So, Arikado is sitting in class...


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...drifting in and out of consciousness. Around an hour into the class, he's called out into the hallway by a security guard. He grabs his stuff and follows the guard, asking him what all of this is about. The guard replies that this is about your car, so Arikado figures that it has been broken in to.

Once Arikado's outside, he notices two other security guards, a woman and a dog around his car. The woman pulls him aside, telling him what they're doing. He is told that the dog sniffs for drugs, alcohol, gunpowder and the like. The woman asks Arikado if she may search his car, to which Arikado says go ahead. After searching around for about three minutes, the woman finds a "roach" (the small end of a joint) in the back ashtray (I didn't even check back there when I bought the car because I don't smoke) that is obviously months old (it was almost pitch black and was crusty). Arikado panics a bit, knowing that it isn't his (I'm clean... I don't do drugs), but keeps his cool. Moments later, the woman finds another one somewhere else in the car. She bags the evidence up and Arikado is sent back to class.


Now, when I bought the car, there were traces of pot inside. I swept it all out. I never vacuumed it, though. The guy I bought it off of bought it at an auction. Before I went back to class, I called my mom and she came up to the school immediately. After the first class of the day ended, I met my mom up in the front office. We were escorted to an assistant principal's office, who happens to be an old friend of the family. A couple of things were discussed before a police officer came in. I was told that I was facing a class A misdemeanor and that I could've been arrested at that moment, but given the circumstances, I wasn't.

Everything should pan out okay with the family friend principal helping us out, but I still am kind of worried. I felt sick all day yesterday after that woman found the stuff. Speaking of which, the random dog searches are bullshit. Now that this is happened, they're going to hit my car every time.

The only thing I'm guilty of is not vacuuming out my car. I vacuumed the shit out of it when I got home.

My car is freakin' cursed.
Question I have is what evidence they had to search your car? Last time I checked, they needed probable cause, and if the only thing they could find are items stuck in the back ashtray, well out of public view, how could they pick you car? Doesn't sound like there's any probable cause to pick your car. If it was completely random, then they need to prove that they searched cars other than yours.
Dude that car is giving you so much problems. I would just drive it into the nearest body of water to get rid of it but thats against the law too.
[quote name='shrike4242']Question I have is what evidence they had to search your car? Last time I checked, they needed probable cause, and if the only thing they could find are items stuck in the back ashtray, well out of public view, how could they pick you car? Doesn't sound like there's any probable cause to pick your car. If it was completely random, then they need to prove that they searched cars other than yours.[/quote]

i don't know about ari's school, but at my high school, before i graduated atleast, you had to sign a waiver saying you would allow your car to be "randomly" searched. also by signing the paper, they could randomly drug test you as well. they made it sound like parking in the parking lot was some sort of privelege.
[quote name='craven_fiend'][quote name='shrike4242']Question I have is what evidence they had to search your car? Last time I checked, they needed probable cause, and if the only thing they could find are items stuck in the back ashtray, well out of public view, how could they pick you car? Doesn't sound like there's any probable cause to pick your car. If it was completely random, then they need to prove that they searched cars other than yours.[/quote]

i don't know about ari's school, but at my high school, before i graduated atleast, you had to sign a waiver saying you would allow your car to be "randomly" searched. also by signing the paper, they could randomly drug test you as well. they made it sound like parking in the parking lot was some sort of privelege.[/quote]

Yeah, they did a similar thing in my high school. Plus schools don't have to go by the same laws. At least mine didn't. Sorry to hear about your situation Kado.
[quote name='zewone'][quote name='craven_fiend'][quote name='shrike4242']Question I have is what evidence they had to search your car? Last time I checked, they needed probable cause, and if the only thing they could find are items stuck in the back ashtray, well out of public view, how could they pick you car? Doesn't sound like there's any probable cause to pick your car. If it was completely random, then they need to prove that they searched cars other than yours.[/quote]

i don't know about ari's school, but at my high school, before i graduated atleast, you had to sign a waiver saying you would allow your car to be "randomly" searched. also by signing the paper, they could randomly drug test you as well. they made it sound like parking in the parking lot was some sort of privelege.[/quote]

