So did anyone go to the Anti War/Bush rallies this weekend?


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
There was a big one in Manhattan (right by my apartment), so me and the future Mrs. CheapyD checked it out.

It was pretty neat to see all the people so fired up about something, some even were in costume.

We walked a bit with the protestors, it was just like being in a parade, except people were a lot more serious. Along the route, I stopped off at a game store and found a mint copy of N20 for the Playstation for $9.

I'll post a few pictures later tonight.
I actually forgot about it until I saw it in the news. What was it, close to 100,000 people walking? or 30,000 as according to Bloomberg?

What kind of costumes could they possibly wear I wonder?

Did you get back to the walking after you got your game? :D
I saw cops beat some people here in SF. The people were doing nothing at all, just marching, and the cops turned on them and started swinging their nightsticks.

My friend got some ghastly pics of it.
Let's hear it for our brave lads in blue. Serving and protecting your rights to life, liberty, and getting your ass whaled on with a nightstick.
There was a HUGE police presence here in NYC, but they seemed pretty friendly.

I think they are practicing for the Republican convention that is coming here this summer.
Scrubking, I'm all for pointing out inconsistencies and fallacies of liberals, but that article was a bit overboard. I got to the part about Earth Day and Lenin and thought "oh my" then stopped. :lol:
[quote name='PsyClerk']Scrubking, I'm all for pointing out inconsistencies and fallacies of liberals, but that article was a bit overboard. I got to the part about Earth Day and Lenin and thought "oh my" then stopped. :lol:[/quote]

Read the whole article before judging it. The article is not about liberals per se, but about revealing the truth about the protest organizers.
Holy shit, scrubking, is that a real article?!?!
It looks like it was written by Joseph Stalin during WW2! (against the free speech and pro democracy activists)

Its like Vietman all over again.

If the right wing fanatics had their way there would be Tiananmen Square style massacres all over the US.

Just FYI, the anti war rallies were organized by families of soldiers and various peaceful anti war protest groups.
I went to the NYC protest. I have a lot of images up on webshots, for the curious, but I have to say that there were too many interesting sorts for me to catch on film. Moving crowds = bad photo timing. Wish I'd have known you two were there, CheapyD. I might have begged for an autograph.

I think the most interesting turnout were the people who showed up for the sole purpose of protesting the protestors. Ah, good times.
I read the rest of the article. It's still abrasive. Comparing people whose ideas or action you dislike to a dictator (such as Lenin, Kim Il Sung , et al) is never a good idea. It comes off as fanatical.

[quote name='Quackzilla']If the right wing fanatics had their way there would be Tiananmen Square style massacres all over the US.[/quote]

And if the left wing fanatics had their way, US citizens would be speaking German. Or Arabic. Or simply be dead.
[quote name='PsyClerk']I read the rest of the article. It's still abrasive. Comparing people whose ideas or action you dislike to a dictator (such as Lenin, Kim Il Sung , et al) is never a good idea. It comes off as fanatical.

[quote name='Quackzilla']If the right wing fanatics had their way there would be Tiananmen Square style massacres all over the US.[/quote]

And if the left wing fanatics had their way, US citizens would be speaking German. Or Arabic. Or simply be dead.[/quote]

I agree, but the point is that the protest organizers ARE supporting people like Lenin, Kim jong, etc.
I just don't understand why people are fanatics.

It is just sadism, their whole existence is just to hurt people.
Why is there so much hatred?
And why in the hell would people support the destruction of the environment? What the fuck? That is the dumbest thing I have ever even heard of!

And Scrubking, the protestors are NOT supporting communists, okay. Just drop it. Nobody cares about your hateful "conspiracy theories".
"And if the left wing fanatics had their way, US citizens would be speaking German. Or Arabic."

Some US Citizens do speak German and Arabic. So what?

The 1st amendment gives us all the right to peaceable, public assembly.

And that article was hilarious, like a parody of kooky right-wing dogma. I almost can't believe it's real.
[quote name='poormojo']Some US Citizens do speak German and Arabic. So what?[/quote]

Forgot where I was. I'LL SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU.

ALL US citizens would be speaking German. Or Arabic. Or would be dead. You know, crushed under the heels of the Third Reich in WWII. Or maybe it would be Japanese, since they were closer.

The point is refusing to do nothing 'in the name of peace' is often the worst thing that can be done. Or not done.
[quote name='Atreadon']

I'm glad to see that defender took some time out of his busy day to make that sign. Good for him!
And if the left wing fanatics had their way, US citizens would be speaking German.

What left-wing fanatics are these? There was a hell of a lot more reason to go to war against Germany and Japan than Iraq.
I went to the rally - it was by no mean as big as NYC - in Chicago. Chicago police are notorious for arresting those that protest but it seemed like there were just too few police around to make any big problems.

It really was amazing to see all those people marching with you for peace!
[quote name='E-Z-B']So I guess what you're saying is this, Scrubking:


It is funny when you guys can't handle the facts you quickly turn to bashing or the sheep theory. That is why I don't bother to discuss these topics and just post links.

