So, Arikado is driving home from work...


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...after a crappy 2-5 shift. He's going with the flow of rush hour traffic. Suddenly, a truck infront of him hits the brakes. Kado hits his brakes as well, only he isn't stopping, he's skidding into the left lane. He glances at his rear-view mirror to see a semi truck heading right for him. Next thing he knows, his car is spinning around the highway like a ping pong ball. After finally crashing into the guardrail, Kado checks to make sure he isn't bleeding and no organs are leaking out.


So yeah, a fucking semi truck hit my car. I bounced around the highway and surprisingly only hit the truck in front of me. My brakes must have locked up and/or my front left tire blew out or gave way. My car was absolutely totaled. The entire trunk was pretty much shoved into my backseat and all of the glass imploded inside, yet I still had no lacerations or cuts of any kind. I should be dead... seriously. All that's wrong with me is a knot on the left side of my head and a concussion.

I've seriously never been so scared in all of my life. I thought I was dead for sure when I saw the semi in my rear view mirror.

I know this is gay, but I
... And in lighter news, Led finally got around to getting a 360. The balance is complete.

Glad to see you didn't die, dude. If you had, I'd only have your brother around to make me laugh. And I simply can't possibly smell that many farts.
You suck drive car.

(1.God bless
2.I'm very happy you're not dead
3. Welcome to the club
4. When are you going to drive 15 minutes from Arlington to play Halo?)
Glad to hear you're alright, man. Sorry about your car.

I think you should play some Halo with me and zew tonight to make you feel better.

You too, Led.
ye gods!

i'm glad you're alive now, but i'm sure i'll be cursing you to hell at some point next year that coincides with a certain game release. of which this forum is named. it's halo 3. jeeeeeez.

but yeah, good job on not dying, you're a better man than i.
You must have had the overshield.

[quote name='Ledhed']... And in lighter news, Led finally got around to getting a 360. The balance is complete.

Well then, that explains the flying pigs.
[quote name='Ledhed']... And in lighter news, Led finally got around to getting a 360. The balance is complete.

Well then, that explains the flying pigs.
bread's done