Smurfing Gamefly


13 (100%)
So Gamefly just canceled my account because I had a couple of games in the last few months that I've reported have taken two weeks to get to me.

I've been a member for almost a year now so I was about to receive 10% off and now they've smurfed it all to hell because USPS sucks and Gamefly won't take better precautions (tracking).

I wouldn't mind so much but they are my only outlet for renting PSP and DS games. They better reactivate my account and give me my rewards back.
[quote name='RandyTsai']just sign up for another account using a different address and even up the score. use your imagination.[/quote]

Ummm...see how would that benefit me? I would pay for a service that I couldn't use because the games would be sent somewhere else.
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']So Gamefly just canceled my account because I had a couple of games in the last few months that I've reported have taken two weeks to get to me.

I've been a member for almost a year now so I was about to receive 10% off and now they've smurfed it all to hell because USPS sucks and Gamefly won't take better precautions (tracking).

I wouldn't mind so much but they are my only outlet for renting PSP and DS games. They better reactivate my account and give me my rewards back.[/quote]
:whistle2:? I don't undersatnd. Why did they cancel your account?

Have you contacted them about this? They are normally pretty good about solving problems.

Here's a link I found to report problems, if u have't already :
[quote name='ryauda2006']:whistle2:? I don't undersatnd. Why did they cancel your account?

Have you contacted them about this? They are normally pretty good about solving problems.

Here's a link I found to report problems, if u have't already :[/quote]

Well a few months ago I had two games that never arrived to me (they were seperate incidents over a span of a few weeks). Well a couple of weeks ago they sent out Harvest Moon for the PSP and then the next day they sent out Castlevania PSP. Well a couple of days later I received Castlevania, but no Harvest Moon. So after like 10 business days, I reported it never received. Then last night I got an email from them saying this.

We have reviewed the shipping problems in your account and those in your local zip code and determined that we are temporarily unable to uphold our service commitment to you. Until we can guarantee the successful delivery of your games, we are regretfully forced to close your account. We are working diligently with the US Postal Service to understand and correct these problems and will contact you when appropriate.

If any of the games that are currently marked with a shipping problem are recovered, please contact us immediately and we will review with you to determine if we can reactivate your account.

In recognition of the unused service time on your account, GameFly has issued a refund in the amount of $9.73. Please return all outstanding rentals within 7 days.

We are in business to serve our members and it is with great reluctance that we reach this conclusion. In cases like this, we do not want our members paying for unacceptable service levels. We will do our best to create the conditions under which you will receive the excellent service that you deserve.


GameFly Customer Service
Email: [email protected]
Online help:
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']Well a few months ago I had two games that never arrived to me (they were seperate incidents over a span of a few weeks). Well a couple of weeks ago they sent out Harvest Moon for the PSP and then the next day they sent out Castlevania PSP. Well a couple of days later I received Castlevania, but no Harvest Moon. So after like 10 business days, I reported it never received. Then last night I got an email from them saying this.[/quote]
Ahh...I see. Strange. It sounds like you weren't the only to have missing games in your area. Bet someone in your post office is pilfering gamefly envelopes, and Gamefly decided to stop sending games to your area until the upsp investigates.

Also, they may have a limit on the amount of games one can lose or never recieve. I guess at some point they have to stop sending people games that never recieve them. Sounds fishy, maybe you should also go down to your post office and see if you can have a talk with the manager there.

Is your home mailbox secure? Are you in the boonys or a urban area?

I'd also try contacting Gamefly again and see if they won't reinstate you. But it may not be worth it for ya even if they did, if you have a thief in your post office.

Good Luck to ya!
Does the envelope look like it was never opened? I wonder what the deal is. I got a warning last year because a game I sent back never got there...and then it DID get there weeks later. I don't seem to have any problems with Netflix, so I wonder what's going on.

I hope it's not someone in a post office somewhere or an employee of Gamefly that's grabbing games, playing them, and then dropping them back in the mail or something like that...

I can't afford these crazy $60 games, so I need services like this :whistle2:(
I remember the story that came out about a postman who was hoarding everyone's Netflix and Gamefly rentals. They arrested him and found something like 6700 discs in his house, some still with the mailers.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Does the envelope look like it was never opened? I wonder what the deal is. I got a warning last year because a game I sent back never got there...and then it DID get there weeks later. I don't seem to have any problems with Netflix, so I wonder what's going on.