And for you guys who are too dumb or too radical to understand the links point to how these rallies are organized and sponsored by people who support communism, marxism, U.S. hatred and other bad things. The major group is called ANSWER - you should check up on them.
Here are my pics:

Herald Square (near Macy's)

Looking down Madison Ave at 33rd Street

Here is where I picked up N20 (PS1) along the rally route
And Scrubking, you're saying that the articles you posted are facts?! Then what's this:

Foremost among the groups planning and coordinating this March 20 hatefest is International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism). Even hyper-Lefty economist Robert Kuttner, co-editor of The American Prospect, admits that this organization “can be described fairly as Marxist.”

Or this:

It is no surprise that the press in countries hostile to the United States have nothing but kind words for this Marxist rabble rousing

Or this:

International ANSWER has been outstanding at masking its true, totalitarian goals. The Workers World Party front group, which has ties to North Korea, saw itself in the vanguard of last year's "peace" marches.

If you think this crap are "the facts", then that goes to show how our country right now is either drugged, hypnotized, or in some sort of nightmare.
thats cool you got to see that cheapy

i went to the one in DC last february before the 'war' was cool seeing so many types of people against a common cause
[quote name='The-Bavis']WTF is that pink thing back by the "Billionaires" in the first picture?[/quote]

It's clearly a puppet with a gigantic dildo on its head.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal'][quote name='The-Bavis']WTF is that pink thing back by the "Billionaires" in the first picture?[/quote]

It's clearly a puppet with a gigantic dildo on its head.[/quote]

Obviously, Bush is the least of our worries when these protestors possess the Pig-Dil-Beast and force it to do their bidding!
What exactly are they protesting? The liberation of an oppressed people? The ousting of a brutal dictator? Maybe all these people LIKE the fact that Hussein housed Al-Qaeda training camps, and supported terrorist organizations like Hamas and the Al Aska Martyrs Brigades.Simply stated, if you opposed the war, you would rather have Saddam in power right now, with all of the human suffering that that entails.

I think that most people are staging an Anti-Conservative rally, and found Bush's strongest point to rally against.
Never understimate the stupidity of the American people. Answer is obviously a centrist organaization and the Worker's World Party just wants reasonable things like a "living wage".
[quote name='Knuckles913']What exactly are they protesting? The liberation of an oppressed people? The ousting of a brutal dictator? Maybe all these people LIKE the fact that Hussein housed Al-Qaeda training camps, and supported terrorist organizations like Hamas and the Al Aska Martyrs Brigades.Simply stated, if you opposed the war, you would rather have Saddam in power right now, with all of the human suffering that that entails.

I think that most people are staging an Anti-Conservative rally, and found Bush's strongest point to rally against.[/quote]

I agree with you for the most part. Bush & Co. screwed up by focusing on the WMDs as the selling point. That was THE reason and now people are pointing to it and saying we were lied to. They should have focused on the huge number of reasons for us to go in, since there was the potential for the WMD hunt to not be all that impressive.

What is the anti-war crowd's general idea on what we should do now if they don't like the way things are proceeding? If they are just protesting going to war, then that's a waste of time. I assume most people that are anti-war have some sort of idea of what to do now. I don't hear about it since I don't get the Al Franken radio network, but just all sorts of right-wingers.
[quote name='Knuckles913']What exactly are they protesting? The liberation of an oppressed people? The ousting of a brutal dictator?[/quote]

No, they're protesting our involvement with Iraq. The american people were mislead into believing that Iraq had WMD. Even Bush's advisor, Richard Clarke, who served under Clinton, Bush Sr., AND Reagan, said that Bush was intent on taking out Saddam as soon as he took office. Shortly after 9/11, he wanted Clarke to come up with evidence that linked Iraq to 9/11 to justify an attack. Nearly 700 american lives have been lost for what Bush now simply calls "a brutal dictatorship", but you know what? North Korea, Cuba, many african nations, China, etc. have just as bad human rights abuses.

[quote name='Knuckles913']Maybe all these people LIKE the fact that Hussein housed Al-Qaeda training camps.[/quote]

There was never a direct link between Saddam and al-Qaeda.

[quote name='Knuckles913']and supported terrorist organizations like Hamas and the Al Aska Martyrs Brigades.[/quote]

So why don't we take out Hamas and company too?

