So how's Vietiful Joe 2??


41 (100%)
I rented the first one a whiiiiile ago and I think I remember myself enjoying it.
Im just asking because I picked it up today @ Kmart for $2 (along with Mario Part 4 WITH a Wavebird for $7 and F-Zero GX for $2 and Soul Calibur 2 for $2.. mmm!)

Im not quite ready to play it because I have a few other games I have to get to.. just looking to get people's general opinion of the game, that's all.

I thought it was 2 players, but I was wrong :( Kinda why I picked it up.
But oh well, $2! If I don't like it I got some fodder for the next trade in _ games for $_ extra credit :D

Off topic: How is F-Zero too?
(Again $2 it beats the heck outta renting them!)
Easily one of my favorite games you can get for less than ten bucks.

Very similar to the first, mind you. But hey, don't fix what isn't broken.
Viewtiful joe 2 offers more of the same, not that there's anything wrong with that. As for f-zero, i had a lot of fun with it. i had not played it since the original on snes so it brought back many memories, and frustrations (it gets hard).
[quote name='lilboo']I rented the first one a whiiiiile ago and I think I remember myself enjoying it.
Im just asking because I picked it up today @ Kmart for $2 (along with Mario Part 4 WITH a Wavebird for $7 and F-Zero GX for $2 and Soul Calibur 2 for $2.. mmm!)[/quote]
Holy crap.

Anyway, F-Zero GX is freakin' amazing. Haven't played VJ2, though I loved VJ1.
Viewtiful Joe 2 was horrible. Those saying it is more of the same obviously haven't played both. VJ2 focuses more on the puzzles and platforming than the fighting, which ruins the game.

Also, Sylvia is completely annoying. Joe was a cool hero in the first game. In VJ2 he is a vagina-whipped pushover, who constantly takes abuse from the very smarmy, bitchy Sylvia. Oh and Sylvia sucks to play with too.

EDIT: I'm guessing you're female, so you may get a kick out of Sylvia constantly neutering Joe's charisma, but for most of us it was annoying.
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