I hope it's not someone in a post office somewhere or an employee of Gamefly that's grabbing games, playing them, and then dropping them back in the mail or something like that...

I can't afford these crazy $60 games, so I need services like this :whistle2:([/quote]

Nope, never appeared to be open.
[quote name='davo1224']I remember the story that came out about a postman who was hoarding everyone's Netflix and Gamefly rentals. They arrested him and found something like 6700 discs in his house, some still with the mailers.[/QUOTE]

Good grief. Never heard of that. I wonder if he had a mental illness that made him horde stuff or something? I mean that doesn't seem real rational to do even if you were a crook.

[quote name='KingofOldSchool']Nope, never appeared to be open.[/QUOTE]

I wish we knew what the heck was going on :whistle2:( Who knows, maybe their mailers get stuck in machines easily or something. Or maybe they are getting intercepted but the people are really really good at resealing them.
It's also a very tactful way to cancel your account without accusing you of stealing games. Ultimately you're either telling the truth and the mail system is losing it, or more likely you're saying it's lost to keep it without having to pay $40 or whatever the "keep it" price is. Either way, keeping you on as a customer isn't profitable to them and has nothing to do with maintaining a "level of service".
Yeah, and I like how they phrase it so they're not accusing you, but the thing is I've had this happen to me, and I've heard a couple of other people have it happen to them, but I haven't had any issues with Netflix, even though i've actually had more Netflix discs ship back and it's like it's just Gamefly somehow. Although Gamefly's stuff is worth more, so maybe if someone is doing something it's because of that.
[quote name='Leggo']It's also a very tactful way to cancel your account without accusing you of stealing games. Ultimately you're either telling the truth and the mail system is losing it, or more likely you're saying it's lost to keep it without having to pay $40 or whatever the "keep it" price is. Either way, keeping you on as a customer isn't profitable to them and has nothing to do with maintaining a "level of service".[/quote]
1. I'm not a moron, so I wouldn't try to rip off the company. And I don't appreciate you suggesting that I would do something like that. Heaven forbid someone who is honest, actually thinks that a game should arrive within 3-5 business days and not 10-14.

2. I don't see how me being a member is not "profitable" to them. I've been a member on the 2 game plan for almost a year now. That is over $20 a month and the games that were lost were like $30 used. So in the end, they still should have found it profitable for them. Maybe if they actually used tracking on their games, maybe stuff like this wouldn't happen.
I lost 2 or 3 games in a row. back in the spring of 2005 and they didnt cancel my account. I sent them back and they didnt recieve them.
[quote name='Pharrell1']I lost 2 or 3 games in a row. back in the spring of 2005 and they didnt cancel my account. I sent them back and they didnt recieve them.[/QUOTE]

That really does sound like something fishy's going on. I mean maybe I'd believe these thing can get stuck in a machine somewhere, except why isn't Netflix stuff getting stuck?
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']1. I'm not a moron, so I wouldn't try to rip off the company. And I don't appreciate you suggesting that I would do something like that. Heaven forbid someone who is honest, actually thinks that a game should arrive within 3-5 business days and not 10-14.

2. I don't see how me being a member is not "profitable" to them. I've been a member on the 2 game plan for almost a year now. That is over $20 a month and the games that were lost were like $30 used. So in the end, they still should have found it profitable for them. Maybe if they actually used tracking on their games, maybe stuff like this wouldn't happen.[/quote]

I don't think he was calling "you" a theft, I just think he is saying this is what they have to do if people keep saying they are losing games. It's crappy, but each time they "lose" a game, it costs them alot of money, so they just suspend their service, because it is costing them more money in lost games then that person is paying is subscribtion costs. Once again, the morons that steal stuff ruin it for everyone else.
[quote name='davo1224']I remember the story that came out about a postman who was hoarding everyone's Netflix and Gamefly rentals. They arrested him and found something like 6700 discs in his house, some still with the mailers.[/quote]

True. This happens all the time throughout the country. Dirty postal workers steal discs and we get shafted for it. My girlfriend and I had someone going through our Blockbuster rental envelopes (as you simply need to tear open the mailer slightly to see the title of the movie brilliantly printed on the FRONT), and then I had a Gamefly rental go missing for over a week. It wasn't until I filed a complaint on the USPS site and then went down to my local post office that it then magically arrived. Torn up, and covered in clear heavy duty masking tape (the same type the post office uses). Shouldn't they have cameras on these people 24/7?
[quote name='Scopitone']Shouldn't they have drone gun cameras on these people 24/7?[/quote]

Edited. :D

If these mail-in companies make it obvious what's inside, then there's a larger chance of theft by USPS...I've only had one incident in my 200+ trades online where a bubble mailer was opened and re-taped by the USPS and they sometimes carry expensive games.