[quote name='Knuckles913']Simply stated, if you opposed the war, you would rather have Saddam in power right now, with all of the human suffering that that entails.[/quote]

And if you oppose going to war with North Korea, you would support the human suffering there, too?
Maybe the people are protesting because they know that Bush had involvement in 9/11 and everytime it comes time to release the documents "something" happens, like how they "caught" Sadaam Hussein around the same time the heat was on them to release anything showing prior knowledge to the attacks...
Bush is a disgusting man, and needs to be done away with in one way or another, there's way too much he's hiding...
There are no arguments to that, you can't bring up what you saw on CNN about Iraq housing terrorist groups, when the point of the matter is, NOTHING was found while there...
"We" liberated people by murdering them, forcing them to fight for "our" cause, so good ol' Dick/Bush/Colon and their oilrigs could benefit from a new grease job...
And you can't take ANYTHING Bush says into consideration because we all know he's a liar, he's proven it time and time again...
Besides why the hell are we so concerned in COUNTRIES, why can't we all just be considered HUMANS and all live the way HUMANS should live.
I don't consider myself American, and if being against what America stands for is anti-american, communist, or whatever you want to call it, then call me Mr. Flag Burner, because what this country stands for sickens me...
I also like that the conservative Bushwick over here is displaying his love for Dave Chappelle's show, even though after Bush's new censorship laws come into order, he'll no longer be viewable, nor will half the video games you like to play, he's passing bills to the house floor in record time just to get Howard Stern off the air, do you think anything that isn't based on Jesus and his mother will be allowed in our homes within the next year?? If so, then you're crazy...
Unless we Push out the Bush...
So you see there's more to protest than just the war on Iraq, a WHOLE lot more, deceit, trickery, seizure, murder, robbery, need I go on...
Well put, E-Z-B. In the midst of posts spouting inflamed rhetoric, yours is a small vote for common sense. Odd how posts like yours are usually in the (extreme) minority.
[quote name='RBM']Well put, E-Z-B. In the midst of posts spouting inflamed rhetoric, yours is a small vote for common sense. Odd how posts like yours are usually in the (extreme) minority.[/quote]

What's important is to not become "party blinded". Just as I support a flat tax, not a increase in tax percentages for the wealthy, a welfare overhaul, and gun ownership (but not assault weapons), I hope too that republicans view social issues with a level head, and not just what their party tells them to think. We're entering a political hurricane right now that is sharply dividing this country, and it's important that we listen to our own hearts through this mess.
I could not resist to giv my two cents here. It disgusts me and I am getting really sick of all the bush bashing by the left wing lunatics. It is not about Iraq, it is about hating Bush. Where were all you stop the war freaks when Clinton was bombing Kosovo? I did not hear a peep from any of the activists then. It just goes to show that it is not about the Iraq war. It is about hating Bush. I applaude Bush because he is standing firm on his stance against terrorism. Do you liberal freaks realize that the only thing that would make those Islamic extremists happy is if your throat were slit and your entire family was dead? It doesn't matter if you are anti-Bush or anti-Iraq war, given the opportunity the would slit your throat and the throat of you entire family. I think it is clear to me that Bush understands this this and will do what he has to in order to prevent another 9/11. Are we going to sit back and wait for them to attack us again? If Kerry or Clinton were president, maybe, but I thank God that ther is a man in office that is willing to get critisised day after day in order to protect the freedoms of this country.
"Liberalism is a mental disorder"
[quote name='RBM']Well put, E-Z-B. In the midst of posts spouting inflamed rhetoric, yours is a small vote for common sense. Odd how posts like yours are usually in the (extreme) minority.[/quote]

[quote name='flizmo007']Where were all you stop the war freaks when Clinton was bombing Kosovo? I did not hear a peep from any of the activists then. [/quote]

Milosevic was undergoing "ethnic cleansing" in Kosovo. Muslims were being slaughtered simply for the purpose of making room for a different ethnic race. Iraq was taking out political opponents, much like the other dictatorships I mentioned.

[quote name='flizmo007']Do you liberal freaks realize that the only thing that would make those Islamic extremists happy is if your throat were slit and your entire family was dead? It doesn't matter if you are anti-Bush or anti-Iraq war, given the opportunity the would slit your throat and the throat of you entire family. I think it is clear to me that Bush understands this this and will do what he has to in order to prevent another 9/11. Are we going to sit back and wait for them to attack us again? [/quote]

So you propose going to war with Saudi Arabia, too? They hate us just as much as Iraq does. Remember when the Palestians were cheering when they learned that the planes hit the World Trade Center towers? They want us dead too, so let's go to war with them, too, right? I think the real solution is to repair our country's reputation with the world. Then maybe people won't hate us anymore.
[quote name='flizmo007']It doesn't matter if you are anti-Bush or anti-Iraq war, given the opportunity the would slit your throat and the throat of you entire family. [/quote]

Remember to buy gas masks and tape your windows too! And look under your bed for scary MONSTERS!!!!
[quote name='E-Z-B']So you propose going to war with Saudi Arabia, too? They hate us just as much as Iraq does. Remember when the Palestians were cheering when they learned that the planes hit the World Trade Center towers? They want us dead too, so let's go to war with them, too, right?

I think the real solution is to repair our country's reputation with the world. Then maybe people won't hate us anymore.[/quote]

So it is our fault terrorists want to kill all Americans and Israelis?

You are such a fucking idiot.

And if you had any political sense you would realize that you can't just attack anyone whenever you want. We hit Iraq cause they were weak, politically and militarily so the surrounding countries were not going to mind very much. If we go into saudi arabia or N Korea the world will end cause everyone will start to launch nukes.
bread's done