Yeah, they did a similar thing in my high school. Plus schools don't have to go by the same laws. At least mine didn't. Sorry to hear about your situation Kado.[/quote]

That's pretty scary that they can do random searches of your private property at will. :shock: The drug testing is a little more odd, though I can see why they'd want to learn towards that, you being someone who's going to the school, though the random car search is something I have a tiny issue with.
[quote name='Arikado']...drifting in and out of consciousness. Around an hour into the class, he's called out into the hallway by a security guard. He grabs his stuff and follows the guard, asking him what all of this is about. The guard replies that this is about your car, so Arikado figures that it has been broken in to.

Once Arikado's outside, he notices two other security guards, a woman and a dog around his car. The woman pulls him aside, telling him what they're doing. He is told that the dog sniffs for drugs, alcohol, gunpowder and the like.

My car is freakin' cursed.[/quote]

Sounds like they knew what they we're going to find before they pulled you out of class. Question is now, who tipped them off :whistle2:k In a normal situation they would not pull students randomly out of class to perform "random" car searches with police officers and drug sniffing dogs.

A lesson to be learned here, never let your car be searched if you bought it used and haven't checked it from top to bottom. Or, in fact never let them search your car period if you are given the option, i.e. (gunpoint, face down on the pavement in handcuffs.) Something similar happend to my brother, he got pulled over for... I can't remember the reason but it was also bullshit, and the cops searched his car and found a chess piece, a rook to be exact, and claimed that it was a crack pipe. They also found a souvenier minature baseball bat, under a jacket in the backseat and called it a concealed weapon. Long story short, he got off scott free because the cops to begin with are full of shit.
I know what you mean with that "sick" feeling. I get that everytime I talk to cops, regardless of whether I've done anything wrong.

It's a real shame that the first thing people think these days when they see a cop is, "Oh shit, what am I doing wrong? What could I get busted for right now?" Cops are supposed to make you feel safe. I can't remember the last time I felt safe with a cop nearby.

Maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion, but I just hate seeing someone like Ari, who simply isn't into that kind of behavior, having to account for some ancient roaches found in his used car. He'll pss the drug test for sure though, so hopefully that will be enough to prove his innocence.

Let us all forget our recent troubles with the adding of chocolate to milk.
In North Alabama, some of the schools are testing athletes for tobacco use in addition to drugs. If you have a certain level of nicotine in the bloodstream, you are barred from school athletics.

Arikado, you should carry a pipe with you so you can smoke the evidence instead of leaving it in your car. j/k That sucks what happened. It always amazes me the jacked up bullshit that cops find the time to do to school age kids...especially when real crimes are being committed elsewhere.

THIS JUST IN: Arikado's hometown has scored a major victory in the war on drugs. An undisclosed amount of marijuana was discovered in a highschool students car. Police and school officials were suspicious that a high school student was driving such a high end automobile with what appeared to be maxi pads stuck to the rear. Estimated street value was $1.02. The police department is pleased at the bust. "The city's $1500 dollars of expense to conduct this search is by far offset from the illegal substances discovered in the suspects vehicle." The evidence will be smoked by the cops who are supposed to be transporting it back to the station house.
[quote name='Crymson']Sounds like they knew what they we're going to find before they pulled you out of class. Question is now, who tipped them off :whistle2:k In a normal situation they would not pull students randomly out of class to perform "random" car searches with police officers and drug sniffing dogs.

A lesson to be learned here, never let your car be searched if you bought it used and haven't checked it from top to bottom. Or, in fact never let them search your car period if you are given the option, i.e. (gunpoint, face down on the pavement in handcuffs.) Something similar happend to my brother, he got pulled over for... I can't remember the reason but it was also bullshit, and the cops searched his car and found a chess piece, a rook to be exact, and claimed that it was a crack pipe. They also found a souvenier minature baseball bat, under a jacket in the backseat and called it a concealed weapon. Long story short, he got off scott free because the cops to begin with are full of shit.[/quote]

I think Crmyon's right, showing up with pulling 'Kado's ass out of class with drug sniffing dogs who just "happen" to be there sounds like someone tipped them off indeed.