Postal service totally depends on your location. Urbanized and extremely high volume bulk centers are more likely to lose, or "lose", mail.
I sent Harvest Moon back yesterday, here's hoping they receive it on Monday and then maybe they will reactivate my account.

Another thing to add to this is that it seems like it's faster for them to receive games I sent back than it is for me to actually receive them.

In all reality, I kinda suspect that Gamefly lies about when they really send a game out. Say I have The Orange Box at the top of my GameQ, they send me an email saying they shipped it on on Jan 2. Generally it only takes 2-3 business days for games to arrive from their Pittsburgh center to my apartment. Well Gamefly notices that I generally go through games pretty quickly (I try to only keep them out two or three days), so to counteract that, they "delay" their shipment for another day or two.

I know that may sound a bit crazy, but I would have the occasional extended delay on receiving a game (having to wait 4-5 business days) or the very rare cases where I have to wait up to and around 14 business days. And the games have never appeared to have been opened.
I had a problem with games not reaching me - until I initiated a investigation with a USPS Postal Inspector. Haven't had a problem since. Imagine that.
[quote name='Heavy Hitter']I had a problem with games not reaching me - until I initiated a investigation with a USPS Postal Inspector. Haven't had a problem since. Imagine that.[/QUOTE]

That is just super suspicious. Maybe that really is the cause of all the problems.

How did you fill out that form? Gamefly sent me a link to a USPS form to report a problem, but I couldn't really figure out how to fill it in. I think it was asking what street the mailbox was on or my post office or something, and the location of the company or something-it was stuff I didn't know off hand, though I guess I could try to find out.

Problem is too that it seems like it wouldn't have to be my local post office that's doing it. Could be anywhere along the route I'd think. Mine feeds into a mega-distribution center in the next city over, that then goes who knows where on it's way to Pennsylvania.

To date I had one game just completely vanish and never get to me, and then later one game didn't get back to them-it eventually did, but it took a month or so, long after I'd reported it missing and gotten basically an email saying they may have to cancel me because of the mail route.

It's going to really suck if I lose out on Gamefly because some JERK is stealing stuff. I can't afford $60 games. Not and get to play anywhere remotely as many as I'd like.

[quote name='KingofOldSchool']In all reality, I kinda suspect that Gamefly lies about when they really send a game out. Say I have The Orange Box at the top of my GameQ, they send me an email saying they shipped it on on Jan 2. Generally it only takes 2-3 business days for games to arrive from their Pittsburgh center to my apartment. Well Gamefly notices that I generally go through games pretty quickly (I try to only keep them out two or three days), so to counteract that, they "delay" their shipment for another day or two.

I know that may sound a bit crazy, but I would have the occasional extended delay on receiving a game (having to wait 4-5 business days) or the very rare cases where I have to wait up to and around 14 business days. And the games have never appeared to have been opened.[/QUOTE]

I've noticed that too. I assume they're throttling you like apparently Netflix still does (I haven't run into it with Netflix yet, but I've only been on an unlimited plan for a month). I'm not really bothered by that, but the missing games thing is a big problem :bomb:
[quote name='Wolfpup']How did you fill out that form?[/QUOTE]

You can either do it at or go to your local Post Office and they will help you. I opted for the latter just in case the problems were coming from the local office. I figured that'd be more likely to put a potential offender on notice.

EDIT - Thought I would menton that you will need a mailing address for Gamefly. I called GF to request that and also let them know that I was initiating an investigation.
[quote name='Heavy Hitter']You can either do it at or go to your local Post Office and they will help you. I opted for the latter just in case the problems were coming from the local office. I figured that'd be more likely to put a potential offender on notice.

EDIT - Thought I would menton that you will need a mailing address for Gamefly. I called GF to request that and also let them know that I was initiating an investigation.[/QUOTE]

Okay, thanks! It's weird that Gamefly gave me a link to fill out an online form and told me to do it, but didn't provide the info I would actually need to fill it out (their address and info).
bread's done