bring back O'Connell (the talented one), Lloyd and Rhys-Davies, and I guess Derricks.

Make sure they either die or get to an earth they want to stay at, though. Just like Quantum Leap, the ending sucked.
Everyone would come back... hopefully. I like the idea of them staying on an Earth they like. That way there is an ending, but they can make more movies if it does will.

But the movie will most likely never be made.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Depending on the script, I'd bite. Bring back O'Connell (the talented one), Lloyd and Rhys-Davies, and I guess Derricks.

Make sure they either die or get to an earth they want to stay at, though. Just like Quantum Leap, the ending sucked.[/quote]

They would have to bring back the original cast. The show simply cannot go on with others IMO because the series is/was left in such a disheveled state. Maybe if they redid the series, but then it would have to be a truly grand restart ala Battlestar Galatica, otherwise in its current form it would probably fail. I also just want to see Arturo/Rhys-Davies back because he was 90 % of the show IMO. Still, I love the original cast more than anything. They all just fit and worked so perfectly with each other.
bread's done