Snickers "NFL Game Day" Sweepstakes

How does this work? Do you text everyday with your email and then do a raffle every week? Can you do multiple emails on same phone? Recently bought an Xbox One and could use the Xbox Live time.

How does this work? Do you text everyday with your email and then do a raffle every week? Can you do multiple emails on same phone? Recently bought an Xbox One and could use the Xbox Live time.
yes and I havent entered for 2 weeks and I still keep winning. Usually winners are picked on mondays and tuesdays since those are he only days I ever get wins.
I've probably been doing this about 4 times a week the last month, and just won for the first time. It actually went into my spam folder, and I periodically clear that out, so it's possible I missed one or a few of them at some point.. oh well, can't complain about free months.

The text message isn't getting a response when I try it. I was able to sign-up on FB, but I haven't received any emails regarding the promo. Shouldn't I at least be getting a "thanks for entering!" email or something? Am I doing this wrong?

4 more wins for me.  I hope you guys are all utilizing both modes of entry; facebook and text.

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It was fun while it lasted. 

Would have been nice to have won the Xbox ONE. Thanks SNICKERS for the Xbox LIVE.

Did any CAG win the First or Second Prizes or did we all just get the Third?

What is the next Text Contest?

I stopped entering a month ago and I was still receiving like 1-2 months of live every week/two.  I shall miss this promo, but it will keep me eligible for games with gold for the next year.

I entered pretty much everyday and got maybe 7. Would have liked more but 7 months for 10 seconds of work a day isn't bad. I wonder if anyone actually won the system.

With this promo i got three years into my account.
maybe we can still win more since it seems like all you had to do was enter a couple times in the beggining and you could win throughout the whole contest, and some weeks no one won at all. So they must still have plenty of months left over of the 300,000 they gave out.
I've entered everyday like crazy and never received anything. How are you guys getting them?! I used two e-mails! Le sigh. Oh well congratulations to those who won! Argh I'm jealous. xD

Even though entering is over i don't think all the prizes have been given out yet. I think it's on a bit of a delay and in about a week or two we'll be getting more emails with free months of xbl.

Only did it with 2 accts & got a total of 12 months of Xbox Gold.

Good deal. Waiting for the next one!

Happy Christmas!

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Yup, I got two in the same e-mail, I got into the promotion late so I gather a total of 10 codes ( 10 months of XBOX live) probably will end trading them for Amazon GC, or other stuff. Anyone from here got the first prize?

I got like 5 more today.  I thought it was over! XD

And I see peopl w/ 2 4 10 total?  I must've gotten like 50 of these!  I'm good w/ gold forever XD

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bread's done