And Crymson is 100% right about not letting your car be searched when not new. Unless you have intimate knowledge of the car beforehand, you never know what kinds of surprises are there waiting for you. :shock: Proving a rook is a crack pipe is one hell of a stretch, and is borderline harrassment. Same thing with the bat excuse.

[quote name='Ledhed']I know what you mean with that "sick" feeling. I get that everytime I talk to cops, regardless of whether I've done anything wrong.

It's a real shame that the first thing people think these days when they see a cop is, "Oh shit, what am I doing wrong? What could I get busted for right now?" Cops are supposed to make you feel safe. I can't remember the last time I felt safe with a cop nearby.

Maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion, but I just hate seeing someone like Ari, who simply isn't into that kind of behavior, having to account for some ancient roaches found in his used car. He'll pss the drug test for sure though, so hopefully that will be enough to prove his innocence.

Let us all forget our recent troubles with the adding of chocolate to milk.[/quote]

Thankfully, I don't have the "sick" feeling when I talk to cops, even when I get pulled over for a speeding offense. They have a job to do, and it's not an easy one, especially with some of the crap they have to deal with. And like any group, there's always a bad one (or more than one) in the group, sometimes you end up with one. One of my friends is a county cop, and he's anything but a bad one, one of the most honest, decent and hardworking people I know, and he doesn't have an easy job where he works. Earlier in my life (shaq-fu, here I go dating myself), I did have an aversion to cops, part of what Ledhed was talking about, though when I got in my middle 20's and beyond, my opinion of them changed. They have a hard job, I know I'm not going to be adding to it with a boring & clean life, so why feel out of sorts when I'm around them? Yes, there are bad ones in every batch, though if you know your rights, you're better than most.

I know 'Kado is a straight arrow and not a pothead, since we only need one of those in the clan :D , plus Ledhed's word is beyond good enough for me.

[quote name='gaelan']In North Alabama, some of the schools are testing athletes for tobacco use in addition to drugs. If you have a certain level of nicotine in the bloodstream, you are barred from school athletics.

Arikado, you should carry a pipe with you so you can smoke the evidence instead of leaving it in your car. j/k That sucks what happened. It always amazes me the jacked up bullshit that cops find the time to do to school age kids...especially when real crimes are being committed elsewhere.

THIS JUST IN: Arikado's hometown has scored a major victory in the war on drugs. An undisclosed amount of marijuana was discovered in a highschool students car. Police and school officials were suspicious that a high school student was driving such a high end automobile with what appeared to be maxi pads stuck to the rear. Estimated street value was $1.02. The police department is pleased at the bust. "The city's $1500 dollars of expense to conduct this search is by far offset from the illegal substances discovered in the suspects vehicle." The evidence will be smoked by the cops who are supposed to be transporting it back to the station house.[/quote]

Welcome to the society that doesn't have our parents teaching kids the values they need to learn, as well as teaching them where the rules are. The cops end up chasing down silly shaq-fu crap like this. Especially when it's a period-driven problem.
or maybe they took the dogs through the parking lot and the dogs smelled something, so they got him out of class and asked if they could search it.....

i mean i'm sure they dont pull people out of class and then get the dogs to smell the car.... i'm sure they walk through the parking lot with the dogs and any signs of the dogs hesitating at a car they probably check it.
[quote name='Cracka']or maybe they took the dogs through the parking lot and the dogs smelled something, so they got him out of class and asked if they could search it.....

i mean i'm sure they dont pull people out of class and then get the dogs to smell the car.... i'm sure they walk through the parking lot with the dogs and any signs of the dogs hesitating at a car they probably check it.[/quote]

