Slightly OT: Madden '07 - Wii or 360?


I know the gameplay is different obviously with Wii's sensor bar, etc. But what do you think? Is it a good implementation of the game? Can you also play "classic" style without moving?

I'm fairly new to gaming so it's not like I'll miss anything one way or the other. Just wondering how frustrating it might be on Wii and whether or not you can play without moving for those times I want to lounge around playing.

Any other game suggestions for both platforms greatly appreciated. I've been reading the review sites and getting familiar with titles, but any personal experience would be great.


I depends on what you want out of your sports games. If you want a really fun control scheme go for Wii. If you want to be competitive and play online go for 360. If you don't have Live though there's really no point in getting the 360 version.

Personally, I've owned both and I prefer the Wii version myself. The motion controls are really fun and enjoyable. The nice thing about the motion controls is that they make a lot of sense and make it really easy to remember all the different controls for the game unlike memorizing a ton of different commands for a regular game pad.
Madden Wii is, by far, the greatest football game I've ever played.

Probably even the greatest sports game I've ever played.

The sense of immersion is worth a million bucks when you're playing a game like Madden. Granted, offensive controls are infinently more satisfying than on defense, but both work. I can't wait to see what EA has in store for 08 - even if it's just roster updates and minor Wiimote improvements, but I figure they'll have more in store.
The offensive controllers are great (except for receiving) and they more than make up for the convoluted defensive controls. It's definitely a worthwhile purchase and makes me anxious to see what they do for next year's game.
I agree. Definitely Wii unless you are looking to play it on XBOX live. The only thing I didn't like about the Wii version was the kicking, though it was a minor gripe. Overall an EXCELLENT game.
Madden on Wii is much more entertaining to me than 360. And I've played every Madden since they have come out.
Madden has froze on me on 3 seperate occassions now. One this past week. I've only had my Wii for about a month now but no other game has froze on me. It happens to my friend as well sometimes, dunno how often. As fun as the Wii version is, it seems glitchy. I'm completely turned off from going on in franchise mode now. Some people on gamespot say it happens during saving. I'm keeping it for a pick up and play game, but just something you should know.
Neither. Its the launch madden and its a crappy madden. If you must, get the Wii, but if you save your money for next years version, you will be much happier. Football season is over, so expect these to plummet in price aswell.
They are two totally different games.

The Wii version looks like the PlayStation 2 game visually. Guys rarely look exactly like their human counterpart, and things look a little blurry when they are close up. However, you are treated to a whole different style of play. EA did an excellent job of not "Wii-ing" a game, meaning, they did not just take Madden and add on a couple movements to make the game for the Wii. This is good and bad, good because the effort shows, stiff arms are fun, passing is fun, jukes are fun. But some things are not fun; defense, kicking, and for me the whole pre-snap options are useless.

The Xbox 360 version looks very crisp to the eye. The players, uniforms, and stadiums look top notch. Although the grass takes a while to become acustomed to. This version, just like the first Madden on 360, takes Madden out of Madden. Outside of his picks on the playcall screen he is not seen or heard from. The radio-style broadcast is good enough, but it's been 20+ years and we are back down to a one-man booth? The controls are easy to learn and so on, but the game lacks something. I don't know what it is, because NCAA 07 has it, but Madden does not, I keep going back to NCAA 07 but rarely pop in Madden much.

I would say go with the Wii version, because outside of roster updates this is probably the exact version that will come out this summer, where the 360 Madden has a lot more things that need tweeking.

My $0.02.
What's lacking about the kicking game? I've seen a couple of folks mention that, but I LOVE the kicking game. It took me a solid week to master, but now, I love it. What I dig most is that there's really no shortcut (that I've seen) - you actually have to put a decent flick to the Wiimote to make it happen - having to actually put that effort in is just another part of the immersion that is so rad.

Back when I first started with the game, I was flicking it too hard, the Nunchuk cord was slapping me in the face, and I was sending kicks far left or right. Nowadays, it's simple: hold it facing up in a downward angle, gift it a swift flick up in the air, and just KEEP IT FROM TILTING and you'll get a kick at whichever angle you want. What's so cool is that it's not foolproof - sometimes you'll accidentally turn that wrist a bit, and you'll F up your angle...just as a real kicker will sometimes get a poor angle on a kick.
Madden 360 if you are a serious/die-hard football/madden fan...If you only occasionally play sports games, or madden in general, then get the Wii version...I can't play with those poop graphics after having been accustomed to the beauty that is Madden on the 360.
[quote name='dserafin1986']Madden 360 if you are a serious/die-hard football/madden fan...If you only occasionally play sports games, or madden in general, then get the Wii version...I can't play with those poop graphics after having been accustomed to the beauty that is Madden on the 360.[/quote]
No, that's called being a graphics whore. Having the 360 version doesn't make you any more hardcore than having the Wii version does.
I've tried football games in the past and didn't like the ridiculous number of commands to remember. After reading many reviews about the Wii version, I was hoping to give it a try. Finally picked it up used and played for a week. I did return it, because I wanted to try it first. I will be buying it when it drops for sure and will get Madden 08 when it comes out. The "Free Motion" controls are a blast. The 2-on-2 minigame is a blast with extra people.

The only problem I had was with a corrupted save file that disabled all the Wiimote control action from actual games. During mini-games, the controls worked fine, but real games, the controls were gone. The only solution was to delete the entire save file. After I buy the game in the future, I'll spend some time to figure out what went wrong... I'd hate to get a season going and lose everything.
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