I'm surprised that they could smell something that old from the outside of a car. Then again, as I don't have a canine nose, I'm not sure about that one. :roll:
We used to have random dog searches @ my school too but they were like once every two months or so. Kado should of asked why his car was being search, how they came to that conclusion, and if they were searching anyone else's car. (like the teachers lot also) Them finding two roaches is not good. With one (esp the really old one) you probably would of gotten off if you offered to get a drug test and came up clean. Now you might have to go to court and that always sucks. Hope you get off without any problems.
[quote name='Azul_KoolAid']With one (esp the really old one) you probably would of gotten off if you offered to get a drug test and came up clean.[/quote]

He's already done a drug test if I'm not mistaken, and I imagine he'll have to go to court regardless.
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='Azul_KoolAid']With one (esp the really old one) you probably would of gotten off if you offered to get a drug test and came up clean.[/quote]

He's already done a drug test if I'm not mistaken, and I imagine he'll have to go to court regardless.[/quote]
It doesn't say that in his post so I didn't know that he already took a test. If he took a test before this came up he should take another one. It'll support his story that the roaches aren't his and get him outta court faster.
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='Azul_KoolAid']With one (esp the really old one) you probably would of gotten off if you offered to get a drug test and came up clean.[/quote]

He's already done a drug test if I'm not mistaken, and I imagine he'll have to go to court regardless.[/quote]

Yeah, I went and took a drug test that same day. Results should be back on Monday. I already know I'm clean, so I'm not worried about it.
I had this same thing happen at my school and we snuck over to my friends house and we got him drunk and smoked him out.

He should be getting out of Jail anytime soon.

So Arikado? Did you party recently? ;-)
Looks like I'm not in the clear yet.

I was called in by my assistant principal today. She told me that she found out about what happened and that it was now under her control. She told me that I was facing six weeks of an alternative school. After talking to her for a bit, she wanted to come out to the parking lot and see my car. She looked at the back ashtray where one of the roaches was found. She then tried to look for the front ashtray where the woman with the dog said she found the other roach, yet I was told it was found under the driver-side seat. She couldn't find the front ashtray. I couldn't either.... hell, I didn't even know I had a front ashtray. She called one of the security officers that was at the car the day the roaches were found and told him to come out. He showed us where the second roach was found: the front ashtray. Thing is, it's hidden. You have to flip the damn thing up to access it. I had no idea about it. The assistant principal sent me home and told me to come back at 2 PM for a hearing to decide if I was going to the alternative school or not.

I brought my parents along for the hearing, as well as two of my friends, one of their mothers, and the head baseball coach at the school. They all vouched for me and I showed the assistant principal all the paperwork I could showing that I was clean and had no idea about the roaches or the front ashtray. After everyone had testified, she made her decision for me to stay at the school rather than going to an alternative one. I was told I could come back to school tomorrow.

Before I get home, I run a few errands. Couple hours later when I get home, there's a message on the machine. It's the assistant principal, saying that I have to stay home again tomorrow because she still hasn't run everything by administration. So basically, she lied to me and everyone else in the room. I still face going to an alternative school for six weeks, which is fucking ridiculous. Everything is up in the air now.
I think it's time to drive down there and have a chat with this assistant principal and convince her she's making a big mistake, as well as play character witness.
well i have some experience in this particular area of law so i could give you some advice. i think you should run a backround check on the previous owner of your car, if their is legal action filed against you then you should definetly prove the actual age of the roach itself, if that date far exceeds the purchase date of your car, so long as it was a legal transaction then this can be used as viable evidence in a court of law. if you have no previous criminal record then it can definetly be used in your favor. the one thing to definetly do is to work on your approach, a forceful, angry person will only piss the administrator, or officer off, while a doormat, whom lets everybody walk all over him is asking for it, since its a real bitch to do all the work to pass this off. trust me in saying that there will probably be no legal action, and with proper evidence you can in turn, get out of this. one thing to do is read legal books, dont say crap to anybody about an abuse of your rights without knowing what your talking about. email me if you need more help ok :twisted:
Everything has finally been sorted out. I'm finally in the clear. No alternative school, no more suspensions, just an assload of make-up work.
bread's done